{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- import Test.QuickCheck
import Database.LMDB.Raw
import Database.LMDB
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import System.IO.Unsafe

import System.Directory -- (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist,listDirectory)
import System.IO.Temp
import System.FilePath
import Text.Printf
import Data.IORef
import qualified  Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified  Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import qualified Crypto.Random as CR
import Data.Binary
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits

import System.Process

{-# NOINLINE globalDBS #-}
globalDBS :: MVar DBS
globalDBS = unsafePerformIO $ newEmptyMVar

createTable1 = do
    env <- readMVar globalDBS
    putStrLn "Creating table1 with DUPSORT flag."
    createAppendDupDB env "table1"

withSystemTempDirectory0 _ f = f "DBFOLDER"

initGlobalEnv = withSystemTempDirectory0 "checkLMDBXXXX" $ \dir -> do
    printf "lmdb environment: %s\n" dir
    createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
    b <- doesDirectoryExist dir
    if b then do
                putStrLn "dir exists." 
                writeFile (dir </> "A" ) "TEMPR" 
                -- xs <- listDirectory dir
                -- print xs
                --pid <- runCommand ("caja " ++ dir)
                --exitC <- waitForProcess pid
                --printf "exitC=%s\n" (show exitC)
                getPermissions dir >>= print
                p <- canonicalizePath dir
                print p
         else putStrLn "NO DIRECTORY!"
    initDBS dir >>= putMVar globalDBS

withGlobal = bracket (readMVar globalDBS ) shutDownDBS 
withTable1 = bracket (readMVar globalDBS >>= flip openAppendDupDB "table1") closeDB 

-- | 'prop_always' always succeeds, just testing my quickcheck understanding
-- prop_always = forAll (arbitrary :: Gen Int) (const True)

-- runTests = $quickCheckAll
main = do
    -- void runTests 
    dbs <- readMVar globalDBS
    withTable1 $ \db -> do
        add db "key" "This"
        add db "key" "should"
        add db "key" "still"
        add db "key" "be"
        add db "key" "in"
        add db "key" "order."
    putStrLn "Environments:"
    listEnv >>= print
    putStr " 1 isOpen : " >> isOpenEnv "DBFOLDER" >>= print
    shutDownDBS dbs
    putStrLn "Closing dbs ..."
    threadDelay 2000
    putStr " 2 isOpen : " >> isOpenEnv "DBFOLDER" >>= print
    newdbs <- openDBS dbs
    modifyMVar_ globalDBS (const . return $ newdbs)
    withTable1 $ \db -> do
        add db "key" "And"
        add db "key" "this"
        add db "key" "follows."
    withTable1 $ \db -> do
        (kvs,finalize) <- unsafeDumpToList db
        mapM_ (print . snd) kvs
    shutDownDBS dbs
    bER <- newIORef False
    flip mapM_ [0  .. 1000] $ \_ -> do
        (x,_) <- CR.randomBytesGenerate 8 <$> makeGen Nothing
        let  cutoff = fromIntegral (maxBound::Word32) :: Word64
             y'= decode (L.fromChunks [x]) :: Word64
             mas = if y' `mod` 2 == 0 then 0xffffffff00000000
                                      else 0x00000000ffffffff
             y = y' .&. mas
             z = if y > cutoff then byteSwap64 y else y
             in if z > cutoff
                              then do
                                      writeIORef bER True
                                      putStrLn ("FAIL: " ++ show z)
                              else return ()

    bE <- readIORef bER
    if bE then putStrLn "Test Failed"
          else putStrLn "Test Succeeded."