cabal-version: 2.4 Name: llvm-pretty-bc-parser Version: License: BSD-3-Clause License-file: LICENSE Author: Trevor Elliott Maintainer: Ryan Scott , Kevin Quick , Langston Barrett Category: Text Build-type: Simple Synopsis: LLVM bitcode parsing library Tested-with: GHC==8.8, GHC==8.10, GHC==9.2, GHC==9.4, GHC==9.6 Description: A parser for the LLVM bitcode file format, yielding a Module from the llvm-pretty package. Extra-source-files: disasm-test/tests/*.ll extra-doc-files:, Flag fuzz Description: Enable fuzzing harness Default: False Flag regressions Description: Enable regression testing build Default: False Source-repository head type: git location: Library Hs-source-dirs: src Exposed-modules: Data.LLVM.CFG, Data.LLVM.BitCode, -- for testing: Data.LLVM.Internal Default-language: Haskell2010 Other-modules: Data.LLVM.BitCode.Assert, Data.LLVM.BitCode.BitString, Data.LLVM.BitCode.Bitstream, Data.LLVM.BitCode.GetBits, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Attrs Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Blocks, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Constants, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Function, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Globals, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Metadata, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Module, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Types, Data.LLVM.BitCode.IR.Values, Data.LLVM.BitCode.Match, Data.LLVM.BitCode.Parse, Data.LLVM.BitCode.Record Ghc-options: -Wall -Wunbanged-strict-patterns -Wcompat -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wsimplifiable-class-constraints -Wpartial-fields -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -fhide-source-paths Build-depends: array >= 0.3, base >= 4.8 && < 5, binary >= 0.8, bytestring >= 0.10, containers >= 0.4, fgl >= 5.5, llvm-pretty >= 0.12 && < 0.13, mtl >= 2.2.2, pretty >= 1.0.1, uniplate >= 1.6, utf8-string >= 1.0 Executable llvm-disasm Main-is: LLVMDis.hs Default-language: Haskell2010 Ghc-options: -Wall -Wunbanged-strict-patterns -O2 -funbox-strict-fields Hs-source-dirs: llvm-disasm Build-depends: array >= 0.3, base, binary >= 0.8, bytestring, containers >= 0.4, fgl >= 5.5, fgl-visualize >= 0.1, llvm-pretty-bc-parser, llvm-pretty, monadLib >= 3.7.2, pretty >= 1.0.1, pretty-show >= 1.6 test-suite unit-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Tests.Instances, Tests.ExpressionInstances, Tests.FuncDataInstances, Tests.PrimInstances, Tests.StmtInstances, Tests.TripleInstances, Tests.Metadata hs-source-dirs: unit-test default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -W -Wcompat -Wunrecognised-warning-flags -threaded -- other-extensions: OverloadedStrings, ... build-depends: base -any, containers >= 0.4, HUnit -any, QuickCheck -any, generic-random -any, tasty -any, tasty-hunit -any, tasty-quickcheck -any, llvm-pretty -any, llvm-pretty-bc-parser Test-suite disasm-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Main-is: Main.hs Default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: disasm-test Ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base, containers, process, directory, bytestring, exceptions >= 0.10 && < 0.11, filepath, lens, optparse-applicative >=, pretty-show>= 1.6, prettyprinter >= 1.7 && < 1.8, string-interpolate >= 0.3 && < 0.4, syb >= 0.7, tasty >= 1.3, tasty-expected-failure >= 0.12 && < 0.13, tasty-hunit, tasty-sugar >= 2.2 && < 2.3, transformers >= 0.5 && < 0.7, terminal-size >= 0.3 && < 0.4, text, versions < 7, llvm-pretty, llvm-pretty-bc-parser Executable regression-test Main-is: Main.hs Default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: regression-test Ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base, directory, filepath, foldl, text, turtle >= 1.6, llvm-pretty, llvm-pretty-bc-parser if flag(regressions) Buildable: True else Buildable: False Executable fuzz-llvm-disasm Main-is: Main.hs Default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: fuzzing Ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -O2 build-depends: base, process, directory, bytestring, filepath, temporary, random, containers, xml, time, deepseq, transformers, llvm-pretty, llvm-pretty-bc-parser if flag(fuzz) Buildable: True else Buildable: False