{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- louse - distributed bugtracker -- Copyright (c) 2015, Peter Harpending. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at -- your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . -- | -- Module : Development.Louse -- Description : The louse library -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2015, Peter Harpending. -- License : GPL-3 -- Maintainer : Peter Harpending -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : UNIX/GHC -- -- This is the top-level module for the louse library. You only need to -- import this module, everything else will automatically be -- re-exported. -- -- Since: module Development.Louse (-- *** Convenience re-exports module Control.Exceptional -- * Creating pure-ish bugs ,Bug(..) -- *** Bug titles ,Title ,mkTitle ,unTitle -- *** Bug descriptions ,Description ,mkDescription ,unDescription -- ** People ,Person(..) ,Author ,Reporter -- ** Comments ,Comment(..) -- *** Comment text ,CommentText ,mkCommentText ,unCommentText -- *** Comment trees ,CommentTree ,unCommentTree -- * Converting to & from bugs ,ToBug(..) ,FromBug(..) -- * Converting to & from trees ,ToTree(..) ,FromTree(..) -- ** Forests are just lists of trees ,ToForest(..) ,FromForest(..)) where import Control.Exceptional import Crypto.Hash.SHA1 import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..)) import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as H #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)) import Data.Monoid #endif import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Data.Time import Data.Tree -- |The type for a bug -- -- Since: data Bug = Bug {bugTitle :: Title ,bugDescription :: Description ,bugAuthor :: Author ,bugTime :: UTCTime ,bugComments :: CommentTree} deriving (Eq,Show) -- |'Bug' is trivially an instance of 'FromBug' -- -- Since: instance FromBug Bug where fromBug = id -- |'Bug' is trivially an instance of 'ToBug' instance ToBug Bug where toBug = id -- |A newtype over 'Text'. Haskell doesn't have dependent types, so I -- have to use a hack called "smart constructors" to make sure -- -- > 0 < title_length <= 64 -- -- Use 'mkTitle' to make a title. Alternatively, you could turn on -- OverloadedStrings, and use 'Title''s 'IsString' instance: -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> "hello" :: Title -- Title {unTitle = "hello"} -- it :: Title -- -- Note that if you give invalid input, then there will be an error: -- -- >>> "" :: Title -- *** Exception: Title mustn't be empty. -- >>> fromString (mconcat (replicate 50 "foo")) :: Title -- *** Exception: Title mustn't be >64 characters long. -- -- Since: newtype Title = Title {unTitle :: Text} deriving (Eq) -- |Compares by the value of @unTitle@. -- -- Since: instance Ord Title where compare = comparing unTitle -- |Since: instance Show Title where show = T.unpack . unTitle -- |Note that this will throw an error if you give it an invalid value. -- -- Since: instance IsString Title where fromString s = case mkTitle (T.pack s) of Failure err -> error err Success s -> s -- |Attempt to make a title, returning an error message if the length is -- longer than 64 characters, or if the title is empty. -- -- Since: mkTitle :: Text -> Exceptional Title mkTitle t | T.null t = fail "Title mustn't be empty." | 64 < T.length t = fail "Title mustn't be >64 characters long." | otherwise = return (Title t) -- |Yet another newtype over 'Text'. This is to make sure the -- description is less than (or equal to) 8192 characters. -- -- Use 'mkDescription' to make a description. This is an instance of -- 'IsString', too, so, in pure code, you can just write plain strings, -- and turn on the OverloadedStrings extension. -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> "hello" :: Description -- Description {unDescription = "hello"} -- it :: Description -- -- If you give invalid input, then there will be an error: -- -- >>> "" :: Description -- *** Exception: Description mustn't be empty. -- -- Since: newtype Description = Description {unDescription :: Text} deriving (Eq) -- |Compares by the value of 'unDescription'. -- -- Since: instance Ord Description where compare = comparing unDescription -- |Since: instance Show Description where show = T.unpack . unDescription -- |Note that this will throw an error if given invalid input. -- -- Since: instance IsString Description where fromString s = case mkDescription (T.pack s) of Failure foo -> error foo Success bar -> bar -- |Attempt to make a description from a pure 'Text' value. This returns -- an error if the description is empty. -- -- Since: mkDescription :: Text -> Exceptional Description mkDescription t | T.null t = fail "Description mustn't be empty." | otherwise = return (Description t) -- |Type for a person. Just has email and name -- -- Since: data Person = Person {personName :: Text ,personEmail :: Text} deriving (Eq) -- | -- >>> Person "Joe Q. Public" "jqp@foo.bar.baz" -- Joe Q. Public -- it :: Person -- -- Since: instance Show Person where show (Person n e) = T.unpack (mconcat [n," <",e,">"]) -- |Alias for 'Person' -- -- Since: type Author = Person -- |Alias for 'Person' -- -- Since: type Reporter = Person -- |The type for a comment -- -- Since: data Comment = Comment {commentAuthor :: Author ,commentText :: CommentText ,subComments :: CommentTree} deriving (Eq,Show) -- |Comment text has the same requirements as a 'Description', so alias -- the two -- -- Since: type CommentText = Description -- |Alias for 'mkDescription' -- -- Since: mkCommentText :: Text -> Exceptional CommentText mkCommentText = mkDescription -- |Alias for 'unDescription' -- -- Since: unCommentText :: CommentText -> Text unCommentText = unDescription -- |This is similar to a Tree from containers, except it's implemented -- using lazy 'HashMap's. -- -- Specifically, this is a newtype over 'HashMap' 'ByteString' 'Comment'. The idea being that the key -- -- Since: newtype CommentTree = CommentTree {unCommentTree :: HashMap ByteString Comment} deriving (Eq,Show) -- |Since: instance ToForest CommentTree (Author,CommentText) where toForest commentTree = do (_,Comment auth txt subcomments) <- H.toList (unCommentTree commentTree) return (Node (auth,txt) (toForest subcomments)) -- |Typeclass to convert something to a 'Bug' class ToBug a where toBug :: a -> Bug -- |Convert something from a 'Bug' -- -- Since: class FromBug a where fromBug :: Bug -> a -- |Convert something of type @foo@ to a 'Tree' of type @bar@. -- -- Since: class ToTree foo bar where toTree :: foo -> Tree bar -- |Convert a 'Tree' of type @bar@s to something of type @foo@. -- -- Since: class FromTree bar foo where fromTree :: Tree bar -> foo -- |Convert something of type @foo@ to a 'Forest' of @bar@s. -- -- Since: class ToForest foo bar where toForest :: foo -> Forest bar -- |Since: instance (ToTree foo bar,Foldable t) => ToForest (t foo) bar where toForest = foldMap (\baz -> [toTree baz]) -- |Convert a 'Forest' of type @bar@ to something of type @foo@. -- -- Since: class FromForest bar foo where fromForest :: Forest bar -> foo -- |Since: instance (FromTree bar foo) => FromForest bar [foo] where fromForest = map fromTree