{- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} {- HLINT ignore -} -- THIS IS A GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} module Language.LSP.Protocol.Internal.Types.InsertTextMode where import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Hashable import GHC.Generics import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.Misc import Prettyprinter import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Row.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Row.Hashable as Hashable import qualified Data.Set import qualified Data.String import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common import qualified Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.LspEnum {-| How whitespace and indentation is handled during completion item insertion. @since 3.16.0 -} data InsertTextMode = {-| The insertion or replace strings is taken as it is. If the value is multi line the lines below the cursor will be inserted using the indentation defined in the string value. The client will not apply any kind of adjustments to the string. -} InsertTextMode_AsIs | {-| The editor adjusts leading whitespace of new lines so that they match the indentation up to the cursor of the line for which the item is accepted. Consider a line like this: <2tabs><3tabs>foo. Accepting a multi line completion item is indented using 2 tabs and all following lines inserted will be indented using 2 tabs as well. -} InsertTextMode_AdjustIndentation deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData, Hashable) deriving ( Aeson.ToJSON , Aeson.FromJSON ) via (Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.LspEnum.AsLspEnum InsertTextMode Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common.UInt) deriving Pretty via (ViaJSON InsertTextMode) instance Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.LspEnum.LspEnum InsertTextMode where knownValues = Data.Set.fromList [InsertTextMode_AsIs ,InsertTextMode_AdjustIndentation] type EnumBaseType InsertTextMode = Language.LSP.Protocol.Types.Common.UInt toEnumBaseType InsertTextMode_AsIs = 1 toEnumBaseType InsertTextMode_AdjustIndentation = 2 fromEnumBaseType 1 = pure InsertTextMode_AsIs fromEnumBaseType 2 = pure InsertTextMode_AdjustIndentation fromEnumBaseType _ = Nothing