module Main where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.Exit import System.LXC -- | Dump container state. dumpState :: LXC () dumpState = do s <- state liftIO $ do putStr "Container state: " print s -- | Dump container IPs by interface. dumpIPs :: LXC () dumpIPs = do ifs <- getInterfaces liftIO $ putStrLn "Container IPs:" forM_ ifs $ \i -> do liftIO $ do putStr "- " putStrLn i ips <- getIPs i "inet" (-1) liftIO $ do forM_ ips $ \ip -> do putStr " * " putStrLn ip -- | Ping from inside the container every second and wait until success. waitForNetwork :: LXC () waitForNetwork = do ret <- attachRunWait defaultAttachOptions "ping" ["ping", "-c", "1", ""] case ret of Just ExitSuccess -> return () _ -> do liftIO $ threadDelay (10^6) -- sleep 1 sec waitForNetwork -- | Create Ubuntu Trusty Tahr container and perform some actions with it. -- -- Sample output: -- -- $ runghc examples/test.hs -- Using image from local cache -- Unpacking the rootfs -- -- --- -- You just created an Ubuntu container (release=trusty, arch=amd64, variant=default) -- The default username/password is: ubuntu / ubuntu -- To gain root privileges, please use sudo. -- -- ping: unknown host -- ping: unknown host -- ping: unknown host -- ping: unknown host -- PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. -- 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=300 ms -- -- --- ping statistics --- -- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms -- rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 300.847/300.847/300.847/0.000 ms -- Hello, world! -- Container IPs: -- - eth0 -- * -- - lo -- * -- Container state: ContainerStopped main :: IO () main = withContainer (Container "trusty" Nothing) $ do create "download" Nothing Nothing [] ["-d", "ubuntu", "-r", "trusty", "-a", "amd64"] start False [] wait ContainerRunning (-1) waitForNetwork attachRunWait defaultAttachOptions "echo" ["echo", "Hello, world!"] dumpIPs stop dumpState