{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE CUSKs #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprint-explicit-kinds #-} module Language.LSP.Server.Core where import Colog.Core ( LogAction (..), Severity (..), WithSeverity (..), (<&), ) import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception qualified as E import Control.Lens (at, (^.), (^?), _Just) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch ( MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow, ) import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Default import Data.Functor.Product import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM import Data.IxMap import Data.Kind import Data.List qualified as L import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid (Ap (..)) import Data.Ord (Down (Down)) import Data.Row import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.UUID qualified as UUID import Language.LSP.Diagnostics import Language.LSP.Protocol.Capabilities import Language.LSP.Protocol.Lens qualified as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message qualified as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as L import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.Misc (prettyJSON) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.SMethodMap (SMethodMap) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.SMethodMap qualified as SMethodMap import Language.LSP.VFS hiding (end) import Prettyprinter import System.Random hiding (next) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data LspCoreLog = -- TODO: arguably it would be nicer to have the config object itself in there, but -- then we're going to need 'Pretty config' constraints everywhere NewConfig J.Value | ConfigurationParseError J.Value T.Text | ConfigurationNotSupported | BadConfigurationResponse ResponseError | WrongConfigSections [J.Value] | forall m. CantRegister (SMethod m) deriving instance (Show LspCoreLog) instance Pretty LspCoreLog where pretty (NewConfig config) = "LSP: set new config:" <+> prettyJSON config pretty (ConfigurationNotSupported) = "LSP: not requesting configuration since the client does not support workspace/configuration" pretty (ConfigurationParseError settings err) = vsep [ "LSP: configuration parse error:" , pretty err , "when parsing" , prettyJSON settings ] pretty (BadConfigurationResponse err) = "LSP: error when requesting configuration: " <+> pretty err pretty (WrongConfigSections sections) = "LSP: expected only one configuration section, got: " <+> (prettyJSON $ J.toJSON sections) pretty (CantRegister m) = "LSP: can't register dynamically for:" <+> pretty m newtype LspT config m a = LspT {unLspT :: ReaderT (LanguageContextEnv config) m a} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadCatch, MonadIO, MonadMask, MonadThrow, MonadTrans, MonadUnliftIO, MonadFix) deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via (Ap (LspT config m) a) -- for deriving the instance of MonadUnliftIO type role LspT representational representational nominal runLspT :: LanguageContextEnv config -> LspT config m a -> m a runLspT env = flip runReaderT env . unLspT {-# INLINE runLspT #-} type LspM config = LspT config IO class MonadUnliftIO m => MonadLsp config m | m -> config where getLspEnv :: m (LanguageContextEnv config) instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadLsp config (LspT config m) where {-# SPECIALIZE instance MonadLsp config (LspT config IO) #-} {-# INLINE getLspEnv #-} getLspEnv = LspT ask instance MonadLsp c m => MonadLsp c (ReaderT r m) where {-# SPECIALIZE instance MonadLsp config (ReaderT r (LspT config IO)) #-} {-# INLINE getLspEnv #-} getLspEnv = lift getLspEnv instance MonadLsp c m => MonadLsp c (IdentityT m) where getLspEnv = lift getLspEnv data LanguageContextEnv config = LanguageContextEnv { resHandlers :: !(Handlers IO) , resConfigSection :: T.Text , resParseConfig :: !(config -> J.Value -> Either T.Text config) , resOnConfigChange :: !(config -> IO ()) , resSendMessage :: !(FromServerMessage -> IO ()) , -- We keep the state in a TVar to be thread safe resState :: !(LanguageContextState config) , resClientCapabilities :: !L.ClientCapabilities , resRootPath :: !(Maybe FilePath) } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handlers -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | A mapping from methods to the static 'Handler's that should be used to handle responses when they come in from the client. To build up a 'Handlers', you should 'mconcat' a list of 'notificationHandler' and 'requestHandler's: @ mconcat [ notificationHandler SInitialized $ \notif -> pure () , requestHandler STextDocumentHover $ \req responder -> pure () ] @ -} data Handlers m = Handlers { reqHandlers :: !(SMethodMap (ClientMessageHandler m Request)) , notHandlers :: !(SMethodMap (ClientMessageHandler m Notification)) } instance Semigroup (Handlers config) where Handlers r1 n1 <> Handlers r2 n2 = Handlers (r1 <> r2) (n1 <> n2) instance Monoid (Handlers config) where mempty = Handlers mempty mempty notificationHandler :: forall (m :: Method ClientToServer Notification) f. SMethod m -> Handler f m -> Handlers f notificationHandler m h = Handlers mempty (SMethodMap.singleton m (ClientMessageHandler h)) requestHandler :: forall (m :: Method ClientToServer Request) f. SMethod m -> Handler f m -> Handlers f requestHandler m h = Handlers (SMethodMap.singleton m (ClientMessageHandler h)) mempty -- | Wrapper to restrict 'Handler's to ClientToServer' 'Method's newtype ClientMessageHandler f (t :: MessageKind) (m :: Method ClientToServer t) = ClientMessageHandler (Handler f m) {- | The type of a handler that handles requests and notifications coming in from the server or client -} type family Handler (f :: Type -> Type) (m :: Method from t) = (result :: Type) | result -> f t m where Handler f (m :: Method _from Request) = TRequestMessage m -> (Either ResponseError (MessageResult m) -> f ()) -> f () Handler f (m :: Method _from Notification) = TNotificationMessage m -> f () -- | How to convert two isomorphic data structures between each other. data m <~> n = Iso { forward :: forall a. m a -> n a , backward :: forall a. n a -> m a } transmuteHandlers :: (m <~> n) -> Handlers m -> Handlers n transmuteHandlers nat = mapHandlers (\i m k -> forward nat (i m (backward nat . k))) (\i m -> forward nat (i m)) mapHandlers :: (forall (a :: Method ClientToServer Request). Handler m a -> Handler n a) -> (forall (a :: Method ClientToServer Notification). Handler m a -> Handler n a) -> Handlers m -> Handlers n mapHandlers mapReq mapNot (Handlers reqs nots) = Handlers reqs' nots' where reqs' = SMethodMap.map (\(ClientMessageHandler i) -> ClientMessageHandler $ mapReq i) reqs nots' = SMethodMap.map (\(ClientMessageHandler i) -> ClientMessageHandler $ mapNot i) nots -- | state used by the LSP dispatcher to manage the message loop data LanguageContextState config = LanguageContextState { resVFS :: !(TVar VFSData) , resDiagnostics :: !(TVar DiagnosticStore) , resConfig :: !(TVar config) , resWorkspaceFolders :: !(TVar [WorkspaceFolder]) , resProgressData :: !ProgressData , resPendingResponses :: !(TVar ResponseMap) , resRegistrationsNot :: !(TVar (RegistrationMap Notification)) , resRegistrationsReq :: !(TVar (RegistrationMap Request)) , resLspId :: !(TVar Int32) } type ResponseMap = IxMap LspId (Product SMethod ServerResponseCallback) type RegistrationMap (t :: MessageKind) = SMethodMap (Product RegistrationId (ClientMessageHandler IO t)) data RegistrationToken (m :: Method ClientToServer t) = RegistrationToken (SMethod m) (RegistrationId m) newtype RegistrationId (m :: Method ClientToServer t) = RegistrationId Text deriving (Eq) data ProgressData = ProgressData { progressNextId :: !(TVar Int32) , progressCancel :: !(TVar (Map.Map ProgressToken (IO ()))) } data VFSData = VFSData { vfsData :: !VFS , reverseMap :: !(Map.Map FilePath FilePath) } {-# INLINE modifyState #-} modifyState :: MonadLsp config m => (LanguageContextState config -> TVar a) -> (a -> a) -> m () modifyState sel f = do tvarDat <- sel . resState <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' tvarDat f {-# INLINE stateState #-} stateState :: MonadLsp config m => (LanguageContextState config -> TVar s) -> (s -> (a, s)) -> m a stateState sel f = do tvarDat <- sel . resState <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ atomically $ stateTVar tvarDat f {-# INLINE getsState #-} getsState :: MonadLsp config m => (LanguageContextState config -> TVar a) -> m a getsState f = do tvarDat <- f . resState <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ readTVarIO tvarDat -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Language Server Protocol options that the server may configure. If you set handlers for some requests, you may need to set some of these options. -} data Options = Options { optTextDocumentSync :: Maybe L.TextDocumentSyncOptions , optCompletionTriggerCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- ^ The characters that trigger completion automatically. , optCompletionAllCommitCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- ^ The list of all possible characters that commit a completion. This field can be used -- if clients don't support individual commit characters per completion item. See -- `_commitCharactersSupport`. , optSignatureHelpTriggerCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- ^ The characters that trigger signature help automatically. , optSignatureHelpRetriggerCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- ^ List of characters that re-trigger signature help. -- These trigger characters are only active when signature help is already showing. All trigger characters -- are also counted as re-trigger characters. , optCodeActionKinds :: Maybe [CodeActionKind] -- ^ CodeActionKinds that this server may return. -- The list of kinds may be generic, such as `CodeActionKind.Refactor`, or the server -- may list out every specific kind they provide. , optDocumentOnTypeFormattingTriggerCharacters :: Maybe (NonEmpty Char) -- ^ The list of characters that triggers on type formatting. -- If you set `documentOnTypeFormattingHandler`, you **must** set this. -- The first character is mandatory, so a 'NonEmpty' should be passed. , optExecuteCommandCommands :: Maybe [Text] -- ^ The commands to be executed on the server. -- If you set `executeCommandHandler`, you **must** set this. , optServerInfo :: Maybe (Rec ("name" .== Text .+ "version" .== Maybe Text)) -- ^ Information about the server that can be advertised to the client. , optSupportClientInitiatedProgress :: Bool -- ^ Whether or not to support client-initiated progress. } instance Default Options where def = Options Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = def {- | A package indicating the percentage of progress complete and a an optional message to go with it during a 'withProgress' @since -} data ProgressAmount = ProgressAmount (Maybe UInt) (Maybe Text) {- | Thrown if the user cancels a 'Cancellable' 'withProgress'/'withIndefiniteProgress'/ session @since -} data ProgressCancelledException = ProgressCancelledException deriving (Show) instance E.Exception ProgressCancelledException {- | Whether or not the user should be able to cancel a 'withProgress'/'withIndefiniteProgress' session @since -} data ProgressCancellable = Cancellable | NotCancellable -- See Note [LSP configuration] for discussion of the configuration-related fields {- | Contains all the callbacks to use for initialized the language server. it is parameterized over a config type variable representing the type for the specific configuration data the language server needs to use. -} data ServerDefinition config = forall m a. ServerDefinition { defaultConfig :: config -- ^ The default value we initialize the config variable to. , configSection :: T.Text -- ^ The "config section" that this server uses. This is used to identify the settings -- that are relevant to the server. , parseConfig :: config -> J.Value -> Either T.Text config -- ^ @parseConfig oldConfig newConfigObject@ is called whenever we -- get updated configuration from the client. -- -- @parseConfig@ is called on the object corresponding to the server's -- config section, it should not itself try to look for the config section. -- -- Note that the 'J.Value' may represent only a partial object in the case where we -- are handling a @workspace/didChangeConfiguration@ request where the client sends -- only the changed settings. This is also the main circumstance where the old configuration -- argument is useful. It is generally fine for servers to ignore this case and just -- assume that the 'J.Value' represents a full new config and ignore the old configuration. -- This will only be problematic in the case of clients which behave as above and *also* -- don't support @workspace/configuration@, which is discouraged. , onConfigChange :: config -> m () -- ^ This callback is called any time the configuration is updated, with -- the new config. Servers that want to react to config changes should provide -- a callback here, it is not sufficient to just add e.g. a @workspace/didChangeConfiguration@ -- handler. , doInitialize :: LanguageContextEnv config -> TMessage Method_Initialize -> IO (Either ResponseError a) -- ^ Called *after* receiving the @initialize@ request and *before* -- returning the response. This callback will be invoked to offer the -- language server implementation the chance to create any processes or -- start new threads that may be necessary for the server lifecycle. It can -- also return an error in the initialization if necessary. , staticHandlers :: ClientCapabilities -> Handlers m -- ^ Handlers for any methods you want to statically support. -- The handlers here cannot be unregistered during the server's lifetime -- and will be registered statically in the initialize request. -- The handlers provided can depend on the client capabilities, which -- are static across the lifetime of the server. , interpretHandler :: a -> (m <~> IO) -- ^ How to run the handlers in your own monad of choice, @m@. -- It is passed the result of 'doInitialize', so typically you will want -- to thread along the 'LanguageContextEnv' as well as any other state you -- need to run your monad. @m@ should most likely be built on top of -- 'LspT'. -- -- @ -- ServerDefinition { ... -- , doInitialize = \env _req -> pure $ Right env -- , interpretHandler = \env -> Iso -- (runLspT env) -- how to convert from IO ~> m -- liftIO -- how to convert from m ~> IO -- } -- @ , options :: Options -- ^ Configurable options for the server's capabilities. } {- | A function that a 'Handler' is passed that can be used to respond to a request with either an error, or the response params. -} newtype ServerResponseCallback (m :: Method ServerToClient Request) = ServerResponseCallback (Either ResponseError (MessageResult m) -> IO ()) {- | Return value signals if response handler was inserted successfully Might fail if the id was already in the map -} addResponseHandler :: MonadLsp config f => LspId m -> (Product SMethod ServerResponseCallback) m -> f Bool addResponseHandler lid h = do stateState resPendingResponses $ \pending -> case insertIxMap lid h pending of Just !m -> (True, m) Nothing -> (False, pending) sendNotification :: forall (m :: Method ServerToClient Notification) f config. MonadLsp config f => SServerMethod m -> MessageParams m -> f () sendNotification m params = let msg = TNotificationMessage "2.0" m params in case splitServerMethod m of IsServerNot -> sendToClient $ fromServerNot msg IsServerEither -> sendToClient $ FromServerMess m $ NotMess msg sendRequest :: forall (m :: Method ServerToClient Request) f config. MonadLsp config f => SServerMethod m -> MessageParams m -> (Either ResponseError (MessageResult m) -> f ()) -> f (LspId m) sendRequest m params resHandler = do reqId <- IdInt <$> freshLspId rio <- askRunInIO success <- addResponseHandler reqId (Pair m (ServerResponseCallback (rio . resHandler))) unless success $ error "LSP: could not send FromServer request as id is reused" let msg = TRequestMessage "2.0" reqId m params ~() <- case splitServerMethod m of IsServerReq -> sendToClient $ fromServerReq msg IsServerEither -> sendToClient $ FromServerMess m $ ReqMess msg return reqId -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Return the 'VirtualFile' associated with a given 'NormalizedUri', if there is one. getVirtualFile :: MonadLsp config m => NormalizedUri -> m (Maybe VirtualFile) getVirtualFile uri = do dat <- vfsData <$> getsState resVFS pure $ dat ^. vfsMap . at uri {-# INLINE getVirtualFile #-} getVirtualFiles :: MonadLsp config m => m VFS getVirtualFiles = vfsData <$> getsState resVFS {-# INLINE getVirtualFiles #-} -- | Take an atomic snapshot of the current state of the virtual file system. snapshotVirtualFiles :: LanguageContextEnv c -> STM VFS snapshotVirtualFiles env = vfsData <$> readTVar (resVFS $ resState env) {-# INLINE snapshotVirtualFiles #-} {- | Dump the current text for a given VFS file to a file in the given directory and return the path to the file. -} persistVirtualFile :: MonadLsp config m => LogAction m (WithSeverity VfsLog) -> FilePath -> NormalizedUri -> m (Maybe FilePath) persistVirtualFile logger dir uri = do join $ stateState resVFS $ \vfs -> case persistFileVFS logger dir (vfsData vfs) uri of Nothing -> (return Nothing, vfs) Just (fn, write) -> let !revMap = case uriToFilePath (fromNormalizedUri uri) of Just uri_fp -> Map.insert fn uri_fp $ reverseMap vfs -- TODO: Does the VFS make sense for URIs which are not files? -- The reverse map should perhaps be (FilePath -> URI) Nothing -> reverseMap vfs !vfs' = vfs{reverseMap = revMap} act = do write pure (Just fn) in (act, vfs') -- | Given a text document identifier, annotate it with the latest version. getVersionedTextDoc :: MonadLsp config m => TextDocumentIdentifier -> m VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier getVersionedTextDoc doc = do let uri = doc ^. L.uri mvf <- getVirtualFile (toNormalizedUri uri) let ver = case mvf of Just (VirtualFile lspver _ _) -> lspver Nothing -> 0 return (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier uri ver) {-# INLINE getVersionedTextDoc #-} -- TODO: should this function return a URI? {- | If the contents of a VFS has been dumped to a temporary file, map the temporary file name back to the original one. -} reverseFileMap :: MonadLsp config m => m (FilePath -> FilePath) reverseFileMap = do vfs <- getsState resVFS let f fp = fromMaybe fp . Map.lookup fp . reverseMap $ vfs return f {-# INLINE reverseFileMap #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- sendToClient :: MonadLsp config m => FromServerMessage -> m () sendToClient msg = do f <- resSendMessage <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ f msg {-# INLINE sendToClient #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- freshLspId :: MonadLsp config m => m Int32 freshLspId = do stateState resLspId $ \cur -> let !next = cur + 1 in (cur, next) {-# INLINE freshLspId #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | The current configuration from the client as set via the @initialize@ and @workspace/didChangeConfiguration@ requests, as well as by calls to 'setConfig'. -} getConfig :: MonadLsp config m => m config getConfig = getsState resConfig {-# INLINE getConfig #-} setConfig :: MonadLsp config m => config -> m () setConfig config = stateState resConfig (const ((), config)) {-# INLINE setConfig #-} getClientCapabilities :: MonadLsp config m => m L.ClientCapabilities getClientCapabilities = resClientCapabilities <$> getLspEnv {-# INLINE getClientCapabilities #-} getRootPath :: MonadLsp config m => m (Maybe FilePath) getRootPath = resRootPath <$> getLspEnv {-# INLINE getRootPath #-} -- | The current workspace folders, if the client supports workspace folders. getWorkspaceFolders :: MonadLsp config m => m (Maybe [WorkspaceFolder]) getWorkspaceFolders = do clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities let clientSupportsWfs = fromMaybe False $ clientCaps ^? L.workspace . _Just . L.workspaceFolders . _Just if clientSupportsWfs then Just <$> getsState resWorkspaceFolders else pure Nothing {-# INLINE getWorkspaceFolders #-} {- | Sends a @client/registerCapability@ request and dynamically registers a 'Method' with a 'Handler'. Returns 'Nothing' if the client does not support dynamic registration for the specified method, otherwise a 'RegistrationToken' which can be used to unregister it later. -} registerCapability :: forall f t (m :: Method ClientToServer t) config. MonadLsp config f => LogAction f (WithSeverity LspCoreLog) -> SClientMethod m -> RegistrationOptions m -> Handler f m -> f (Maybe (RegistrationToken m)) registerCapability logger method regOpts f = do handlers <- resHandlers <$> getLspEnv let alreadyStaticallyRegistered = case splitClientMethod method of IsClientNot -> SMethodMap.member method $ notHandlers handlers IsClientReq -> SMethodMap.member method $ reqHandlers handlers IsClientEither -> error "Cannot register capability for custom methods" go alreadyStaticallyRegistered where -- If the server has already registered statically, don't dynamically register -- as per the spec go True = pure Nothing go False = do rio <- askUnliftIO mtoken <- trySendRegistration logger method regOpts case mtoken of Just token@(RegistrationToken _ regId) -> do ~() <- case splitClientMethod method of IsClientNot -> modifyState resRegistrationsNot $ \oldRegs -> let pair = Pair regId (ClientMessageHandler (unliftIO rio . f)) in SMethodMap.insert method pair oldRegs IsClientReq -> modifyState resRegistrationsReq $ \oldRegs -> let pair = Pair regId (ClientMessageHandler (\msg k -> unliftIO rio $ f msg (liftIO . k))) in SMethodMap.insert method pair oldRegs IsClientEither -> error "Cannot register capability for custom methods" pure $ Just token Nothing -> pure Nothing trySendRegistration :: forall f t (m :: Method ClientToServer t) config. MonadLsp config f => LogAction f (WithSeverity LspCoreLog) -> SClientMethod m -> RegistrationOptions m -> f (Maybe (RegistrationToken m)) trySendRegistration logger method regOpts = do clientCaps <- resClientCapabilities <$> getLspEnv -- First, check to see if the client supports dynamic registration on this method if dynamicRegistrationSupported method clientCaps then do uuid <- liftIO $ UUID.toText <$> getStdRandom random let registration = L.TRegistration uuid method (Just regOpts) params = L.RegistrationParams [toUntypedRegistration registration] regId = RegistrationId uuid -- TODO: handle the scenario where this returns an error _ <- sendRequest SMethod_ClientRegisterCapability params $ \_res -> pure () pure (Just $ RegistrationToken method regId) else do logger <& (CantRegister SMethod_WorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration) `WithSeverity` Warning pure Nothing {- | Sends a @client/unregisterCapability@ request and removes the handler for that associated registration. -} unregisterCapability :: MonadLsp config f => RegistrationToken m -> f () unregisterCapability (RegistrationToken m (RegistrationId uuid)) = do ~() <- case splitClientMethod m of IsClientReq -> modifyState resRegistrationsReq $ SMethodMap.delete m IsClientNot -> modifyState resRegistrationsNot $ SMethodMap.delete m IsClientEither -> error "Cannot unregister capability for custom methods" let unregistration = L.TUnregistration uuid m params = L.UnregistrationParams [toUntypedUnregistration unregistration] void $ sendRequest SMethod_ClientUnregisterCapability params $ \_res -> pure () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROGRESS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storeProgress :: MonadLsp config m => ProgressToken -> Async a -> m () storeProgress n a = modifyState (progressCancel . resProgressData) $ Map.insert n (cancelWith a ProgressCancelledException) {-# INLINE storeProgress #-} deleteProgress :: MonadLsp config m => ProgressToken -> m () deleteProgress n = modifyState (progressCancel . resProgressData) $ Map.delete n {-# INLINE deleteProgress #-} -- Get a new id for the progress session and make a new one getNewProgressId :: MonadLsp config m => m ProgressToken getNewProgressId = do stateState (progressNextId . resProgressData) $ \cur -> let !next = cur + 1 in (L.ProgressToken $ L.InL cur, next) {-# INLINE getNewProgressId #-} {- | The progress states we can be in. See Note [Progress states] -} data ProgressState = ProgressInitial | ProgressStarted ProgressToken | ProgressEnded withProgressBase :: forall c m a. MonadLsp c m => Bool -> Text -> Maybe ProgressToken -> ProgressCancellable -> ((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) -> m a withProgressBase indefinite title clientToken cancellable f = do progressState <- liftIO $ newMVar ProgressInitial -- Until we start the progress reporting, track the current latest progress in an MVar, so when -- we do start we can start at the right point. let initialPercentage = if indefinite then Nothing else Just 0 initialProgress <- liftIO $ newMVar (ProgressAmount initialPercentage Nothing) let sendProgressReport :: (J.ToJSON r) => ProgressToken -> r -> m () sendProgressReport token report = sendNotification SMethod_Progress $ ProgressParams token $ J.toJSON report -- See Note [Progress states] tryStart :: ProgressToken -> m () tryStart t = withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> modifyMVar_ progressState $ \case -- Can start if we are in the initial state, otherwise not ProgressInitial -> withMVar initialProgress $ \(ProgressAmount pct msg) -> do let cancellable' = case cancellable of Cancellable -> Just True NotCancellable -> Just False runInBase $ sendProgressReport t $ WorkDoneProgressBegin L.AString title cancellable' msg pct pure (ProgressStarted t) s -> pure s -- See Note [Progress states] tryUpdate :: ProgressAmount -> m () tryUpdate (ProgressAmount pct msg) = withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> withMVar progressState $ \case -- If the progress has not started yet, then record the latest progress percentage ProgressInitial -> modifyMVar_ initialProgress $ \(ProgressAmount oldPct oldMsg) -> do let -- Update the percentage if the new one is not nothing newPct = pct <|> oldPct -- Update the message if the new one is not nothing newMsg = msg <|> oldMsg pure $ ProgressAmount newPct newMsg -- Just send the update, we don't need to worry about updating initialProgress any more ProgressStarted t -> runInBase $ sendProgressReport t $ WorkDoneProgressReport L.AString Nothing msg pct _ -> pure () -- See Note [Progress states] tryEnd :: m () tryEnd = withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> modifyMVar_ progressState $ \case -- Don't send an end message unless we successfully started ProgressStarted t -> do runInBase $ sendProgressReport t $ WorkDoneProgressEnd L.AString Nothing pure ProgressEnded -- But in all cases we still want to transition state _ -> pure ProgressEnded -- The progress token is also used as the cancellation ID -- See Note [Request cancellation] createAndStart :: m ProgressToken createAndStart = case clientToken of -- See Note [Client- versus server-initiated progress] -- Client-initiated progress Just t -> tryStart t >> pure t -- Try server-initiated progress Nothing -> do t <- getNewProgressId clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities -- If we don't have a progress token from the client and -- the client doesn't support server-initiated progress then -- there's nothing to do: we can't report progress. -- But we still need to return our internal token to use for -- cancellation when (clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress clientCaps) $ void $ -- Server-initiated progress -- See Note [Client- versus server-initiated progress] sendRequest SMethod_WindowWorkDoneProgressCreate (WorkDoneProgressCreateParams t) $ \case -- Successfully registered the token, we can now use it. -- So we go ahead and start. We do this as soon as we get the -- token back so the client gets feedback ASAP Right _ -> tryStart t -- The client sent us an error, we can't use the token. So we remain -- in ProgressInitial and don't send any progress updates ever -- TODO: log the error Left _err -> pure () pure t end :: ProgressToken -> m () end cancellationId = do tryEnd -- Delete the progress cancellation from the map -- If we don't do this then it's easy to leak things as the map contains any IO action. deleteProgress cancellationId -- Send the begin and done notifications via 'bracket' so that they are always fired withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> E.bracket (runInBase createAndStart) (runInBase . end) $ \cancellationId -> do -- Run f asynchronously aid <- async $ runInBase $ f tryUpdate -- Always store the thread ID so we can cancel, see Note [Request cancellation] runInBase $ storeProgress cancellationId aid wait aid clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress :: L.ClientCapabilities -> Bool clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress caps = fromMaybe False $ caps ^? L.window . _Just . L.workDoneProgress . _Just {-# INLINE clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress #-} {- | Wrapper for reporting progress to the client during a long running task. -} withProgress :: MonadLsp c m => -- | The title of the progress operation Text -> -- | The progress token provided by the client in the method params, if any Maybe ProgressToken -> -- | Whether or not this operation is cancellable. If true, the user will be -- shown a button to allow cancellation. Note that requests can still be cancelled -- even if this is not set. ProgressCancellable -> -- | An update function to pass progress updates to ((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) -> m a withProgress title clientToken cancellable f = withProgressBase False title clientToken cancellable f {- | Same as 'withProgress', but for processes that do not report the precentage complete. -} withIndefiniteProgress :: MonadLsp c m => -- | The title of the progress operation Text -> -- | The progress token provided by the client in the method params, if any Maybe ProgressToken -> -- | Whether or not this operation is cancellable. If true, the user will be -- shown a button to allow cancellation. Note that requests can still be cancelled -- even if this is not set. ProgressCancellable -> -- | An update function to pass progress updates to ((Text -> m ()) -> m a) -> m a withIndefiniteProgress title clientToken cancellable f = withProgressBase True title clientToken cancellable (\update -> f (\msg -> update (ProgressAmount Nothing (Just msg)))) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Aggregate all diagnostics pertaining to a particular version of a document, by source, and sends a @textDocument/publishDiagnostics@ notification with the total (limited by the first parameter) whenever it is updated. -} publishDiagnostics :: MonadLsp config m => Int -> NormalizedUri -> Maybe L.Int32 -> DiagnosticsBySource -> m () publishDiagnostics maxDiagnosticCount uri version diags = join $ stateState resDiagnostics $ \oldDiags -> let !newDiags = updateDiagnostics oldDiags uri version diags mdp = getDiagnosticParamsFor maxDiagnosticCount newDiags uri act = case mdp of Nothing -> return () Just params -> sendToClient $ L.fromServerNot $ L.TNotificationMessage "2.0" L.SMethod_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics params in (act, newDiags) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Remove all diagnostics from a particular source, and send the updates to the client. -} flushDiagnosticsBySource :: MonadLsp config m => -- | Max number of diagnostics to send Int -> Maybe Text -> m () flushDiagnosticsBySource maxDiagnosticCount msource = join $ stateState resDiagnostics $ \oldDiags -> let !newDiags = flushBySource oldDiags msource -- Send the updated diagnostics to the client act = forM_ (HM.keys newDiags) $ \uri -> do let mdp = getDiagnosticParamsFor maxDiagnosticCount newDiags uri case mdp of Nothing -> return () Just params -> do sendToClient $ L.fromServerNot $ L.TNotificationMessage "2.0" L.SMethod_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics params in (act, newDiags) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | The changes in a workspace edit should be applied from the end of the file toward the start. Sort them into this order. -} reverseSortEdit :: L.WorkspaceEdit -> L.WorkspaceEdit reverseSortEdit (L.WorkspaceEdit cs dcs anns) = L.WorkspaceEdit cs' dcs' anns where cs' :: Maybe (Map.Map Uri [TextEdit]) cs' = (fmap . fmap) sortTextEdits cs dcs' :: Maybe [L.DocumentChange] dcs' = (fmap . fmap) sortOnlyTextDocumentEdits dcs sortTextEdits :: [L.TextEdit] -> [L.TextEdit] sortTextEdits edits = L.sortOn (Down . (^. L.range)) edits sortOnlyTextDocumentEdits :: L.DocumentChange -> L.DocumentChange sortOnlyTextDocumentEdits (L.InL (L.TextDocumentEdit td edits)) = L.InL $ L.TextDocumentEdit td edits' where edits' = L.sortOn (Down . editRange) edits sortOnlyTextDocumentEdits (L.InR others) = L.InR others editRange :: L.TextEdit L.|? L.AnnotatedTextEdit -> L.Range editRange (L.InR e) = e ^. L.range editRange (L.InL e) = e ^. L.range -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONFIG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Given a new config object, try to update our config with it. tryChangeConfig :: (m ~ LspM config) => LogAction m (WithSeverity LspCoreLog) -> J.Value -> m () tryChangeConfig logger newConfigObject = do parseCfg <- LspT $ asks resParseConfig res <- stateState resConfig $ \oldConfig -> case parseCfg oldConfig newConfigObject of Left err -> (Left err, oldConfig) Right newConfig -> (Right newConfig, newConfig) case res of Left err -> do logger <& ConfigurationParseError newConfigObject err `WithSeverity` Warning Right newConfig -> do logger <& NewConfig newConfigObject `WithSeverity` Debug cb <- LspT $ asks resOnConfigChange liftIO $ cb newConfig {- | Send a `worksapce/configuration` request to update the server's config. This is called automatically in response to `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` notifications from the client, so should not normally be called manually. -} requestConfigUpdate :: (m ~ LspM config) => LogAction m (WithSeverity LspCoreLog) -> m () requestConfigUpdate logger = do caps <- LspT $ asks resClientCapabilities let supportsConfiguration = fromMaybe False $ caps ^? L.workspace . _Just . L.configuration . _Just if supportsConfiguration then do section <- LspT $ asks resConfigSection void $ sendRequest SMethod_WorkspaceConfiguration (ConfigurationParams [ConfigurationItem Nothing (Just section)]) $ \case Right [newConfigObject] -> tryChangeConfig logger newConfigObject Right sections -> logger <& WrongConfigSections sections `WithSeverity` Error Left err -> logger <& BadConfigurationResponse err `WithSeverity` Error else logger <& ConfigurationNotSupported `WithSeverity` Debug {- Note [LSP configuration] LSP configuration is a huge mess. - The configuration model of the client is not specified - Many of the configuration messages are not specified in what they should return In particular, configuration appears in three places: 1. The `initializationOptions` field of the `initialize` request. - The contents of this are unspecified. "User provided initialization options". 2. The `settings` field of the `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` notification. - The contents of this are unspecified. "The actual changed settings". 3. The `section` field of the response to the `workspace/configuration` request. - This at least says it should be the settings corresponding to the sections specified in the request. It's very hard to know what to do here. In particular, the first two cases seem like they could include arbitrary configuration from the client that might not relate to you. How you locate "your" settings is unclear. We are on firmer ground with case 3. Then at least it seems that we can pick a configuration section, just always ask for that, and require clients to use that for our settings. Furthermore, this is the method that is encouraged by the specification designers: https://github.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/567#issuecomment-420589320. For this reason we mostly try and rely on `workspace/configuration`. That means three things: - We require servers to give a specific configuration section for us to use when requesting configuration. - We can try and make sense of `initializationOptions`, but regardless we should send a `workspace/configuration` request afterwards (in the handler for the `initialized` notification, which is the earliest we can send messages: https://github.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/567#issuecomment-953772465) - We can try and make sense of `didChangeConfiguration`, but regardless we should send a `workspace/configuration` request afterwards We do try to make sense of the first two cases also, especially because clients do not have to support `workspace/configuration`! In practice, many clients seem to follow the sensible approach laid out here: https://github.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/972#issuecomment-626668243 To make this work, we try to be tolerant by using the following strategy. When we receive a configuration object from any of the sources above, we first check to see if it has a field corresponding to our configuration section. If it does, then we assume that it our config and try to parse it. If it does not, we try to parse the entire config object. This hopefully lets us handle a variety of sensible cases where the client sends us mostly our config, either wrapped in our section or not. -} {- Note [Progress states] Creating and using progress actually requires a small state machine. The states are: - ProgressInitial: we haven't got a progress token - ProgressStarted: we have got a progress token and started the progress - ProgressEnded: we have ended the progress Notably, 1. We can't send updates except in ProgressStarted 2. We can't start the progress until we get the token back - This means that we may have to wait to send the start report, we can't necessarily send it immediately! 3. We can end if we haven't started (by just transitioning state), but we shouldn't send an end report. We can have concurrent updates to the state, since we sometimes transiton states in response to the client. In particular, for server-initiated progress, we have to wait for the client to confirm the token until we can enter ProgressStarted. -} {- Note [Client- versus server-initiated progress] The protocol supports both client- and server-initiated progress. Client-initiated progress is simpler: the client gives you a progress token, and then you use that to report progress. Server-initiated progress is more complex: you need to send a request to the client to tell them about the token you want to use, and only after that can you send updates using it. -} {- Note [Request cancellation] Request cancellation is a bit strange. We need to in fact assume that all requests are cancellable, see https://github.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/1159. The 'cancellable' property that we can set when making progress reports just affects whether the client should show a 'Cancel' button to the user in the UI. The client can still always choose to cancel for another reason. -}