-- Copyright 2001-2012, Daan Leijen, Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage. This file 
-- is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 License. For more information, 
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
--  $Id: Module.hs 291 2012-11-08 11:27:33Z heere112 $

module Lvm.Core.Module
   ( Module(..), Decl(..), Custom(..), DeclKind(..)
   , Arity, Tag, Access(..), ExternName(..), CallConv(..), LinkConv(..)
   , globalNames, externNames, filterPublic, mapDecls
   , customDeclKind, customData, customTypeDecl, modulePublic
   , declKindFromDecl, shallowKindFromDecl, makeDeclKind
   , isDeclValue, isDeclAbstract, isDeclCon, isDeclExtern
   , isDeclImport, isDeclGlobal
   , public, private
   ) where

import Lvm.Common.Byte
import Lvm.Common.Id  
import Lvm.Common.IdSet  
import Lvm.Core.PrettyId
import Lvm.Instr.Data
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen

  A general LVM module structure parameterised by the
  type of values (Core expression, Asm expression or [Instr])
data Module v   
  = Module{ moduleName     :: Id
          , moduleMajorVer :: !Int
          , moduleMinorVer :: !Int
          , moduleDecls    :: ![Decl v]

data Decl v     
  = DeclValue     { declName :: Id, declAccess :: !Access, valueEnc :: Maybe Id, valueValue :: v, declCustoms :: ![Custom] }
  | DeclAbstract  { declName :: Id, declAccess :: !Access, declArity :: !Arity, declCustoms :: ![Custom] }
  | DeclCon       { declName :: Id, declAccess :: !Access, declArity :: !Arity, conTag :: !Tag, declCustoms :: [Custom] }
  | DeclExtern    { declName :: Id, declAccess :: !Access, declArity :: !Arity
                  , externType :: !String, externLink :: !LinkConv,   externCall  :: !CallConv
                  , externLib  :: !String, externName :: !ExternName, declCustoms :: ![Custom] } 
  | DeclCustom    { declName :: Id, declAccess :: !Access, declKind :: !DeclKind, declCustoms :: ![Custom] }

  | DeclImport    { declName :: Id, declAccess :: !Access, declCustoms :: ![Custom] }

data Custom
  = CustomInt   !Int
  | CustomBytes !Bytes
  | CustomName  Id
  | CustomLink  Id !DeclKind
  | CustomDecl  !DeclKind ![Custom]
  | CustomNothing

data DeclKind 
  = DeclKindName
  | DeclKindKind
  | DeclKindBytes
  | DeclKindCode
  | DeclKindValue
  | DeclKindCon
  | DeclKindImport
  | DeclKindModule
  | DeclKindExtern
  | DeclKindExternType
  | DeclKindCustom !Id
  deriving (Eq,Show)

data Access
  = Defined  { accessPublic :: !Bool }
  | Imported { accessPublic :: !Bool, importModule :: Id, importName :: Id, importKind :: !DeclKind
             , importMajorVer :: !Int, importMinorVer :: !Int }
public, private :: Access
public  = Defined True
private = Defined False

-- externals
data ExternName = Plain    !String
                | Decorate !String
                | Ordinal  !Int
                deriving Show

data CallConv   = CallC | CallStd | CallInstr
                deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

data LinkConv   = LinkStatic | LinkDynamic | LinkRuntime                
                deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

instance Ord DeclKind where
  compare k1 k2
    = case (k1,k2) of
        (DeclKindCustom id1,DeclKindCustom id2) -> compare id1 id2
        (DeclKindCustom _,_)                    -> GT
        (_,DeclKindCustom _)                    -> LT
        _                                       -> compare (fromEnum k1) (fromEnum k2)

instance Enum DeclKind where
  toEnum i  
    = case i of
        0 -> DeclKindName
        1 -> DeclKindKind
        2 -> DeclKindBytes
        3 -> DeclKindCode
        4 -> DeclKindValue
        5 -> DeclKindCon
        6 -> DeclKindImport
        7 -> DeclKindModule
        8 -> DeclKindExtern
        9 -> DeclKindExternType
        _ -> error ("Module.DeclKind.toEnum: unknown kind (" ++ show i ++ ")")

  fromEnum kind 
    = case kind of
        DeclKindName      -> 0
        DeclKindKind      -> 1
        DeclKindBytes     -> 2
        DeclKindCode      -> 3
        DeclKindValue     -> 4
        DeclKindCon       -> 5
        DeclKindImport    -> 6
        DeclKindModule    -> 7
        DeclKindExtern    -> 8
        DeclKindExternType-> 9
--      DeclKindCustom i  -> i
        _                 -> error "Module.DeclKind.fromEnum: unknown kind"

customDeclKind :: String -> DeclKind
customDeclKind = DeclKindCustom . idFromString

customData, customTypeDecl :: DeclKind
customData     = customDeclKind "data"
customTypeDecl = customDeclKind "typedecl"

declKindFromDecl :: Decl a -> DeclKind
declKindFromDecl decl
  = case decl of
      DeclValue{}    -> DeclKindValue
      DeclAbstract{} -> DeclKindValue
      DeclCon{}      -> DeclKindCon
      DeclExtern{}   -> DeclKindExtern
      DeclCustom{}   -> declKind decl
      DeclImport{}   -> importKind (declAccess decl)
      -- _          -> error "Module.kindFromDecl: unknown declaration"

shallowKindFromDecl :: Decl a -> DeclKind
shallowKindFromDecl decl
  = case decl of
      DeclValue{}    -> DeclKindValue
      DeclAbstract{} -> DeclKindValue
      DeclCon{}      -> DeclKindCon
      DeclExtern{}   -> DeclKindExtern
      DeclCustom{}   -> declKind decl
      DeclImport{}   -> DeclKindImport
      -- _          -> error "Module.shallowKindFromDecl: unknown declaration"

modulePublic :: Bool -> (IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet,IdSet) -> Module v -> Module v
modulePublic implicit (exports,exportCons,exportData,exportDataCon,exportMods) m
  = m { moduleDecls = map setPublic (moduleDecls m) }
    setPublic decl  | declPublic decl = decl{ declAccess = (declAccess decl){ accessPublic = True } }
                    | otherwise       = decl
    isExported decl elemIdSet =
        let access = declAccess decl in
        if implicit then
            case decl of
                DeclImport{} ->  False
                _ ->
                    case access of
                        Imported{} -> False
                        Defined{}  -> accessPublic access
            case access of
                Imported{ importModule = x }
                    | elemSet x exportMods              -> True
                    | otherwise                         -> elemIdSet
                    | elemSet (moduleName m) exportMods -> True
                    | otherwise                         -> elemIdSet
    declPublic decl =
        let name = declName decl
        case decl of
            DeclValue{}     ->  isExported decl (elemSet name exports)
            DeclAbstract{}  ->  isExported decl (elemSet name exports)
            DeclExtern{}    ->  isExported decl (elemSet name exports)
            DeclCon{}       ->  isExported decl
                                    (  elemSet name exportCons
                                    || elemSet (conTypeName decl) exportDataCon
            DeclCustom{}    ->  isExported decl
                                    ( declKind decl `elem` [customData, customTypeDecl]
                                    &&  elemSet name exportData
            DeclImport{}    ->  not implicit && case importKind (declAccess decl) of
                                    DeclKindValue  -> isExported decl (elemSet name exports)
                                    DeclKindExtern -> isExported decl (elemSet name exports)
                                    DeclKindCon    -> isExported decl (elemSet name exportCons) 
                                    DeclKindModule -> isExported decl (elemSet name exportMods)
                                    dk@(DeclKindCustom _)
                                     | dk `elem` [customData, customTypeDecl] ->
                                         isExported decl (elemSet name exportData)
                                    _          -> False

    conTypeName (DeclCon{declCustoms=(_:CustomLink x _:_)}) = x
    conTypeName _ = dummyId

-- Functors

instance Functor Module where
   fmap f m = m { moduleDecls = map (fmap f) (moduleDecls m) }

instance Functor Decl where
   fmap f decl = 
      case decl of
         DeclValue x ac m v cs -> 
            DeclValue x ac m (f v) cs
         DeclAbstract x ac ar cs -> 
            DeclAbstract x ac ar cs
         DeclCon x ac ar t cs    -> 
            DeclCon x ac ar t cs
         DeclExtern x ac ar et el ec elib en cs -> 
            DeclExtern x ac ar et el ec elib en cs
         DeclCustom x ac k cs -> 
            DeclCustom x ac k cs
         DeclImport x ac cs   -> 
            DeclImport x ac cs

-- Pretty printing

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Module a) where
   pretty (Module name _ _ decls) =
      text "module" <+> ppConId name <+> text "where"
      <$> vcat (map (\decl -> pretty decl <> semi <> line) decls)
      <$> empty

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Decl a) where
   pretty decl = nest 2 $ 
      case decl of
         DeclValue{}     -> ppVarId (declName decl) <+> ppAttrs decl 
                            <$> text "=" <+> pretty (valueValue decl)
         DeclCon{}       -> case declAccess decl of
                               imp@Imported{} -> 
                                  text "abstract" <+> ppConId (declName decl)
                                  <+> ppAttrs decl
                                  <$> text "=" <+> ppQualCon (importModule imp) (importName imp)
                                  <+> parens (char '@' <> pretty (conTag decl) <> 
                                             comma  <> pretty (declArity decl))
                               _ -> text "con" <+> ppConId (declName decl) <+> ppAttrs decl 
                                    <$> text "=" <+> parens (char '@' <> pretty (conTag decl) <> 
                                             comma  <> pretty (declArity decl))
         DeclCustom{}    -> text "custom" <+> pretty (declKind decl) <+> ppId (declName decl) <+> ppAttrs decl
         DeclExtern{}    -> text "extern" 
                               <> pretty (externLink decl) <> pretty (externCall decl)
                               <+> ppVarId (declName decl) -- <+> ppAttrs decl
                            <+> ppExternName (externLib decl) (externName decl) -- <+> pretty (declArity decl)
                            <+> ppExternType (externCall decl) (externType decl)
         DeclAbstract{}  -> text "abstract" <+> ppVarId (declName decl) <+> ppAttrs decl
                            <$> text "=" <+> ppImported (declAccess decl) <+> pretty (declArity decl)
         DeclImport{}    -> text "import" <+> pretty (importKind (declAccess decl)) 
                            <+> ppId (declName decl) <+> ppNoImpAttrs decl
                            <$> text "=" <+> ppImported (declAccess decl)

instance Pretty LinkConv where
   pretty linkConv =
      case linkConv of
         LinkRuntime -> text " runtime"
         LinkDynamic -> text " dynamic"
         LinkStatic  -> empty

instance Pretty CallConv where
   pretty callConv =
      case callConv of
         CallInstr -> text " instrcall"
         CallStd   -> text " stdcall"
         CallC     -> empty

ppExternName :: String -> ExternName -> Doc
ppExternName libName extName
  = case extName of
      Plain name    -> dquotes (ppQual name)
      Decorate name -> text "decorate" <+> ppQual name
      Ordinal i     -> ppQual (show i)
    ppQual name
       | null libName = ppVarId (idFromString name)
       | otherwise    = ppQualId (idFromString libName) (idFromString name)

ppExternType :: CallConv -> String -> Doc
ppExternType callConv tp
  = text "::" <+> case callConv of
                    CallInstr -> pretty tp
                    _         -> ppString tp

ppNoImpAttrs :: Decl a -> Doc
ppNoImpAttrs = ppAttrsEx True

ppAttrs :: Decl a -> Doc
ppAttrs = ppAttrsEx False

ppAttrsEx :: Bool -> Decl a -> Doc
ppAttrsEx hideImp decl
  = if null (declCustoms decl) && not (accessPublic (declAccess decl))
     then empty
     else text ":" <+> ppAccess (declAccess decl) 
          <+> (if not hideImp then ppImportAttr (declAccess decl) else empty) 
          <> pretty (declCustoms decl)

ppAccess :: Access -> Doc
ppAccess acc 
   | accessPublic acc = text "public" 
   | otherwise        = text "private"

ppImportAttr :: Access -> Doc
ppImportAttr acc
  = case acc of
      Defined _ -> empty
      Imported _ modid impid impkind _ _
        -> text "import" <+> pretty impkind <+> ppQualId modid impid <> space
ppImported :: Access -> Doc
ppImported acc
  = case acc of
      Defined _ -> error "ModulePretty.ppImported: internal error: abstract or import value should always be imported!"
      Imported _ modid impid _ _ _
        -> ppQualId modid impid

instance Pretty Custom where
   pretty custom =
      case custom of
         CustomInt i         -> pretty i
         CustomName x        -> ppId x
         CustomBytes bs      -> dquotes (string (stringFromBytes bs))
         CustomLink x kind   -> text "custom" <+> pretty kind <+> ppId x
         CustomDecl kind cs  -> text "custom" <+> pretty kind <+> pretty cs
         CustomNothing       -> text "nothing"
   prettyList customs
      | null customs = empty
      | otherwise    = list (map pretty customs)

instance Pretty DeclKind where
   pretty kind = 
      case kind of
         DeclKindCustom x   -> ppId x
--         DeclKindName        
--         DeclKindKind
--         DeclKindBytes       
--         DeclKindCode
         DeclKindValue       -> ppId (idFromString "val")
         DeclKindCon         -> ppId (idFromString "con")
         DeclKindImport      -> ppId (idFromString "import")
         DeclKindModule      -> ppId (idFromString "module")
         DeclKindExtern      -> ppId (idFromString "extern")
--         DeclKindExternType      
         _                   -> pretty (fromEnum kind)

makeDeclKind :: Id -> DeclKind
makeDeclKind x = 
   case stringFromId x of
      "val"    -> DeclKindValue
      "con"    -> DeclKindCon
      "import" -> DeclKindImport
      "module" -> DeclKindModule
      "extern" -> DeclKindExtern
      _        -> DeclKindCustom x

  Utility functions

isDeclValue :: Decl a -> Bool
isDeclValue (DeclValue{})       = True
isDeclValue _                   = False

isDeclAbstract :: Decl a -> Bool
isDeclAbstract (DeclAbstract{}) = True
isDeclAbstract _                = False

isDeclImport :: Decl a -> Bool
isDeclImport (DeclImport{})     = True
isDeclImport _                  = False

isDeclCon :: Decl a -> Bool
isDeclCon (DeclCon{})           = True
isDeclCon _                     = False

isDeclExtern :: Decl a -> Bool
isDeclExtern (DeclExtern{})     = True
isDeclExtern _                  = False

isDeclGlobal :: Decl a -> Bool
isDeclGlobal (DeclValue{})      = True
isDeclGlobal (DeclAbstract{})   = True
isDeclGlobal (DeclExtern{})     = True
isDeclGlobal _                  = False

-- hasDeclKind kind decl           = (kind==declKindFromDecl decl)

  More Utility functions
filterPublic :: Module v -> Module v
filterPublic m
  = m { moduleDecls = [d | d <- moduleDecls m, accessPublic (declAccess d)] }

globalNames :: Module v -> IdSet
globalNames m
  = setFromList [declName d | d <- moduleDecls m, isDeclValue d || isDeclAbstract d || isDeclExtern d]

externNames :: Module v -> IdSet
externNames m
  = setFromList [declName d | d <- moduleDecls m, isDeclExtern d]

mapDecls :: (Decl v -> Decl w) -> Module v -> Module w
mapDecls f m
  = m { moduleDecls = map f (moduleDecls m) }