module System.LXC.Internal.Container where
import Bindings.LXC.AttachOptions
import Bindings.LXC.Container
import Bindings.LXC.Sys.Types
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import System.LXC.Internal.AttachOptions
import System.LXC.Internal.Utils
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Types (ProcessID, Fd)
type ContainerCreateFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> Ptr C'bdev_specs -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkCreateFn :: FunPtr ContainerCreateFn -> ContainerCreateFn
type ContainerCloneFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> CString -> CString -> C'uint64_t -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr C'lxc_container)
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkCloneFn :: FunPtr ContainerCloneFn -> ContainerCloneFn
type ContainerBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkBoolFn :: FunPtr ContainerBoolFn -> ContainerBoolFn
type ContainerStringFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkStringFn :: FunPtr ContainerStringFn -> ContainerStringFn
type ContainerProcessIDFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO C'pid_t
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkProcessIDFn :: FunPtr ContainerProcessIDFn -> ContainerProcessIDFn
type ContainerStringBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkStringBoolFn :: FunPtr ContainerStringBoolFn -> ContainerStringBoolFn
type ContainerBoolBoolFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CBool -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkBoolBoolFn :: FunPtr ContainerBoolBoolFn -> ContainerBoolBoolFn
type ContainerStartFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkStartFn :: FunPtr ContainerStartFn -> ContainerStartFn
type ContainerShutdownFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CInt -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkShutdownFn :: FunPtr ContainerShutdownFn -> ContainerShutdownFn
type ContainerClearConfigFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkClearConfigFn :: FunPtr ContainerClearConfigFn -> ContainerClearConfigFn
type ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkGetRunningConfigItemFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn -> ContainerGetRunningConfigItemFn
type ContainerGetItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkGetItemFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetItemFn -> ContainerGetItemFn
type ContainerSetItemFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkSetItemFn :: FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn -> ContainerSetItemFn
type ContainerGetInterfacesFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (Ptr CString)
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkGetInterfacesFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetInterfacesFn -> ContainerGetInterfacesFn
type ContainerGetIPsFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CString)
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkGetIPsFn :: FunPtr ContainerGetIPsFn -> ContainerGetIPsFn
type ContainerWaitFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> CInt -> IO CBool
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkWaitFn :: FunPtr ContainerWaitFn -> ContainerWaitFn
type ContainerSnapshotFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkSnapshotFn :: FunPtr ContainerSnapshotFn -> ContainerSnapshotFn
type ContainerSnapshotListFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> Ptr (Ptr C'lxc_snapshot) -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkSnapshotListFn :: FunPtr ContainerSnapshotListFn -> ContainerSnapshotListFn
type ContainerConsoleGetFDFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkConsoleGetFDFn :: FunPtr ContainerConsoleGetFDFn -> ContainerConsoleGetFDFn
type ContainerConsoleFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkConsoleFn :: FunPtr ContainerConsoleFn -> ContainerConsoleFn
type ContainerAttachFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> C_lxc_attach_exec_t -> Ptr () -> Ptr C'lxc_attach_options_t -> Ptr C'pid_t -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkAttachFn :: FunPtr ContainerAttachFn -> ContainerAttachFn
type ContainerAttachRunWaitFn = Ptr C'lxc_container -> Ptr C'lxc_attach_options_t -> CString -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkAttachRunWaitFn :: FunPtr ContainerAttachRunWaitFn -> ContainerAttachRunWaitFn
type SnapshotFreeFn = Ptr C'lxc_snapshot -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkFreeFn :: FunPtr SnapshotFreeFn -> SnapshotFreeFn
newtype LXC a = LXC { runLXC :: ReaderT (String, Ptr C'lxc_container) IO a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (String, Ptr C'lxc_container), MonadIO)
lxc :: (Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO a) -> LXC a
lxc f = LXC . ReaderT $ \(_, p) -> f p
withContainer :: MonadIO m => Container -> LXC a -> m a
withContainer c m = liftIO $ do
withC'lxc_container c $ \cc -> do
runReaderT (runLXC m) $ (containerName c, cc)
data LXCError = LXCError
{ lxcErrorString :: String
, lxcErrorNum :: Int
deriving (Show)
prettyLXCError :: LXCError -> String
prettyLXCError (LXCError msg num) = "Error " ++ show num ++ ": " ++ msg
data CloneOption
= CloneKeepName
| CloneKeepMacAddr
| CloneSnapshot
| CloneKeepBDevType
| CloneMaybeSnapshot
| CloneMaxFlags
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data CreateOption
= CreateQuiet
| CreateMaxFlags
deriving (Eq, Ord)
cloneFlag :: Num a => CloneOption -> a
cloneFlag CloneKeepName = c'LXC_CLONE_KEEPNAME
cloneFlag CloneKeepMacAddr = c'LXC_CLONE_KEEPMACADDR
cloneFlag CloneSnapshot = c'LXC_CLONE_SNAPSHOT
cloneFlag CloneKeepBDevType = c'LXC_CLONE_KEEPBDEVTYPE
cloneFlag CloneMaybeSnapshot = c'LXC_CLONE_MAYBE_SNAPSHOT
cloneFlag CloneMaxFlags = c'LXC_CLONE_MAXFLAGS
createFlag :: Num a => CreateOption -> a
createFlag CreateQuiet = c'LXC_CREATE_QUIET
createFlag CreateMaxFlags = c'LXC_CREATE_MAXFLAGS
data Snapshot = Snapshot
{ snapshotName :: String
, snapshotCommentPathname :: Maybe FilePath
, snapshotTimestamp :: String
, snapshotLXCPath :: FilePath
deriving (Show)
data Container = Container
{ containerName :: String
, containerConfigPath :: Maybe String
deriving (Show)
newC'lxc_container :: Container -> IO (Ptr C'lxc_container)
newC'lxc_container (Container name configPath) = do
c <- withCString name $ \cname ->
maybeWith withCString configPath $ \cconfigPath ->
c'lxc_container_new cname cconfigPath
when (c == nullPtr) $ error "failed to allocate new container"
return c
peekC'lxc_container :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (String -> Container)
peekC'lxc_container ptr = do
configPath <- peek (p'lxc_container'config_path ptr) >>= maybePeek peekCString
return $ \name -> Container name configPath
withC'lxc_container :: Container -> (Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO a) -> IO a
withC'lxc_container c f = do
cc <- newC'lxc_container c
ret <- f cc
dropRef cc
return ret
data ContainerState
= ContainerStopped
| ContainerStarting
| ContainerRunning
| ContainerStopping
| ContainerAborting
| ContainerFreezing
| ContainerFrozen
| ContainerThawed
| ContainerOtherState String
deriving (Eq, Show)
parseState :: String -> ContainerState
parseState "STOPPED" = ContainerStopped
parseState "STARTING" = ContainerStarting
parseState "RUNNING" = ContainerRunning
parseState "STOPPING" = ContainerStopping
parseState "ABORTING" = ContainerAborting
parseState "FREEZING" = ContainerFreezing
parseState "FROZEN" = ContainerFrozen
parseState "THAWED" = ContainerThawed
parseState s = ContainerOtherState s
printState :: ContainerState -> String
printState ContainerStopped = "STOPPED"
printState ContainerStarting = "STARTING"
printState ContainerRunning = "RUNNING"
printState ContainerStopping = "STOPPING"
printState ContainerAborting = "ABORTING"
printState ContainerFreezing = "FREEZING"
printState ContainerFrozen = "FROZEN"
printState ContainerThawed = "THAWED"
printState (ContainerOtherState s) = s
data BDevSpecs = BDevSpecs
{ bdevFSType :: String
, bdevFSSize :: Word64
, bdevZFSRootPath :: FilePath
, bdevLVMVolumeGroupName :: String
, bdevLVMLogicalVolumeName :: String
, bdevLVMThinPool :: Maybe String
, bdevDirectory :: FilePath
deriving (Show)
withC'bdev_specs :: BDevSpecs -> (Ptr C'bdev_specs -> IO a) -> IO a
withC'bdev_specs specs f = do
withCString (bdevFSType specs) $ \cFSType ->
withCString (bdevZFSRootPath specs) $ \cZFSRootPath ->
withCString (bdevLVMVolumeGroupName specs) $ \cLVMVolumeGroupName ->
withCString (bdevLVMLogicalVolumeName specs) $ \cLVMLogicalVolumeName ->
maybeWith withCString (bdevLVMThinPool specs) $ \cLVMThinPool ->
withCString (bdevDirectory specs) $ \cDirectory -> do
let cspecs = C'bdev_specs
(bdevFSSize specs)
(C'zfs_t cZFSRootPath)
with cspecs f
type Field s a = Ptr s -> Ptr a
mkFn :: (FunPtr (Ptr s -> a) -> (Ptr s -> a)) -> Field s (FunPtr (Ptr s -> a)) -> Ptr s -> IO a
mkFn mk g s = do
fn <- peek (g s)
return $ mk fn s
boolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerBoolFn) -> LXC Bool
boolFn g = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkBoolFn g c
toBool <$> fn
stringBoolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerStringBoolFn) -> Maybe String -> LXC Bool
stringBoolFn g s = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkStringBoolFn g c
maybeWith withCString s $ \cs ->
toBool <$> fn cs
boolBoolFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerBoolBoolFn) -> Bool -> LXC Bool
boolBoolFn g b = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkBoolBoolFn g c
toBool <$> fn (if b then 1 else 0)
getItemFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerGetItemFn) -> String -> LXC (Maybe String)
getItemFn g s = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkGetItemFn g c
withCString s $ \cs -> do
sz <- fn cs nullPtr 0
if (sz < 0)
then return Nothing
else allocaBytes (fromIntegral sz) $ \cretv -> do
fn cs cretv sz
Just <$> peekCString cretv
setItemFn :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn) -> String -> Maybe String -> LXC Bool
setItemFn g k v = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkSetItemFn g c
withCString k $ \ck ->
maybeWith withCString v $ \cv ->
toBool <$> fn ck cv
setItemFn' :: Field C'lxc_container (FunPtr ContainerSetItemFn) -> String -> String -> LXC Bool
setItemFn' g k v = setItemFn g k (Just v)
getDaemonize :: LXC Bool
getDaemonize = lxc $ \c -> toBool <$> peek (p'lxc_container'daemonize c)
getLastError :: LXC (Maybe LXCError)
getLastError = lxc $ \c -> do
cmsg <- peek (p'lxc_container'error_string c)
msg <- maybePeek peekCString cmsg
num <- fromIntegral <$> peek (p'lxc_container'error_num c)
return $ LXCError <$> msg <*> pure num
isDefined :: LXC Bool
isDefined = boolFn p'lxc_container'is_defined
isRunning :: LXC Bool
isRunning = boolFn p'lxc_container'is_running
state :: LXC ContainerState
state = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- peek (p'lxc_container'state c)
cs <- mkStringFn fn c
parseState <$> peekCString cs
freeze :: LXC Bool
freeze = boolFn p'lxc_container'freeze
unfreeze :: LXC Bool
unfreeze = boolFn p'lxc_container'unfreeze
initPID :: LXC (Maybe ProcessID)
initPID = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkProcessIDFn p'lxc_container'init_pid c
pid <- fromIntegral <$> fn
if (pid < 0)
then return Nothing
else return (Just pid)
loadConfig :: Maybe FilePath
-> LXC Bool
loadConfig = stringBoolFn p'lxc_container'load_config
start :: Bool
-> [String]
-> LXC Bool
start useinit argv = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkStartFn p'lxc_container'start c
case argv of
[] -> toBool <$> fn (fromBool useinit) nullPtr
_ -> do
withMany withCString argv $ \cargv ->
withArray0 nullPtr cargv $ \cargv' ->
toBool <$> fn (fromBool useinit) cargv'
stop :: LXC Bool
stop = boolFn p'lxc_container'stop
wantDaemonize :: Bool
-> LXC Bool
wantDaemonize = boolBoolFn p'lxc_container'want_daemonize
wantCloseAllFDs :: Bool
-> LXC Bool
wantCloseAllFDs = boolBoolFn p'lxc_container'want_close_all_fds
configFileName :: LXC (Maybe FilePath)
configFileName = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- peek (p'lxc_container'config_file_name c)
cs <- mkStringFn fn c
s <- maybePeek peekCString cs
when (isJust s) $ free cs
return s
wait :: ContainerState
-> Int
-> LXC Bool
wait s t = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkWaitFn p'lxc_container'wait c
withCString (printState s) $ \cs ->
toBool <$> fn cs (fromIntegral t)
setConfigItem :: String
-> String
-> LXC Bool
setConfigItem = setItemFn' p'lxc_container'set_config_item
destroy :: LXC Bool
destroy = boolFn p'lxc_container'destroy
saveConfig :: FilePath
-> LXC Bool
saveConfig s = stringBoolFn p'lxc_container'save_config (Just s)
rename :: String
-> LXC Bool
rename s = stringBoolFn p'lxc_container'rename (Just s)
reboot :: LXC Bool
reboot = boolFn p'lxc_container'reboot
shutdown :: Int
-> LXC Bool
shutdown n = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkShutdownFn p'lxc_container'shutdown c
toBool <$> fn (fromIntegral n)
clearConfig :: LXC ()
clearConfig = lxc $ join . mkFn mkClearConfigFn p'lxc_container'clear_config
getConfigItem :: String
-> LXC (Maybe String)
getConfigItem = getItemFn p'lxc_container'get_config_item
getRunningConfigItem :: String
-> LXC (Maybe String)
getRunningConfigItem k = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkGetRunningConfigItemFn p'lxc_container'get_running_config_item c
withCString k $ \ck -> do
cv <- fn ck
v <- maybePeek peekCString cv
when (isJust v) $ free cv
return v
getKeys :: String
-> LXC [String]
getKeys kp = concatMap lines . maybeToList <$> getItemFn p'lxc_container'get_keys kp
getInterfaces :: LXC [String]
getInterfaces = lxc $ \c -> do
cifs <- join $ mkFn mkGetInterfacesFn p'lxc_container'get_interfaces c
if (cifs == nullPtr)
then return []
else do
cifs' <- peekArray0 nullPtr cifs
ifs <- mapM peekCString cifs'
mapM_ free cifs'
free cifs
return ifs
getIPs :: String
-> String
-> Word32
-> LXC [String]
getIPs iface fam sid = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkGetIPsFn p'lxc_container'get_ips c
withCString iface $ \ciface ->
withCString fam $ \cfam -> do
cips <- fn ciface cfam (fromIntegral sid)
if (cips == nullPtr)
then return []
else do
cips' <- peekArray0 nullPtr cips
ips <- mapM peekCString cips'
mapM_ free cips'
free cips
return ips
getCGroupItem :: String
-> LXC (Maybe String)
getCGroupItem = getItemFn p'lxc_container'get_cgroup_item
setCGroupItem :: String
-> String
-> LXC Bool
setCGroupItem = setItemFn' p'lxc_container'set_cgroup_item
clearConfigItem :: String
-> LXC Bool
clearConfigItem s = stringBoolFn p'lxc_container'clear_config_item (Just s)
getConfigPath :: LXC FilePath
getConfigPath = lxc $ \c -> do
cs <- join $ mkFn mkStringFn p'lxc_container'get_config_path c
s <- peekCString cs
free cs
return s
setConfigPath :: FilePath
-> LXC Bool
setConfigPath s = stringBoolFn p'lxc_container'set_config_path (Just s)
clone :: Maybe String
-> Maybe FilePath
-> [CloneOption]
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe Word64
-> [String]
-> LXC (Maybe Container)
clone newname lxcpath flags bdevtype bdevdata newsize hookargs = do
oldname <- asks fst
lxc $ \c -> do
c' <- maybeWith withCString newname $ \cnewname ->
maybeWith withCString lxcpath $ \clxcpath ->
maybeWith withCString bdevtype $ \cbdevtype ->
maybeWith withCString bdevdata $ \cbdevdata ->
withMany withCString hookargs $ \chookargs ->
withArray0 nullPtr chookargs $ \chookargs' -> do
fn <- mkFn mkCloneFn p'lxc_container'clone c
(mkFlags cloneFlag flags)
(fromMaybe 0 newsize)
c'' <- maybePeek peekC'lxc_container c'
when (isJust c'') $ do
dropRef c'
return ()
return $ c'' <*> pure (fromMaybe oldname newname)
consoleGetFD :: Maybe Int
-> LXC (Maybe (Int, Int, Int))
consoleGetFD ttynum = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkConsoleGetFDFn p'lxc_container'console_getfd c
alloca $ \cttynum ->
alloca $ \cmasterfd -> do
poke cttynum (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe (1) ttynum)
fd <- fromIntegral <$> fn cttynum cmasterfd
ttynum' <- fromIntegral <$> peek cttynum
masterfd <- fromIntegral <$> peek cmasterfd
if (fd < 0)
then return Nothing
else return $ Just (fd, ttynum', masterfd)
console :: Maybe Int
-> Fd
-> Fd
-> Fd
-> Int
-> LXC Bool
console ttynum stdin stdout stderr escape = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkConsoleFn p'lxc_container'console c
toBool <$> fn (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe (1) ttynum)
(fromIntegral stdin)
(fromIntegral stdout)
(fromIntegral stderr)
(fromIntegral escape)
attach :: AttachExecFn
-> AttachCommand
-> AttachOptions
-> LXC (Maybe ProcessID)
attach exec cmd opts = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkAttachFn p'lxc_container'attach c
withC'lxc_attach_command_t cmd $ \ccmd ->
withC'lxc_attach_options_t opts $ \copts ->
alloca $ \cpid -> do
ret <- fn (getAttachExecFn exec) (castPtr ccmd) copts cpid
if (ret < 0)
then return Nothing
else Just . fromIntegral <$> peek cpid
attachRunWait :: AttachOptions
-> String
-> [String]
-> LXC (Maybe ExitCode)
attachRunWait opts prg argv = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkAttachRunWaitFn p'lxc_container'attach_run_wait c
withCString prg $ \cprg ->
withMany withCString argv $ \cargv ->
withArray0 nullPtr cargv $ \cargv' ->
withC'lxc_attach_options_t opts $ \copts -> do
ret <- fromIntegral <$> fn copts cprg cargv'
case ret of
_ | ret < 0 -> return Nothing
0 -> return $ Just ExitSuccess
_ -> return $ Just (ExitFailure ret)
snapshot :: Maybe FilePath
-> LXC (Maybe Int)
snapshot path = lxc $ \c -> do
fn <- mkFn mkSnapshotFn p'lxc_container'snapshot c
maybeWith withCString path $ \cpath -> do
n <- fn cpath
if (n == 1)
then return Nothing
else return (Just $ fromIntegral n)
peekC'lxc_snapshot :: Ptr C'lxc_snapshot -> IO Snapshot
peekC'lxc_snapshot ptr = Snapshot
<$> peekField peekCString p'lxc_snapshot'name
<*> peekField (maybePeek peekCString) p'lxc_snapshot'comment_pathname
<*> peekField peekCString p'lxc_snapshot'timestamp
<*> peekField peekCString p'lxc_snapshot'lxcpath
peekField g f = peek (f ptr) >>= g
snapshotList :: LXC [Snapshot]
snapshotList = lxc $ \c -> do
alloca $ \css -> do
fn <- mkFn mkSnapshotListFn p'lxc_container'snapshot_list c
n <- fromIntegral <$> fn css
if (n <= 0)
then return []
else do
css' <- peek css
let css'' = take n $ iterate (flip advancePtr 1) css'
css <- mapM peekC'lxc_snapshot css''
forM_ css'' $ join . mkFn mkFreeFn p'lxc_snapshot'free
free css'
return css
snapshotRestore :: String
-> String
-> LXC Bool
snapshotRestore = setItemFn' p'lxc_container'snapshot_restore
snapshotDestroy :: String
-> LXC Bool
snapshotDestroy n = stringBoolFn p'lxc_container'snapshot_destroy (Just n)
mayControl :: LXC Bool
mayControl = boolFn p'lxc_container'may_control
addDeviceNode :: FilePath
-> Maybe FilePath
-> LXC Bool
addDeviceNode = setItemFn p'lxc_container'add_device_node
removeDeviceNode :: FilePath
-> Maybe FilePath
-> LXC Bool
removeDeviceNode = setItemFn p'lxc_container'remove_device_node
create :: String
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe BDevSpecs
-> [CreateOption]
-> [String]
-> LXC Bool
create t bdevtype bdevspecs flags argv = lxc $ \c -> toBool <$> do
withMany withCString argv $ \cargv ->
withArray0 nullPtr cargv $ \cargv' ->
withCString t $ \ct ->
maybeWith withCString bdevtype $ \cbdevtype ->
maybeWith withC'bdev_specs bdevspecs $ \cbdevspecs -> do
fn <- peek $ p'lxc_container'create $ c
mkCreateFn fn
(mkFlags createFlag flags)
getRef :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO Bool
getRef c = toBool <$> c'lxc_container_get c
dropRef :: Ptr C'lxc_container -> IO (Maybe Bool)
dropRef c = do
n <- c'lxc_container_put c
return $ case n of
0 -> Just False
1 -> Just True
_ -> Nothing
getWaitStates :: IO [ContainerState]
getWaitStates = do
sz <- fromIntegral <$> c'lxc_get_wait_states nullPtr
allocaArray sz $ \cstates -> do
c'lxc_get_wait_states cstates
cstates' <- peekArray sz cstates
map parseState <$> mapM peekCString cstates'
getGlobalConfigItem :: String
-> IO (Maybe String)
getGlobalConfigItem k = do
withCString k $ \ck -> do
cv <- c'lxc_get_global_config_item ck
maybePeek peekCString cv
getVersion :: IO String
getVersion = c'lxc_get_version >>= peekCString
listContainersFn :: (CString -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr (Ptr C'lxc_container)) -> IO CInt)
-> Maybe String
-> IO [Container]
listContainersFn f lxcpath = do
maybeWith withCString lxcpath $ \clxcpath ->
alloca $ \cnames ->
alloca $ \ccontainers -> do
n <- fromIntegral <$> f clxcpath cnames ccontainers
if (n <= 0)
then return []
else do
cnames' <- peek cnames
cnames'' <- peekArray n cnames'
names <- mapM peekCString cnames''
mapM_ free cnames''
free cnames'
ccontainers' <- peek ccontainers
ccontainers'' <- peekArray n ccontainers'
containers <- mapM peekC'lxc_container ccontainers''
mapM_ free ccontainers''
free ccontainers'
return $ zipWith ($) containers names
listDefinedContainers :: Maybe String
-> IO [Container]
listDefinedContainers = listContainersFn c'list_defined_containers
listActiveContainers :: Maybe String
-> IO [Container]
listActiveContainers = listContainersFn c'list_active_containers
listAllContainers :: Maybe String
-> IO [Container]
listAllContainers = listContainersFn c'list_all_containers
logClose :: IO ()
logClose = c'lxc_log_close