# lnd-client Lightning Network Daemon (LND) client library for Haskell. Docker is the only thing required to get started. Development environment is packed into [nix-shell](https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/developing-with-nix-shell.html) ```bash # start nix-shell ./nix/shell.sh # run tests in nix-shell stack test # develop in nix-shell vi . ``` Optional nix-shell environment variables ```bash vi ~/.zshrc export VIM_BACKGROUND="light" # or "dark" export VIM_COLOR_SCHEME="PaperColor" # or "jellybeans" ``` # gRPC schema upgrade - we are using lnd version 0.13.1-beta.rc2 - download fresh grpc files to proto directory - run `./script/generate-protoc.sh`