{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts,
             FlexibleInstances, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             NoImplicitPrelude, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies,
             TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | Symmetric-key somewhat homomorphic encryption.  See Section 4 of
-- http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1134 for mathematical description.

module Crypto.Lol.Applications.SymmSHE
-- * Data types
SK, PT, CT -- don't export constructors!
-- * Keygen, encryption, decryption
, genSK
, encrypt
, errorTerm, errorTermUnrestricted, decrypt, decryptUnrestricted
-- * Arithmetic with public values
, addScalar, addPublic, mulPublic
-- * Modulus switching
, rescaleLinearCT, modSwitchPT
-- * Key switching
, keySwitchLinear, keySwitchQuadCirc
-- * Ring switching
, embedSK, embedCT, twaceCT
, tunnelCT
-- * Constraint synonyms
, GenSKCtx, EncryptCtx, ToSDCtx, ErrorTermCtx
, DecryptCtx, DecryptUCtx
, AddScalarCtx, AddPublicCtx, MulPublicCtx, ModSwitchPTCtx
, KeySwitchCtx, KSHintCtx
, TunnelCtx
, SwitchCtx, LWECtx -- these are internal, but exported for better docs
) where

import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive (C)
import qualified Algebra.Ring     as Ring (C)

import Crypto.Lol as LP hiding (sin)
import Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.UCyc   (D, UCyc)

import Control.Applicative  hiding ((*>))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad        as CM
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable     as DT

import MathObj.Polynomial as P

-- | secret key
data SK r where
  SK  :: (ToRational v, NFData v) => v -> r -> SK r

-- | plaintext
type PT rp = rp

-- | Ciphertext encoding type
data Encoding = MSD | LSD deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Ciphertext over \( R'_q \) encrypting a plaintext in \( R_p \)\,
-- where \( R=\mathcal{O}_m \).
data CT (m :: Factored) zp r'q =
  !Encoding                     -- MSD/LSD encoding
  !Int                          -- accumulated power of g_m' in c(s)
  !zp                           -- factor to mul by upon decryption
  !(Polynomial r'q)             -- the polynomial c(s)
  deriving (Show)

-- Note: do *not* give an Eq instance for CT, because it's not
-- meaningful to compare ciphertexts for equality

instance (NFData zp, NFData r'q) => NFData (CT m zp r'q) where
  rnf (CT _ k sc cs) = rnf k `seq` rnf sc `seq` rnf cs

instance (NFData r) => NFData (SK r) where
  rnf (SK v s) = rnf v `seq` rnf s

---------- Basic functions: Gen, Enc, Dec ----------

-- | Constraint synonym for generating a secret key.
type GenSKCtx t m z v =
  (ToInteger z, Fact m, CElt t z, ToRational v, NFData v)

-- | Generates a secret key with (index-independent) scaled variance
-- parameter \( v \); see 'errorRounded'.
genSK :: (GenSKCtx t m z v, MonadRandom rnd)
         => v -> rnd (SK (Cyc t m z))
genSK v = liftM (SK v) $ errorRounded v

-- | Constraint synonym for encryption.
type EncryptCtx t m m' z zp zq =
  (Mod zp, Ring zp, Ring zq, Lift zp (ModRep zp), Random zq,
   Reduce z zq, Reduce (LiftOf zp) zq,
   CElt t zq, CElt t zp, CElt t z, CElt t (LiftOf zp),
   m `Divides` m')

-- | Encrypt a plaintext under a secret key.
encrypt :: forall t m m' z zp zq rnd .
  (EncryptCtx t m m' z zp zq, MonadRandom rnd)
  => SK (Cyc t m' z) -> PT (Cyc t m zp) -> rnd (CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq))
encrypt (SK svar s) =
  let sq = adviseCRT $ reduce s
  in \pt -> do
    e <- errorCoset svar (embed pt :: PT (Cyc t m' zp))
    c1 <- getRandom
    return $! CT LSD zero one $ fromCoeffs [reduce e - c1 * sq, c1]

-- | Constraint synonym for extracting the error term of a ciphertext.
type ErrorTermCtx t m' z zp zq =
  (Reduce z zq, Lift' zq, CElt t z, CElt t (LiftOf zq), ToSDCtx t m' zp zq)

-- | Extract the error term of a ciphertext.
errorTerm :: (ErrorTermCtx t m' z zp zq)
             => SK (Cyc t m' z) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> Cyc t m' (LiftOf zq)
errorTerm (SK _ s) = let sq = reduce s in
  \ct -> let (CT LSD _ _ c) = toLSD ct
         in liftCyc Dec $ evaluate c sq

-- for when we know the division must succeed
divG' :: (Fact m, CElt t r, IntegralDomain r) => Cyc t m r -> Cyc t m r
divG' = fromJust . divG

-- | Constraint synonym for decryption.
type DecryptCtx t m m' z zp zq =
  (ErrorTermCtx t m' z zp zq, Reduce (LiftOf zq) zp, IntegralDomain zp,
   m `Divides` m', CElt t zp)

-- | Decrypt a ciphertext.
decrypt :: forall t m m' z zp zq . (DecryptCtx t m m' z zp zq)
           => SK (Cyc t m' z) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> PT (Cyc t m zp)
decrypt sk ct =
  let ct'@(CT LSD k l _) = toLSD ct
  in let e :: Cyc t m' zp = reduce $ errorTerm sk ct'
     in (scalarCyc l) * twace (iterate divG' e !! k)

--- unrestricted versions ---
-- | Constraint synonym for unrestricted decryption.
type DecryptUCtx t m m' z zp zq =
  (Fact m, Fact m', CElt t zp, m `Divides` m',
   Reduce z zq, Lift' zq, CElt t z,
   ToSDCtx t m' zp zq, Reduce (LiftOf zq) zp, IntegralDomain zp)

-- | More general form of 'errorTerm' that works for unrestricted
-- output coefficient types.
errorTermUnrestricted ::
  (Reduce z zq, Lift' zq, CElt t z, ToSDCtx t m' zp zq)
  => SK (Cyc t m' z) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> UCyc t m' D (LiftOf zq)
errorTermUnrestricted (SK _ s) = let sq = reduce s in
  \ct -> let (CT LSD _ _ c) = toLSD ct
             eval = evaluate c sq
         in fmap lift $ uncycDec eval

-- | More general form of 'decrypt' that works for unrestricted output
-- coefficient types.
decryptUnrestricted :: (DecryptUCtx t m m' z zp zq)
  => SK (Cyc t m' z) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> PT (Cyc t m zp)
decryptUnrestricted (SK _ s) = let sq = reduce s in
  \ct -> let (CT LSD k l c) = toLSD ct
         in let eval = evaluate c sq
                e = cycDec $ fmap (reduce . lift) $ uncycDec eval
                l' = scalarCyc l
            in l' * twace (iterate divG' e !! k)

---------- LSD/MSD switching ----------

-- | Constraint synonym for converting between ciphertext encodings.
type ToSDCtx t m' zp zq = (Encode zp zq, Fact m', CElt t zq)

toLSD, toMSD :: ToSDCtx t m' zp zq
 => CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)

-- CJP: reduce duplication in these functions?  They differ in only two places

-- | Convert a ciphertext to MSD encoding.
toMSD = let (zpScale, zqScale) = lsdToMSD
            rqScale = scalarCyc zqScale
        in \ct@(CT enc k l c) -> case enc of
          MSD -> ct
          LSD -> CT MSD k (zpScale * l) ((rqScale *) <$> c)

-- | Convert a ciphertext to LSD encoding.
toLSD = let (zpScale, zqScale) = msdToLSD
            rqScale = scalarCyc zqScale
        in \ct@(CT enc k l c) -> case enc of
          LSD -> ct
          MSD -> CT LSD k (zpScale * l) ((rqScale *) <$> c)

---------- Modulus switching ----------

-- | Rescale a linear polynomial in MSD encoding, for best noise behavior.
rescaleLinearMSD :: (RescaleCyc (Cyc t) zq zq', Fact m')
                    => Polynomial (Cyc t m' zq) -> Polynomial (Cyc t m' zq')
rescaleLinearMSD c = case coeffs c of
  [] -> fromCoeffs []
  [c0] -> fromCoeffs [rescaleDec c0]
  [c0,c1] -> let c0' = rescaleDec c0
                 c1' = rescalePow c1
             in fromCoeffs [c0', c1']
  _ -> error $ "rescaleLinearMSD: list too long (not linear): " ++
       show (length $ coeffs c)

-- | Rescale a linear ciphertext to a new modulus.
rescaleLinearCT :: (RescaleCyc (Cyc t) zq zq', ToSDCtx t m' zp zq)
           => CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq')
rescaleLinearCT ct = let CT MSD k l c = toMSD ct
                     in CT MSD k l $ rescaleLinearMSD c

-- | Constraint synonym for modulus switching.
type ModSwitchPTCtx t m' zp zp' zq =
  (Lift' zp, Reduce (LiftOf zp) zp', ToSDCtx t m' zp zq)

-- | Homomorphically divide a plaintext that is known to be a multiple
-- of \( (p/p') \) by that factor, thereby scaling the plaintext modulus
-- from \( p \) to \( p' \).
modSwitchPT :: (ModSwitchPTCtx t m' zp zp' zq)
            => CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp' (Cyc t m' zq)
modSwitchPT ct = let CT MSD k l c = toMSD ct in
    CT MSD k (reduce (lift l)) c

---------- Key switching ----------

-- | Constraint synonym for generating an LWE sample.
type LWECtx t m' z zq =
  (ToInteger z, Reduce z zq, Ring zq, Random zq, Fact m', CElt t z, CElt t zq)

-- An LWE sample for a given secret (corresponding to a linear
-- ciphertext encrypting 0 in MSD form)
lweSample :: (LWECtx t m' z zq, MonadRandom rnd)
             => SK (Cyc t m' z) -> rnd (Polynomial (Cyc t m' zq))
lweSample (SK svar s) =
  -- adviseCRT because we call `replicateM (lweSample s)` below, but only want to do CRT once.
  let sq = adviseCRT $ negate $ reduce s
  in do
    e <- errorRounded svar
    c1 <- adviseCRT <$> getRandom -- want entire hint to be in CRT form
    return $ fromCoeffs [c1 * sq + reduce (e `asTypeOf` s), c1]

-- | Constraint synonym for generating key-switch hints.
type KSHintCtx gad t m' z zq =
  (LWECtx t m' z zq, Reduce (DecompOf zq) zq, Gadget gad zq,
   NFElt zq, CElt t (DecompOf zq))

-- | Generate a hint that "encrypts" a value under a secret key, in
-- the sense required for key-switching.  The hint works for any
-- plaintext modulus, but must be applied on a ciphertext in MSD form.
-- The output is 'force'd, i.e., evaluating it to whnf will actually
-- cause it to be be evaluated to nf.
ksHint :: (KSHintCtx gad t m' z zq, MonadRandom rnd)
          => SK (Cyc t m' z) -> Cyc t m' z
          -> rnd (Tagged gad [Polynomial (Cyc t m' zq)])
ksHint skout val = do -- rnd monad
  let valq = reduce val
      valgad = encode valq
  -- CJP: clunky, but that's what we get without a MonadTagged
  samples <- DT.mapM (\as -> replicateM (length as) (lweSample skout)) valgad
  return $! force $ zipWith (+) <$> (map P.const <$> valgad) <*> samples

-- poor man's module multiplication for knapsack
(*>>) :: (Ring r, Functor f) => r -> f r -> f r
(*>>) r = fmap (r *)

knapsack :: (Fact m', CElt t zq, r'q ~ Cyc t m' zq)
            => [Polynomial r'q] -> [r'q] -> Polynomial r'q
-- adviseCRT here because we map (x *) onto each polynomial coeff
knapsack hint xs = sum $ zipWith (*>>) (adviseCRT <$> xs) hint

-- | Constraint synonym for applying a key-switch hint.
type SwitchCtx gad t m' zq =
  (Decompose gad zq, Fact m', CElt t zq, CElt t (DecompOf zq))

-- Helper function: applies key-switch hint to a ring element.
switch :: (SwitchCtx gad t m' zq, r'q ~ Cyc t m' zq)
          => Tagged gad [Polynomial r'q] -> r'q -> Polynomial r'q
switch hint c = untag $ knapsack <$> hint <*> (fmap reduce <$> decompose c)

-- | Constraint synonym for key switching.
type KeySwitchCtx gad t m' zp zq zq' =
  (RescaleCyc (Cyc t) zq' zq, RescaleCyc (Cyc t) zq zq',
   ToSDCtx t m' zp zq, SwitchCtx gad t m' zq')

-- | Switch a linear ciphertext under \( s_{\text{in}} \) to a linear
-- one under \( s_{\text{out}} \).
keySwitchLinear :: forall gad t m' zp zq zq' z rnd m .
  (KeySwitchCtx gad t m' zp zq zq', KSHintCtx gad t m' z zq', MonadRandom rnd)
  => SK (Cyc t m' z)                -- sout
  -> SK (Cyc t m' z)                -- sin
  -> TaggedT (gad, zq') rnd (CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq))
keySwitchLinear skout (SK _ sin) = tagT $ do
  hint :: Tagged gad [Polynomial (Cyc t m' zq')] <- ksHint skout sin
  return $! hint `seq`
    (\ct -> let CT MSD k l c = toMSD ct
                [c0,c1] = coeffs c
                c1' = rescalePow c1
            in CT MSD k l $ P.const c0 + rescaleLinearMSD (switch hint c1'))

-- | Switch a quadratic ciphertext (i.e., one with three components)
-- to a linear one under the /same/ key.
keySwitchQuadCirc :: forall gad t m' zp zq zq' z m rnd .
  (KeySwitchCtx gad t m' zp zq zq', KSHintCtx gad t m' z zq', MonadRandom rnd)
  => SK (Cyc t m' z)
  -> TaggedT (gad, zq') rnd (CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq))
keySwitchQuadCirc sk@(SK _ s) = tagT $ do
  hint :: Tagged gad [Polynomial (Cyc t m' zq')] <- ksHint sk (s*s)
  return $ hint `seq` (\ct ->
    let CT MSD k l c = toMSD ct
        [c0,c1,c2] = coeffs c
        c2' = rescalePow c2
    in CT MSD k l $ P.fromCoeffs [c0,c1] + rescaleLinearMSD (switch hint c2'))

---------- Misc homomorphic operations ----------
-- | Constraint synonym for adding a public scalar to a ciphertext.
type AddScalarCtx t m' zp zq =
  (Lift' zp, Reduce (LiftOf zp) zq,
   CElt t zp, CElt t (LiftOf zp), ToSDCtx t m' zp zq)

-- | Homomorphically add a public \(\mathbb{Z}_p\) value to an encrypted value.
addScalar :: forall t m m' zp zq . (AddScalarCtx t m' zp zq)
          => zp -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)
addScalar b ct =
  let CT LSD k l c = toLSD ct
      b' = iterate mulG (scalarCyc $ b * recip l) !! k :: Cyc t m' zp
  in CT LSD k l $ c + (P.const $ reduce $ liftPow b')

-- | Constraint synonym for adding a public value to an encrypted value.
type AddPublicCtx t m m' zp zq =
  (Lift' zp, Reduce (LiftOf zp) zq, m `Divides` m',
   CElt t zp, CElt t (LiftOf zp), ToSDCtx t m' zp zq)

-- | Homomorphically add a public \( R_p \) value to an encrypted
-- value.
addPublic :: forall t m m' zp zq . (AddPublicCtx t m m' zp zq)
          => Cyc t m zp -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)
addPublic b ct = let CT LSD k l c = toLSD ct in
  let linv = scalarCyc $ recip l
      -- multiply public value by appropriate power of g and divide by the
      -- scale, to match the form of the ciphertext
      b' :: Cyc t m zq = reduce $ liftPow $ linv * (iterate mulG b !! k)
  in CT LSD k l $ c + P.const (embed b')

-- | Constraint synonym for multiplying a public value with an encrypted value.
type MulPublicCtx t m m' zp zq =
  (Lift' zp, Reduce (LiftOf zp) zq, Ring zq, m `Divides` m',
   CElt t zp, CElt t (LiftOf zp), CElt t zq)

-- | Homomorphically multiply an encrypted value by a public \( R_p \)
-- value.
mulPublic :: forall t m m' zp zq . (MulPublicCtx t m m' zp zq)
             => Cyc t m zp -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)
mulPublic a (CT enc k l c) =
  let a' = embed (reduce $ liftPow a :: Cyc t m zq)
  in CT enc k l $ (a' *) <$> c

-- | Increment the internal \( g \) exponent without changing the
-- encrypted message.
mulGCT :: (Fact m', CElt t zq)
          => CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)
mulGCT (CT enc k l c) = CT enc (k+1) l $ mulG <$> c

---------- NumericPrelude instances ----------

instance (Eq zp, m `Divides` m', ToSDCtx t m' zp zq)
         => Additive.C (CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)) where

  zero = CT LSD 0 one zero

  -- the scales, g-exponents of ciphertexts, and MSD/LSD types must match.
  ct1@(CT enc1 k1 l1 c1) + ct2@(CT enc2 k2 l2 c2)
      -- for simplicity, we don't currently support this. Shouldn't be
      -- too complicated though.
      | l1 /= l2 = error "Cannot add ciphertexts with different scale values"
      | k1 < k2 = iterate mulGCT ct1 !! (k2-k1) + ct2
      | k1 > k2 = ct1 + iterate mulGCT ct2 !! (k1-k2)
      | enc1 == LSD && enc2 == MSD = toMSD ct1 + ct2
      | enc1 == MSD && enc2 == LSD = ct1 + toMSD ct2
      | otherwise = CT enc1 k1 l1 $ c1 + c2

  negate (CT enc k l c) = CT enc k l $ negate <$> c

instance (ToSDCtx t m' zp zq, Additive (CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)))
  => Ring.C (CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)) where

  one = CT LSD 0 one one

  -- need at least one ct to be in LSD form
  ct1@(CT MSD _ _ _) * ct2@(CT MSD _ _ _) = toLSD ct1 * ct2

  -- first is in LSD
  (CT LSD k1 l1 c1) * (CT d2 k2 l2 c2) =
    -- mul by g so error maintains invariant: error*g is "round"
    CT d2 (k1+k2+1) (l1*l2) (mulG <$> c1 * c2)

  -- else, second must be in LSD
  ct1 * ct2 = ct2 * ct1

---------- Ring switching ----------

type AbsorbGCtx t m' zp zq =
  (Lift' zp, IntegralDomain zp, Reduce (LiftOf zp) zq, Ring zq,
   Fact m', CElt t (LiftOf zp), CElt t zp, CElt t zq)

-- | "Absorb" the powers of \( g \) associated with the ciphertext, at
-- the cost of some increase in noise. This is usually needed before
-- changing the index of the ciphertext ring.
absorbGFactors :: forall t zp zq m m' . (AbsorbGCtx t m' zp zq)
                  => CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq) -> CT m zp (Cyc t m' zq)
absorbGFactors ct@(CT enc k l c)
  | k == 0 = ct
  | k > 0 = let d :: Cyc t m' zp = iterate divG' one !! k
                rep = adviseCRT $ reduce $ liftPow d
            in CT enc 0 l $ (rep *) <$> c
  | otherwise = error "k < 0 in absorbGFactors"

-- | Embed a ciphertext in \( R' \) encrypting a plaintext in \( R \) to
-- a ciphertext in \( T' \) encrypting a plaintext in \( T \). The target
-- ciphertext ring \( T' \) must contain both the the source ciphertext
-- ring \( R' \) and the target plaintext ring \( T \).
embedCT :: (CElt t zq,
            r `Divides` r', s `Divides` s', r `Divides` s, r' `Divides` s')
           => CT r zp (Cyc t r' zq) -> CT s zp (Cyc t s' zq)
-- We could call absorbGFactors first, insead of error.  Embedding
-- *essentially* maintains the invariant that noise*g is "round."
-- While g'/g can be non-spherical, it only stretches by at most a
-- factor of 2 per new odd prime.  We *cannot* multiply by g, then
-- embed, then divide by g' because the result would not remain in R'.
-- So this is the best we can do.
embedCT (CT d 0 l c) = CT d 0 l (embed <$> c)
embedCT _ = error "embedCT requires 0 factors of g; call aborbGFactors first"

-- | Embed a secret key from a subring into a superring.
embedSK :: (m `Divides` m') => SK (Cyc t m z) -> SK (Cyc t m' z)
embedSK (SK v s) = SK v $ embed s

-- | "Tweaked trace" function for ciphertexts.  Mathematically, the
-- target plaintext ring \( S \) must contain the intersection of the
-- source plaintext ring \( T \) and the target ciphertext ring \( S'
-- \).  Here we make the stricter requirement that \( s = \gcd(s', t)
-- \).
twaceCT :: (CElt t zq, r `Divides` r', s' `Divides` r',
            s ~ (FGCD s' r))
           => CT r zp (Cyc t r' zq) -> CT s zp (Cyc t s' zq)
-- we could call absorbGFactors first, insead of error
twaceCT (CT d 0 l c) = CT d 0 l (twace <$> c)
twaceCT _ = error "twaceCT requires 0 factors of g; call absorbGFactors first"

-- | Constraint synonym for ring tunneling.
type TunnelCtx t e r s e' r' s' z zp zq gad =
  (ExtendLinIdx e r s e' r' s',     -- liftLin
   e' ~ (e * (r' / r)),             -- convenience; implied by prev constraint
   ToSDCtx t r' zp zq,              -- toMSD
   KSHintCtx gad t r' z zq,         -- ksHint
   Reduce z zq,                     -- Reduce on Linear
   Lift zp z,                       -- liftLin
   IntegralDomain zp,               -- absorbGFactors
   CElt t zp,                       -- liftLin
   SwitchCtx gad t s' zq)           -- switch

-- | Homomorphically apply the \( E \)-linear function that maps the
-- elements of the decoding basis of \( R/E \) to the corresponding
-- \( S \)-elements in the input array.
tunnelCT :: forall gad t e r s e' r' s' z zp zq rnd .
  (TunnelCtx t e r s e' r' s' z zp zq gad,
   MonadRandom rnd)
  => Linear t zp e r s
  -> SK (Cyc t s' z)
  -> SK (Cyc t r' z)
  -> TaggedT gad rnd (CT r zp (Cyc t r' zq) -> CT s zp (Cyc t s' zq))
tunnelCT f skout (SK _ sin) = tagT $ (do -- in rnd
  -- generate hints
  let f' = extendLin $ lift f :: Linear t z e' r' s'
      f'q = reduce f' :: Linear t zq e' r' s'
      -- choice of basis here must match coeffs* basis below
      ps = proxy powBasis (Proxy::Proxy e')
      comps = (evalLin f' . (adviseCRT sin *)) <$> ps
  hints :: [Tagged gad [Polynomial (Cyc t s' zq)]] <- CM.mapM (ksHint skout) comps
  return $ hints `deepseq` \ct ->
    let CT MSD 0 s c = toMSD $ absorbGFactors ct
        [c0,c1] = coeffs c
        -- apply E-linear function to constant term c0
        c0' = evalLin f'q c0
        -- apply E-linear function to c1 via key-switching
        -- this basis must match the basis used above to generate the hints
        c1s = coeffsPow c1 :: [Cyc t e' zq]
        -- CJP: don't embed the c1s before decomposing them (inside
        -- switch); instead decompose in smaller ring before
        -- embedding (it matters).
        -- We may need to generalize switch or define an
        -- alternative.
        c1s' = zipWith switch hints (embed <$> c1s)
        c1' = sum c1s'
    in CT MSD 0 s $ P.const c0' + c1')
      \\ lcmDivides (Proxy::Proxy r) (Proxy::Proxy e')