{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.SMethodMap ( SMethodMap, singleton, insert, delete, member, lookup, map, ) where import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import GHC.Exts (Any, Int (..), dataToTag#) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) import Prelude hiding (lookup, map) import GHC.TypeLits (symbolVal) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message (Method (..), SMethod (..)) -- This type exists to avoid a dependency on 'dependent-map'. It is less -- safe (since we use 'unsafeCoerce') but much simpler and hence easier to include. -- | A specialized alternative to a full dependent map for use with 'SMethod'. data SMethodMap (v :: Method f t -> Type) = -- This works by using an 'IntMap' indexed by constructor tag for the majority -- of 'SMethod's, which have no parameters, and hence can only appear once as keys -- in the map. We do not attempt to be truly dependent here, and instead exploit -- 'usafeCoerce' to go to and from 'v Any'. -- The sole exception is 'SCustomMethod', for which we keep a separate map from -- its 'Text' parameter SMethodMap !(IntMap (v Any)) !(Map String (v Any)) toIx :: SMethod a -> Int toIx k = I# (dataToTag# k) singleton :: SMethod a -> v a -> SMethodMap v singleton (SMethod_CustomMethod t) v = SMethodMap mempty (Map.singleton (symbolVal t) (unsafeCoerce v)) singleton k v = SMethodMap (IntMap.singleton (toIx k) (unsafeCoerce v)) mempty insert :: SMethod a -> v a -> SMethodMap v -> SMethodMap v insert (SMethod_CustomMethod t) v (SMethodMap xs ys) = SMethodMap xs (Map.insert (symbolVal t) (unsafeCoerce v) ys) insert k v (SMethodMap xs ys) = SMethodMap (IntMap.insert (toIx k) (unsafeCoerce v) xs) ys delete :: SMethod a -> SMethodMap v -> SMethodMap v delete (SMethod_CustomMethod t) (SMethodMap xs ys) = SMethodMap xs (Map.delete (symbolVal t) ys) delete k (SMethodMap xs ys) = SMethodMap (IntMap.delete (toIx k) xs) ys member :: SMethod a -> SMethodMap v -> Bool member (SMethod_CustomMethod t) (SMethodMap _ ys) = Map.member (symbolVal t) ys member k (SMethodMap xs _) = IntMap.member (toIx k) xs lookup :: SMethod a -> SMethodMap v -> Maybe (v a) lookup (SMethod_CustomMethod t) (SMethodMap _ ys) = unsafeCoerce (Map.lookup (symbolVal t) ys) lookup k (SMethodMap xs _) = unsafeCoerce (IntMap.lookup (toIx k) xs) map :: (forall a. u a -> v a) -> SMethodMap u -> SMethodMap v map f (SMethodMap xs ys) = SMethodMap (IntMap.map f xs) (Map.map f ys) instance Semigroup (SMethodMap v) where SMethodMap xs ys <> SMethodMap xs' ys' = SMethodMap (xs <> xs') (ys <> ys') instance Monoid (SMethodMap v) where mempty = SMethodMap mempty mempty