module Main (main) where import Data.List (dropWhileEnd) import SimpleCmd import SimpleCmdArgs import Safe (tailSafe) import System.FilePath import Paths_lsfrom (version) main :: IO () main = simpleCmdArgs (Just version) "List files from pattern" "lsfrom lists the files in a directory that follow from the given pattern" $ lsfrom <$> switchWith 's' "strict" "fail if specified file(s) do not exist" <*> switchWith 'A' "all" "include hidden (dot) files" <*> switchWith 'a' "after" "files after STARTFILE [default: from STARTFILE]" <*> optional (removeTrailing <$> strOptionWith 'u' "until" "LASTFILE" "files until FILE") <*> switchWith 'b' "before" "files before LASTFILE (only affects --until)" <*> (removeTrailing <$> strArg "STARTFILE") where removeTrailing "" = "" removeTrailing "/" = "/" removeTrailing f = if last f == '/' then removeTrailing $ init f else f lsfrom :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO () lsfrom strict hidden after muntil before file = case reverse (splitDirectories file) of [] -> error' "empty filename!" ("":_) -> error' "empty filename!" (entry@(e:_):revdir) -> do let dir = joinPath $ reverse revdir lsout <- cmd "ls" $ ["-A" | hidden || e == '.'] ++ [dir | not (null dir)] let lsEntries = lines lsout entryExists = entry `elem` lsEntries muntilExists = case muntil of Nothing -> Nothing Just until' -> Just (until', until' `elem` lsEntries) listingWith <- lines <$> if strict then return lsout else if entryExists then case muntilExists of Just (until',False) -> sortLs $ prepend until' lsout _ -> return lsout else case muntilExists of Just (until',False) -> sortLs $ if entry == until' then prepend entry lsout else prepend entry $ prepend until' lsout _ -> sortLs $ prepend entry lsout let result = takeUntil muntilExists $ (if after || not entryExists then tailSafe else id) $ dropWhile (entry /=) listingWith mapM_ (putStrLn . (renderDir dir )) result where renderDir dir = if dir == "./" then "" else dir sortLs :: String -> IO String sortLs = cmdStdIn "sort" [] prepend :: String -> String -> String prepend miss ls = miss ++ '\n' : ls takeUntil :: Maybe (String,Bool) -> [String] -> [String] takeUntil Nothing es = es takeUntil (Just _) [] = [] takeUntil (Just (until',exists)) es = case dropWhileEnd (until' /=) es of [] -> [] es' -> (if before || not exists then init else id) es'