-- Copyright 2001-2012, Daan Leijen, Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage. This file 
-- is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 License. For more information, 
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
--  $Id: PrettyId.hs 291 2012-11-08 11:27:33Z heere112 $

module Lvm.Core.PrettyId 
   ( ppId, ppVarId, ppConId, ppQualId
   , ppQualCon, ppString 
   ) where

import Data.Char
import Lvm.Common.Id
import Lvm.Common.IdSet
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen

ppId :: Id -> Doc
ppId = ppEscapeId isAlpha quoted

ppVarId :: Id -> Doc
ppVarId = ppEscapeId isLower quoted

ppConId :: Id -> Doc
ppConId = ppEscapeId isUpper (quoted . (':' :))

ppQualId :: Id -> Id -> Doc
ppQualId x y = pretty x <> dot <> ppVarId y

ppQualCon :: Id -> Id -> Doc
ppQualCon x y = pretty x <> dot <> ppConId y

quoted :: String -> String
quoted s = "''" ++ s ++ "''"

ppString :: String -> Doc
ppString s
  = dquotes (text (concatMap escape s))

ppEscapeId :: (Char -> Bool) -> (String -> String) -> Id -> Doc
ppEscapeId isValid esc x
  = if not (isReserved x) && firstOk && ordinary
     then text name
     else text (esc (concatMap escapeId name)) <> char ' '
    name     = stringFromId x
    firstOk  = case name of
                 []  -> False
                 y:_ -> isValid y
    ordinary = all idchar name
idchar :: Char -> Bool
idchar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\''
escapeId :: Char -> String
escapeId ' ' = "\\s"
escapeId c   = escape c

escape :: Char -> String
escape c
  = case c of
      -- '.'   -> "\\."
      '\a'  -> "\\a"
      '\b'  -> "\\b"
      '\f'  -> "\\f"
      '\n'  -> "\\n"
      '\r'  -> "\\r"
      '\t'  -> "\\t"
      '\v'  -> "\\v"
      '\\'  -> "\\\\"
      '\"'  -> "\\\""
      '\''  -> "\\'"
      _     -> [c]

isReserved :: Id -> Bool
isReserved = (`elemSet` reserved)
reserved :: IdSet
  = setFromList $ map idFromString