module Lvm.Core.Parsing.Parser (parseModuleExport, parseModule) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Lvm.Common.Byte
import Lvm.Common.Id
import Lvm.Common.IdSet
import Lvm.Core.Expr
import Lvm.Core.Parsing.Token (Token, Lexeme(..))
import Lvm.Core.Type
import Lvm.Core.Utils
import Prelude hiding (lex)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (satisfy)
parseModuleExport :: FilePath -> [Token] -> IO (CoreModule, Bool, (IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet))
parseModuleExport fname ts =
case runParser pmodule () fname ts of
Left err
-> ioError (userError ("parse error: " ++ show err))
Right res
-> return res
parseModule :: FilePath -> [Token] -> IO CoreModule
parseModule fname = liftM (\(m, _, _) -> m) . parseModuleExport fname
type TokenParser a = GenParser Token () a
wrap :: TokenParser a -> TokenParser [a]
wrap p
= do{ x <- p; return [x] }
pmodule :: TokenParser (CoreModule, Bool, (IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet))
pmodule =
do{ lexeme LexMODULE
; moduleId <- conid <?> "module name"
; exports <- pexports
; lexeme LexWHERE
; lexeme LexLBRACE
; declss <- semiList (wrap (ptopDecl <|> pconDecl <|> pabstract <|> pextern <|> pCustomDecl)
<|> pdata <|> pimport <|> ptypeTopDecl)
; lexeme LexRBRACE
; lexeme LexEOF
; return $
case exports of
Nothing ->
let es = (emptySet,emptySet,emptySet,emptySet,emptySet)
( modulePublic
(Module moduleId 0 0 (concat declss))
, True
, es
Just es ->
( modulePublic
(Module moduleId 0 0 (concat declss))
, False
, es
data Export = ExportValue Id
| ExportCon Id
| ExportData Id
| ExportDataCon Id
| ExportModule Id
pexports :: TokenParser (Maybe (IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet))
= do{ exports <- commaParens pexport <|> return []
; return $
if null (concat exports) then
Just (foldl'
(concat exports)
split (values,cons,datas,datacons,ms) export
= case export of
ExportValue x -> (insertSet x values,cons,datas,datacons,ms)
ExportCon x -> (values,insertSet x cons,datas,datacons,ms)
ExportData x -> (values,cons,insertSet x datas,datacons,ms)
ExportDataCon x -> (values,cons,datas,insertSet x datacons,ms)
ExportModule x -> (values,cons,datas,datacons,insertSet x ms)
pexport :: TokenParser [Export]
= do{ lexeme LexLPAREN
; entity <-
do { x <- opid ; return (ExportValue x) }
do { x <- conopid; return (ExportCon x) }
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; return [entity]
do{ x <- varid
; return [ExportValue x]
do{ x <- typeid
; do{ lexeme LexLPAREN
; cons <- pexportCons x
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; return (ExportData x:cons)
return [ExportData x, ExportCon x]
do{ lexeme LexMODULE
; x <- conid
; return [ExportModule x]
pexportCons :: Id -> TokenParser [Export]
pexportCons x
= do{ lexeme LexDOTDOT
; return [ExportDataCon x]
do{ xs <- sepBy constructor (lexeme LexCOMMA)
; return (map ExportCon xs)
pabstract :: TokenParser CoreDecl
= do{ lexeme LexABSTRACT
; pabstractValue <|> pabstractCon
pabstractValue :: TokenParser (Decl v)
= do{ x <- variable
; (acc,custom) <- pAttributes private
; lexeme LexASG
; (mid,impid) <- qualifiedVar
; arity <- liftM fromInteger lexInt
<|> liftM (arityFromType . fst) ptypeDecl
; let access | isImported acc = acc
| otherwise = Imported False mid impid DeclKindValue 0 0
; return (DeclAbstract x access arity custom)
pabstractCon :: TokenParser (Decl v)
= do{ x <- conid
; (acc,custom) <- pAttributes private
; lexeme LexASG
; (mid,impid) <- qualifiedCon
; (tag, arity) <- pConInfo
; let access | isImported acc = acc
| otherwise = Imported False mid impid DeclKindCon 0 0
; return (DeclCon x access arity tag custom)
isImported :: Access -> Bool
isImported (Imported {}) = True
isImported _ = False
pimport :: TokenParser [CoreDecl]
= do{ lexeme LexIMPORT
; mid <- conid
; do{ xss <- commaParens (pImportSpec mid)
; return (concat xss)
return [DeclImport mid (Imported False mid dummyId DeclKindModule 0 0) []]
pImportSpec :: Id -> TokenParser [CoreDecl]
pImportSpec mid
= do{ lexeme LexLPAREN
; (kind, x) <-
do { y <- opid ; return (DeclKindValue, y) }
do { y <- conopid; return (DeclKindCon , y) }
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; impid <- option x (do{ lexeme LexASG; variable })
; return [DeclImport x (Imported False mid impid kind 0 0) []]
do{ x <- varid
; impid <- option x (do{ lexeme LexASG; variable })
; return [DeclImport x (Imported False mid impid DeclKindValue 0 0) []]
do{ lexeme LexCUSTOM
; kind <- lexString
; x <- variable <|> constructor
; impid <- option x (do { lexeme LexASG; variable <|> constructor })
; return [DeclImport x (Imported False mid impid (customDeclKind kind) 0 0) []]
do{ x <- typeid
; impid <- option x (do{ lexeme LexASG; variable })
; do{ lexeme LexLPAREN
; cons <- pImportCons mid
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; return (DeclImport x (Imported False mid impid customData 0 0) [] : cons)
[DeclImport x (Imported False mid impid DeclKindCon 0 0) []]
pImportCons :: Id -> TokenParser [CoreDecl]
pImportCons mid
sepBy (pimportCon mid) (lexeme LexCOMMA)
pimportCon :: Id -> TokenParser CoreDecl
pimportCon mid
= do{ x <- constructor
; impid <- option x (do{ lexeme LexASG; variable })
; return (DeclImport x (Imported False mid impid DeclKindCon 0 0) [])
pconDecl :: TokenParser CoreDecl
pconDecl = do
lexeme LexCON
x <- constructor
(access,custom) <- pAttributes public
lexeme LexASG
(tag, arity) <- pConInfo
return $ DeclCon x access arity tag custom
pConInfo :: TokenParser (Tag, Arity)
pConInfo = (parens $ do
lexeme LexAT
tag <- lexInt <?> "tag"
lexeme LexCOMMA
arity <- lexInt <?> "arity"
return (fromInteger tag, fromInteger arity))
<|> do
(tp, _) <- ptypeDecl
lexeme LexASG
tag <- lexInt <?> "tag"
return (fromInteger tag, arityFromType tp)
ptopDecl :: TokenParser CoreDecl
= do{ x <- variable
; ptopDeclType x <|> ptopDeclDirect x
ptopDeclType :: Id -> TokenParser (Decl Expr)
ptopDeclType x
= do{ (tp,_) <- ptypeDecl
; lexeme LexSEMI
; x2 <- variable
; when (x /= x2) $ fail
( "identifier for type signature "
++ stringFromId x
++ " doesn't match the definition"
++ stringFromId x2
; (access,custom,expr) <- pbindTopRhs
; return (DeclValue x access Nothing expr
(customType tp : custom))
ptopDeclDirect :: Id -> TokenParser (Decl Expr)
ptopDeclDirect x
= do{ (access,custom,expr) <- pbindTopRhs
; return (DeclValue x access Nothing expr custom)
pbindTopRhs :: TokenParser (Access, [Custom], Expr)
= do{ args <- many bindid
; (access,custom) <- pAttributes public
; lexeme LexASG
; body <- pexpr
; let expr = foldr Lam body args
; return (access,custom,expr)
<?> "declaration"
pbind :: TokenParser Bind
= do{ x <- variable
; expr <- pbindRhs
; return (Bind x expr)
pbindRhs :: TokenParser Expr
= do{ args <- many bindid
; lexeme LexASG
; body <- pexpr
; let expr = foldr Lam body args
; return expr
<?> "declaration"
makeCustomBytes :: String -> Bytes -> Custom
makeCustomBytes k bs = CustomDecl (customDeclKind k) [CustomBytes bs]
customType :: Type -> Custom
customType = makeCustomBytes "type" . bytesFromString . show
customKind :: Kind -> Custom
customKind = makeCustomBytes "kind" . bytesFromString . show
pdata :: TokenParser [CoreDecl]
= do{ lexeme LexDATA
; x <- typeid
; args <- many typevarid
; let kind = foldr (KFun . const KStar) KStar args
datadecl = DeclCustom x public customData [customKind kind]
; do{ lexeme LexASG
; let t1 = foldl TAp (TCon x) (map TVar args)
; cons <- sepBy1 (pconstructor t1) (lexeme LexBAR)
; let con tag (cid,t2) = DeclCon cid public (arityFromType t2) tag
[customType t2,
CustomLink x customData]
; return (datadecl:zipWith con [0..] cons)
return [datadecl]
pconstructor :: Type -> TokenParser (Id,Type)
pconstructor tp
= do{ x <- constructor
; args <- many ptypeAtom
; return (x,foldr TFun tp args)
ptypeTopDecl :: TokenParser [CoreDecl]
= do{ lexeme LexTYPE
; x <- typeid
; args <- many typevarid
; lexeme LexASG
; tp <- ptype
; let kind = foldr (KFun . const KStar) KStar args
tpstr = unwords $ stringFromId x
: map stringFromId args
++ ["=", show tp]
; return [DeclCustom x private customTypeDecl
[CustomBytes (bytesFromString tpstr)
,customKind kind]]
pCustomDecl :: TokenParser CoreDecl
= do{ lexeme LexCUSTOM
; kind <- pdeclKind
; x <- customid
; (access,customs) <- pAttributes private
; return (DeclCustom x access kind customs)
pAttributes :: Access -> TokenParser (Access,[Custom])
pAttributes defAccess
= do{ lexeme LexCOLON
; access <- paccess defAccess
; customs <- pcustoms
; return (access, customs)
<|> return (private,[])
paccess :: Access -> TokenParser Access
paccess defAccess
= do{ lexeme LexPRIVATE; pimportaccess False <|> return private }
<|> do{ lexeme LexPUBLIC; pimportaccess True <|> return public }
<|> return defAccess
pimportaccess :: Bool -> TokenParser Access
pimportaccess isPublic = do
lexeme LexIMPORT
kind <- pdeclKind
(m, x) <- lexQualifiedId
return $ Imported isPublic (idFromString m) (idFromString x) kind 0 0
pcustoms :: TokenParser [Custom]
= do{ lexeme LexLBRACKET
; customs <- pcustom `sepBy` lexeme LexCOMMA
; lexeme LexRBRACKET
; return customs
<|> return []
pcustom :: TokenParser Custom
= do{ i <- lexInt; return (CustomInt (fromInteger i)) }
<|> do{ s <- lexString; return (CustomBytes (bytesFromString s)) }
<|> do{ x <- variable <|> constructor; return (CustomName x) }
<|> do{ lexeme LexNOTHING; return CustomNothing }
<|> do{ lexeme LexCUSTOM
; kind <- pdeclKind
; do{ x <- customid
; return (CustomLink x kind)
do{ cs <- pcustoms
; return (CustomDecl kind cs)
<?> "custom value"
pdeclKind :: TokenParser DeclKind
= do{ x <- varid; return (makeDeclKind x) }
<|> do{ i <- lexInt; return (toEnum (fromInteger i)) }
<|> do{ s <- lexString; return (customDeclKind s) }
<?> "custom kind"
pexpr :: TokenParser Expr
= do{ lexeme LexBSLASH
; args <- many bindid
; lexeme LexRARROW
; expr <- pexpr
; return (foldr Lam expr args)
do{ lexeme LexLET
; binds <- semiBraces pbind
; lexeme LexIN
; expr <- pexpr
; return (Let (Rec binds) expr)
do{ lexeme LexCASE
; expr <- pexpr
; lexeme LexOF
; (x,alts) <- palts
; case alts of
[Alt PatDefault rhs] -> return (Let (Strict (Bind x expr)) rhs)
_ -> return (Let (Strict (Bind x expr)) (Match x alts))
do{ lexeme LexMATCH
; x <- variable
; lexeme LexWITH
; (defid,alts) <- palts
; case alts of
[Alt PatDefault rhs]
| x == defid -> return rhs
| otherwise -> return (Let (NonRec (Bind defid (Var x))) rhs)
_ | x == defid -> return (Match x alts)
| defid == wildId -> return (Match x alts)
| otherwise -> return (Let (NonRec (Bind defid (Var x))) (Match defid alts))
do{ lexeme LexLETSTRICT
; binds <- semiBraces pbind
; lexeme LexIN
; expr <- pexpr
; return (foldr (Let . Strict) expr binds)
<|> pexprAp
<?> "expression"
wildId :: Id
wildId = idFromString "_"
pexprAp :: TokenParser Expr
= do{ atoms <- many1 patom
; return (foldl1 Ap atoms)
patom :: TokenParser Expr
= do{ x <- varid; return (Var x) }
<|> do{ x <- conid; return (Con (ConId x)) }
<|> do{ lit <- pliteral; return (Lit lit) }
<|> parenExpr
<|> listExpr
<?> "atomic expression"
listExpr :: TokenParser Expr
= do{ lexeme LexLBRACKET
; exprs <- sepBy pexpr (lexeme LexCOMMA)
; lexeme LexRBRACKET
; return (foldr cons nil exprs)
cons = Ap . Ap (Con (ConId (idFromString ":")))
nil = Con (ConId (idFromString "[]"))
parenExpr :: TokenParser Expr
= do{ lexeme LexLPAREN
; expr <- do{ x <- opid
; return (Var x)
do{ x <- conopid
; return (Con (ConId x))
do{ lexeme LexAT
; tag <- ptagExpr
; lexeme LexCOMMA
; arity <- lexInt <?> "arity"
; return (Con (ConTag tag (fromInteger arity)))
do{ exprs <- pexpr `sepBy` lexeme LexCOMMA
; case exprs of
[expr] -> return expr
_ -> let con = Con (ConTag (Lit (LitInt 0)) (length exprs))
tup = foldl Ap con exprs
in return tup
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; return expr
ptagExpr :: TokenParser Expr
= do{ i <- lexInt; return (Lit (LitInt (fromInteger i))) }
<|> do{ x <- variable; return (Var x) }
<?> "tag (integer or variable)"
pliteral :: TokenParser Literal
= pnumber id id
<|> do{ s <- lexString; return (LitBytes (bytesFromString s)) }
<|> do{ c <- lexChar; return (LitInt (fromEnum c)) }
<|> do{ lexeme LexDASH
; pnumber negate negate
<?> "literal"
pnumber :: (Int -> Int) -> (Double -> Double) -> TokenParser Literal
pnumber signint signdouble
= do{ i <- lexInt; return (LitInt (signint (fromInteger i))) }
<|> do{ d <- lexDouble; return (LitDouble (signdouble d)) }
palts :: TokenParser (Id,Alts)
= do{ lexeme LexLBRACE
; (x,alts) <- paltSemis
; return (x,alts)
paltSemis :: TokenParser (Id,Alts)
= do{ (x,alt) <- paltDefault
; optional (lexeme LexSEMI)
; lexeme LexRBRACE
; return (x,[alt])
do{ alt <- palt
; do{ lexeme LexSEMI
; do{ (x,alts) <- paltSemis
; return (x,alt:alts)
<|> do{ lexeme LexRBRACE
; x <- wildcard
; return (x,[alt])
<|> do{ lexeme LexRBRACE
; x <- wildcard
; return (x,[alt])
palt :: TokenParser Alt
= do{ pat <- ppat
; lexeme LexRARROW
; expr <- pexpr
; return (Alt pat expr)
ppat :: TokenParser Pat
= ppatCon <|> ppatLit <|> ppatParens
ppatParens :: TokenParser Pat
= do{ lexeme LexLPAREN
; do{ lexeme LexAT
; tag <- lexInt <?> "tag"
; lexeme LexCOMMA
; arity <- lexInt <?> "arity"
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; ids <- many bindid
; return (PatCon (ConTag (fromInteger tag) (fromInteger arity)) ids)
do{ x <- conopid
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; ids <- many bindid
; return (PatCon (ConId x) ids)
do{ pat <- ppat <|> ppatTuple
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; return pat
ppatCon :: TokenParser Pat
= do{ x <- conid <|> do{ lexeme LexLBRACKET; lexeme LexRBRACKET; return (idFromString "[]") }
; args <- many bindid
; return (PatCon (ConId x) args)
ppatLit :: TokenParser Pat
= do{ lit <- pliteral; return (PatLit lit) }
ppatTuple :: TokenParser Pat
= do{ ids <- bindid `sepBy` lexeme LexCOMMA
; return (PatCon (ConTag 0 (length ids)) ids)
paltDefault :: TokenParser (Id, Alt)
= do{ x <- bindid <|> do{ lexeme LexDEFAULT; wildcard }
; lexeme LexRARROW
; expr <- pexpr
; return (x,Alt PatDefault expr)
wildcard :: TokenParser Id
= identifier (return "_")
pextern :: TokenParser CoreDecl
= do{ lexeme LexEXTERN
; linkConv <- plinkConv
; callConv <- pcallConv
; x <- varid
; m <- lexString <|> return (stringFromId x)
; (mname,name) <- pExternName m
; (tp,arity) <- ptypeDecl
; return (DeclExtern x private arity (show tp) linkConv callConv mname name [])
do{ lexeme LexINSTR
; x <- varid
; s <- lexString
; (tp,arity) <- ptypeDecl
; return (DeclExtern x private arity (show tp) LinkStatic CallInstr "" (Plain s) [])
plinkConv :: TokenParser LinkConv
= do{ lexeme LexSTATIC; return LinkStatic }
<|> do{ lexeme LexDYNAMIC; return LinkDynamic }
<|> do{ lexeme LexRUNTIME; return LinkRuntime }
<|> return LinkStatic
pcallConv :: TokenParser CallConv
= do{ lexeme LexCCALL; return CallC }
<|> do{ lexeme LexSTDCALL; return CallStd }
<|> do{ lexeme LexINSTRCALL; return CallInstr }
<|> return CallC
pExternName :: String -> TokenParser (String, ExternName)
pExternName mname
= do{ lexeme LexDECORATE
; name <- lexString
; return (mname,Decorate name)
<|> do{ lexeme LexORDINAL
; ord <- lexInt
; return (mname,Ordinal (fromIntegral ord))
<|> do{ name <- lexString
; return (mname,Plain name)
<|> return ("",Plain mname)
ptypeDecl :: TokenParser (Type, Int)
= do{ lexeme LexCOLCOL
; ptypeNormal <|> ptypeString
ptypeNormal :: TokenParser (Type, Int)
= do{ tp <- ptype
; return (tp,arityFromType tp)
ptype :: TokenParser Type
= ptypeFun
ptypeFun :: TokenParser Type
= chainr1 ptypeAp pFun
pFun = do{ lexeme LexRARROW; return TFun }
ptypeAp :: TokenParser Type
= do{ atoms <- many1 ptypeAtom
; return (foldl1 TAp atoms)
ptypeAtom :: TokenParser Type
= do{ x <- typeid
; ptypeStrict (TCon x)
do{ x <- typevarid
; ptypeStrict (TVar x)
<|> listType
<|> parenType
<?> "atomic type"
ptypeStrict :: Type -> TokenParser Type
ptypeStrict tp
= do{ lexeme LexEXCL
; return (TStrict tp)
<|> return tp
parenType :: TokenParser Type
= do{ lexeme LexLPAREN
; tps <- sepBy ptype (lexeme LexCOMMA)
; lexeme LexRPAREN
; case tps of
[] -> do{ x <- identifier (return "()"); return (TCon x) }
[tp] -> return tp
_ -> return
(TCon (idFromString
( "("
++ replicate (length tps 1) ','
++ ")"
listType :: TokenParser Type
= do{ lexeme LexLBRACKET
; do{ tp <- ptype
; lexeme LexRBRACKET
; x <- identifier (return "[]")
; return (TAp (TCon x ) tp)
do{ lexeme LexRBRACKET
; x <- identifier (return "[]")
; return (TCon x )
ptypeString :: TokenParser (Type, Int)
= do{ s <- lexString
; return (TString s, length s1)
semiBraces, commaParens :: TokenParser a -> TokenParser [a]
semiBraces p = braces (semiList p)
commaParens p = parens (sepBy p (lexeme LexCOMMA))
braces, parens :: TokenParser a -> TokenParser a
braces = between (lexeme LexLBRACE) (lexeme LexRBRACE)
parens = between (lexeme LexLPAREN) (lexeme LexRPAREN)
semiList1 :: TokenParser a -> TokenParser [a]
semiList1 p
= do{ x <- p
; do{ lexeme LexSEMI
; xs <- semiList p
; return (x:xs)
<|> return [x]
semiList :: TokenParser a -> TokenParser [a]
semiList p
= semiList1 p <|> return []
customid :: TokenParser Id
= varid
<|> conid
<|> parens (opid <|> conopid)
<|> do{ s <- lexString; return (idFromString s) }
<?> "custom identifier"
variable :: TokenParser Id
= varid <|> parens opid
opid :: TokenParser Id
= identifier lexOp
<?> "operator"
varid :: TokenParser Id
= identifier lexId
<?> "variable"
qualifiedVar :: TokenParser (Id, Id)
= do{ (m,name) <- lexQualifiedId
; return (idFromString m, idFromString name)
bindid :: TokenParser Id
bindid = varid
constructor :: TokenParser Id
= conid <|> parens conopid
conopid :: TokenParser Id
= identifier lexConOp
<|> do{ lexeme LexCOLON; return (idFromString ":") }
<?> "constructor operator"
conid :: TokenParser Id
= identifier lexCon
<?> "constructor"
qualifiedCon :: TokenParser (Id, Id)
= do{ (m,name) <- lexQualifiedCon
; return (idFromString m, idFromString name)
typeid :: TokenParser Id
= identifier lexCon
<?> "type"
typevarid :: TokenParser Id
= identifier lexId
identifier :: TokenParser String -> TokenParser Id
identifier = liftM idFromString
lexeme :: Lexeme -> TokenParser ()
lexeme lex = satisfy f <?> show lex
f a | a == lex = Just ()
| otherwise = Nothing
lexChar :: TokenParser Char
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexChar c -> Just c; _ -> Nothing })
lexString :: TokenParser String
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexString s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing })
lexDouble :: TokenParser Double
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexFloat d -> Just d; _ -> Nothing })
lexInt :: TokenParser Integer
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexInt i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing })
lexId :: TokenParser String
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexId s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing })
lexQualifiedId :: TokenParser (String, String)
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexQualId m x -> Just (m,x); _ -> Nothing })
lexOp :: TokenParser String
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexOp s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing })
lexCon :: TokenParser String
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexCon s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing })
lexQualifiedCon :: TokenParser (String, String)
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexQualCon m x -> Just (m,x); _ -> Nothing })
lexConOp :: TokenParser String
= satisfy (\lex -> case lex of { LexConOp s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing })
satisfy :: (Lexeme -> Maybe a) -> TokenParser a
satisfy p
= tokenPrim showtok nextpos (\(_,lex) -> p lex)
showtok (_,lex) = show lex
nextpos pos _ (((line,col),_):_)
= setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos line) col
nextpos pos _ []
= pos