{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprint-explicit-kinds #-} module Language.LSP.Server.Core where import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.STM import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift import Control.Lens ( (^.), (^?), _Just ) import qualified Data.Aeson as J import Data.Default import Data.Functor.Product import Data.IxMap import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.Kind import qualified Data.List as L import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text ( Text ) import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities as J import Language.LSP.Types as J import qualified Language.LSP.Types.Lens as J import Language.LSP.VFS import Language.LSP.Diagnostics import System.IO import qualified System.Log.Formatter as L import qualified System.Log.Handler as LH import qualified System.Log.Handler.Simple as LHS import System.Log.Logger import qualified System.Log.Logger as L import System.Random import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype LspT config m a = LspT { unLspT :: ReaderT (LanguageContextEnv config) m a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans, MonadUnliftIO, MonadFix) runLspT :: LanguageContextEnv config -> LspT config m a -> m a runLspT env = flip runReaderT env . unLspT type LspM config = LspT config IO class MonadUnliftIO m => MonadLsp config m | m -> config where getLspEnv :: m (LanguageContextEnv config) instance MonadUnliftIO m => MonadLsp config (LspT config m) where getLspEnv = LspT ask instance MonadLsp c m => MonadLsp c (ReaderT r m) where getLspEnv = lift getLspEnv instance MonadLsp c m => MonadLsp c (IdentityT m) where getLspEnv = lift getLspEnv data LanguageContextEnv config = LanguageContextEnv { resHandlers :: !(Handlers IO) , resParseConfig :: !(J.Value -> IO (Either T.Text config)) , resSendMessage :: !(FromServerMessage -> IO ()) -- We keep the state in a TVar to be thread safe , resState :: !(TVar (LanguageContextState config)) , resClientCapabilities :: !J.ClientCapabilities , resRootPath :: !(Maybe FilePath) } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handlers -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A mapping from methods to the static 'Handler's that should be used to -- handle responses when they come in from the client. To build up a 'Handlers', -- you should 'mconcat' a list of 'notificationHandler' and 'requestHandler's: -- -- @ -- mconcat [ -- notificationHandler SInitialized $ \notif -> pure () -- , requestHandler STextDocumentHover $ \req responder -> pure () -- ] -- @ data Handlers m = Handlers { reqHandlers :: DMap SMethod (ClientMessageHandler m Request) , notHandlers :: DMap SMethod (ClientMessageHandler m Notification) } instance Semigroup (Handlers config) where Handlers r1 n1 <> Handlers r2 n2 = Handlers (r1 <> r2) (n1 <> n2) instance Monoid (Handlers config) where mempty = Handlers mempty mempty notificationHandler :: forall (m :: Method FromClient Notification) f. SMethod m -> Handler f m -> Handlers f notificationHandler m h = Handlers mempty (DMap.singleton m (ClientMessageHandler h)) requestHandler :: forall (m :: Method FromClient Request) f. SMethod m -> Handler f m -> Handlers f requestHandler m h = Handlers (DMap.singleton m (ClientMessageHandler h)) mempty -- | Wrapper to restrict 'Handler's to 'FromClient' 'Method's newtype ClientMessageHandler f (t :: MethodType) (m :: Method FromClient t) = ClientMessageHandler (Handler f m) -- | The type of a handler that handles requests and notifications coming in -- from the server or client type family Handler (f :: Type -> Type) (m :: Method from t) = (result :: Type) | result -> f t m where Handler f (m :: Method _from Request) = RequestMessage m -> (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult m) -> f ()) -> f () Handler f (m :: Method _from Notification) = NotificationMessage m -> f () -- | How to convert two isomorphic data structures between each other. data m <~> n = Iso { forward :: forall a. m a -> n a , backward :: forall a. n a -> m a } transmuteHandlers :: (m <~> n) -> Handlers m -> Handlers n transmuteHandlers nat = mapHandlers (\i m k -> forward nat (i m (backward nat . k))) (\i m -> forward nat (i m)) mapHandlers :: (forall (a :: Method FromClient Request). Handler m a -> Handler n a) -> (forall (a :: Method FromClient Notification). Handler m a -> Handler n a) -> Handlers m -> Handlers n mapHandlers mapReq mapNot (Handlers reqs nots) = Handlers reqs' nots' where reqs' = DMap.map (\(ClientMessageHandler i) -> ClientMessageHandler $ mapReq i) reqs nots' = DMap.map (\(ClientMessageHandler i) -> ClientMessageHandler $ mapNot i) nots -- | state used by the LSP dispatcher to manage the message loop data LanguageContextState config = LanguageContextState { resVFS :: !VFSData , resDiagnostics :: !DiagnosticStore , resConfig :: !(Maybe config) , resWorkspaceFolders :: ![WorkspaceFolder] , resProgressData :: !ProgressData , resPendingResponses :: !ResponseMap , resRegistrationsNot :: !(RegistrationMap Notification) , resRegistrationsReq :: !(RegistrationMap Request) , resLspId :: !Int } type ResponseMap = IxMap LspId (Product SMethod ServerResponseCallback) type RegistrationMap (t :: MethodType) = DMap SMethod (Product RegistrationId (ClientMessageHandler IO t)) data RegistrationToken (m :: Method FromClient t) = RegistrationToken (SMethod m) (RegistrationId m) newtype RegistrationId (m :: Method FromClient t) = RegistrationId Text deriving Eq data ProgressData = ProgressData { progressNextId :: !Int , progressCancel :: !(Map.Map ProgressToken (IO ())) } data VFSData = VFSData { vfsData :: !VFS , reverseMap :: !(Map.Map FilePath FilePath) } modifyState :: MonadLsp config m => (LanguageContextState config -> LanguageContextState config) -> m () modifyState f = do tvarDat <- resState <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' tvarDat f stateState :: MonadLsp config m => (LanguageContextState config -> (a,LanguageContextState config)) -> m a stateState f = do tvarDat <- resState <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ atomically $ stateTVar tvarDat f getsState :: MonadLsp config m => (LanguageContextState config -> a) -> m a getsState f = do tvarDat <- resState <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ f <$> readTVarIO tvarDat -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Language Server Protocol options that the server may configure. -- If you set handlers for some requests, you may need to set some of these options. data Options = Options { textDocumentSync :: Maybe J.TextDocumentSyncOptions -- | The characters that trigger completion automatically. , completionTriggerCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- | The list of all possible characters that commit a completion. This field can be used -- if clients don't support individual commmit characters per completion item. See -- `_commitCharactersSupport`. , completionAllCommitCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- | The characters that trigger signature help automatically. , signatureHelpTriggerCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- | List of characters that re-trigger signature help. -- These trigger characters are only active when signature help is already showing. All trigger characters -- are also counted as re-trigger characters. , signatureHelpRetriggerCharacters :: Maybe [Char] -- | CodeActionKinds that this server may return. -- The list of kinds may be generic, such as `CodeActionKind.Refactor`, or the server -- may list out every specific kind they provide. , codeActionKinds :: Maybe [CodeActionKind] -- | The list of characters that triggers on type formatting. -- If you set `documentOnTypeFormattingHandler`, you **must** set this. -- The first character is mandatory, so a 'NonEmpty' should be passed. , documentOnTypeFormattingTriggerCharacters :: Maybe (NonEmpty Char) -- | The commands to be executed on the server. -- If you set `executeCommandHandler`, you **must** set this. , executeCommandCommands :: Maybe [Text] -- | Information about the server that can be advertised to the client. , serverInfo :: Maybe J.ServerInfo } instance Default Options where def = Options Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = def -- | A package indicating the perecentage of progress complete and a -- an optional message to go with it during a 'withProgress' -- -- @since data ProgressAmount = ProgressAmount (Maybe Double) (Maybe Text) -- | Thrown if the user cancels a 'Cancellable' 'withProgress'/'withIndefiniteProgress'/ session -- -- @since data ProgressCancelledException = ProgressCancelledException deriving Show instance E.Exception ProgressCancelledException -- | Whether or not the user should be able to cancel a 'withProgress'/'withIndefiniteProgress' -- session -- -- @since data ProgressCancellable = Cancellable | NotCancellable -- | Contains all the callbacks to use for initialized the language server. -- it is parameterized over a config type variable representing the type for the -- specific configuration data the language server needs to use. data ServerDefinition config = forall m a. ServerDefinition { onConfigurationChange :: J.Value -> m (Either T.Text config) -- ^ @onConfigurationChange newConfig@ is called whenever the -- clients sends a message with a changed client configuration. This -- callback should return either the parsed configuration data or an error -- indicating what went wrong. The parsed configuration object will be -- stored internally and can be accessed via 'config'. , doInitialize :: LanguageContextEnv config -> Message Initialize -> IO (Either ResponseError a) -- ^ Called *after* receiving the @initialize@ request and *before* -- returning the response. This callback will be invoked to offer the -- language server implementation the chance to create any processes or -- start new threads that may be necesary for the server lifecycle. It can -- also return an error in the initialization if necessary. , staticHandlers :: Handlers m -- ^ Handlers for any methods you want to statically support. -- The handlers here cannot be unregistered during the server's lifetime -- and will be regsitered statically in the initialize request. , interpretHandler :: a -> (m <~> IO) -- ^ How to run the handlers in your own monad of choice, @m@. -- It is passed the result of 'doInitialize', so typically you will want -- to thread along the 'LanguageContextEnv' as well as any other state you -- need to run your monad. @m@ should most likely be built on top of -- 'LspT'. -- -- @ -- ServerDefinition { ... -- , doInitialize = \env _req -> pure $ Right env -- , interpretHandler = \env -> Iso -- (runLspT env) -- how to convert from IO ~> m -- liftIO -- how to convert from m ~> IO -- } -- @ , options :: Options -- ^ Configurable options for the server's capabilities. } -- | A function that a 'Handler' is passed that can be used to respond to a -- request with either an error, or the response params. newtype ServerResponseCallback (m :: Method FromServer Request) = ServerResponseCallback (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult m) -> IO ()) -- | Return value signals if response handler was inserted succesfully -- Might fail if the id was already in the map addResponseHandler :: MonadLsp config f => LspId m -> (Product SMethod ServerResponseCallback) m -> f Bool addResponseHandler lid h = do stateState $ \ctx@LanguageContextState{resPendingResponses} -> case insertIxMap lid h resPendingResponses of Just m -> (True, ctx { resPendingResponses = m}) Nothing -> (False, ctx) sendNotification :: forall (m :: Method FromServer Notification) f config. MonadLsp config f => SServerMethod m -> MessageParams m -> f () sendNotification m params = let msg = NotificationMessage "2.0" m params in case splitServerMethod m of IsServerNot -> sendToClient $ fromServerNot msg IsServerEither -> sendToClient $ FromServerMess m $ NotMess msg sendRequest :: forall (m :: Method FromServer Request) f config. MonadLsp config f => SServerMethod m -> MessageParams m -> (Either ResponseError (ResponseResult m) -> f ()) -> f (LspId m) sendRequest m params resHandler = do reqId <- IdInt <$> freshLspId rio <- askRunInIO success <- addResponseHandler reqId (Pair m (ServerResponseCallback (rio . resHandler))) unless success $ error "haskell-lsp: could not send FromServer request as id is reused" let msg = RequestMessage "2.0" reqId m params ~() <- case splitServerMethod m of IsServerReq -> sendToClient $ fromServerReq msg IsServerEither -> sendToClient $ FromServerMess m $ ReqMess msg return reqId -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Return the 'VirtualFile' associated with a given 'NormalizedUri', if there is one. getVirtualFile :: MonadLsp config m => NormalizedUri -> m (Maybe VirtualFile) getVirtualFile uri = getsState $ Map.lookup uri . vfsMap . vfsData . resVFS getVirtualFiles :: MonadLsp config m => m VFS getVirtualFiles = getsState $ vfsData . resVFS -- | Dump the current text for a given VFS file to a temporary file, -- and return the path to the file. persistVirtualFile :: MonadLsp config m => NormalizedUri -> m (Maybe FilePath) persistVirtualFile uri = do join $ stateState $ \ctx@LanguageContextState{resVFS = vfs} -> case persistFileVFS (vfsData vfs) uri of Nothing -> (return Nothing, ctx) Just (fn, write) -> let revMap = case uriToFilePath (fromNormalizedUri uri) of Just uri_fp -> Map.insert fn uri_fp $ reverseMap vfs -- TODO: Does the VFS make sense for URIs which are not files? -- The reverse map should perhaps be (FilePath -> URI) Nothing -> reverseMap vfs act = do liftIO write pure (Just fn) in (act, ctx{resVFS = vfs {reverseMap = revMap} }) -- | Given a text document identifier, annotate it with the latest version. getVersionedTextDoc :: MonadLsp config m => TextDocumentIdentifier -> m VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier getVersionedTextDoc doc = do let uri = doc ^. J.uri mvf <- getVirtualFile (toNormalizedUri uri) let ver = case mvf of Just (VirtualFile lspver _ _) -> Just lspver Nothing -> Nothing return (VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier uri ver) -- TODO: should this function return a URI? -- | If the contents of a VFS has been dumped to a temporary file, map -- the temporary file name back to the original one. reverseFileMap :: MonadLsp config m => m (FilePath -> FilePath) reverseFileMap = do vfs <- getsState resVFS let f fp = fromMaybe fp . Map.lookup fp . reverseMap $ vfs return f -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- defaultProgressData :: ProgressData defaultProgressData = ProgressData 0 Map.empty -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- sendToClient :: MonadLsp config m => FromServerMessage -> m () sendToClient msg = do f <- resSendMessage <$> getLspEnv liftIO $ f msg -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- sendErrorLog :: MonadLsp config m => Text -> m () sendErrorLog msg = sendToClient $ fromServerNot $ NotificationMessage "2.0" SWindowLogMessage (LogMessageParams MtError msg) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- freshLspId :: MonadLsp config m => m Int freshLspId = do stateState $ \c -> (resLspId c, c{resLspId = resLspId c+1}) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The current configuration from the client as set via the @initialize@ and -- @workspace/didChangeConfiguration@ requests. getConfig :: MonadLsp config m => m (Maybe config) getConfig = getsState resConfig getClientCapabilities :: MonadLsp config m => m J.ClientCapabilities getClientCapabilities = resClientCapabilities <$> getLspEnv getRootPath :: MonadLsp config m => m (Maybe FilePath) getRootPath = resRootPath <$> getLspEnv -- | The current workspace folders, if the client supports workspace folders. getWorkspaceFolders :: MonadLsp config m => m (Maybe [WorkspaceFolder]) getWorkspaceFolders = do clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities let clientSupportsWfs = fromMaybe False $ do let (J.ClientCapabilities mw _ _ _) = clientCaps (J.WorkspaceClientCapabilities _ _ _ _ _ _ mwf _) <- mw mwf if clientSupportsWfs then Just <$> getsState resWorkspaceFolders else pure Nothing -- | Sends a @client/registerCapability@ request and dynamically registers -- a 'Method' with a 'Handler'. Returns 'Nothing' if the client does not -- support dynamic registration for the specified method, otherwise a -- 'RegistrationToken' which can be used to unregister it later. registerCapability :: forall f t (m :: Method FromClient t) config. MonadLsp config f => SClientMethod m -> RegistrationOptions m -> Handler f m -> f (Maybe (RegistrationToken m)) registerCapability method regOpts f = do clientCaps <- resClientCapabilities <$> getLspEnv handlers <- resHandlers <$> getLspEnv let alreadyStaticallyRegistered = case splitClientMethod method of IsClientNot -> DMap.member method $ notHandlers handlers IsClientReq -> DMap.member method $ reqHandlers handlers IsClientEither -> error "Cannot register capability for custom methods" go clientCaps alreadyStaticallyRegistered where -- If the server has already registered statically, don't dynamically register -- as per the spec go _clientCaps True = pure Nothing go clientCaps False -- First, check to see if the client supports dynamic registration on this method | dynamicSupported clientCaps = do uuid <- liftIO $ UUID.toText <$> getStdRandom random let registration = J.Registration uuid method regOpts params = J.RegistrationParams (J.List [J.SomeRegistration registration]) regId = RegistrationId uuid rio <- askUnliftIO ~() <- case splitClientMethod method of IsClientNot -> modifyState $ \ctx -> let newRegs = DMap.insert method pair (resRegistrationsNot ctx) pair = Pair regId (ClientMessageHandler (unliftIO rio . f)) in ctx { resRegistrationsNot = newRegs } IsClientReq -> modifyState $ \ctx -> let newRegs = DMap.insert method pair (resRegistrationsReq ctx) pair = Pair regId (ClientMessageHandler (\msg k -> unliftIO rio $ f msg (liftIO . k))) in ctx { resRegistrationsReq = newRegs } IsClientEither -> error "Cannot register capability for custom methods" -- TODO: handle the scenario where this returns an error _ <- sendRequest SClientRegisterCapability params $ \_res -> pure () pure (Just (RegistrationToken method regId)) | otherwise = pure Nothing -- Also I'm thinking we should move this function to somewhere in messages.hs so -- we don't forget to update it when adding new methods... capDyn :: J.HasDynamicRegistration a (Maybe Bool) => Maybe a -> Bool capDyn (Just x) = fromMaybe False $ x ^. J.dynamicRegistration capDyn Nothing = False -- | Checks if client capabilities declares that the method supports dynamic registration dynamicSupported clientCaps = case method of SWorkspaceDidChangeConfiguration -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.workspace . _Just . J.didChangeConfiguration . _Just SWorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.workspace . _Just . J.didChangeWatchedFiles . _Just SWorkspaceSymbol -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.workspace . _Just . J.symbol . _Just SWorkspaceExecuteCommand -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.workspace . _Just . J.executeCommand . _Just STextDocumentDidOpen -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.synchronization . _Just STextDocumentDidChange -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.synchronization . _Just STextDocumentDidClose -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.synchronization . _Just STextDocumentCompletion -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.completion . _Just STextDocumentHover -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.hover . _Just STextDocumentSignatureHelp -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.signatureHelp . _Just STextDocumentDeclaration -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.declaration . _Just STextDocumentDefinition -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.definition . _Just STextDocumentTypeDefinition -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.typeDefinition . _Just STextDocumentImplementation -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.implementation . _Just STextDocumentReferences -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.references . _Just STextDocumentDocumentHighlight -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.documentHighlight . _Just STextDocumentDocumentSymbol -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.documentSymbol . _Just STextDocumentCodeAction -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.codeAction . _Just STextDocumentCodeLens -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.codeLens . _Just STextDocumentDocumentLink -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.documentLink . _Just STextDocumentDocumentColor -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.colorProvider . _Just STextDocumentColorPresentation -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.colorProvider . _Just STextDocumentFormatting -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.formatting . _Just STextDocumentRangeFormatting -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.rangeFormatting . _Just STextDocumentOnTypeFormatting -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.onTypeFormatting . _Just STextDocumentRename -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.rename . _Just STextDocumentFoldingRange -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.foldingRange . _Just STextDocumentSelectionRange -> capDyn $ clientCaps ^? J.textDocument . _Just . J.selectionRange . _Just _ -> False -- | Sends a @client/unregisterCapability@ request and removes the handler -- for that associated registration. unregisterCapability :: MonadLsp config f => RegistrationToken m -> f () unregisterCapability (RegistrationToken m (RegistrationId uuid)) = do ~() <- case splitClientMethod m of IsClientReq -> do reqRegs <- getsState resRegistrationsReq let newMap = DMap.delete m reqRegs modifyState (\ctx -> ctx { resRegistrationsReq = newMap }) IsClientNot -> do notRegs <- getsState resRegistrationsNot let newMap = DMap.delete m notRegs modifyState (\ctx -> ctx { resRegistrationsNot = newMap }) IsClientEither -> error "Cannot unregister capability for custom methods" let unregistration = J.Unregistration uuid (J.SomeClientMethod m) params = J.UnregistrationParams (J.List [unregistration]) void $ sendRequest SClientUnregisterCapability params $ \_res -> pure () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROGRESS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storeProgress :: MonadLsp config m => ProgressToken -> Async a -> m () storeProgress n a = do let f = Map.insert n (cancelWith a ProgressCancelledException) . progressCancel modifyState $ \ctx -> ctx { resProgressData = (resProgressData ctx) { progressCancel = f (resProgressData ctx)}} deleteProgress :: MonadLsp config m => ProgressToken -> m () deleteProgress n = do let f = Map.delete n . progressCancel modifyState $ \ctx -> ctx { resProgressData = (resProgressData ctx) { progressCancel = f (resProgressData ctx)}} -- Get a new id for the progress session and make a new one getNewProgressId :: MonadLsp config m => m ProgressToken getNewProgressId = do stateState $ \ctx@LanguageContextState{resProgressData} -> let x = progressNextId resProgressData ctx' = ctx { resProgressData = resProgressData { progressNextId = x + 1 }} in (ProgressNumericToken x, ctx') withProgressBase :: MonadLsp c m => Bool -> Text -> ProgressCancellable -> ((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) -> m a withProgressBase indefinite title cancellable f = do progId <- getNewProgressId let initialPercentage | indefinite = Nothing | otherwise = Just 0 cancellable' = case cancellable of Cancellable -> True NotCancellable -> False -- Create progress token -- FIXME : This needs to wait until the request returns before -- continuing!!! _ <- sendRequest SWindowWorkDoneProgressCreate (WorkDoneProgressCreateParams progId) $ \res -> do case res of -- An error ocurred when the client was setting it up -- No need to do anything then, as per the spec Left _err -> pure () Right () -> pure () -- Send initial notification sendNotification SProgress $ fmap Begin $ ProgressParams progId $ WorkDoneProgressBeginParams title (Just cancellable') Nothing initialPercentage -- Send the begin and done notifications via 'bracket_' so that they are always fired res <- withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> E.bracket_ -- Send begin notification (runInBase $ sendNotification SProgress $ fmap Begin $ ProgressParams progId $ WorkDoneProgressBeginParams title (Just cancellable') Nothing initialPercentage) -- Send end notification (runInBase $ sendNotification SProgress $ End <$> ProgressParams progId (WorkDoneProgressEndParams Nothing)) $ do -- Run f asynchronously aid <- async $ runInBase $ f (updater progId) runInBase $ storeProgress progId aid wait aid -- Delete the progress cancellation from the map -- If we don't do this then it's easy to leak things as the map contains any IO action. deleteProgress progId return res where updater progId (ProgressAmount percentage msg) = do liftIO $ putStrLn "asdf" sendNotification SProgress $ fmap Report $ ProgressParams progId $ WorkDoneProgressReportParams Nothing msg percentage clientSupportsProgress :: J.ClientCapabilities -> Bool clientSupportsProgress (J.ClientCapabilities _ _ wc _) = fromMaybe False $ do (J.WindowClientCapabilities mProgress) <- wc mProgress -- | Wrapper for reporting progress to the client during a long running -- task. -- 'withProgress' @title cancellable f@ starts a new progress reporting -- session, and finishes it once f is completed. -- f is provided with an update function that allows it to report on -- the progress during the session. -- If @cancellable@ is 'Cancellable', @f@ will be thrown a -- 'ProgressCancelledException' if the user cancels the action in -- progress. withProgress :: MonadLsp c m => Text -> ProgressCancellable -> ((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) -> m a withProgress title cancellable f = do clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities if clientSupportsProgress clientCaps then withProgressBase False title cancellable f else f (const $ return ()) -- | Same as 'withProgress', but for processes that do not report the -- precentage complete. -- -- @since withIndefiniteProgress :: MonadLsp c m => Text -> ProgressCancellable -> m a -> m a withIndefiniteProgress title cancellable f = do clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities if clientSupportsProgress clientCaps then withProgressBase True title cancellable (const f) else f -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Aggregate all diagnostics pertaining to a particular version of a document, -- by source, and sends a @textDocument/publishDiagnostics@ notification with -- the total (limited by the first parameter) whenever it is updated. publishDiagnostics :: MonadLsp config m => Int -> NormalizedUri -> TextDocumentVersion -> DiagnosticsBySource -> m () publishDiagnostics maxDiagnosticCount uri version diags = join $ stateState $ \ctx -> let ds = updateDiagnostics (resDiagnostics ctx) uri version diags ctx' = ctx{resDiagnostics = ds} mdp = getDiagnosticParamsFor maxDiagnosticCount ds uri act = case mdp of Nothing -> return () Just params -> sendToClient $ J.fromServerNot $ J.NotificationMessage "2.0" J.STextDocumentPublishDiagnostics params in (act,ctx') -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Remove all diagnostics from a particular source, and send the updates to -- the client. flushDiagnosticsBySource :: MonadLsp config m => Int -- ^ Max number of diagnostics to send -> Maybe DiagnosticSource -> m () flushDiagnosticsBySource maxDiagnosticCount msource = join $ stateState $ \ctx -> let ds = flushBySource (resDiagnostics ctx) msource ctx' = ctx {resDiagnostics = ds} -- Send the updated diagnostics to the client act = forM_ (HM.keys ds) $ \uri -> do let mdp = getDiagnosticParamsFor maxDiagnosticCount ds uri case mdp of Nothing -> return () Just params -> do sendToClient $ J.fromServerNot $ J.NotificationMessage "2.0" J.STextDocumentPublishDiagnostics params in (act,ctx') -- ===================================================================== -- -- utility -- -- Logger -- setupLogger :: Maybe FilePath -> [String] -> Priority -> IO () setupLogger mLogFile extraLogNames level = do logStream <- case mLogFile of Just logFile -> openFile logFile AppendMode `E.catch` handleIOException logFile Nothing -> return stderr hSetEncoding logStream utf8 logH <- LHS.streamHandler logStream level let logHandle = logH {LHS.closeFunc = hClose} logFormatter = L.tfLogFormatter logDateFormat logFormat logHandler = LH.setFormatter logHandle logFormatter L.updateGlobalLogger L.rootLoggerName $ L.setHandlers ([] :: [LHS.GenericHandler Handle]) L.updateGlobalLogger "haskell-lsp" $ L.setHandlers [logHandler] L.updateGlobalLogger "haskell-lsp" $ L.setLevel level -- Also route the additional log names to the same log forM_ extraLogNames $ \logName -> do L.updateGlobalLogger logName $ L.setHandlers [logHandler] L.updateGlobalLogger logName $ L.setLevel level where logFormat = "$time [$tid] $prio $loggername:\t$msg" logDateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Q" handleIOException :: FilePath -> E.IOException -> IO Handle handleIOException logFile _ = do hPutStr stderr $ "Couldn't open log file " ++ logFile ++ "; falling back to stderr logging" return stderr -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The changes in a workspace edit should be applied from the end of the file -- toward the start. Sort them into this order. reverseSortEdit :: J.WorkspaceEdit -> J.WorkspaceEdit reverseSortEdit (J.WorkspaceEdit cs dcs) = J.WorkspaceEdit cs' dcs' where cs' :: Maybe J.WorkspaceEditMap cs' = (fmap . fmap ) sortTextEdits cs dcs' :: Maybe (J.List J.TextDocumentEdit) dcs' = (fmap . fmap ) sortTextDocumentEdits dcs sortTextEdits :: J.List J.TextEdit -> J.List J.TextEdit sortTextEdits (J.List edits) = J.List (L.sortBy down edits) sortTextDocumentEdits :: J.TextDocumentEdit -> J.TextDocumentEdit sortTextDocumentEdits (J.TextDocumentEdit td (J.List edits)) = J.TextDocumentEdit td (J.List edits') where edits' = L.sortBy down edits down (J.TextEdit r1 _) (J.TextEdit r2 _) = r2 `compare` r1