-- |
-- Copyright   : (C) 2015, 2016 Dimitri Sabadie
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Dimitri Sabadie <dimitri.sabadie@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- = What are buffers?
-- Buffers are like /GPU/ static arrays. They have a fixed size and a given
-- type. But there’s more. A GPU buffer is more like an address on GPU and a
-- size in raw machine units. By definition it’s then untyped continuous
-- memory. For type safety, we expose them as typed arrays on steroids.
-- = Creating buffers
-- You can create buffers with the 'createBuffer' function:
-- @
--   buf <- createBuffer (newRegion 10)
-- @
-- The type of @buf@ is ambiguous in that case though because 'Buffer' is a
-- very permissive type. You’ll almost always need to provide the type
-- because one type parameter cannot be resolved by type inference: the
-- buffer access type (read, write, read/write). However, you can store the
-- buffer in a @data@ of your own so that you don’t have to explicitely give
-- the type to the 'createBuffer' function.
-- @
--   buf2 :: Buffer RW Int32 <- createBuffer (newRegion 10)
-- @
-- Here, @buf2@ has type @'Buffer' 'RW' 'Int32'@ and can hold 10 'Int32'.
-- @
--   data Foo = Foo { fooBuffer :: Buffer RW Float }
--   foo <- fmap Foo $ createBuffer (newRegion 5)
-- @
-- Here, you can see that we don’t need to provide the type anymore, because
-- of type inference. Make sure to understand how the type system works so
-- that you understand all those three examples.
-- == A buffer is more than a typed array on GPU
-- The cool stuff about 'Buffer' is that it doesn’t really represent a typed
-- array on GPU. It represents a typed slice of an untyped continuous memory
-- area on GPU! That means you can have several slices in the same continuous
-- area with different types!
-- @
--   data Slices = Slices {
--       floats :: Buffer RW Float
--     , ints   :: Buffer RW Int32
--     }
--   slices <- createBuffer $
--     Slices <$> newRegion 100 <*> newRegion 8
-- @
-- Here, we’ve just asked the GPU to allocate a continuous memory area to
-- store two slices in there: 100 'Float' followed by 8 'Int32'. And we have
-- @floats slices :: Buffer RW Float@ and @ints slices :: Buffer RW Int32@.
-- Pretty simple, see?
-- == More about the 'BuildBuffer' type
-- 'BuildBuffer' is a type used to map the number of elements in the buffers
-- you ask for into the number of bytes the GPU will actually need to allocate
-- all of them. 'newRegion' is the function to ask for the creation of a new
-- buffer in the continuous memory you’re building up!
-- = I/O with buffers
-- Buffers are used to customize and add information to your renderer. They
-- have plenty of uses and in all cases you’ll need two kind of operations:
-- * writes ;
-- * reads.
-- == Writing to buffers
-- Once you have a 'Buffer', you can write values to it if it supports
-- /write access/. Use 'W' or 'RW' as buffer access to enable writing to it.
-- === Filling
-- The moste simple operation on 'Buffer's is to clean all its memory to a
-- certain value. That is done with the 'fill' function:
-- @
--   buf :: Buffer W Float <- createBuffer (newBuffer 10)
--   fill buf pi
-- @
-- Here we’ll fill @buf@ with @pi@. Typical use is to fill it with zeros.
-- === Writing the whole buffer
-- You can fill the buffer with a different value for each index with the
-- 'writeWhole' function. That function takes a 'Foldable' value and writes
-- its content to the buffer. Typical use is to pass a list of values.
-- @
--   buf :: Buffer W Float <- createBuffer (newBuffer 4)
--   writeWhole buf [7, 3, -234, 34]
-- @
-- Check 'writeWhole' documentation for further details on special cases.
-- === Indexed write
-- You can write a single element in a buffer by providing an index like you
-- do with regular arrays:
-- @
--   buf :: Buffer W Float <- createBuffer (newBuffer 10)

--   writeAt buf 3 pi
--   writeAt' buf 5 100
-- @
-- 'writeAt' is used to write a value at a given index in the buffer.
-- 'writeAt'' is the unsafe version of 'writeAt'.
-- == Reading from buffers
-- You can read from a 'Buffer' if it supports /read access/. Use 'R' or 'RW'
-- as buffer access to enable reads.
-- === Reading the whole buffer
-- You can retrieve all the elements in a buffer via the 'readWhole' function:
-- @
--   buf :: Buffer R Float <- createBuffer (newBuffer 10)
--   readWhole buf >>= print -- will print out the content as a @[Float]@
-- @
-- === Indexed read
-- You can read a single element in a buffer by providing an index:
-- @
--   buf :: Buffer R Float <- createBuffer (newBuffer 10)
--   buf @? 8 >>= traverse_ print -- print the value only if it’s not out out bounds
--   buf @! 5 >>= traverse_ print -- unsafe version
-- @
-- The '(@?)' operator is the indexed read operator for 'Buffer' and '(@!)'
-- is its unsafe version.

module Graphics.Luminance.Buffer (
    -- * Buffer creation
    -- * Buffer access
  , BufferRW
    -- * Buffer regions
  , Buffer 
  , BuildBuffer
  , newRegion
    -- * Operations on buffer regions
  , readWhole
  , writeWhole
  , fill
  , (@?)
  , (@!)
  , writeAt
  , writeAt'
  ) where

import Graphics.Luminance.Core.Buffer