# log-base- (2021-03-01) * Add a `LogList` logger # log-base- (2020-09-07) * Always make data attached to a log message a json object * Add unliftio-core-0.2 compatiblity * Tidy up flushing stdout in stdout loggers * Use `simpleStdoutLogger` in `withSimpleStdOutLogger` instead of `stdoutLogger` * Remove deprecated functions * Add JSON loggers * Make `mkLogger` use bounded queue internally (similar to `mkBulkLogger`) * Get rid of a space leak in bounded queue used in `mkBulkLogger` # log-base- (2020-05-08) * Update version bounds. # log-base- (2019-04-09) * Add `getLoggerEnv` function to `MonadLog` class, add `getLoggerIO` utility ([#46](https://github.com/scrive/log/pull/46)). * Add a `MonadUnliftIO` instance for `LogT` ([#47](https://github.com/scrive/log/pull/47)). # log-base- (2017-10-27) * Add `mkBulkLogger'` ([#40](https://github.com/scrive/log/pull/40)). # log-base- (2017-10-10) * `BasicStdOutLogger` now flushes stdout on each write. `BulkStdOutLogger` now flushes stdout on each bulk write ([#38](https://github.com/scrive/log/issues/38)). # log-base- (2017-08-10) * Add 'MFunctor LogT' instance ([#35](https://github.com/scrive/log/issues/35) ). # log-base- (2017-06-19) * mkBulkLogger now uses a bounded queue to interact with the logger thread. # log-base-0.7.1 (2017-03-16) * Added a few MTL class instances ([#28](https://github.com/scrive/log/issues/28)). # log-base-0.7 (2016-11-25) * Initial release (split from the log package). * Improved documentation ([#22](https://github.com/scrive/log/issues/22)). * Implement 'toEncoding' directly in 'ToJSON' instances ([#21](https://github.com/scrive/log/issues/21)).