{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module LLVM.Core.CodeGen(
    -- * Module creation
    newModule, newNamedModule, defineModule, createModule,
    getModuleValues, ModuleValue, castModuleValue, setTarget,
    -- * Globals
    -- * Function creation
    Function, newFunction, newNamedFunction, defineFunction, createFunction, createNamedFunction, setFuncCallConv,
    externFunction, staticFunction, staticNamedFunction,
    FunctionArgs, FunctionCodeGen, FunctionResult,
    -- * Global variable creation
    Global, newGlobal, newNamedGlobal, defineGlobal, createGlobal, createNamedGlobal, TGlobal,
    externGlobal, staticGlobal,
    -- * Values
    Value(..), ConstValue(..),
    IsConst(..), valueOf, value,
    zero, allOnes, undef,
    createString, createStringNul,
    withString, withStringNul,
    constVector, constArray, constStruct, constPackedStruct,
    constCyclicVector, constCyclicArray,
    -- * Basic blocks
    BasicBlock(..), newBasicBlock, newNamedBasicBlock, defineBasicBlock, createBasicBlock, getCurrentBasicBlock,
    fromLabel, toLabel,
    -- * Misc
    ) where

import qualified LLVM.Core.UnaryVector as UnaryVector
import qualified LLVM.Core.Util as U
import qualified LLVM.Util.Proxy as LP
import LLVM.Core.CodeGenMonad
import LLVM.Core.Type
import LLVM.Core.Data

import qualified LLVM.FFI.Core as FFI
import LLVM.FFI.Core(Linkage(..), Visibility(..))

import qualified Type.Data.Num.Decimal.Proof as DecProof
import qualified Type.Data.Num.Decimal.Number as Dec
import Type.Base.Proxy (Proxy)

import qualified Foreign.Storable as St
import Foreign.C.String (withCString)
import Foreign.StablePtr (StablePtr, castStablePtrToPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, minusPtr, nullPtr, FunPtr, castFunPtrToPtr)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (liftM, when)

import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Text.Printf (printf)


-- | Create a new module.
newModule :: IO U.Module
newModule = newNamedModule "_module"  -- XXX should generate a name

-- | Create a new explicitely named module.
newNamedModule :: String              -- ^ module name
               -> IO U.Module
newNamedModule = U.createModule

-- | Give the body for a module.
defineModule :: U.Module              -- ^ module that is defined
             -> CodeGenModule a       -- ^ module body
             -> IO a
defineModule = runCodeGenModule

-- | Create a new module with the given body.
createModule :: CodeGenModule a       -- ^ module body
             -> IO a
createModule cgm = newModule >>= \ m -> defineModule m cgm

setTarget :: String -> CodeGenModule ()
setTarget triple = do
    modul <- getModule
    liftIO $ U.withModule modul $ \m -> withCString triple $ FFI.setTarget m


newtype ModuleValue = ModuleValue FFI.ValueRef
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

getModuleValues :: U.Module -> IO [(String, ModuleValue)]
getModuleValues =
    liftM (map (\ (s,p) -> (s, ModuleValue p))) . U.getModuleValues

castModuleValue :: forall a . (IsType a) => ModuleValue -> Maybe (Value a)
castModuleValue (ModuleValue f) =
    toMaybe (U.valueHasType f (unsafeTypeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy a))) (Value f)


newtype Value a = Value { unValue :: FFI.ValueRef }
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

newtype ConstValue a = ConstValue { unConstValue :: FFI.ValueRef }
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

-- XXX merge with IsArithmetic?
class IsConst a where
    constOf :: a -> ConstValue a

instance IsConst Bool   where constOf = constEnum (typeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy Bool))
--instance IsConst Char   where constOf = constEnum (typeRef (0::Word8)) -- XXX Unicode
instance IsConst Word8  where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Word16 where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Word32 where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Word64 where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Int8   where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Int16  where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Int32  where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Int64  where constOf = constI
instance IsConst Float  where constOf = constF
instance IsConst Double where constOf = constF
--instance IsConst FP128  where constOf = constF

constOfPtr :: (IsType ptr) =>
    ptr -> Ptr b -> ConstValue ptr
constOfPtr proto p =
    let ip = p `minusPtr` nullPtr
        inttoptrC :: ConstValue int -> ConstValue ptr
        inttoptrC (ConstValue v) =
           unsafeConstValue $
           FFI.constIntToPtr v $ unsafeTypeRef $ LP.fromValue proto
    in  if St.sizeOf p == 4 then
            inttoptrC $ constOf (fromIntegral ip :: Word32)
        else if St.sizeOf p == 8 then
            inttoptrC $ constOf (fromIntegral ip :: Word64)
            error "constOf Ptr: pointer size not 4 or 8"

-- This instance doesn't belong here, but mutually recursive modules are painful.
instance (IsType a) => IsConst (Ptr a) where
    constOf p = constOfPtr p p

instance (IsFunction a) => IsConst (FunPtr a) where
    constOf p = constOfPtr p (castFunPtrToPtr p)

instance IsConst (StablePtr a) where
    constOf p = constOfPtr p (castStablePtrToPtr p)

instance (IsPrimitive a, IsConst a, Dec.Positive n) => IsConst (Vector n a) where
    constOf (Vector x) = constVectorGen constOf x

instance (IsConst a, IsSized a, Dec.Natural n) => IsConst (Array n a) where
    constOf (Array xs) = constArray (map constOf xs)

instance (IsConstFields a) => IsConst (Struct a) where
    constOf (Struct a) =
        unsafeConstValue $ U.constStruct (constFieldsOf a) False
instance (IsConstFields a) => IsConst (PackedStruct a) where
    constOf (PackedStruct a) =
        unsafeConstValue $ U.constStruct (constFieldsOf a) True

class IsConstFields a where
    constFieldsOf :: a -> [FFI.ValueRef]

instance (IsConst a, IsConstFields as) => IsConstFields (a, as) where
    constFieldsOf (a, as) = unConstValue (constOf a) : constFieldsOf as
instance IsConstFields () where
    constFieldsOf _ = []

unsafeConstValue :: IO FFI.ValueRef -> ConstValue a
unsafeConstValue =
    ConstValue . unsafePerformIO

unsafeWithConstValue ::
    forall a.
    (IsType a) =>
    (FFI.TypeRef -> IO FFI.ValueRef) ->
    ConstValue a
unsafeWithConstValue f =
    unsafePerformIO $ fmap ConstValue $
        f =<< typeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy a)

constEnum :: (Enum a) => IO FFI.TypeRef -> a -> ConstValue a
constEnum mt i =
    unsafeConstValue $ mt >>= \t ->
        FFI.constInt t (fromIntegral $ fromEnum i) FFI.false

constI :: (IsInteger a, Integral a) => a -> ConstValue a
constI i =
    unsafeWithConstValue $ \typ ->
    FFI.constInt typ (fromIntegral i) (FFI.consBool $ isSigned $ LP.fromValue i)

constF :: (IsFloating a, Real a) => a -> ConstValue a
constF i =
    unsafeWithConstValue $ \typ -> FFI.constReal typ (realToFrac i)

valueOf :: (IsConst a) => a -> Value a
valueOf = value . constOf

value :: ConstValue a -> Value a
value (ConstValue a) = Value a

zero :: forall a . (IsType a) => ConstValue a
zero = unsafeWithConstValue FFI.constNull

allOnes :: forall a . (IsInteger a) => ConstValue a
allOnes = unsafeWithConstValue FFI.constAllOnes

undef :: forall a . (IsType a) => ConstValue a
undef = unsafeWithConstValue FFI.getUndef

createString :: String -> ConstValue (DynamicArray Word8)
createString = ConstValue . U.constString

constStringNul :: String -> ConstValue (DynamicArray Word8)
constStringNul = ConstValue . U.constStringNul


-- |A function is simply a pointer to the function.
type Function a = Value (FunPtr a)

-- | Create a new named function.
newNamedFunction :: forall a . (IsFunction a)
                 => Linkage
                 -> String   -- ^ Function name
                 -> CodeGenModule (Function a)
newNamedFunction linkage name = do
    modul <- getModule
    typ <- liftIO $ typeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy a)
    liftIO $ liftM Value $ U.addFunction modul linkage name typ

-- | Create a new function.  Use 'newNamedFunction' to create a function with external linkage, since
-- it needs a known name.
newFunction :: forall a . (IsFunction a)
            => Linkage
            -> CodeGenModule (Function a)
newFunction linkage = genMSym "fun" >>= newNamedFunction linkage

defineFunctionParam ::
                  Function f        -- ^ Function to define (created by 'newFunction').
               -> Parameterized r f -- ^ Function body.
               -> CodeGenModule ()
defineFunctionParam fn p = do
    bld <- liftIO $ U.createBuilder
    let body' = do
	    newBasicBlock >>= defineBasicBlock
	    defineParameterized fn p
    runCodeGenFunction bld (unValue fn) body'

-- | Define a function body.  The basic block returned by the function is the function entry point.
defineFunction :: forall f . (FunctionArgs f)
               => Function f        -- ^ Function to define (created by 'newFunction').
               -> FunctionCodeGen f -- ^ Function body.
               -> CodeGenModule ()
defineFunction fn body =
    defineFunctionParam fn $ paramFunc body

-- | Create a new function with the given body.
createFunction :: (FunctionArgs f)
               => Linkage
               -> FunctionCodeGen f  -- ^ Function body.
               -> CodeGenModule (Function f)
createFunction linkage body = do
    f <- newFunction linkage
    defineFunction f body
    return f

-- | Create a new function with the given body.
createNamedFunction :: (FunctionArgs f)
               => Linkage
	       -> String
               -> FunctionCodeGen f  -- ^ Function body.
               -> CodeGenModule (Function f)
createNamedFunction linkage name body = do
    f <- newNamedFunction linkage name
    defineFunction f body
    return f

-- | Set the calling convention of a function. By default it is the
-- C calling convention.
setFuncCallConv :: Function a
                -> FFI.CallingConvention
                -> CodeGenModule ()
setFuncCallConv (Value f) cc = do
  liftIO $ FFI.setFunctionCallConv f (FFI.fromCallingConvention cc)

-- | Add attributes to a value.  Beware, what attributes are allowed depends on
-- what kind of value it is.
addAttributes :: Value a -> Int -> [FFI.Attribute] -> CodeGenFunction r ()
addAttributes (Value f) i as = do
    liftIO $ FFI.addInstrAttribute f (fromIntegral i) (sum $ map FFI.fromAttribute as)

-- Convert a function of type f = t1->t2->...-> IO r to
-- g = Value t1 -> Value t2 -> ... CodeGenFunction r ()
class IsFunction f => FunctionArgs f where
    type FunctionCodeGen f :: *
    type FunctionResult  f :: *
    paramFunc :: FunctionCodeGen f -> Parameterized (FunctionResult f) f

instance (FunctionArgs b, IsFirstClass a) => FunctionArgs (a -> b) where
    type FunctionCodeGen (a -> b) = Value a -> FunctionCodeGen b
    type FunctionResult  (a -> b) = FunctionResult b
    paramFunc f = param $ \x -> paramFunc (f x)

instance IsFirstClass a => FunctionArgs (IO a) where
    type FunctionCodeGen (IO a) = CodeGenFunction a ()
    type FunctionResult (IO a) = a
    paramFunc = parameterized

   Parameterized r f =
      Parameterized (Int -> FFI.ValueRef -> CodeGenFunction r ())

parameterized :: CodeGenFunction r () -> Parameterized r (IO r)
parameterized code = Parameterized (const $ const code)

param :: (Value a -> Parameterized r b) -> Parameterized r (a -> b)
param pf =
   Parameterized $ \n f ->
      case pf $ Value $ U.getParam f n of
         Parameterized p -> p (n+1) f

defineParameterized :: Function f -> Parameterized r f -> CodeGenFunction r ()
defineParameterized f (Parameterized p) = p 0 $ unValue f


-- |A basic block is a sequence of non-branching instructions, terminated by a control flow instruction.
newtype BasicBlock = BasicBlock FFI.BasicBlockRef
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

createBasicBlock :: CodeGenFunction r BasicBlock
createBasicBlock = do
    b <- newBasicBlock
    defineBasicBlock b
    return b

newBasicBlock :: CodeGenFunction r BasicBlock
newBasicBlock = genFSym >>= newNamedBasicBlock

newNamedBasicBlock :: String -> CodeGenFunction r BasicBlock
newNamedBasicBlock name = do
    fn <- getFunction
    liftIO $ liftM BasicBlock $ U.appendBasicBlock fn name

defineBasicBlock :: BasicBlock -> CodeGenFunction r ()
defineBasicBlock (BasicBlock l) = do
    bld <- getBuilder
    liftIO $ U.positionAtEnd bld l

getCurrentBasicBlock :: CodeGenFunction r BasicBlock
getCurrentBasicBlock = do
    bld <- getBuilder
    liftIO $ liftM BasicBlock $ U.getInsertBlock bld

toLabel :: BasicBlock -> Value Label
toLabel (BasicBlock ptr) =
    Value (unsafePerformIO $ FFI.basicBlockAsValue ptr)

fromLabel :: Value Label -> BasicBlock
fromLabel (Value ptr) =
    BasicBlock (unsafePerformIO $ FFI.valueAsBasicBlock ptr)


--- XXX: the functions in this section (and addGlobalMapping) don't actually use any
-- Function state so should really be in the CodeGenModule monad

-- | Create a reference to an external function while code generating for a function.
-- If LLVM cannot resolve its name, then you may try 'staticFunction'.
externFunction :: forall a r . (IsFunction a) => String -> CodeGenFunction r (Function a)
externFunction name =
    externCore name $
        fmap (unValue :: Function a -> FFI.ValueRef) .
        newNamedFunction ExternalLinkage

-- | As 'externFunction', but for 'Global's rather than 'Function's
externGlobal :: forall a r . (IsType a) => Bool -> String -> CodeGenFunction r (Global a)
externGlobal isConst name =
    externCore name $
        fmap (unValue :: Global a -> FFI.ValueRef) .
        newNamedGlobal isConst ExternalLinkage

externCore ::
    String -> (String -> CodeGenModule FFI.ValueRef) ->
    CodeGenFunction r (Value ptr)
externCore name act = do
    es <- getExterns
    case lookup name es of
        Just f -> return $ Value f
        Nothing -> do
            f <- liftCodeGenModule $ act name
            putExterns ((name, f) : es)
            return $ Value f

{- |
Make an external C function with a fixed address callable from LLVM code.
This callback function can also be a Haskell function,
that was imported like

> foreign import ccall "&nextElement"
>    nextElementFunPtr :: FunPtr (StablePtr (IORef [Word32]) -> IO Word32)

See @examples\/List.hs@.

When you only use 'externFunction', then LLVM cannot resolve the name.
(However, I do not know why.)
Thus 'staticFunction' manages a list of static functions.
This list is automatically installed by 'ExecutionEngine.simpleFunction'
and can be manually obtained by 'getGlobalMappings'
and installed by 'ExecutionEngine.addGlobalMappings'.
\"Installing\" means calling LLVM's @addGlobalMapping@ according to
staticFunction :: forall f r. (IsFunction f) => FunPtr f -> CodeGenFunction r (Function f)
staticFunction = staticNamedFunction ""

{- |
Due to <https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20656>
this will fail with MCJIT of LLVM-3.6.
staticNamedFunction :: forall f r. (IsFunction f) => String -> FunPtr f -> CodeGenFunction r (Function f)
staticNamedFunction name func = liftCodeGenModule $ do
    val <- newNamedFunction ExternalLinkage name
    addFunctionMapping (unValue (val :: Function f)) func
    return val

-- | As 'staticFunction', but for 'Global's rather than 'Function's
staticGlobal :: forall a r. (IsType a) => Bool -> Ptr a -> CodeGenFunction r (Global a)
staticGlobal isConst gbl = liftCodeGenModule $ do
    val <- newNamedGlobal isConst ExternalLinkage ""
    addGlobalMapping (unValue (val :: Global a)) gbl
    return val


withCurrentBuilder :: (FFI.BuilderRef -> IO a) -> CodeGenFunction r a
withCurrentBuilder body = do
    bld <- getBuilder
    liftIO $ U.withBuilder bld body


-- Mark all block terminating instructions.  Not used yet.
--data Terminate = Terminate


type Global a = Value (Ptr a)

-- | Create a new named global variable.
newNamedGlobal :: forall a . (IsType a)
               => Bool         -- ^Constant?
               -> Linkage      -- ^Visibility
               -> String       -- ^Name
               -> TGlobal a
newNamedGlobal isConst linkage name = do
    modul <- getModule
    typ <- liftIO $ typeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy a)
    liftIO $ liftM Value $ do
        g <- U.addGlobal modul linkage name typ
        when isConst $ FFI.setGlobalConstant g FFI.true
        return g

-- | Create a new global variable.
newGlobal :: forall a . (IsType a) => Bool -> Linkage -> TGlobal a
newGlobal isConst linkage = genMSym "glb" >>= newNamedGlobal isConst linkage

-- | Give a global variable a (constant) value.
defineGlobal :: Global a -> ConstValue a -> CodeGenModule ()
defineGlobal (Value g) (ConstValue v) =
    liftIO $ FFI.setInitializer g v

-- | Create and define a global variable.
createGlobal :: (IsType a) => Bool -> Linkage -> ConstValue a -> TGlobal a
createGlobal isConst linkage con = do
    g <- newGlobal isConst linkage
    defineGlobal g con
    return g

-- | Create and define a named global variable.
createNamedGlobal :: (IsType a) => Bool -> Linkage -> String -> ConstValue a -> TGlobal a
createNamedGlobal isConst linkage name con = do
    g <- newNamedGlobal isConst linkage name
    defineGlobal g con
    return g

type TFunction a = CodeGenModule (Function a)
type TGlobal a = CodeGenModule (Global a)

-- Special string creators
{-# DEPRECATED createString "use withString instead" #-}
createString :: String -> TGlobal (Array n Word8)
createString s = string (length s) (U.constString s)

{-# DEPRECATED createStringNul "use withStringNul instead" #-}
createStringNul :: String -> TGlobal (Array n Word8)
createStringNul s = string (length s + 1) (U.constStringNul s)

withString ::
   String ->
   (forall n. (Dec.Natural n) => Global (Array n Word8) -> CodeGenModule a) ->
   CodeGenModule a
withString s act =
   let n = length s
   in  fromMaybe (error "withString: length must always be non-negative") $
       Dec.reifyNatural (fromIntegral n) (\tn ->
          do arr <- string n (U.constString s)
             act (fixArraySize tn arr))

withStringNul ::
   String ->
   (forall n. (Dec.Natural n) => Global (Array n Word8) -> CodeGenModule a) ->
   CodeGenModule a
withStringNul s act =
   let n = length s + 1
   in  fromMaybe (error "withStringNul: length must always be non-negative") $
       Dec.reifyNatural (fromIntegral n) (\tn ->
          do arr <- string n (U.constStringNul s)
             act (fixArraySize tn arr))

fixArraySize :: Proxy n -> Global (Array n a) -> Global (Array n a)
fixArraySize _ = id

string :: Int -> FFI.ValueRef -> TGlobal (Array n Word8)
string n s = do
    modul <- getModule
    name <- genMSym "str"
    elemTyp <- liftIO $ typeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy Word8)
    typ <- liftIO $ FFI.arrayType elemTyp (fromIntegral n)
    liftIO $ liftM Value $ do g <- U.addGlobal modul InternalLinkage name typ
    	     	   	      FFI.setGlobalConstant g FFI.true
			      FFI.setInitializer g s
			      return g


-- |Make a constant vector.
constVector ::
    forall a n u.
    (Dec.Positive n, Dec.ToUnary n ~ u,
     UnaryVector.Length (FixedList u) ~ u) =>
    UnaryVector.FixedList u (ConstValue a) ->
    ConstValue (Vector n a)
constVector =
    constVectorGen id

constVectorGen ::
    forall a b n u.
    (Dec.Positive n, Dec.ToUnary n ~ u) =>
    (b -> ConstValue a) ->
    UnaryVector.FixedList u b ->
    ConstValue (Vector n a)
constVectorGen f xs =
    unsafeConstValue $
        (case DecProof.unaryNat :: DecProof.UnaryNat n of
             DecProof.UnaryNat ->
                 map (unConstValue . f) $
                     (UnaryVector.fromFixedList xs :: UnaryVector.T u b))

{- |
Make a constant vector.
Replicates or truncates the list to get length @n@.
constCyclicVector ::
    forall a n.
    (Dec.Positive n) =>
    NonEmpty.T [] (ConstValue a) ->
    ConstValue (Vector n a)
constCyclicVector xs =
    unsafeConstValue $
        (take (Dec.integralFromSingleton (Dec.singleton :: Dec.Singleton n)) $
         map unConstValue $ NonEmpty.flatten $ NonEmpty.cycle xs)

constArray ::
    forall a n . (IsSized a, Dec.Natural n) =>
    [ConstValue a] -> ConstValue (Array n a)
constArray xs = unsafeConstValue $ do
    let m = length xs
        n = Dec.integralFromSingleton (Dec.singleton :: Dec.Singleton n)
    when (m /= n) $
        error $
            printf "LLVM.constArray: number of array elements (%d) mismatches typed array length (%d)"
                m n
    typ <- typeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy a)
    U.constArray typ $ map unConstValue xs

{- |
Make a constant array.
Replicates or truncates the list to get length @n@.
constCyclicArray ::
    forall a n.
    (IsSized a, Dec.Natural n) =>
    NonEmpty.T [] (ConstValue a) ->
    ConstValue (Vector n a)
constCyclicArray xs = unsafeConstValue $ do
    typ <- typeRef (LP.Proxy :: LP.Proxy a)
    U.constArray typ
        (take (Dec.integralFromSingleton (Dec.singleton :: Dec.Singleton n)) $
         map unConstValue $ NonEmpty.flatten $ NonEmpty.cycle xs)

-- |Make a constant struct.
constStruct ::
    (IsConstStruct c) => c -> ConstValue (Struct (ConstStructOf c))
constStruct struct =
    unsafeConstValue $ U.constStruct (constValueFieldsOf struct) False

-- |Make a constant packed struct.
constPackedStruct ::
    (IsConstStruct c) => c -> ConstValue (PackedStruct (ConstStructOf c))
constPackedStruct struct =
    unsafeConstValue $ U.constStruct (constValueFieldsOf struct) True

class IsConstStruct c where
    type ConstStructOf c :: *
    constValueFieldsOf :: c -> [FFI.ValueRef]

instance (IsConst a, IsConstStruct cs) => IsConstStruct (ConstValue a, cs) where
    type ConstStructOf (ConstValue a, cs) = (a, ConstStructOf cs)
    constValueFieldsOf (a, as) = unConstValue a : constValueFieldsOf as
instance IsConstStruct () where
    type ConstStructOf () = ()
    constValueFieldsOf _ = []