module Graphics.Luminance.Core.Framebuffer where
import Control.Monad ( unless )
import Control.Monad.Except ( MonadError(..) )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource ( MonadResource, register )
import Data.Bits ( (.|.) )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca )
import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( withArrayLen )
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( with )
import Foreign.Storable ( peek )
import Graphics.GL
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Debug
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Pixel
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Renderbuffer ( createRenderbuffer, renderbufferID )
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.RW
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Texture
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Texture2D
import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Tuple
import Numeric.Natural ( Natural )
data Framebuffer rw c d = Framebuffer {
framebufferID :: GLuint
, framebufferOutput :: Output c d
type ColorFramebuffer rw c = Framebuffer rw c ()
type DepthFramebuffer rw d = Framebuffer rw () d
createFramebuffer :: forall c d e m rw. (HasFramebufferError e,MonadError e m,MonadIO m,MonadResource m,FramebufferColorAttachment c,FramebufferColorRW rw,FramebufferDepthAttachment d,FramebufferTarget rw)
=> Natural
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> m (Framebuffer rw c d)
#ifdef __GL45
createFramebuffer w h mipmaps = do
fid <- liftIO . alloca $ \p -> do
debugGL $ glCreateFramebuffers 1 p
peek p
(colorOutputNb,colorTexs) <- addColorOutput fid 0 w h mipmaps (Proxy :: Proxy c)
(hasDepthOutput,depthTex) <- addDepthOutput fid w h mipmaps (Proxy :: Proxy d)
setColorBuffers fid colorOutputNb (Proxy :: Proxy rw)
unless hasDepthOutput $ setDepthRenderbuffer fid w h
_ <- register . with fid $ glDeleteFramebuffers 1
status <- glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus fid $ framebufferTarget (Proxy :: Proxy rw)
| status == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE -> pure $ Framebuffer fid (Output colorTexs depthTex)
| otherwise -> throwError . fromFramebufferError . IncompleteFramebuffer $ translateFramebufferStatus status
#elif defined(__GL33)
createFramebuffer w h mipmaps = do
fid <- liftIO . alloca $ \p -> do
debugGL $ glGenFramebuffers 1 p
peek p
glBindFramebuffer GL_FRAMEBUFFER fid
(colorOutputNb,colorTexs) <- addColorOutput fid 0 w h mipmaps (Proxy :: Proxy c)
(hasDepthOutput,depthTex) <- addDepthOutput fid w h mipmaps (Proxy :: Proxy d)
setColorBuffers fid colorOutputNb (Proxy :: Proxy rw)
unless hasDepthOutput $ setDepthRenderbuffer fid w h
_ <- register . with fid $ glDeleteFramebuffers 1
status <- glCheckFramebufferStatus GL_FRAMEBUFFER
| status == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE -> pure $ Framebuffer fid (Output colorTexs depthTex)
| otherwise -> throwError . fromFramebufferError . IncompleteFramebuffer $ translateFramebufferStatus status
translateFramebufferStatus :: GLenum -> String
translateFramebufferStatus status = case status of
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED -> "undefined default read or write framebuffer"
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED -> "unsupported (internal) format(s)"
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE -> "incomplete multisample configuration"
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS -> "layered attachment mismatch"
_ -> "unknown error"
data Attachment
= ColorAttachment Natural
| DepthAttachment
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
fromAttachment :: (Eq a,Num a) => Attachment -> a
fromAttachment a = case a of
ColorAttachment i -> GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + fromIntegral i
DepthAttachment -> GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT
class FramebufferColorAttachment c where
addColorOutput :: (MonadIO m,MonadResource m)
=> GLuint
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> proxy c
-> m (Natural,TexturizeFormat c)
instance FramebufferColorAttachment () where
addColorOutput _ _ _ _ _ _ = pure (0,())
instance (ColorPixel (Format t c)) => FramebufferColorAttachment (Format t c) where
addColorOutput fid ca w h mipmaps proxy =
fmap (1,) $ addOutput fid (ColorAttachment ca) w h mipmaps proxy
instance (ColorPixel a,ColorPixel b,FramebufferColorAttachment a,FramebufferColorAttachment b) => FramebufferColorAttachment (a :. b) where
addColorOutput fid ca w h mipmaps _ = do
(d0,tex0) <- addColorOutput fid ca w h mipmaps (Proxy :: Proxy a)
(d1,tex1) <- addColorOutput fid (succ ca) w h mipmaps (Proxy :: Proxy b)
pure $ (d0 + d1,tex0 :. tex1)
colorAttachmentsFromMax :: Natural -> [GLenum]
colorAttachmentsFromMax m = [fromAttachment (ColorAttachment a) | a <- [0..m1]]
setColorBuffers :: forall m proxy rw. (FramebufferColorRW rw,MonadIO m)
=> GLuint
-> Natural
-> proxy rw
-> m ()
#ifdef __GL45
setColorBuffers fid colorOutputNb _ = case colorOutputNb of
0 -> do
debugGL $ glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer fid GL_NONE
debugGL $ glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer fid GL_NONE
_ -> setFramebufferColorRW fid colorOutputNb (Proxy :: Proxy rw)
#elif defined(__GL33)
setColorBuffers fid colorOutputNb _ = case colorOutputNb of
0 -> do
debugGL $ glDrawBuffer GL_NONE
debugGL $ glReadBuffer GL_NONE
_ -> setFramebufferColorRW fid colorOutputNb (Proxy :: Proxy rw)
class FramebufferDepthAttachment d where
addDepthOutput :: (MonadIO m,MonadResource m)
=> GLuint
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> proxy d
-> m (Bool,TexturizeFormat d)
instance FramebufferDepthAttachment () where
addDepthOutput _ _ _ _ _ = pure (False,())
instance (Pixel (Format t (CDepth d))) => FramebufferDepthAttachment (Format t (CDepth d)) where
addDepthOutput fid w h mipmaps proxy = fmap (True,) $ addOutput fid DepthAttachment w h mipmaps proxy
setDepthRenderbuffer :: (MonadIO m,MonadResource m)
=> GLuint
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> m ()
#ifdef __GL45
setDepthRenderbuffer fid w h = do
renderbuffer <- createRenderbuffer w h (Proxy :: Proxy Depth32F)
debugGL $ glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer fid (fromAttachment DepthAttachment) GL_RENDERBUFFER
(renderbufferID renderbuffer)
#elif defined(__GL33)
setDepthRenderbuffer _ w h = do
renderbuffer <- createRenderbuffer w h (Proxy :: Proxy Depth32F)
debugGL $ glFramebufferRenderbuffer GL_FRAMEBUFFER (fromAttachment DepthAttachment) GL_RENDERBUFFER
(renderbufferID renderbuffer)
class FramebufferColorRW rw where
setFramebufferColorRW :: (MonadIO m) => GLuint -> Natural -> proxy rw -> m ()
instance FramebufferColorRW W where
#ifdef __GL45
setFramebufferColorRW fid nb _ = liftIO $ do
withArrayLen (colorAttachmentsFromMax nb) $ \n buffers ->
debugGL $ glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers fid (fromIntegral n) buffers
#elif defined(__GL33)
setFramebufferColorRW _ nb _ = liftIO $ do
withArrayLen (colorAttachmentsFromMax nb) $ \n buffers ->
debugGL $ glDrawBuffers (fromIntegral n) buffers
instance FramebufferColorRW RW where
#ifdef __GL45
setFramebufferColorRW fid nb _ = liftIO $ do
withArrayLen (colorAttachmentsFromMax nb) $ \n buffers ->
debugGL $ glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers fid (fromIntegral n) buffers
#elif defined(__GL33)
setFramebufferColorRW _ nb _ = liftIO $ do
withArrayLen (colorAttachmentsFromMax nb) $ \n buffers ->
debugGL $ glDrawBuffers (fromIntegral n) buffers
class FramebufferTarget rw where
framebufferTarget :: proxy rw -> GLenum
instance FramebufferTarget R where
framebufferTarget _ = GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER
instance FramebufferTarget W where
framebufferTarget _ = GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER
instance FramebufferTarget RW where
framebufferTarget _ = GL_FRAMEBUFFER
addOutput :: forall m p proxy. (MonadIO m,MonadResource m,Pixel p)
=> GLuint
-> Attachment
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> proxy p
-> m (Texture2D p)
#ifdef __GL45
addOutput fid ca w h mipmaps _ = do
tex :: Texture2D p <- createTexture (w,h) mipmaps defaultSampling
debugGL . liftIO $ glNamedFramebufferTexture fid (fromAttachment ca)
(baseTextureID $ texture2DBase tex) 0
pure tex
#elif defined(__GL33)
addOutput _ ca w h mipmaps _ = do
tex :: Texture2D p <- createTexture (w,h) mipmaps defaultSampling
debugGL . liftIO $ glFramebufferTexture GL_FRAMEBUFFER (fromAttachment ca)
(baseTextureID $ texture2DBase tex) 0
pure tex
type family TexturizeFormat a :: * where
TexturizeFormat () = ()
TexturizeFormat (Format t c) = Texture2D (Format t c)
TexturizeFormat (a :. b) = TexturizeFormat a :. TexturizeFormat b
data Output c d = Output (TexturizeFormat c) (TexturizeFormat d)
data FramebufferBlitMask
= BlitColor
| BlitDepth
| BlitBoth
deriving (Eq,Show)
fromFramebufferBlitMask :: FramebufferBlitMask -> GLbitfield
fromFramebufferBlitMask mask = case mask of
framebufferBlit :: (MonadIO m,Readable r,Writable w)
=> Framebuffer r c d
-> Framebuffer w c' d'
-> Int
-> Int
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> Int
-> Int
-> Natural
-> Natural
-> FramebufferBlitMask
-> Filter
-> m ()
#ifdef __GL45
framebufferBlit src dst srcX srcY srcW srcH dstX dstY dstW dstH mask flt = liftIO . debugGL $
glBlitNamedFramebuffer (framebufferID src) (framebufferID dst) srcX0 srcY0 srcX1 srcY1 dstX0
dstY0 dstX1 dstY1 (fromFramebufferBlitMask mask) (fromFilter flt)
#elif defined(__GL33)
framebufferBlit src dst srcX srcY srcW srcH dstX dstY dstW dstH mask flt =
liftIO . debugGL $ do
glBindFramebuffer GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER (framebufferID src)
glBindFramebuffer GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER (framebufferID dst)
glBlitFramebuffer srcX0 srcY0 srcX1 srcY1 dstX0 dstY0 dstX1 dstY1
(fromFramebufferBlitMask mask) (fromFilter flt)
srcX0 = fromIntegral srcX
srcY0 = fromIntegral srcY
srcX1 = srcX0 + fromIntegral srcW
srcY1 = srcY0 + fromIntegral srcH
dstX0 = fromIntegral dstX
dstY0 = fromIntegral dstY
dstX1 = dstX0 + fromIntegral dstW
dstY1 = dstY0 + fromIntegral dstH
defaultFramebuffer :: Framebuffer RW () ()
defaultFramebuffer = Framebuffer 0 (Output () ())
newtype FramebufferError = IncompleteFramebuffer String deriving (Eq,Show)
class HasFramebufferError a where
fromFramebufferError :: FramebufferError -> a