-- | A testing tool for replaying captured client logs back to a server, -- and validating that the server output matches up with another log. module Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Replay ( replaySession ) where import Prelude hiding (id) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Text as T import Language.Haskell.LSP.Capture import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP hiding (error) import Data.Aeson import Data.Default import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Control.Lens hiding (List) import Control.Monad import System.FilePath import System.IO import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Compat import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Files import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Decoding import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Messages import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Server import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test.Session -- | Replays a captured client output and -- makes sure it matches up with an expected response. -- The session directory should have a captured session file in it -- named "session.log". replaySession :: String -- ^ The command to run the server. -> FilePath -- ^ The recorded session directory. -> IO () replaySession serverExe sessionDir = do entries <- B.lines <$> B.readFile (sessionDir "session.log") -- decode session let unswappedEvents = map (fromJust . decode) entries withServer serverExe False $ \serverIn serverOut serverProc -> do pid <- getProcessID serverProc events <- swapCommands pid <$> swapFiles sessionDir unswappedEvents let clientEvents = filter isClientMsg events serverEvents = filter isServerMsg events clientMsgs = map (\(FromClient _ msg) -> msg) clientEvents serverMsgs = filter (not . shouldSkip) $ map (\(FromServer _ msg) -> msg) serverEvents requestMap = getRequestMap clientMsgs reqSema <- newEmptyMVar rspSema <- newEmptyMVar passSema <- newEmptyMVar mainThread <- myThreadId sessionThread <- liftIO $ forkIO $ runSessionWithHandles serverIn serverOut serverProc (listenServer serverMsgs requestMap reqSema rspSema passSema mainThread) def fullCaps sessionDir (return ()) -- No finalizer cleanup (sendMessages clientMsgs reqSema rspSema) takeMVar passSema killThread sessionThread where isClientMsg (FromClient _ _) = True isClientMsg _ = False isServerMsg (FromServer _ _) = True isServerMsg _ = False sendMessages :: [FromClientMessage] -> MVar LspId -> MVar LspIdRsp -> Session () sendMessages [] _ _ = return () sendMessages (nextMsg:remainingMsgs) reqSema rspSema = handleClientMessage request response notification nextMsg where -- TODO: May need to prevent premature exit notification being sent notification msg@(NotificationMessage _ Exit _) = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Will send exit notification soon" liftIO $ threadDelay 10000000 sendMessage msg liftIO $ error "Done" notification msg@(NotificationMessage _ m _) = do sendMessage msg liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Sent a notification " ++ show m sendMessages remainingMsgs reqSema rspSema request msg@(RequestMessage _ id m _) = do sendRequestMessage msg liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Sent a request id " ++ show id ++ ": " ++ show m ++ "\nWaiting for a response" rsp <- liftIO $ takeMVar rspSema when (responseId id /= rsp) $ error $ "Expected id " ++ show id ++ ", got " ++ show rsp sendMessages remainingMsgs reqSema rspSema response msg@(ResponseMessage _ id _ _) = do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Waiting for request id " ++ show id ++ " from the server" reqId <- liftIO $ takeMVar reqSema if responseId reqId /= id then error $ "Expected id " ++ show reqId ++ ", got " ++ show reqId else do sendResponse msg liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Sent response to request id " ++ show id sendMessages remainingMsgs reqSema rspSema sendRequestMessage :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => RequestMessage ClientMethod a b -> Session () sendRequestMessage req = do -- Update the request map reqMap <- requestMap <$> ask liftIO $ modifyMVar_ reqMap $ \r -> return $ updateRequestMap r (req ^. LSP.id) (req ^. method) sendMessage req isNotification :: FromServerMessage -> Bool isNotification (NotPublishDiagnostics _) = True isNotification (NotLogMessage _) = True isNotification (NotShowMessage _) = True isNotification (NotCancelRequestFromServer _) = True isNotification _ = False listenServer :: [FromServerMessage] -> RequestMap -> MVar LspId -> MVar LspIdRsp -> MVar () -> ThreadId -> Handle -> SessionContext -> IO () listenServer [] _ _ _ passSema _ _ _ = putMVar passSema () listenServer expectedMsgs reqMap reqSema rspSema passSema mainThreadId serverOut ctx = do msgBytes <- getNextMessage serverOut let msg = decodeFromServerMsg reqMap msgBytes handleServerMessage request response notification msg if shouldSkip msg then listenServer expectedMsgs reqMap reqSema rspSema passSema mainThreadId serverOut ctx else if inRightOrder msg expectedMsgs then listenServer (delete msg expectedMsgs) reqMap reqSema rspSema passSema mainThreadId serverOut ctx else let remainingMsgs = takeWhile (not . isNotification) expectedMsgs ++ [head $ dropWhile isNotification expectedMsgs] exc = ReplayOutOfOrder msg remainingMsgs in liftIO $ throwTo mainThreadId exc where response :: ResponseMessage a -> IO () response res = do putStrLn $ "Got response for id " ++ show (res ^. id) putMVar rspSema (res ^. id) -- unblock the handler waiting to send a request request :: RequestMessage ServerMethod a b -> IO () request req = do putStrLn $ "Got request for id " ++ show (req ^. id) ++ " " ++ show (req ^. method) putMVar reqSema (req ^. id) -- unblock the handler waiting for a response notification :: NotificationMessage ServerMethod a -> IO () notification n = putStrLn $ "Got notification " ++ show (n ^. method) -- TODO: QuickCheck tests? -- | Checks wether or not the message appears in the right order -- @ N1 N2 N3 REQ1 N4 N5 REQ2 RES1 @ -- given N2, notification order doesn't matter. -- @ N1 N3 REQ1 N4 N5 REQ2 RES1 @ -- given REQ1 -- @ N1 N3 N4 N5 REQ2 RES1 @ -- given RES1 -- @ N1 N3 N4 N5 XXXX RES1 @ False! -- Order of requests and responses matter inRightOrder :: FromServerMessage -> [FromServerMessage] -> Bool inRightOrder _ [] = error "Why is this empty" inRightOrder received (expected : msgs) | received == expected = True | isNotification expected = inRightOrder received msgs | otherwise = False -- | Ignore logging notifications since they vary from session to session shouldSkip :: FromServerMessage -> Bool shouldSkip (NotLogMessage _) = True shouldSkip (NotShowMessage _) = True shouldSkip (ReqShowMessage _) = True shouldSkip _ = False -- | Swaps out any commands uniqued with process IDs to match the specified process ID swapCommands :: Int -> [Event] -> [Event] swapCommands _ [] = [] swapCommands pid (FromClient t (ReqExecuteCommand req):xs) = FromClient t (ReqExecuteCommand swapped):swapCommands pid xs where swapped = params . command .~ newCmd $ req newCmd = swapPid pid (req ^. params . command) swapCommands pid (FromServer t (RspInitialize rsp):xs) = FromServer t (RspInitialize swapped):swapCommands pid xs where swapped = case newCommands of Just cmds -> result . _Just . LSP.capabilities . executeCommandProvider . _Just . commands .~ cmds $ rsp Nothing -> rsp oldCommands = rsp ^? result . _Just . LSP.capabilities . executeCommandProvider . _Just . commands newCommands = fmap (fmap (swapPid pid)) oldCommands swapCommands pid (x:xs) = x:swapCommands pid xs hasPid :: T.Text -> Bool hasPid = (>= 2) . T.length . T.filter (':' ==) swapPid :: Int -> T.Text -> T.Text swapPid pid t | hasPid t = T.append (T.pack $ show pid) $ T.dropWhile (/= ':') t | otherwise = t