Copyright | (C) 2015 Dimitri Sabadie |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Dimitri Sabadie <> |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
What is luminance?
luminance is a small yet powerful graphics API. It was designed so that people can quickly get their feet wet and start having fun with graphics in Haskell. The main idea is to unleash the graphical and visual properties of GPUs in a stateless and type-safe way.
This library doesn’t expose any architectural patterns or designs. It’s up to you to design your program as you want and following your own plans. Because it’s a graphics and rendering API, you won’t find several common things you find in animations, games or simulations. If you need those you’ll have to look for dedicated libraries instead.
One of the most important thing you have to keep in mind is the fact that luminance won’t provide you with anything else than working with the GPU. That is, it won’t even provide functions to open windows. That’s actually a good thing, because then you’ll be able to use it with any kind of windowing and system library you want to!
The drawback is about safety. If you screw up setting up the OpenGL context, there’s no way luminance will work. If users feel the need, a few dedicated packages will be uploaded, like luminance-glfw to add GLFW-b support for instance.
Getting started
Setting up the window and OpenGL context
The first thing to do is to create a window. Here’s a typical GLFW-b snippet to create such a window.
initialized <- init when initialized $ do
In the first place, we initialize the GLFW-b library and make sure everything ran smoothly.
windowHint (WindowHint'Resizable False) windowHint (WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 4) windowHint (WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 5) windowHint (WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat False) windowHint (WindowHint'OpenGLProfile OpenGLProfile'Core) window <- createWindow 800 600 "luminance application" Nothing Nothing
That part just setup the window’s OpenGL hints so that we create a compatible context for luminance. luminance will work with OpenGL 4.5 only, don’t even try to make it work with a lower implementation. We also disable the forward compatibility because we don’t need it and ask to stick to a core profile.
case window of Just window' -> do makeContextCurrent window swapInterval 1 -- we’re good to go! destroyWindow window' Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr "unable to create window; please check your hardware support OpenGL4.5"
We then test window
. If we have successfully opened the window, we go on by making the OpenGL
context of the window the current one for the current thread, set the swap interval (that’s not
important for the purpose of that tutorial) and we’re good to go. Otherwise, we just display an
error message and quit.
We finally close the GLFW-b context to cleanup everything.
Preparing the environment for luminance
A lot of the functions you’ll use work in special types. For instance, a lot of create*
functions will require (
or so. For that
reason, we’ll be using a type of our own and will unwrap it so that we end up in MonadIO
e m) => mIO
in the end.
Here’s the type:
type App = ExceptT AppError (ResourceT IO) newtype AppError = AppError String deriving (Eq,Show)
And we’ll unwrap from our type to IO
runResourceT . runExcepT
Getting something to the screen
About the screen
luminance generalizes OpenGL concepts so that they’re made safer. In order to render something onto the screen, you have to understand what the screen truly is. It’s actually… a back buffer – assuming we have double buffering enabled, which the case with GLFW-b by default. So rendering to the screen is the same thing than rendering to the back buffer and ask GLFW-b to swap the back buffer with the front buffer.
And guess what. luminance wraps the back buffer into a Framebuffer
object. You can access it
through defaultFramebuffer
. That value will always represent the back buffer.
About batched rendering
In most graphics frameworks, rendering is the act of taking an object and getting it rendered. luminance follows a different path. Because of real world needs and, well, real applications, you cannot do that in luminance. Because, what serious application will render only one object? None. If so, then it’s an exception. We shouldn’t design our libraries and interface for the exceptions. We should build them for the most used case, which is, having a lot of objects in a scene.
That’s why luminance exposes the concept of batched rendering. The idea is that you have to gather you objects in batches and render them all at once. That enables a correct sharing of resources – for instance, framebuffers or textures – and is very straight-forward to reason about.
luminance has several types of batches, each for the type of shared information. You can – up to now – shared two information between the rendered objects:
- framebuffer: that means you can create a
that will gather several values under the sameFramebuffer
; - or shaders: that means you can create a
that will gather several values under the same shaderProgram
The idea is that the SPBatch
es are stored in FBBatch
es. That creates a structure similar to
an AST luminance knows how to dispatch to the GPU.
About shader stages
luminance supports five kinds of shader stage:
- tessellation evaluation shader
- tessellation control shader
- vertex shader
- geometry shader
- fragment shader
Additionnaly, you can create compute shaders but they’re not usable up to now.
When creating a new shader, you have to pass a String
representing the source code. This will
change in the end. An EDSL is planned to make things easier and safer, but in the waiting, you
are stuck with String
, I’m sorry.
You have to write GLSL450-conformant code.
About uniforms
Shaders are customized through uniforms. Those are very handy and very simple to use in
luminance. You have the possibility to get them when creating shader Program
s. The
function expects two parameters: a list of shader Stage
s and a uniform
interface builder function. That function takes another function as parameter you can use to
retrieve a uniform U
by passing Either
a String
for the name of the uniform or a Natural
for its explicit semantic. Be careful when using explicit semantics though; they’re not tested.
Here’s an exemple of such a use:
(program,uniformInterface) <-createProgram
shaderStages $ \uni -> do resolutionU <- uni $Left
"resolution" timeU <- uni $Left
resolutionU timeU
In that example, uniformInterface
has type U ((Float,Float),Float)
, (Float,Float
being the
type of the resolutionU
part and Float
being the part for timeU
. divided
is a method of
– the typeclass of divisible contravariant functors – which is defined in the
"contravariant" package.
If you don’t need uniform interface, you can build a dummy object, like ()
, or simply use the
appropriate createProgram_
About RenderCmd
and Geometry
is a very simple type yet powerful one. It’s a way to add stateless support to
OpenGL render commands – draw commands, actually. It gathers several information you can set
when performing a draw command. A RenderCmd
can hold any type of object, but the most useful
version of it holds Geometry
A Geometry
is a GPU version of a mesh. It’s composed of vertices, indices and a primitive
mode used to know how to link vertices between each others. Sometimes, Geometry
doesn’t have
indices. That’s called direct geometry, because the vertices are supposed to be directly
used when creating primitives. If you use indices, then you have an indexed geometry and
the vertices can linked by looking at the indices you’ve fed in.
A Geometry
is created with the createGeometry
function and a RenderCmd
is created with
. You’re supposed to create a Geometry
once – while loading your resources for
example – and the RenderCmd
can be created on the fly – it doesn’t require IO
Putting all together
Let’s draw a triangle on the screen! First, we need the vertices!
vertices :: [V
] vertices = [vec2
(-0.5) (-0.5) ,vec2
0 0.5 ,vec2
0.5 (-0.5) ]
is a cool type used to represent vertex attributes. You’ll need V
to be able
to use it.
Then, we don’t need indices because we can directly issue a draw. Let’s then have the GPU version of those vertices:
triangle <-createGeometry
Then, we need a shader! Let’s write the vertex shader first:
in vec2 co; out vec4 vertexColor; vec4 color[3] = vec4[]( vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.) , vec4(0., 1., 0., 1.) , vec4(0., 0., 1., 1.) ); void main() { gl_Position = vec4(co, 0., 1.); vertexColor = color[gl_VertexID]; }
Nothing fancy, except that we pass vertexColor
to the next stage so that we can blend between
Now, a fragment shader:
in vec4 vertexColor; out vec4 frag; void main() { frag = vertexColor; }
Now, let’s create the shader Stage
s and the shader Program
program <-sequenceA
fsSrc] >>= createProgram_
Once again, that’s pretty straight-forward.
Finally, we need the batches. We’ll need one FBBatch
and one SPBatch
let spb =shaderProgramBatch_
program [stdRenderCmd_
triangle] fbb =framebufferBatch
Ok, so let’s explain all of this. shaderProgramBatch_
is a shorter version of
you can use to build SPBatch
. The extra underscore means you don’t want no
uniform interface. We pass our program
and a singleton list containing a RenderCmd
we create
with the stdRenderCmd_
. Once again, the extra underscore stands for no uniform interface. We
then just pass our triangle
. Notice that both stdRenderCmd
and stdRenderCmd_
disable color
blending and enable depth test so that you don’t have to pass those information around.
Then, we create the FBBatch
. That is done via the framebufferBatch
function. It takes the
to render into – in our case, the defaultFramebuffer
, which is the back buffer.
We also pass a singleton list of the universally quantified SPBatch
with the anySPBatch
We just need to issue a command to the GPU to render our triangle. That is done with a
constrained type, Cmd
void . runCmd $ draw fbb
We don’t need the result of runCmd
in our case so we discard it with void
. runCmd
runs in
We just need to swap the buffers with swapBuffers window
– see GLFW-b for further details –
and we’re good!
Dealing with Texture2D
Up to now, luminance only supports 2D-textures. More texture types will be added as luminance gets mature. The interface might change a lot, because it might be very inefficient, especially when converting from containers to others.
module Graphics.Luminance.Batch
module Graphics.Luminance.Blending
module Graphics.Luminance.Buffer
module Graphics.Luminance.Cmd
module Graphics.Luminance.Geometry
module Graphics.Luminance.Pixel
module Graphics.Luminance.Query
module Graphics.Luminance.RenderCmd
module Graphics.Luminance.RW
module Graphics.Luminance.Shader
module Graphics.Luminance.Texture
module Graphics.Luminance.Vertex