module LLVM.Core.Type(
IsInteger, Signed,
IsSized, SizeOf, sizeOf,
IsScalarOrVector, NumberOfElements,
(:&), (&),
VarArgs, CastVarArgs,
) where
import qualified LLVM.FFI.Core as FFI
import LLVM.Core.Util (functionType, structType)
import LLVM.Core.Data
import LLVM.Util.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import qualified Type.Data.Num.Decimal.Number as Dec
import Type.Data.Num.Decimal.Number ((:*:))
import Type.Data.Num.Decimal.Literal (D1, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D99)
import Type.Data.Bool (True, False)
import Foreign.StablePtr (StablePtr, )
import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr, Ptr)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
#include "MachDeps.h"
class IsType a where
typeDesc :: Proxy a -> TypeDesc
typeRef :: (IsType a) => Proxy a -> IO FFI.TypeRef
typeRef = code . typeDesc
where code TDFloat = FFI.floatType
code TDDouble = FFI.doubleType
code TDFP128 = FFI.fP128Type
code TDVoid = FFI.voidType
code (TDInt _ n) = FFI.integerType (fromInteger n)
code (TDArray n a) = withCode FFI.arrayType (code a) (fromInteger n)
code (TDVector n a) = withCode FFI.vectorType (code a) (fromInteger n)
code (TDPtr a) = withCode FFI.pointerType (code a) 0
code (TDFunction va as b) = do
bt <- code b
ast <- mapM code as
functionType va bt ast
code TDLabel = FFI.labelType
code (TDStruct ts packed) = withCode structType (mapM code ts) packed
code TDInvalidType = error "typeRef TDInvalidType"
unsafeTypeRef :: (IsType a) => Proxy a -> FFI.TypeRef
unsafeTypeRef = unsafePerformIO . typeRef
withCode ::
Monad m =>
(a -> b -> m c) ->
m a -> b -> m c
withCode f mx y =
mx >>= \x -> f x y
typeName :: (IsType a) => Proxy a -> String
typeName = code . typeDesc
where code TDFloat = "f32"
code TDDouble = "f64"
code TDFP128 = "f128"
code TDVoid = "void"
code (TDInt _ n) = "i" ++ show n
code (TDArray n a) = "[" ++ show n ++ " x " ++ code a ++ "]"
code (TDVector n a) = "<" ++ show n ++ " x " ++ code a ++ ">"
code (TDPtr a) = code a ++ "*"
code (TDFunction _ as b) = code b ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (map code as) ++ ")"
code TDLabel = "label"
code (TDStruct as packed) = (if packed then "<{" else "{") ++
intercalate "," (map code as) ++
(if packed then "}>" else "}")
code TDInvalidType = error "typeName TDInvalidType"
intrinsicTypeName :: (IsType a) => Proxy a -> String
intrinsicTypeName = code . typeDesc
where code TDFloat = "f32"
code TDDouble = "f64"
code TDFP128 = "f128"
code (TDInt _ n) = "i" ++ show n
code (TDVector n a) = "v" ++ show n ++ code a
code _ = error "intrinsicTypeName: type not supported in intrinsics"
typeDesc2 :: FFI.TypeRef -> IO TypeDesc
typeDesc2 t = do
tk <- FFI.getTypeKind t
case tk of
FFI.VoidTypeKind -> return TDVoid
FFI.FloatTypeKind -> return TDFloat
FFI.DoubleTypeKind -> return TDDouble
FFI.FP128TypeKind -> return TDFP128
FFI.LabelTypeKind -> return TDLabel
FFI.IntegerTypeKind -> do
n <- FFI.getIntTypeWidth t
return $ TDInt False (fromIntegral n)
FFI.ArrayTypeKind -> do
n <- FFI.getArrayLength t
et <- FFI.getElementType t
etd <- typeDesc2 et
return $ TDArray (fromIntegral n) etd
FFI.PointerTypeKind -> do
et <- FFI.getElementType t
etd <- typeDesc2 et
return $ TDPtr etd
FFI.VectorTypeKind -> do
n <- FFI.getVectorSize t
et <- FFI.getElementType t
etd <- typeDesc2 et
return $ TDVector (fromIntegral n) etd
_ -> return TDInvalidType
data TypeDesc = TDFloat | TDDouble | TDFP128 | TDVoid | TDInt Bool Integer
| TDArray Integer TypeDesc | TDVector Integer TypeDesc
| TDPtr TypeDesc | TDFunction Bool [TypeDesc] TypeDesc | TDLabel
| TDStruct [TypeDesc] Bool | TDInvalidType
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
class IsFirstClass a => IsArithmetic a where
arithmeticType :: ArithmeticType a
data ArithmeticType a = IntegerType | FloatingType
instance Functor ArithmeticType where
fmap _ IntegerType = IntegerType
fmap _ FloatingType = FloatingType
vectorArithmeticType :: ArithmeticType a -> ArithmeticType (Vector n a)
vectorArithmeticType t =
case t of
IntegerType -> IntegerType
FloatingType -> FloatingType
class (IsArithmetic a, IsIntegerOrPointer a) => IsInteger a where
type Signed a :: *
class IsIntegerOrPointer a
isSigned :: (IsInteger a) => Proxy a -> Bool
isSigned = is . typeDesc
where is (TDInt s _) = s
is (TDVector _ a) = is a
is _ = error "isSigned got impossible input"
class IsArithmetic a => IsFloating a
isFloating :: (IsArithmetic a) => Proxy a -> Bool
isFloating = is . typeDesc
where is TDFloat = True
is TDDouble = True
is TDFP128 = True
is (TDVector _ a) = is a
is _ = False
class (IsType a, NumberOfElements a ~ D1) => IsPrimitive a
class (IsType a) => IsScalarOrVector a where
type NumberOfElements a :: *
class IsType a => IsFirstClass a
class (IsType a, Dec.Natural (SizeOf a)) => IsSized a where
type SizeOf a :: *
sizeOf :: TypeDesc -> Integer
sizeOf TDFloat = 32
sizeOf TDDouble = 64
sizeOf TDFP128 = 128
sizeOf (TDInt _ bits) = bits
sizeOf (TDArray n typ) = n * sizeOf typ
sizeOf (TDVector n typ) = n * sizeOf typ
sizeOf (TDStruct ts _packed) = sum (map sizeOf ts)
sizeOf _ = error "type has no size"
class (IsType a) => IsFunction a where
funcType :: [TypeDesc] -> Proxy a -> TypeDesc
instance IsType Float where typeDesc _ = TDFloat
instance IsType Double where typeDesc _ = TDDouble
instance IsType FP128 where typeDesc _ = TDFP128
instance IsType () where typeDesc _ = TDVoid
instance IsType Label where typeDesc _ = TDLabel
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsType (IntN n)
where typeDesc _ =
TDInt True
(Dec.integralFromSingleton (Dec.singleton :: Dec.Singleton n))
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsType (WordN n)
where typeDesc _ =
TDInt False
(Dec.integralFromSingleton (Dec.singleton :: Dec.Singleton n))
instance IsType Bool where typeDesc _ = TDInt False 1
instance IsType Word8 where typeDesc _ = TDInt False 8
instance IsType Word16 where typeDesc _ = TDInt False 16
instance IsType Word32 where typeDesc _ = TDInt False 32
instance IsType Word64 where typeDesc _ = TDInt False 64
instance IsType Int8 where typeDesc _ = TDInt True 8
instance IsType Int16 where typeDesc _ = TDInt True 16
instance IsType Int32 where typeDesc _ = TDInt True 32
instance IsType Int64 where typeDesc _ = TDInt True 64
instance (Dec.Natural n, IsSized a) => IsType (Array n a)
where typeDesc _ =
(Dec.integralFromSingleton (Dec.singleton :: Dec.Singleton n))
(typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance (Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a) => IsType (Vector n a)
where typeDesc _ =
(Dec.integralFromSingleton (Dec.singleton :: Dec.Singleton n))
(typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance (IsType a) => IsType (Ptr a) where
typeDesc _ = TDPtr (typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance (IsFunction f) => IsType (FunPtr f) where
typeDesc _ = TDPtr (typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy f))
instance IsType (StablePtr a) where
typeDesc _ = TDPtr (typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy Int8))
instance (IsFirstClass a, IsFunction b) => IsType (a->b) where
typeDesc = funcType []
instance (IsFirstClass a) => IsType (IO a) where
typeDesc = funcType []
instance (StructFields a) => IsType (Struct a) where
typeDesc p = TDStruct (fieldTypes $ fmap (\(Struct a) -> a) p) False
instance (StructFields a) => IsType (PackedStruct a) where
typeDesc p = TDStruct (fieldTypes $ fmap (\(PackedStruct a) -> a) p) True
class StructFields as where
fieldTypes :: Proxy as -> [TypeDesc]
instance (IsSized a, StructFields as) => StructFields (a :& as) where
fieldTypes p = typeDesc (fmap fst p) : fieldTypes (fmap snd p)
instance StructFields () where
fieldTypes Proxy = []
infixr :&
type (:&) a as = (a, as)
infixr &
(&) :: a -> as -> a :& as
a & as = (a, as)
instance IsArithmetic Float where arithmeticType = FloatingType
instance IsArithmetic Double where arithmeticType = FloatingType
instance IsArithmetic FP128 where arithmeticType = FloatingType
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsArithmetic (IntN n) where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsArithmetic (WordN n) where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Bool where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Int8 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Int16 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Int32 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Int64 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Word8 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Word16 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Word32 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance IsArithmetic Word64 where arithmeticType = IntegerType
instance (Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a, IsArithmetic a) =>
IsArithmetic (Vector n a) where
arithmeticType = vectorArithmeticType arithmeticType
instance IsFloating Float
instance IsFloating Double
instance IsFloating FP128
instance (Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a, IsFloating a) => IsFloating (Vector n a)
data NotANumber
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsInteger (IntN n) where type Signed (IntN n) = True
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsInteger (WordN n) where type Signed (WordN n) = False
instance IsInteger Bool where type Signed Bool = NotANumber
instance IsInteger Int8 where type Signed Int8 = True
instance IsInteger Int16 where type Signed Int16 = True
instance IsInteger Int32 where type Signed Int32 = True
instance IsInteger Int64 where type Signed Int64 = True
instance IsInteger Word8 where type Signed Word8 = False
instance IsInteger Word16 where type Signed Word16 = False
instance IsInteger Word32 where type Signed Word32 = False
instance IsInteger Word64 where type Signed Word64 = False
instance (Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a, IsInteger a) => IsInteger (Vector n a)
where type Signed (Vector n a) = Signed a
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsIntegerOrPointer (IntN n)
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsIntegerOrPointer (WordN n)
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Bool
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Int8
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Int16
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Int32
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Int64
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Word8
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Word16
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Word32
instance IsIntegerOrPointer Word64
instance (Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a, IsInteger a) => IsIntegerOrPointer (Vector n a)
instance (IsType a) => IsIntegerOrPointer (Ptr a)
instance IsFirstClass Float
instance IsFirstClass Double
instance IsFirstClass FP128
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsFirstClass (IntN n)
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsFirstClass (WordN n)
instance IsFirstClass Bool
instance IsFirstClass Int8
instance IsFirstClass Int16
instance IsFirstClass Int32
instance IsFirstClass Int64
instance IsFirstClass Word8
instance IsFirstClass Word16
instance IsFirstClass Word32
instance IsFirstClass Word64
instance (Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a) => IsFirstClass (Vector n a)
instance (Dec.Natural n, IsSized a) => IsFirstClass (Array n a)
instance (IsType a) => IsFirstClass (Ptr a)
instance (IsFunction a) => IsFirstClass (FunPtr a)
instance IsFirstClass (StablePtr a)
instance IsFirstClass Label
instance IsFirstClass ()
instance (StructFields as) => IsFirstClass (Struct as)
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsSized (IntN n) where type SizeOf (IntN n) = n
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsSized (WordN n) where type SizeOf (WordN n) = n
instance IsSized Float where type SizeOf Float = D32
instance IsSized Double where type SizeOf Double = D64
instance IsSized FP128 where type SizeOf FP128 = D128
instance IsSized Bool where type SizeOf Bool = D1
instance IsSized Int8 where type SizeOf Int8 = D8
instance IsSized Int16 where type SizeOf Int16 = D16
instance IsSized Int32 where type SizeOf Int32 = D32
instance IsSized Int64 where type SizeOf Int64 = D64
instance IsSized Word8 where type SizeOf Word8 = D8
instance IsSized Word16 where type SizeOf Word16 = D16
instance IsSized Word32 where type SizeOf Word32 = D32
instance IsSized Word64 where type SizeOf Word64 = D64
(Dec.Natural n, IsSized a, Dec.Natural (n :*: SizeOf a)) =>
IsSized (Array n a) where
type SizeOf (Array n a) = n :*: SizeOf a
(Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a, IsSized a, Dec.Natural (n :*: SizeOf a)) =>
IsSized (Vector n a) where
type SizeOf (Vector n a) = n :*: SizeOf a
instance (IsType a) => IsSized (Ptr a) where type SizeOf (Ptr a) = PtrSize
instance (IsFunction a) => IsSized (FunPtr a) where type SizeOf (FunPtr a) = PtrSize
instance IsSized (StablePtr a) where type SizeOf (StablePtr a) = PtrSize
instance (StructFields as) => IsSized (Struct as) where
type SizeOf (Struct as) = UnknownSize
instance (StructFields as) => IsSized (PackedStruct as) where
type SizeOf (PackedStruct as) = UnknownSize
type UnknownSize = D99
type PtrSize = D32
#elif WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
type PtrSize = D64
#error cannot determine type of PtrSize
instance IsPrimitive Float
instance IsPrimitive Double
instance IsPrimitive FP128
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsPrimitive (IntN n)
instance (Dec.Positive n) => IsPrimitive (WordN n)
instance IsPrimitive Bool
instance IsPrimitive Int8
instance IsPrimitive Int16
instance IsPrimitive Int32
instance IsPrimitive Int64
instance IsPrimitive Word8
instance IsPrimitive Word16
instance IsPrimitive Word32
instance IsPrimitive Word64
instance IsPrimitive Label
instance IsPrimitive ()
instance (Dec.Positive n) =>
IsScalarOrVector (IntN n) where type NumberOfElements (IntN n) = D1
instance (Dec.Positive n) =>
IsScalarOrVector (WordN n) where type NumberOfElements (WordN n) = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Float where type NumberOfElements Float = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Double where type NumberOfElements Double = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector FP128 where type NumberOfElements FP128 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Bool where type NumberOfElements Bool = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Int8 where type NumberOfElements Int8 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Int16 where type NumberOfElements Int16 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Int32 where type NumberOfElements Int32 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Int64 where type NumberOfElements Int64 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Word8 where type NumberOfElements Word8 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Word16 where type NumberOfElements Word16 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Word32 where type NumberOfElements Word32 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Word64 where type NumberOfElements Word64 = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector Label where type NumberOfElements Label = D1
instance IsScalarOrVector () where type NumberOfElements () = D1
instance (Dec.Positive n, IsPrimitive a) =>
IsScalarOrVector (Vector n a) where
type NumberOfElements (Vector n a) = n
instance (IsFirstClass a, IsFunction b) => IsFunction (a->b) where
funcType ts _ = funcType (typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy a) : ts) (Proxy :: Proxy b)
instance (IsFirstClass a) => IsFunction (IO a) where
funcType ts _ = TDFunction False (reverse ts) (typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance (IsFirstClass a) => IsFunction (VarArgs a) where
funcType ts _ = TDFunction True (reverse ts) (typeDesc (Proxy :: Proxy a))
data VarArgs a
deriving (Typeable)
instance IsType (VarArgs a) where
typeDesc _ = error "typeDesc: Dummy type VarArgs used incorrectly"
class CastVarArgs a b
instance (CastVarArgs b c) => CastVarArgs (a -> b) (a -> c)
instance CastVarArgs (VarArgs a) (IO a)
instance (IsFirstClass a, CastVarArgs (VarArgs b) c) => CastVarArgs (VarArgs b) (a -> c)