{- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} {- HLINT ignore -} -- THIS IS A GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} module Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.DiagnosticOptions where import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.Misc import Prettyprinter import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Row.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Row.Hashable as Hashable import qualified Data.Text import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common {-| Diagnostic options. @since 3.17.0 -} data DiagnosticOptions = DiagnosticOptions { {-| -} _workDoneProgress :: (Maybe Bool) , {-| An optional identifier under which the diagnostics are managed by the client. -} _identifier :: (Maybe Data.Text.Text) , {-| Whether the language has inter file dependencies meaning that editing code in one file can result in a different diagnostic set in another file. Inter file dependencies are common for most programming languages and typically uncommon for linters. -} _interFileDependencies :: Bool , {-| The server provides support for workspace diagnostics as well. -} _workspaceDiagnostics :: Bool } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData, Hashable) deriving Pretty via (ViaJSON DiagnosticOptions) instance Aeson.ToJSON DiagnosticOptions where toJSON (DiagnosticOptions arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3) = Aeson.object $ concat $ ["workDoneProgress" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg0 ,"identifier" Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..=? arg1 ,["interFileDependencies" Aeson..= arg2] ,["workspaceDiagnostics" Aeson..= arg3]] instance Aeson.FromJSON DiagnosticOptions where parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "DiagnosticOptions" $ \arg -> DiagnosticOptions <$> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "workDoneProgress" <*> arg Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common..:!? "identifier" <*> arg Aeson..: "interFileDependencies" <*> arg Aeson..: "workspaceDiagnostics"