module Numeric.Log
( Log(..)
, Precise(..)
, sum
) where
import Prelude hiding (maximum, sum)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Comonad
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Complex
import Data.Data
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Foldable as Foldable hiding (sum)
import Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Functor.Extend
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Hashable.Extras
import Data.Int
import Data.List as List hiding (sum)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup.Traversable
import Data.Serialize as Serialize
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U hiding (sum)
import Data.Vector.Generic as G hiding (sum)
import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706
import Generics.Deriving
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Read as T
import Text.Show as T
newtype Log a = Exp { ln :: a } deriving (Eq,Ord,Data,Typeable,Generic)
instance SafeCopy a => SafeCopy (Log a) where
putCopy (Exp arg_afqB)
= contain
(do { safePut_a_afqC <- getSafePut;
safePut_a_afqC arg_afqB;
return () })
= contain
(do { safeGet_a_afqD <- getSafeGet;
((return Exp) <*> safeGet_a_afqD) }))
version = 1
kind = base
errorTypeName _ = "Numeric.Log.Log"
instance (Floating a, Show a) => Show (Log a) where
showsPrec d (Exp a) = T.showsPrec d (exp a)
instance (Floating a, Read a) => Read (Log a) where
readPrec = Exp . log <$> step T.readPrec
instance Binary a => Binary (Log a) where
put = Binary.put . ln
get = Exp <$> Binary.get
instance Serialize a => Serialize (Log a) where
put = Serialize.put . ln
get = Exp <$> Serialize.get
instance Serial a => Serial (Log a) where
serialize = serialize . ln
deserialize = Exp <$> deserialize
instance Serial1 Log where
serializeWith f = f . ln
deserializeWith m = Exp <$> m
instance Functor Log where
fmap f (Exp a) = Exp (f a)
instance Hashable a => Hashable (Log a) where
hashWithSalt i (Exp a) = hashWithSalt i a
instance Hashable1 Log
instance Storable a => Storable (Log a) where
sizeOf = sizeOf . ln
alignment = alignment . ln
peek ptr = Exp <$> peek (castPtr ptr)
poke ptr (Exp a) = poke (castPtr ptr) a
instance NFData a => NFData (Log a) where
rnf (Exp a) = rnf a
instance Foldable Log where
foldMap f (Exp a) = f a
instance Foldable1 Log where
foldMap1 f (Exp a) = f a
instance Traversable Log where
traverse f (Exp a) = Exp <$> f a
instance Traversable1 Log where
traverse1 f (Exp a) = Exp <$> f a
instance Distributive Log where
distribute = Exp . fmap ln
instance Extend Log where
extended f w@Exp{} = Exp (f w)
instance Comonad Log where
extract (Exp a) = a
extend f w@Exp{} = Exp (f w)
instance Applicative Log where
pure = Exp
Exp f <*> Exp a = Exp (f a)
instance ComonadApply Log where
Exp f <@> Exp a = Exp (f a)
instance Apply Log where
Exp f <.> Exp a = Exp (f a)
instance Bind Log where
Exp a >>- f = f a
instance Monad Log where
return = Exp
Exp a >>= f = f a
instance (RealFloat a, Precise a, Enum a) => Enum (Log a) where
succ a = a + 1
pred a = a 1
toEnum = fromIntegral
fromEnum = round . exp . ln
enumFrom (Exp a) = [ Exp (log b) | b <- Prelude.enumFrom (exp a) ]
enumFromThen (Exp a) (Exp b) = [ Exp (log c) | c <- Prelude.enumFromThen (exp a) (exp b) ]
enumFromTo (Exp a) (Exp b) = [ Exp (log c) | c <- Prelude.enumFromTo (exp a) (exp b) ]
enumFromThenTo (Exp a) (Exp b) (Exp c) = [ Exp (log d) | d <- Prelude.enumFromThenTo (exp a) (exp b) (exp c) ]
negInf :: Fractional a => a
negInf = (1/0)
instance (Precise a, RealFloat a) => Num (Log a) where
Exp a * Exp b = Exp (a + b)
Exp a + Exp b
| a == b && isInfinite a && isInfinite b = Exp a
| a >= b = Exp (a + log1pexp (b a))
| otherwise = Exp (b + log1pexp (a b))
Exp a Exp b
| isInfinite a && isInfinite b && a < 0 && b < 0 = Exp negInf
| otherwise = Exp (a + log1mexp (b a))
signum a
| a == 0 = Exp negInf
| a > 0 = Exp 0
| otherwise = Exp (0/0)
negate (Exp a)
| isInfinite a && a < 0 = Exp negInf
| otherwise = Exp (0/0)
abs = id
fromInteger = Exp . log . fromInteger
instance (Precise a, RealFloat a, Eq a) => Fractional (Log a) where
Exp a / Exp b = Exp (ab)
fromRational = Exp . log . fromRational
instance (Precise a, RealFloat a) => RealFrac (Log a) where
properFraction l
| ln l < 0 = (0, l)
| otherwise = (\(b,a) -> (b, Exp $ log a)) $ properFraction $ exp (ln l)
newtype instance U.MVector s (Log a) = MV_Log (U.MVector s a)
newtype instance U.Vector (Log a) = V_Log (U.Vector a)
instance (RealFloat a, Unbox a) => Unbox (Log a)
instance (RealFloat a, Unbox a) => M.MVector U.MVector (Log a) where
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
basicLength (MV_Log v) = M.basicLength v
basicUnsafeSlice i n (MV_Log v) = MV_Log $ M.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
basicOverlaps (MV_Log v1) (MV_Log v2) = M.basicOverlaps v1 v2
basicUnsafeNew n = MV_Log `liftM` M.basicUnsafeNew n
basicUnsafeReplicate n (Exp x) = MV_Log `liftM` M.basicUnsafeReplicate n x
basicUnsafeRead (MV_Log v) i = Exp `liftM` M.basicUnsafeRead v i
basicUnsafeWrite (MV_Log v) i (Exp x) = M.basicUnsafeWrite v i x
basicClear (MV_Log v) = M.basicClear v
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
basicInitialize (MV_Log v) = M.basicInitialize v
basicSet (MV_Log v) (Exp x) = M.basicSet v x
basicUnsafeCopy (MV_Log v1) (MV_Log v2) = M.basicUnsafeCopy v1 v2
basicUnsafeGrow (MV_Log v) n = MV_Log `liftM` M.basicUnsafeGrow v n
instance (RealFloat a, Unbox a) => G.Vector U.Vector (Log a) where
basicUnsafeFreeze (MV_Log v) = V_Log `liftM` G.basicUnsafeFreeze v
basicUnsafeThaw (V_Log v) = MV_Log `liftM` G.basicUnsafeThaw v
basicLength (V_Log v) = G.basicLength v
basicUnsafeSlice i n (V_Log v) = V_Log $ G.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
basicUnsafeIndexM (V_Log v) i = Exp `liftM` G.basicUnsafeIndexM v i
basicUnsafeCopy (MV_Log mv) (V_Log v) = G.basicUnsafeCopy mv v
elemseq _ (Exp x) z = G.elemseq (undefined :: U.Vector a) x z
instance (Precise a, RealFloat a, Ord a) => Real (Log a) where
toRational (Exp a) = toRational (exp a)
data Acc1 a = Acc1 !Int64 !a
instance (Precise a, RealFloat a) => Monoid (Log a) where
mempty = Exp negInf
mappend = (+)
mconcat [] = 0
mconcat (Exp z:zs) = Exp $ case List.foldl' step1 (Acc1 0 z) zs of
Acc1 nm1 a
| isInfinite a -> a
| otherwise -> a + log1p (List.foldl' (step2 a) 0 zs + fromIntegral nm1)
step1 (Acc1 n y) (Exp x) = Acc1 (n + 1) (max x y)
step2 a r (Exp x) = r + expm1 (x a)
logMap :: Floating a => (a -> a) -> Log a -> Log a
logMap f = Exp . log . f . exp . ln
data Acc a = Acc !Int64 !a | None
sum :: (RealFloat a, Ord a, Precise a, Foldable f) => f (Log a) -> Log a
sum xs = Exp $ case Foldable.foldl' step1 None xs of
None -> negInf
Acc nm1 a
| isInfinite a -> a
| otherwise -> a + log1p (Foldable.foldl' (step2 a) 0 xs + fromIntegral nm1)
step1 None (Exp x) = Acc 0 x
step1 (Acc n y) (Exp x) = Acc (n + 1) (max x y)
step2 a r (Exp x) = r + expm1 (x a)
instance (RealFloat a, Precise a) => Floating (Log a) where
pi = Exp (log pi)
exp (Exp a) = Exp (exp a)
log (Exp a) = Exp (log a)
Exp b ** Exp e = Exp (b * exp e)
sqrt (Exp a) = Exp (a / 2)
logBase (Exp a) (Exp b) = Exp (log (logBase (exp a) (exp b)))
sin = logMap sin
cos = logMap cos
tan = logMap tan
asin = logMap asin
acos = logMap acos
atan = logMap atan
sinh = logMap sinh
cosh = logMap cosh
tanh = logMap tanh
asinh = logMap asinh
acosh = logMap acosh
atanh = logMap atanh
class Floating a => Precise a where
log1p :: a -> a
expm1 :: a -> a
log1pexp :: a -> a
log1pexp a = log1p (exp a)
log1mexp :: a -> a
log1mexp a = log1p (negate (exp a))
instance Precise Double where
log1p = c_log1p
expm1 = c_expm1
log1mexp a
| a <= log 2 = log (negate (expm1 a))
| otherwise = log1p (negate (exp a))
log1pexp a
| a <= 18 = log1p (exp a)
| a <= 100 = a + exp (negate a)
| otherwise = a
instance Precise Float where
log1p = c_log1pf
expm1 = c_expm1f
log1mexp a | a <= log 2 = log (negate (expm1 a))
| otherwise = log1p (negate (exp a))
log1pexp a
| a <= 18 = log1p (exp a)
| a <= 100 = a + exp (negate a)
| otherwise = a
instance (RealFloat a, Precise a) => Precise (Complex a) where
expm1 x@(a :+ b)
| a*a + b*b < 1, u <- expm1 a, v <- sin (b/2), w <- 2*v*v = (u*w+u+w) :+ (u+1)*sin b
| otherwise = exp x 1
log1p x@(a :+ b)
| abs a < 0.5 && abs b < 0.5, u <- 2*a+a*a+b*b = log1p (u/(1+sqrt (u+1))) :+ atan2 (1 + a) b
| otherwise = log (1 + x)
#ifdef __USE_FFI__
foreign import ccall unsafe "math.h log1p" c_log1p :: Double -> Double
foreign import ccall unsafe "math.h expm1" c_expm1 :: Double -> Double
foreign import ccall unsafe "math.h expm1f" c_expm1f :: Float -> Float
foreign import ccall unsafe "math.h log1pf" c_log1pf :: Float -> Float
c_log1p :: Double -> Double
c_log1p x = log (1 + x)
c_expm1 :: Double -> Double
c_expm1 x = exp x 1
c_expm1f :: Float -> Float
c_expm1f x = exp x 1
c_log1pf :: Float -> Float
c_log1pf x = log (1 + x)