-- Copyright 2001-2012, Daan Leijen, Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage. This file 
-- is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 License. For more information, 
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
--  $Id: Path.hs 300 2014-08-21 10:43:02Z hage0101 $

module Lvm.Path 
   ( searchPath, searchPathMaybe, 
     explodePath, slashify, splitFilePath, getLvmPath
   ) where

import qualified Control.Exception as CE (catch, IOException)
import Data.List
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit

slash :: Char
slash =  pathSeparator

slashify :: String -> String
slashify xs = if last xs == slash then xs else xs ++ [slash]

-- Split file name
-- e.g. /docs/haskell/Hello.hs =>
--   filePath = /docs/haskell  baseName = Hello  ext = hs
splitFilePath :: String -> (String, String, String)
splitFilePath filePath = 
    let slashes = [slash]
        (revFileName, revPath) = span (`notElem` slashes) (reverse filePath)
        (baseName, ext)  = span (/= '.') (reverse revFileName)
    in (reverse revPath, baseName, dropWhile (== '.') ext)

-- file searching

searchPath :: [String] -> String -> String -> IO String
searchPath path ext name = do
   ms <- searchPathMaybe path ext name
   case ms of 
      Just s  -> return s
      Nothing -> do 
         putStrLn ("Error: could not find " ++ show nameext)
         putStrLn ("   with search path " ++ show path)
      | ext `isSuffixOf` name = name
      | otherwise             = name ++ ext
searchPathMaybe :: [String] -> String -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
searchPathMaybe  path ext name
  = walk (map makeFName path) -- was ("":path), but we don't want to look in the current directory by default
    walk []         = return Nothing
    walk (fname:xs) = do{ exist <- doesFileExist fname
                        ; if exist
                           then return (Just fname)
                           else walk xs

    makeFName dir = slashify dir  ++ nameext
{-      | null dir          = nameext
      | last dir == '/' ||
        last dir == '\\'  = dir ++ nameext
      | otherwise         = dir ++ "/" ++ nameext

      | ext `isSuffixOf` name = name
      | otherwise             = name ++ ext

getLvmPath :: IO [String]
  = do{ xs <- getEnv "LVMPATH"
      ; return (explodePath xs)
  `CE.catch` handler
    handler :: CE.IOException -> IO [String] 
    handler _ = return []

explodePath :: String -> [String]
explodePath = walk [] ""
    walk ps p xs
      = case xs of
          []             -> if null p
                             then reverse ps
                             else reverse (reverse p:ps)
          (';':cs)       -> walk (reverse p:ps) "" cs
          (':':'\\':cs)  -> walk ps ("\\:" ++ p) cs
          (':':cs)       -> walk (reverse p:ps) "" cs
          (c:cs)         -> walk ps (c:p) cs