module LLVM.Util.Optimize(optimizeModule) where import LLVM.Core.Util (Module, withModule, getObjList) import qualified LLVM.FFI.Transforms.PassManagerBuilder as PMB import qualified LLVM.FFI.Core as FFI import LLVM.FFI.Transforms.Scalar (addVerifierPass) import Control.Exception (bracket, bracket_) {- | Result tells whether the module was modified by any of the passes. -} optimizeModule :: Int -> Module -> IO Bool optimizeModule optLevel mdl = withModule mdl $ \ m -> {- Core.Util.createPassManager would provide a finalizer for us, but I think it is better here to immediately dispose the manager when we need it no longer. -} bracket FFI.createPassManager FFI.disposePassManager $ \mpasses -> bracket (FFI.createFunctionPassManagerForModule m) FFI.disposePassManager $ \fpasses -> do addVerifierPass mpasses bracket PMB.create PMB.dispose $ \passBuilder -> do PMB.setOptLevel passBuilder $ fromIntegral optLevel {- PMB.setSizeLevel passBuilder 1 PMB.setDisableUnitAtATime passBuilder false PMB.setDisableUnrollLoops passBuilder (optLevel <= 1) PMB.setDisableSimplifyLibCalls passBuilder false PMB.setHaveExceptions passBuilder true PMB.setInliningPass passBuilder true -} PMB.populateFunctionPassManager passBuilder fpasses PMB.populateModulePassManager passBuilder mpasses fchanged <- bracket_ (FFI.initializeFunctionPassManager fpasses) (FFI.finalizeFunctionPassManager fpasses) (mapM (FFI.runFunctionPassManager fpasses) =<< getObjList withModule FFI.getFirstFunction FFI.getNextFunction mdl) mchanged <- FFI.runPassManager mpasses m return $ any (>0) $ mchanged : fchanged {- ToDo: Function that adds passes according to a list of opt-options. This would simplify to get consistent behaviour between opt and optimizeModule. -adce addAggressiveDCEPass -deadargelim addDeadArgEliminationPass -deadtypeelim addDeadTypeEliminationPass -dse addDeadStoreEliminationPass -functionattrs addFunctionAttrsPass -globalopt addGlobalOptimizerPass -indvars addIndVarSimplifyPass -instcombine addInstructionCombiningPass -ipsccp addIPSCCPPass -jump-threading addJumpThreadingPass -licm addLICMPass -loop-deletion addLoopDeletionPass -loop-rotate addLoopRotatePass -memcpyopt addMemCpyOptPass -prune-eh addPruneEHPass -reassociate addReassociatePass -scalarrepl addScalarReplAggregatesPass -sccp addSCCPPass -simplifycfg addCFGSimplificationPass -simplify-libcalls addSimplifyLibCallsPass -strip-dead-prototypes addStripDeadPrototypesPass -tailcallelim addTailCallEliminationPass -verify addVerifierPass -}