-- |
-- Copyright   : (C) 2015 Dimitri Sabadie
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Dimitri Sabadie <dimitri.sabadie@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- = What is luminance?
-- __luminance__ is a small yet powerful graphics API. It was designed so that people can quickly
-- get their feet wet and start having fun with graphics in /Haskell/. The main idea is to unleash
-- the graphical and visual properties of /GPUs/ in a stateless and type-safe way.
-- This library doesn’t expose any architectural patterns or designs. It’s up to you to design your
-- program as you want and following your own plans. Because it’s a graphics and rendering API, you
-- won’t find several common things you find in animations, games or simulations. If you need those
-- you’ll have to look for dedicated libraries instead.
-- One of the most important thing you have to keep in mind is the fact that luminance won’t
-- provide you with anything else than working with the /GPU/. That is, it won’t even provide
-- functions to open windows. That’s actually a good thing, because then you’ll be able to use it
-- with /any kind of windowing and system library you want to/!
-- The drawback is about safety. If you screw up setting up the OpenGL context, there’s no way
-- luminance will work. If users feel the need, a few dedicated packages will be uploaded, like
-- __luminance-glfw__ to add "GLFW-b" support for instance.
-- = Getting started
-- == Setting up the window and OpenGL context
-- The first thing to do is to create a window. Here’s a typical "GLFW-b" snippet to create such
-- a window.
-- @
--   initialized <- init
--   when initialized $ do
-- @
-- In the first place, we initialize the "GLFW-b" library and make sure everything ran smoothly.
-- @
--     windowHint (WindowHint'Resizable False)
--     windowHint (WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 4)
--     windowHint (WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 5)
--     windowHint (WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat False)
--     windowHint (WindowHint'OpenGLProfile OpenGLProfile'Core)
--     window <- createWindow 800 600 "luminance application" Nothing Nothing
-- @
-- That part just setup the window’s OpenGL hints so that we create a compatible context for
-- luminance. luminance will work with __OpenGL 4.5__ only, don’t even try to make it work with a
-- lower implementation. We also disable the /forward compatibility/ because we don’t need it and
-- ask to stick to a /core/ profile.
-- @
--     case window of
--       Just window' -> do
--         makeContextCurrent window
--         swapInterval 1
--         -- we’re good to go!
--         destroyWindow window'
--       Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr "unable to create window; please check your hardware support OpenGL4.5"
-- @
-- We then test 'window'. If we have successfully opened the window, we go on by making the OpenGL
-- context of the window the current one for the current thread, set the swap interval (that’s not
-- important for the purpose of that tutorial) and we’re good to go. Otherwise, we just display an
-- error message and quit.
-- @
--   terminate
-- @
-- We finally close the "GLFW-b" context to cleanup everything.
-- == Preparing the environment for luminance
-- A lot of the functions you’ll use work in special types. For instance, a lot of @create*@
-- functions will require @('MonadIO' m,'MonadResource' m,'MonadError' e m) => m@ or so. For that
-- reason, we’ll be using a type of our own and will unwrap it so that we end up in 'IO' in the end.
-- Here’s the type:
-- @
--   type App = ExceptT AppError (ResourceT IO)
--   newtype AppError = AppError String deriving (Eq,Show)
-- @
-- And we’ll unwrap from our type to 'IO' with:
-- @
--   runResourceT . runExcepT
-- @
-- = Getting something to the screen
-- == About the screen
-- luminance generalizes OpenGL concepts so that they’re made safer. In order to render something
-- onto the screen, you have to understand what the screen truly is. It’s actually… a back buffer –
-- assuming we have double buffering enabled, which the case with "GLFW-b" by default. So rendering
-- to the screen is the same thing than rendering to the back buffer and ask "GLFW-b" to swap the
-- back buffer with the front buffer.
-- And guess what. luminance wraps the back buffer into a 'Framebuffer' object. You can access it
-- through 'defaultFramebuffer'. That value will always represent the back buffer.
-- == About batched rendering
-- In most graphics frameworks, rendering is the act of taking an object and getting it rendered.
-- luminance follows a different path. Because of real world needs and, well, real applications, you
-- cannot do that in luminance. Because, what serious application will render only __one__ object?
-- None. If so, then it’s an exception. We shouldn’t design our libraries and interface for the
-- exceptions. We should build them for the most used case, which is, having a lot of objects in a
-- scene.
-- That’s why luminance exposes the concept of /batched rendering/. The idea is that you have to
-- gather you objects in /batches/ and render them all at once. That enables a correct sharing of
-- resources – for instance, framebuffers or textures – and is very straight-forward to reason
-- about.
-- luminance has several types of batches, each for the type of shared information. You can – up to
-- now – shared two information between the rendered objects:
-- * /framebuffer/: that means you can create a 'FBBatch' that will gather several values under the
--   same 'Framebuffer';
-- * or /shaders/: that means you can create a 'SPBatch' that will gather several values under the
--   same shader 'Program'.
-- The idea is that the 'SPBatch'es are stored in 'FBBatch'es. That creates a structure similar to
-- an AST luminance knows how to dispatch to the GPU.
-- == About shader stages
-- luminance supports five kinds of shader stage:
-- * /tessellation evaluation shader/
-- * /tessellation control shader/
-- * /vertex shader/
-- * /geometry shader/
-- * /fragment shader/
-- Additionnaly, you can create /compute shaders/ but they’re not usable up to now.
-- When creating a new shader, you have to pass a 'String' representing the source code. This will
-- change in the end. An EDSL is planned to make things easier and safer, but in the waiting, you
-- are stuck with 'String', I’m sorry.
-- You have to write /GLSL450/-conformant code.
-- == About uniforms
-- Shaders are customized through uniforms. Those are very handy and very simple to use in
-- luminance. You have the possibility to get them when creating shader 'Program's. The
-- 'createProgram' function expects two parameters: a list of shader 'Stage's and a uniform
-- interface builder function. That function takes another function as parameter you can use to
-- retrieve a uniform 'U' by passing 'Either' a 'String' for the name of the uniform or a 'Natural'
-- for its explicit semantic. Be careful when using explicit semantics though; they’re not tested.
-- Here’s an exemple of such a use:
-- @
--   (program,uniformInterface) <- createProgram shaderStages $ \uni -> do
--     resolutionU <- uni $ Left "resolution"
--     timeU <- uni $ Left "time"
--     pure $ divided resolutionU timeU
-- @
-- In that example, @uniformInterface@ has type @U ((Float,Float),Float)@, @(Float,Float@ being the
-- type of the @resolutionU@ part and @Float@ being the part for @timeU@. 'divided' is a method of
-- 'Divisible' – the typeclass of divisible contravariant functors – which is defined in the
-- "contravariant" package.
-- If you don’t need uniform interface, you can build a dummy object, like @()@, or simply use the
-- appropriate 'createProgram_' function.
-- == About 'RenderCmd' and 'Geometry'
-- 'RenderCmd' is a very simple type yet powerful one. It’s a way to add stateless support to
-- OpenGL render commands – draw commands, actually. It gathers several information you can set
-- when performing a draw command. A 'RenderCmd' can hold any type of object, but the most useful
-- version of it holds 'Geometry'.
-- A 'Geometry' is a /GPU/ version of a mesh. It’s composed of /vertices/, /indices/ and a primitive
-- mode used to know how to link vertices between each others. Sometimes, 'Geometry' doesn’t have
-- /indices/. That’s called __direct geometry__, because the /vertices/ are supposed to be directly
-- used when creating primitives. If you use /indices/, then you have a __indiced geometry__ and the
-- /vertices/ can linked by looking at the /indices/ you’ve fed in.
-- A 'Geometry' is created with the 'createGeometry' function and a 'RenderCmd' is created with
-- 'renderCmd'. You’re supposed to create a 'Geometry' once – while loading your resources for
-- example – and the 'RenderCmd' can be created on the fly – it doesn’t require 'IO'.
-- == Putting all together
-- Let’s draw a triangle on the screen! First, we need the vertices!
-- @
--   vertices :: ['V' 2 'Float']
--   vertices =
--     [
--       'V2' (-0.5) (-0.5)
--     , 'V2' 0 0.5
--     , 'V2' 0.5 (-0.5)
--     ]
-- @
-- @'V' 2@ is a cool type used to represent /vertex attributes/. You’ll need `DataKinds` to be able
-- to use it.
-- Then, we don’t need /indices/ because we can directly issue a draw. Let’s then have the /GPU/
-- version of those vertices:
-- @
--   triangle <- 'createGeometry' vertices 'Nothing' 'Triangle'
-- @
-- Then, we need a shader! Let’s write the vertex shader first:
-- @
--   in vec2 co;
--   out vec4 vertexColor;
--   vec4 color[3] = vec4[](
--       vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.)
--     , vec4(0., 1., 0., 1.)
--     , vec4(0., 0., 1., 1.)
--     );
--   void main() {
--     gl_Position = vec4(co, 0., 1.);
--     vertexColor = color[gl_VertexID];
--   }
-- @
-- Nothing fancy, except that we pass @vertexColor@ to the next stage so that we can blend between
-- vertices.
-- Now, a fragment shader:
-- @
--   in vec4 vertexColor;
--   out vec4 frag;
--   void main() {
--     frag = vertexColor;
--   }
-- @
-- Now, let’s create the shader 'Stage's and the shader 'Program':
-- @
--   program <- 'sequenceA' ['createVertexShader' vsSrc,'createFragmentShader' fsSrc] >>= createProgram_
-- @
-- Once again, that’s pretty straight-forward.
-- Finally, we need the batches. We’ll need one 'FBBatch' and one 'SPBatch'.
-- @
--   let spb = 'shaderProgramBatch_' program ['stdRenderCmd_' triangle]
--       fbb = 'framebufferBatch' 'defaultFramebuffer' ['anySPBatch' spb]
-- @
-- Ok, so let’s explain all of this. 'shaderProgramBatch_' is a shorter version of
-- 'shaderProgramBatch' you can use to build 'SPBatch'. The extra underscore means you don’t want no
-- uniform interface. We pass our @program@ and a singleton list containing a 'RenderCmd' we create
-- with the 'stdRenderCmd_'. Once again, the extra underscore stands for no uniform interface. We
-- then just pass our @triangle@. Notice that both 'stdRenderCmd' and 'stdRenderCmd_' disable color
-- blending and enable depth test so that you don’t have to pass those information around.
-- Then, we create the 'FBBatch'. That is done via the 'framebufferBatch' function. It takes the
-- 'Framebuffer' to render into – in our case, the 'defaultFramebuffer', which is the /back buffer/.
-- We also pass a singleton list of the universally quantified 'SPBatch' with the 'anySPBatch'
-- function.
-- We just need to issue a command to the /GPU/ to render our triangle. That is done with a
-- constrained type, 'Cmd'.
-- @
--   void . runCmd $ draw fbb
-- @
-- We don’t need the result of 'runCmd' in our case so we discard it with 'void'. 'runCmd' runs in
-- 'MonadIO'.
-- We just need to swap the buffers with @swapBuffers window@ – see "GLFW-b" for further details –
-- and we’re good!
-- = Dealing with 'Texture2D'
-- Up to now, luminance only supports 2D-textures. More texture types will be added as luminance
-- gets mature. The interface might change a lot, because it might be very inefficient, especially
-- when converting from containers to others.

module Graphics.Luminance (
    module Graphics.Luminance.Batch
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Blending
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Buffer
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Cmd
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Framebuffer
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Geometry
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Pixel
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Query
  , module Graphics.Luminance.RenderCmd
  , module Graphics.Luminance.RW
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Shader
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Texture
  , module Graphics.Luminance.Vertex
  ) where

import Graphics.Luminance.Batch
import Graphics.Luminance.Blending
import Graphics.Luminance.Buffer
import Graphics.Luminance.Cmd
import Graphics.Luminance.Framebuffer
import Graphics.Luminance.Geometry
import Graphics.Luminance.Pixel
import Graphics.Luminance.Query
import Graphics.Luminance.RenderCmd
import Graphics.Luminance.RW
import Graphics.Luminance.Shader
import Graphics.Luminance.Texture
import Graphics.Luminance.Vertex