{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, DisambiguateRecordFields, MultiParamTypeClasses, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, PatternSynonyms, QuasiQuotes, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module LLVM.Internal.Operand where import LLVM.Prelude import LLVM.Exception import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.AnyCont import Data.Bits import Data.Functor.Identity import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Foreign.Ptr import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Constant as FFI import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.InlineAssembly as FFI import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.LLVMCTypes as FFI import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Metadata as FFI import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.PtrHierarchy as FFI import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Value as FFI import LLVM.Internal.Coding import LLVM.Internal.Constant () import LLVM.Internal.Context import LLVM.Internal.DecodeAST import LLVM.Internal.EncodeAST import LLVM.Internal.InlineAssembly () import LLVM.Internal.Metadata (getByteStringFromFFI) import qualified LLVM.AST as A hiding (GlobalVariable, Module, PointerType, type') import qualified LLVM.AST.Operand as A import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as A (Constant(Int, integerBits, integerValue)) import LLVM.Internal.FFI.LLVMCTypes (mdSubclassIdP) genCodingInstance [t|A.DebugEmissionKind|] ''FFI.DebugEmissionKind [ (FFI.NoDebug, A.NoDebug) , (FFI.FullDebug, A.FullDebug) , (FFI.LineTablesOnly, A.LineTablesOnly) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.DebugNameTableKind|] ''FFI.DebugNameTableKind [ (FFI.NameTableKindDefault, A.NameTableKindDefault) , (FFI.NameTableKindGNU, A.NameTableKindGNU) , (FFI.NameTableKindNone, A.NameTableKindNone) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.Encoding|] ''FFI.Encoding [ (FFI.DwAtE_address, A.AddressEncoding) , (FFI.DwAtE_boolean, A.BooleanEncoding) , (FFI.DwAtE_float, A.FloatEncoding) , (FFI.DwAtE_signed, A.SignedEncoding) , (FFI.DwAtE_signed_char, A.SignedCharEncoding) , (FFI.DwAtE_unsigned, A.UnsignedEncoding) , (FFI.DwAtE_unsigned_char, A.UnsignedCharEncoding) , (FFI.DwAtE_UTF, A.UTFEncoding) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.ChecksumKind|] ''FFI.ChecksumKind [ (FFI.ChecksumKind 1, A.MD5) , (FFI.ChecksumKind 2, A.SHA1) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.BasicTypeTag|] ''FFI.DwTag [ (FFI.DwTag_base_type, A.BaseType) , (FFI.DwTag_unspecified_type, A.UnspecifiedType) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.DerivedTypeTag|] ''FFI.DwTag [ (FFI.DwTag_typedef, A.Typedef) , (FFI.DwTag_pointer_type, A.PointerType) , (FFI.DwTag_ptr_to_member_type, A.PtrToMemberType) , (FFI.DwTag_reference_type, A.ReferenceType) , (FFI.DwTag_rvalue_reference_type, A.RValueReferenceType) , (FFI.DwTag_const_type, A.ConstType) , (FFI.DwTag_volatile_type, A.VolatileType) , (FFI.DwTag_restrict_type, A.RestrictType) , (FFI.DwTag_atomic_type, A.AtomicType) , (FFI.DwTag_member, A.Member) , (FFI.DwTag_inheritance, A.Inheritance) , (FFI.DwTag_friend, A.Friend) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.TemplateValueParameterTag|] ''FFI.DwTag [ (FFI.DwTag_template_value_parameter, A.TemplateValueParameter) , (FFI.DwTag_GNU_template_template_param, A.GNUTemplateTemplateParam) , (FFI.DwTag_GNU_template_parameter_pack, A.GNUTemplateParameterPack) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.Virtuality|] ''FFI.DwVirtuality [ (FFI.DwVirtuality_none, A.NoVirtuality) , (FFI.DwVirtuality_virtual, A.Virtual) , (FFI.DwVirtuality_pure_virtual, A.PureVirtual) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.DIMacroInfo|] ''FFI.Macinfo [ (FFI.DW_Macinfo_Define, A.Define), (FFI.DW_Macinfo_Undef, A.Undef) ] genCodingInstance [t|A.ImportedEntityTag|] ''FFI.DwTag [ (FFI.DwTag_imported_module, A.ImportedModule) , (FFI.DwTag_imported_declaration, A.ImportedDeclaration) ] instance EncodeM EncodeAST ShortByteString (Ptr FFI.MDString) where encodeM s = do s' <- encodeM s Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getMDString c s') instance Applicative m => EncodeM m [A.DIFlag] FFI.DIFlags where encodeM fs = pure (FFI.DIFlags (foldl' (.|.) 0 (map encodeFlag fs))) where encodeFlag f = case f of A.Accessibility A.Private -> 1 A.Accessibility A.Protected -> 2 A.Accessibility A.Public -> 3 A.FwdDecl -> 1 `shiftL` 2 A.AppleBlock -> 1 `shiftL` 3 A.ReservedBit4 -> 1 `shiftL` 4 A.VirtualFlag -> 1 `shiftL` 5 A.Artificial -> 1 `shiftL` 6 A.Explicit -> 1 `shiftL` 7 A.Prototyped -> 1 `shiftL` 8 A.ObjcClassComplete -> 1 `shiftL` 9 A.ObjectPointer -> 1 `shiftL` 10 A.Vector -> 1 `shiftL` 11 A.StaticMember -> 1 `shiftL` 12 A.LValueReference -> 1 `shiftL` 13 A.RValueReference -> 1 `shiftL` 14 A.InheritanceFlag A.SingleInheritance -> 1 `shiftL` 16 A.InheritanceFlag A.MultipleInheritance -> 2 `shiftL` 16 A.InheritanceFlag A.VirtualInheritance -> 3 `shiftL` 16 A.IntroducedVirtual -> 1 `shiftL` 18 A.BitField -> 1 `shiftL` 19 A.NoReturn -> 1 `shiftL` 20 A.TypePassByValue -> 1 `shiftL` 22 A.TypePassByReference -> 1 `shiftL` 23 A.EnumClass -> 1 `shiftL` 24 A.Thunk -> 1 `shiftL` 25 A.NonTrivial -> 1 `shiftL` 26 A.BigEndian -> 1 `shiftL` 27 A.LittleEndian -> 1 `shiftL` 28 A.AllCallsDescribed -> 1 `shiftL` 29 instance Applicative m => DecodeM m [A.DIFlag] FFI.DIFlags where decodeM (FFI.DIFlags f) = pure $ accessibility ++ inheritance ++ mapMaybe flagSet flags where flagSet :: A.DIFlag -> Maybe A.DIFlag flagSet f' | f'' .&. f /= 0 = Just f' | otherwise = Nothing where Identity (FFI.DIFlags f'') = encodeM [f'] accessibility | testBit f 0 && testBit f 1 = [A.Accessibility A.Public] | testBit f 0 = [A.Accessibility A.Private] | testBit f 1 = [A.Accessibility A.Protected] | otherwise = [] inheritance | testBit f 16 && testBit f 17 = [A.InheritanceFlag A.VirtualInheritance] | testBit f 16 = [A.InheritanceFlag A.SingleInheritance] | testBit f 17 = [A.InheritanceFlag A.MultipleInheritance] | otherwise = [] flags = [ A.FwdDecl , A.AppleBlock , A.VirtualFlag , A.Artificial , A.Explicit , A.Prototyped , A.ObjcClassComplete , A.ObjectPointer , A.Vector , A.StaticMember , A.LValueReference , A.RValueReference , A.IntroducedVirtual , A.BitField , A.NoReturn , A.TypePassByValue , A.TypePassByReference , A.EnumClass , A.Thunk , A.NonTrivial , A.BigEndian , A.LittleEndian , A.AllCallsDescribed ] instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.Operand (Ptr FFI.Value) where decodeM v = do c <- liftIO $ FFI.isAConstant v if c /= nullPtr then return A.ConstantOperand `ap` decodeM c else do m <- liftIO $ FFI.isAMetadataOperand v if m /= nullPtr then A.MetadataOperand <$> decodeM m else A.LocalReference <$> (decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.typeOf v)) <*> getLocalName v instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.Metadata (Ptr FFI.Metadata) where decodeM md = do s <- liftIO $ FFI.isAMDString md if s /= nullPtr then A.MDString <$> decodeM s else do n <- liftIO $ FFI.isAMDNode md if n /= nullPtr then A.MDNode <$> decodeM n else do v <- liftIO $ FFI.isAMDValue md if v /= nullPtr then A.MDValue <$> decodeM v else do throwM (DecodeException "Metadata was not one of [MDString, MDValue, MDNode]") instance DecodeM DecodeAST (Either String A.DINode) (Ptr FFI.DINode) where decodeM diN = do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast diN) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DIEnumerator|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIEnumerator <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIEnumerator) [mdSubclassIdP|DIImportedEntity|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIImportedEntity <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIImportedEntity) [mdSubclassIdP|DIObjCProperty|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIObjCProperty <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIObjCProperty) [mdSubclassIdP|DISubrange|] -> liftM Right $ A.DISubrange <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DISubrange) [mdSubclassIdP|DIBasicType|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DICompositeType|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DIDerivedType|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DISubroutineType|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlock|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlockFile|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DIFile|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DINamespace|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DISubprogram|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DICompileUnit|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DIModule|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIScope <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DIGlobalVariable|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIVariable <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIVariable) [mdSubclassIdP|DILocalVariable|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIVariable <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DIVariable) [mdSubclassIdP|DITemplateTypeParameter|] -> liftM Right $ A.DITemplateParameter <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DITemplateParameter) [mdSubclassIdP|DITemplateValueParameter|] -> liftM Right $ A.DITemplateParameter <$> decodeM (castPtr diN :: Ptr FFI.DITemplateParameter) [mdSubclassIdP|MDString|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (MDString)") [mdSubclassIdP|ConstantAsMetadata|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (ConstantAsMetadata)") [mdSubclassIdP|LocalAsMetadata|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (LocalAsMetadata)") [mdSubclassIdP|DistinctMDOperandPlaceholder|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (DistinctMDOperandPlaceholder)") [mdSubclassIdP|MDTuple|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (MDTuple)") [mdSubclassIdP|DILocation|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (DILocation)") [mdSubclassIdP|DIExpression|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (DIExpression)") [mdSubclassIdP|DIGlobalVariableExpression|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (DIGlobalVariableExpression)") [mdSubclassIdP|GenericDINode|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (GenericDINode)") [mdSubclassIdP|DIMacro|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (DIMacro)") [mdSubclassIdP|DIMacroFile|] -> liftM Left $ pure ("Lifting to Haskell not implemented for toplevel DINode kind: " <> show sId <> " (DIMacroFile)") _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DINode: " <> show sId)) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DICount (Ptr FFI.Metadata) where encodeM count = do case count of A.DICountConstant i -> do let constant = A.MDValue (A.ConstantOperand (A.Int { A.integerBits = 64, A.integerValue = toInteger i })) encodeM constant A.DICountVariable v -> do encodeM (A.MDNode $ A.DINode . A.DIVariable <$> v) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIBound (Ptr FFI.Metadata) where encodeM bound = do case bound of A.DIBoundConstant i -> do let constant = A.MDValue (A.ConstantOperand (A.Int { A.integerBits = 64, A.integerValue = toInteger i })) encodeM constant A.DIBoundVariable v -> do encodeM (A.MDNode (A.DINode . A.DIVariable <$> v)) A.DIBoundExpression e -> do encodeM (A.MDNode (A.DIExpression <$> e)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DICount (Ptr FFI.Metadata) where decodeM m = do c <- liftIO $ FFI.isAMDValue m if c /= nullPtr then do (A.ConstantOperand A.Int { A.integerValue = i }) <- decodeM c pure (A.DICountConstant (fromInteger i)) else do v <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.isADIVariable m) pure (A.DICountVariable v) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIBound (Ptr FFI.Metadata) where decodeM m = do c <- liftIO $ FFI.isAMDValue m if c /= nullPtr then do (A.ConstantOperand A.Int { A.integerValue = i }) <- decodeM c pure (A.DIBoundConstant (fromInteger i)) else do v <- liftIO (FFI.isADIVariable m) if v /= nullPtr then do v' <- decodeM =<< pure v pure (A.DIBoundVariable v') else do e <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.isADIExpression m) pure (A.DIBoundExpression e) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DISubrange (Ptr FFI.DISubrange) where encodeM (A.Subrange {..}) = do Context c <- gets encodeStateContext count' <- encodeM count lowerBound' <- encodeM lowerBound upperBound' <- encodeM upperBound stride' <- encodeM stride liftIO (FFI.getDISubrangeVariableFields c count' lowerBound' upperBound' stride') instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DISubrange (Ptr FFI.DISubrange) where decodeM r = do count <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubrangeCount r) lowerBound <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubrangeLowerBound r) upperBound <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubrangeUpperBound r) stride <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubrangeStride r) pure (A.Subrange count lowerBound upperBound stride) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIEnumerator (Ptr FFI.DIEnumerator) where encodeM (A.Enumerator {..}) = do name <- encodeM name isUnsigned <- encodeM isUnsigned Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIEnumerator c value isUnsigned name) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIEnumerator (Ptr FFI.DIEnumerator) where decodeM e = do value <- liftIO (FFI.getDIEnumeratorValue e) isUnsigned <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIEnumeratorIsUnsigned e) name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIEnumeratorName e) pure (A.Enumerator value isUnsigned name) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DINode (Ptr FFI.DINode) where encodeM (A.DISubrange r) = do ptr <- encodeM r pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DISubrange)) encodeM (A.DIEnumerator e) = do ptr <- encodeM e pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DIEnumerator)) encodeM (A.DIScope s) = do ptr <- encodeM s pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DIScope)) encodeM (A.DIVariable v) = do ptr <- encodeM v pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DIVariable)) encodeM (A.DITemplateParameter p) = do ptr <- encodeM p pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DITemplateParameter)) encodeM (A.DIImportedEntity e) = do ptr <- encodeM e pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DIImportedEntity)) encodeM (A.DIObjCProperty o) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM o :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIObjCProperty)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIScope (Ptr FFI.DIScope) where decodeM p = do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast p) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DINamespace|] -> A.DINamespace <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DINamespace) [mdSubclassIdP|DIFile|] -> A.DIFile <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIFile) [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlock|] -> A.DILocalScope <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DILocalScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlockFile|] -> A.DILocalScope <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DILocalScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DISubprogram|] -> A.DILocalScope <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DILocalScope) [mdSubclassIdP|DIBasicType|] -> A.DIType <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIType) [mdSubclassIdP|DICompositeType|] -> A.DIType <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIType) [mdSubclassIdP|DIDerivedType|] -> A.DIType <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIType) [mdSubclassIdP|DISubroutineType|] -> A.DIType <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIType) [mdSubclassIdP|DICompileUnit|] -> A.DICompileUnit <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DICompileUnit) [mdSubclassIdP|DIModule|] -> A.DIModule <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIModule) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DIScope: " <> show sId)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DINamespace (Ptr FFI.DINamespace) where decodeM p = do scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeScope (FFI.upCast p)) name <- getByteStringFromFFI FFI.getScopeName (FFI.upCast p) exported <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getNamespaceExportedSymbols (castPtr p)) return (A.Namespace name scope exported) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DINamespace (Ptr FFI.DINamespace) where encodeM A.Namespace {..} = do name <- encodeM name scope <- encodeM scope exportSyms <- encodeM exportSymbols Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDINamespace c scope name exportSyms) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIModule (Ptr FFI.DIModule) where decodeM p = do scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeScope (FFI.upCast p)) name <- getByteStringFromFFI FFI.getScopeName (FFI.upCast p) let m = castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIModule configurationMacros <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIModuleConfigurationMacros m) includePath <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIModuleIncludePath m) apiNotesFile <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIModuleAPINotesFile m) lineNo <- liftIO (FFI.getDIModuleLineNo m) pure A.Module { A.scope = scope , A.name = name , A.configurationMacros = configurationMacros , A.includePath = includePath , A.apiNotesFile = apiNotesFile , A.lineNo = lineNo } instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIModule (Ptr FFI.DIModule) where encodeM A.Module {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope name <- encodeM name configurationMacros <- encodeM configurationMacros includePath <- encodeM includePath apiNotesFile <- encodeM apiNotesFile Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIModule c scope name configurationMacros includePath apiNotesFile lineNo) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DICompileUnit (Ptr FFI.DICompileUnit) where decodeM p = do language <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitLanguage p) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeFile (FFI.upCast p)) producer <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitProducer p) optimized <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitOptimized p) flags <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitFlags p) runtimeVersion <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitRuntimeVersion p) splitDebugFilename <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitSplitDebugFilename p) emissionKind <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitEmissionKind p) dwoid <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitDWOId p) splitDebugInlining <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitSplitDebugInlining p) debugInfoForProfiling <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitDebugInfoForProfiling p) enums <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitEnumTypes p) retainedTypes' <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitRetainedTypes p) let toRetainedType :: A.MDRef A.DIScope -> DecodeAST (A.MDRef (Either A.DIType A.DISubprogram)) toRetainedType (A.MDRef i) = pure (A.MDRef i) toRetainedType (A.MDInline (A.DIType ty)) = pure (A.MDInline (Left ty)) toRetainedType (A.MDInline (A.DILocalScope (A.DISubprogram p))) = pure (A.MDInline (Right p)) toRetainedType (A.MDInline e) = throwM (DecodeException ("Retained type must be DISubprogram or DIType but got " <> show e)) retainedTypes <- traverse toRetainedType retainedTypes' globals <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitGlobalVariables p) entities <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitImportedEntities p) macros <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitMacros p) nameTableKind <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitNameTableKind p) rangesBaseAddress <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDICompileUnitRangesBaseAddress p) pure A.CompileUnit { A.language = language , A.file = file , A.producer = producer , A.optimized = optimized , A.flags = flags , A.runtimeVersion = runtimeVersion , A.splitDebugFileName = splitDebugFilename , A.emissionKind = emissionKind , A.enums = enums , A.retainedTypes = retainedTypes , A.globals = globals , A.imports = entities , A.macros = macros , A.dWOId = dwoid , A.splitDebugInlining = splitDebugInlining , A.debugInfoForProfiling = debugInfoForProfiling , A.nameTableKind = nameTableKind , A.rangesBaseAddress = rangesBaseAddress } instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DICompileUnit (Ptr FFI.DICompileUnit) where encodeM (A.CompileUnit {..}) = do language <- encodeM language file <- encodeM file producer <- encodeM producer optimized <- encodeM optimized flags <- encodeM flags runtimeVersion <- encodeM runtimeVersion debugFileName <- encodeM splitDebugFileName emissionKind <- encodeM emissionKind enums <- encodeM enums retainedTypes <- encodeM (map (fmap (either A.DIType (A.DILocalScope . A.DISubprogram))) retainedTypes) globals <- encodeM globals imports <- encodeM imports macros <- encodeM macros dwoid <- encodeM dWOId splitDebugInlining <- encodeM splitDebugInlining debugInfoForProfiling <- encodeM debugInfoForProfiling nameTableKind <- encodeM nameTableKind rangesBaseAddress <- encodeM rangesBaseAddress Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO $ FFI.getDICompileUnit c language file producer optimized flags runtimeVersion debugFileName emissionKind enums retainedTypes globals imports macros dwoid splitDebugInlining debugInfoForProfiling nameTableKind rangesBaseAddress instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIScope (Ptr FFI.DIScope) where encodeM (A.DIFile f) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM f :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIFile)) encodeM (A.DICompileUnit cu) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM cu :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DICompileUnit)) encodeM (A.DIType t) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM t :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIType)) encodeM (A.DILocalScope t) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM t :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DILocalScope)) encodeM (A.DINamespace ns) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM ns :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DINamespace)) encodeM (A.DIModule m) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM m :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIModule)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIFile (Ptr FFI.DIFile) where decodeM diF = do fname <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getFileFilename diF) dir <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getFileDirectory diF) mayChecksum <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getFileChecksumValue diF) case mayChecksum of Nothing -> pure (A.File fname dir Nothing) Just checksum -> do csk <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getFileChecksumKind diF) pure (A.File fname dir (Just (A.ChecksumInfo csk checksum))) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIFile (Ptr FFI.DIFile) where encodeM (A.File {..}) = do filename <- encodeM filename directory <- encodeM directory Context c <- gets encodeStateContext case checksum of Nothing -> liftIO (FFI.getDIFile c filename directory (FFI.ChecksumKind 0) nullPtr) Just (A.ChecksumInfo {..}) -> do checksumValue <- encodeM checksumValue checksumKind <- encodeM checksumKind liftIO (FFI.getDIFile c filename directory checksumKind checksumValue) instance EncodeM EncodeAST (Maybe A.Encoding) FFI.Encoding where encodeM Nothing = pure (FFI.Encoding 0) encodeM (Just e) = encodeM e instance DecodeM DecodeAST (Maybe A.Encoding) FFI.Encoding where decodeM (FFI.Encoding 0) = pure Nothing decodeM e = Just <$> decodeM e instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIType (Ptr FFI.DIType) where encodeM (A.DIBasicType t) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM t :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIBasicType)) encodeM (A.DIDerivedType t) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM t :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIDerivedType)) encodeM (A.DISubroutineType t) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM t :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DISubroutineType)) encodeM (A.DICompositeType t) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM t :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DICompositeType)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DICompositeType (Ptr FFI.DICompositeType) where decodeM diTy = do tag <- liftIO (FFI.getTag (FFI.upCast diTy)) size <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeSizeInBits (FFI.upCast diTy)) align <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeAlignInBits (FFI.upCast diTy)) elements <- liftIO (FFI.getElements diTy) scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeScope (FFI.upCast diTy)) name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTypeName (FFI.upCast diTy)) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeFile (FFI.upCast diTy)) line <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeLine (FFI.upCast diTy)) flags <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTypeFlags (FFI.upCast diTy)) runtimeLang <- liftIO (FFI.getRuntimeLang diTy) vtableHolder <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getVTableHolder diTy) type' <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getCompositeBaseType diTy) identifier <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getIdentifier diTy) case tag of FFI.DwTag_array_type -> do subscripts <- decodeM (FFI.TupleArray elements :: FFI.TupleArray FFI.DISubrange) pure (A.DIArrayType subscripts type' size align flags) FFI.DwTag_enumeration_type -> do values <- decodeM (FFI.TupleArray elements :: FFI.TupleArray FFI.DIEnumerator) pure (A.DIEnumerationType scope name file line values type' identifier size align) FFI.DwTag_structure_type -> do elements <- decodeM (FFI.TupleArray elements :: FFI.TupleArray FFI.DIScope) elements <- traverse fromCompElement elements pure (A.DIStructureType scope name file line flags type' elements runtimeLang vtableHolder identifier size align) FFI.DwTag_class_type -> do elements <- decodeM (FFI.TupleArray elements :: FFI.TupleArray FFI.DIScope) elements <- traverse fromCompElement elements vtableHolder <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getVTableHolder diTy) params <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTemplateParams diTy) pure (A.DIClassType scope name file line flags type' elements vtableHolder params identifier size align) FFI.DwTag_union_type -> do elements <- decodeM (FFI.TupleArray elements :: FFI.TupleArray FFI.DIScope) elements <- traverse fromCompElement elements pure (A.DIUnionType scope name file line flags elements runtimeLang identifier size align) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown tag of DICompositeType: " <> show tag)) fromCompElement :: A.MDRef A.DIScope -> DecodeAST (A.MDRef (Either A.DIDerivedType A.DISubprogram)) fromCompElement (A.MDRef r) = pure (A.MDRef r) fromCompElement (A.MDInline (A.DIType (A.DIDerivedType ty))) = pure (A.MDInline (Left ty)) fromCompElement (A.MDInline (A.DILocalScope (A.DISubprogram p))) = pure (A.MDInline (Right p)) fromCompElement (A.MDInline e) = throwM (DecodeException ("Elements of DIClassType, DIStructureType and DIUnionType must be DIDerivedType or DISubprogram but got " <> show e)) toCompElement :: A.MDRef (Either A.DIDerivedType A.DISubprogram) -> A.MDRef A.DIScope toCompElement = fmap (either (A.DIType . A.DIDerivedType) (A.DILocalScope . A.DISubprogram)) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DICompositeType (Ptr FFI.DICompositeType) where encodeM A.DIArrayType {..} = do subscripts <- encodeM subscripts elementTy <- encodeM elementTy flags <- encodeM flags Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIArrayType c subscripts elementTy sizeInBits alignInBits flags) encodeM A.DIEnumerationType {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope name <- encodeM name file <- encodeM file elements <- encodeM values underlyingType <- encodeM baseType identifier <- encodeM identifier Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIEnumerationType c scope name file line sizeInBits alignInBits elements underlyingType identifier) encodeM A.DIStructureType {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope name <- encodeM name file <- encodeM file flags <- encodeM flags derivedFrom <- encodeM derivedFrom elements <- encodeM (map toCompElement elements) vtableHolder <- encodeM vtableHolder identifier <- encodeM identifier Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIStructType c scope name file line sizeInBits alignInBits flags derivedFrom elements runtimeLang vtableHolder identifier) encodeM A.DIUnionType {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope name <- encodeM name file <- encodeM file flags <- encodeM flags elements <- encodeM (map toCompElement elements) identifier <- encodeM identifier Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIUnionType c scope name file line sizeInBits alignInBits flags elements runtimeLang identifier) encodeM A.DIClassType {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope name <- encodeM name file <- encodeM file flags <- encodeM flags derivedFrom <- encodeM derivedFrom elements <- encodeM (map toCompElement elements) vtableHolder <- encodeM vtableHolder params <- encodeM templateParams identifier <- encodeM identifier Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIClassType c scope name file line sizeInBits alignInBits flags derivedFrom elements vtableHolder params identifier) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIType (Ptr FFI.DIType) where decodeM diTy = do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast diTy) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DIBasicType|] -> A.DIBasicType <$> decodeM (castPtr diTy :: Ptr FFI.DIBasicType) [mdSubclassIdP|DICompositeType|] -> A.DICompositeType <$> decodeM (castPtr diTy :: Ptr FFI.DICompositeType) [mdSubclassIdP|DIDerivedType|] -> A.DIDerivedType <$> decodeM (castPtr diTy :: Ptr FFI.DIDerivedType) [mdSubclassIdP|DISubroutineType|] -> A.DISubroutineType <$> decodeM (castPtr diTy :: Ptr FFI.DISubroutineType) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DIType: " <> show sId)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIBasicType (Ptr FFI.DIBasicType) where decodeM diTy = do tag <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTag (FFI.upCast diTy)) size <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeSizeInBits (FFI.upCast diTy)) align <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeAlignInBits (FFI.upCast diTy)) name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTypeName (FFI.upCast diTy)) encoding <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getBasicTypeEncoding diTy) flags <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTypeFlags (castPtr diTy :: Ptr FFI.DIType)) pure (A.BasicType name size align encoding tag flags) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIBasicType (Ptr FFI.DIBasicType) where encodeM A.BasicType {..} = do tag <- encodeM tag name <- encodeM name encoding <- encodeM encoding flags <- encodeM flags Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIBasicType c tag name sizeInBits alignInBits encoding flags) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DISubroutineType (Ptr FFI.DISubroutineType) where encodeM A.SubroutineType {..} = do flags <- encodeM flags types <- encodeM typeArray Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDISubroutineType c flags cc types) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DISubroutineType (Ptr FFI.DISubroutineType) where decodeM p = do flags <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTypeFlags (FFI.upCast p)) cc <- liftIO (FFI.getSubroutineCC p) arr <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getSubroutineTypeArray p) pure A.SubroutineType { A.flags = flags , A.cc = cc , A.typeArray = arr } instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIDerivedType (Ptr FFI.DIDerivedType) where encodeM A.DerivedType {..} = do tag <- encodeM tag name <- encodeM name file <- encodeM file line <- encodeM line scope <- encodeM scope type' <- encodeM baseType (addrSpace, addrSpacePresent) <- encodeM addressSpace flags <- encodeM flags Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDIDerivedType c tag name file line scope type' sizeInBits alignInBits offsetInBits addrSpace addrSpacePresent flags) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIDerivedType (Ptr FFI.DIDerivedType) where decodeM diTy = do let diTy' = FFI.upCast diTy name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTypeName diTy') file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeFile (FFI.upCast diTy)) scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeScope (FFI.upCast diTy)) ty <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDerivedBaseType diTy') line <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeLine diTy') size <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeSizeInBits diTy') align <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeAlignInBits diTy') offset <- liftIO (FFI.getTypeOffsetInBits diTy') tag <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTag (FFI.upCast diTy)) flags <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTypeFlags diTy') addressSpace <- decodeOptional (FFI.getDerivedAddressSpace diTy') pure A.DerivedType { A.tag = tag , A.name = name , A.file = file , A.line = line , A.scope = scope , A.baseType = ty , A.sizeInBits = size , A.alignInBits = align , A.offsetInBits = offset , A.addressSpace = addressSpace , A.flags = flags } instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIVariable (Ptr FFI.DIVariable) where encodeM (A.DIGlobalVariable v) = do ptr <- encodeM v pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariable)) encodeM (A.DILocalVariable v) = do ptr <- encodeM v pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DILocalVariable)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIVariable (Ptr FFI.DIVariable) where decodeM p = do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast p) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DIGlobalVariable|] -> A.DIGlobalVariable <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariable) [mdSubclassIdP|DILocalVariable|] -> A.DILocalVariable <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DILocalVariable) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DIVariable: " <> show sId)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIGlobalVariable (Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariable) where decodeM p = do name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableName (FFI.upCast p)) scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableScope (FFI.upCast p)) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableFile (FFI.upCast p)) line <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableLine (FFI.upCast p)) type' <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableType (FFI.upCast p)) align <- liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableAlignInBits (FFI.upCast p)) linkageName <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariableLinkageName p) local <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariableLocal p) definition <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariableDefinition p) decl <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariableStaticDataMemberDeclaration p) pure A.GlobalVariable { A.name = name , A.scope = scope , A.file = file , A.line = line , A.type' = type' , A.linkageName = linkageName , A.local = local , A.definition = definition , A.staticDataMemberDeclaration = decl , A.templateParams = [] , A.alignInBits = align } instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIGlobalVariable (Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariable) where encodeM A.GlobalVariable {..} = do name <- encodeM name scope <- encodeM scope file <- encodeM file line <- encodeM line type' <- encodeM type' linkageName <- encodeM linkageName local <- encodeM local definition <- encodeM definition dataMemberDeclaration <- encodeM staticDataMemberDeclaration templateParams <- encodeM templateParams Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariable c scope name linkageName file line type' local definition dataMemberDeclaration templateParams alignInBits) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DILocalVariable (Ptr FFI.DILocalVariable) where decodeM p = do name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableName (FFI.upCast p)) scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableScope (FFI.upCast p)) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableFile (FFI.upCast p)) line <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableLine (FFI.upCast p)) type' <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableType (FFI.upCast p)) align <- liftIO (FFI.getDIVariableAlignInBits (FFI.upCast p)) arg <- liftIO (FFI.getDILocalVariableArg p) flags <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDILocalVariableFlags p) pure A.LocalVariable { A.file = file , A.scope = scope , A.name = name , A.line = line , A.arg = arg , A.flags = flags , A.type' = type' , A.alignInBits = align } instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DILocalVariable (Ptr FFI.DILocalVariable) where encodeM A.LocalVariable {..} = do name <- encodeM name scope <- encodeM scope file <- encodeM file type' <- encodeM type' flags <- encodeM flags Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDILocalVariable c scope name file line type' arg flags alignInBits) getDITemplateParameterName :: A.DITemplateParameter -> ShortByteString getDITemplateParameterName A.DITemplateTypeParameter {..} = name getDITemplateParameterName A.DITemplateValueParameter{..} = name getDITemplateParameterType :: A.DITemplateParameter -> Maybe (A.MDRef A.DIType) getDITemplateParameterType A.DITemplateTypeParameter {..} = type' getDITemplateParameterType A.DITemplateValueParameter{..} = type' instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DITemplateParameter (Ptr FFI.DITemplateParameter) where encodeM p = do name' <- encodeM (getDITemplateParameterName p) :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.MDString) ty <- encodeM (getDITemplateParameterType p) Context c <- gets encodeStateContext case p of A.DITemplateTypeParameter {} -> FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDITemplateTypeParameter c name' ty) A.DITemplateValueParameter {..} -> do tag <- encodeM tag value <- encodeM value FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDITemplateValueParameter c name' ty tag True value) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DITemplateParameter (Ptr FFI.DITemplateParameter) where decodeM p = do sId <- liftIO (FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast p)) name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDITemplateParameterName p) ty <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDITemplateParameterType p) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DITemplateTypeParameter|] -> pure (A.DITemplateTypeParameter name ty) [mdSubclassIdP|DITemplateValueParameter|] -> do value <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDITemplateValueParameterValue (castPtr p)) tag <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTag (FFI.upCast p)) pure (A.DITemplateValueParameter name ty value tag) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DITemplateParameter: " <> show sId)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DISubprogram (Ptr FFI.DISubprogram) where decodeM p = do name <- getByteStringFromFFI FFI.getScopeName (FFI.upCast p) linkageName <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramLinkageName p) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeFile (FFI.upCast p)) scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeScope (FFI.upCast p)) line <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramLine p) virtuality <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramVirtuality p) virtualIndex <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramVirtualIndex p) scopeLine <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramScopeLine p) optimized <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramIsOptimized p) definition <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramIsDefinition p) localToUnit <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramLocalToUnit p) thisAdjustment <- liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramThisAdjustment p) flags <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramFlags p) type' <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramType p) containingType <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramContainingType p) unit <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramUnit p) templateParams <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramTemplateParams p) retainedNodes <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramRetainedNodes p) thrownTypes <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramThrownTypes p) decl <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogramDeclaration p) pure A.Subprogram { A.name = name , A.linkageName = linkageName , A.scope = scope , A.file = file , A.line = line , A.type' = type' , A.definition = definition , A.scopeLine = scopeLine , A.containingType = containingType , A.virtuality = virtuality , A.virtualityIndex = virtualIndex , A.flags = flags , A.optimized = optimized , A.unit = unit , A.templateParams = templateParams , A.declaration = decl , A.retainedNodes = retainedNodes , A.thrownTypes = thrownTypes , A.localToUnit = localToUnit , A.thisAdjustment = thisAdjustment } instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DISubprogram (Ptr FFI.DISubprogram) where encodeM A.Subprogram {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope name <- encodeM name linkageName <- encodeM linkageName file <- encodeM file line <- encodeM line type' <- encodeM type' localToUnit <- encodeM localToUnit definition <- encodeM definition scopeLine <- encodeM scopeLine containingType <- encodeM containingType virtuality <- encodeM virtuality virtualityIndex <- encodeM virtualityIndex flags <- encodeM flags optimized <- encodeM optimized unit <- encodeM unit templateParams <- encodeM templateParams declaration <- encodeM declaration retainedNodes <- encodeM retainedNodes thrownTypes <- encodeM thrownTypes Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDISubprogram c scope name linkageName file line type' localToUnit definition scopeLine containingType virtuality virtualityIndex thisAdjustment flags optimized unit templateParams declaration retainedNodes thrownTypes) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DILocalScope (Ptr FFI.DILocalScope) where decodeM ls = do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast ls) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DISubprogram|] -> A.DISubprogram <$> decodeM (castPtr ls :: Ptr FFI.DISubprogram) [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlock|] -> A.DILexicalBlockBase <$> decodeM (castPtr ls :: Ptr FFI.DILexicalBlockBase) [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlockFile|] -> A.DILexicalBlockBase <$> decodeM (castPtr ls :: Ptr FFI.DILexicalBlockBase) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DILocalScope: " <> show sId)) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DILocalScope (Ptr FFI.DILocalScope) where encodeM (A.DISubprogram sp) = do ptr <- encodeM sp pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DISubprogram)) encodeM (A.DILexicalBlockBase b) = do ptr <- encodeM b pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DILexicalBlockBase)) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DILexicalBlockBase (Ptr FFI.DILexicalBlockBase) where decodeM p = do sId <- liftIO (FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast p)) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlock|] -> do scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getLexicalBlockScope p) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeFile (FFI.upCast p)) line <- liftIO (FFI.getLexicalBlockLine p) col <- liftIO (FFI.getLexicalBlockColumn p) pure (A.DILexicalBlock scope file line col) [mdSubclassIdP|DILexicalBlockFile|] -> do scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getLexicalBlockScope p) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getScopeFile (FFI.upCast p)) disc <- liftIO (FFI.getLexicalBlockFileDiscriminator p) pure (A.DILexicalBlockFile scope file disc) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DILexicalBlockBase: " <> show sId)) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DILexicalBlockBase (Ptr FFI.DILexicalBlockBase) where encodeM A.DILexicalBlock {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope file <- encodeM file Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDILexicalBlock c scope file line column) encodeM A.DILexicalBlockFile {..} = do scope <- encodeM scope file <- encodeM file Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDILexicalBlockFile c scope file discriminator) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.CallableOperand (Ptr FFI.Value) where decodeM v = do ia <- liftIO $ FFI.isAInlineAsm v if ia /= nullPtr then Left <$> decodeM ia else Right <$> decodeM v instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.Operand (Ptr FFI.Value) where encodeM (A.ConstantOperand c) = do c' <- (encodeM :: A.Constant -> EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.Constant)) c let v = (FFI.upCast :: Ptr FFI.Constant -> Ptr FFI.Value) c' return v encodeM (A.LocalReference t n) = do lv <- refer encodeStateLocals n $ do lv <- do n <- encodeM n t <- encodeM t v <- liftIO $ FFI.createArgument t n return $ ForwardValue v modify $ \s -> s { encodeStateLocals = Map.insert n lv $ encodeStateLocals s } return lv return $ case lv of DefinedValue v -> v; ForwardValue v -> v encodeM (A.MetadataOperand md) = do md' <- encodeM md Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO $ FFI.upCast <$> FFI.metadataOperand c md' instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.Metadata (Ptr FFI.Metadata) where encodeM (A.MDString s) = do Context c <- gets encodeStateContext s <- encodeM s FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getMDString c s) encodeM (A.MDNode mdn) = (FFI.upCast :: Ptr FFI.MDNode -> Ptr FFI.Metadata) <$> encodeM mdn encodeM (A.MDValue v) = do v <- encodeM v mdVal <- liftIO $ FFI.mdValue v return $ FFI.upCast mdVal instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.CallableOperand (Ptr FFI.Value) where encodeM (Right o) = encodeM o encodeM (Left i) = (FFI.upCast :: Ptr FFI.InlineAsm -> Ptr FFI.Value) <$> encodeM i instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.MDNode (Ptr FFI.MDNode) where encodeM (A.MDTuple ops) = scopeAnyCont $ do Context c <- gets encodeStateContext ops <- encodeM ops FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getMDTuple c ops) encodeM (A.DINode n) = do ptr <- encodeM n pure (FFI.upCast (ptr :: Ptr FFI.DINode)) encodeM (A.DILocation l) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM l :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DILocation)) encodeM (A.DIExpression e) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM e :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIExpression)) encodeM (A.DIGlobalVariableExpression e) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM e :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariableExpression)) encodeM (A.DIMacroNode n) = FFI.upCast <$> (encodeM n :: EncodeAST (Ptr FFI.DIMacroNode)) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DILocation (Ptr FFI.DILocation) where encodeM A.Location {..} = do Context c <- gets encodeStateContext scopePtr <- encodeM scope liftIO (FFI.getDILocation c line column scopePtr) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DILocation (Ptr FFI.DILocation) where decodeM p = do line <- liftIO (FFI.getDILocationLine p) col <- liftIO (FFI.getDILocationColumn p) scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDILocationScope p) pure (A.Location line col scope) instance (MonadIO m, MonadState EncodeState m, MonadAnyCont IO m, EncodeM m a (Ptr a'), FFI.DescendentOf FFI.Metadata a') => EncodeM m [a] (FFI.TupleArray a') where encodeM [] = pure (FFI.TupleArray nullPtr) encodeM els = do (numEls, elsPtr) <- encodeM els Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.TupleArray <$> liftIO (FFI.getMDTuple c (numEls, castPtr (elsPtr :: Ptr (Ptr a')))) instance (MonadIO m, MonadAnyCont IO m, DecodeM m a (Ptr a')) => DecodeM m [a] (FFI.TupleArray a') where decodeM (FFI.TupleArray p) | p == nullPtr = pure [] | otherwise = do decodeArray FFI.getMDNodeNumOperands getOperand (FFI.upCast p) where getOperand md i = (castPtr <$> FFI.getMDNodeOperand md i) :: IO (Ptr a') encodeDWOp :: A.DWOp -> [Word64] encodeDWOp op = case op of A.DW_OP_And -> [FFI.DwOp_and] A.DW_OP_Bregx -> [FFI.DwOp_bregx] A.DW_OP_ConstU arg -> [FFI.DwOp_constu, arg] A.DW_OP_Deref -> [FFI.DwOp_deref] A.DW_OP_Div -> [FFI.DwOp_div] A.DW_OP_Dup -> [FFI.DwOp_dup] A.DwOpFragment (A.DW_OP_LLVM_Fragment offset size) -> [FFI.DwOp_LLVM_fragment, offset, size] A.DW_OP_Lit0 -> [FFI.DwOp_lit0] A.DW_OP_Minus -> [FFI.DwOp_minus] A.DW_OP_Mod -> [FFI.DwOp_mod] A.DW_OP_Mul -> [FFI.DwOp_mul] A.DW_OP_Not -> [FFI.DwOp_not] A.DW_OP_Or -> [FFI.DwOp_or] A.DW_OP_Plus -> [FFI.DwOp_plus] A.DW_OP_PlusUConst arg -> [FFI.DwOp_plus_uconst, arg] A.DW_OP_PushObjectAddress -> [FFI.DwOp_push_object_address] A.DW_OP_Shl -> [FFI.DwOp_shl] A.DW_OP_Shra -> [FFI.DwOp_shra] A.DW_OP_Shr -> [FFI.DwOp_shr] A.DW_OP_StackValue -> [FFI.DwOp_stack_value] A.DW_OP_Swap -> [FFI.DwOp_swap] A.DW_OP_XDeref -> [FFI.DwOp_xderef] A.DW_OP_Xor -> [FFI.DwOp_xor] instance DecodeM DecodeAST [Maybe A.Metadata] (Ptr FFI.MDNode) where decodeM p = decodeArray FFI.getMDNodeNumOperands FFI.getMDNodeOperand p instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.Operand (Ptr FFI.MDValue) where decodeM = decodeM <=< liftIO . FFI.getMDValue instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.Metadata (Ptr FFI.MetadataAsVal) where decodeM = decodeM <=< liftIO . FFI.getMetadataOperand decodeMDNode :: Ptr FFI.MDNode -> DecodeAST (Either String A.MDNode) decodeMDNode p = scopeAnyCont $ do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId p case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|MDTuple|] -> liftM Right $ A.MDTuple <$> decodeM p [mdSubclassIdP|DIExpression|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIExpression <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIExpression) [mdSubclassIdP|DIGlobalVariableExpression|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIGlobalVariableExpression <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariableExpression) [mdSubclassIdP|DILocation|] -> liftM Right $ A.DILocation <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DILocation) [mdSubclassIdP|DIMacro|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIMacroNode <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIMacroNode) [mdSubclassIdP|DIMacroFile|] -> liftM Right $ A.DIMacroNode <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIMacroNode) _ -> do decoded <- decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DINode) case decoded of (Right din) -> liftM Right $ pure $ A.DINode din (Left err) -> pure $ Left err instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIMacroNode (Ptr FFI.DIMacroNode) where decodeM p = do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId (FFI.upCast p) case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DIMacro|] -> do let p' = castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIMacro macInfo <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIMacroMacinfo p') line <- liftIO (FFI.getDIMacroLine p') name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIMacroName p') value <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIMacroValue p') pure (A.DIMacro macInfo line name value) [mdSubclassIdP|DIMacroFile|] -> do let p' = castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIMacroFile line <- liftIO (FFI.getDIMacroFileLine p') file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIMacroFileFile p') elements <- decodeArray FFI.getDIMacroFileNumElements FFI.getDIMacroFileElement p' pure (A.DIMacroFile line file elements) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown subclass id for DIMacroNode: " <> show sId)) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIMacroNode (Ptr FFI.DIMacroNode) where encodeM A.DIMacro {..} = do macInfo <- encodeM info name <- encodeM name value <- encodeM value Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDIMacro c macInfo line name value) encodeM A.DIMacroFile {..} = do file <- encodeM file elements <- encodeM elements Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDIMacroFile c line file elements) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIExpression (Ptr FFI.DIExpression) where encodeM A.Expression {..} = do ops <- encodeM (concatMap encodeDWOp operands) Context c <- gets encodeStateContext FFI.upCast <$> liftIO (FFI.getDIExpression c ops) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIExpression (Ptr FFI.DIExpression) where decodeM diExpr = do numElems <- liftIO (FFI.getDIExpressionNumElements diExpr) let go i | i >= numElems = pure [] | otherwise = do op <- FFI.getDIExpressionElement diExpr i case op of FFI.DwOp_LLVM_fragment -> do expectElems "LLVM_fragment" i 2 offset <- FFI.getDIExpressionElement diExpr (i + 1) size <- FFI.getDIExpressionElement diExpr (i + 2) (A.DwOpFragment (A.DW_OP_LLVM_Fragment offset size) :) <$> go (i + 3) FFI.DwOp_stack_value -> (A.DW_OP_StackValue :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_swap -> (A.DW_OP_Swap :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_constu -> do expectElems "constu" i 1 arg <- FFI.getDIExpressionElement diExpr (i + 1) (A.DW_OP_ConstU arg:) <$> go (i + 2) FFI.DwOp_lit0 -> (A.DW_OP_Lit0 :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_plus_uconst -> do expectElems "uconst" i 1 arg <- FFI.getDIExpressionElement diExpr (i + 1) (A.DW_OP_PlusUConst arg:) <$> go (i + 2) FFI.DwOp_plus -> (A.DW_OP_Plus :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_minus -> (A.DW_OP_Minus :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_mul -> (A.DW_OP_Mul :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_div -> (A.DW_OP_Div :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_mod -> (A.DW_OP_Mod :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_not -> (A.DW_OP_Not :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_or -> (A.DW_OP_Or :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_xor -> (A.DW_OP_Xor :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_and -> (A.DW_OP_And :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_shr -> (A.DW_OP_Shr :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_shra -> (A.DW_OP_Shra :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_shl -> (A.DW_OP_Shl :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_dup -> (A.DW_OP_Dup :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_deref -> (A.DW_OP_Deref :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_xderef -> (A.DW_OP_XDeref :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_bregx -> (A.DW_OP_Bregx :) <$> go (i + 1) FFI.DwOp_push_object_address -> (A.DW_OP_PushObjectAddress :) <$> go (i + 1) _ -> throwM (DecodeException ("Unknown DW_OP " <> show op)) expectElems name i n = when (i + n >= numElems) (throwM (DecodeException ("Expected " <> show n <> " elements following DW_OP_" <> name <> " but got " <> show (numElems - i - 1)))) liftIO (A.Expression <$> go 0) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIGlobalVariableExpression (Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariableExpression) where encodeM A.GlobalVariableExpression {..} = do var <- encodeM var expr <- encodeM expr Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariableExpression c var expr) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIGlobalVariableExpression (Ptr FFI.DIGlobalVariableExpression) where decodeM p = do var <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariableExpressionVariable p) expr <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIGlobalVariableExpressionExpression p) pure (A.GlobalVariableExpression var expr) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIImportedEntity (Ptr FFI.DIImportedEntity) where encodeM A.ImportedEntity {..} = do tag <- encodeM tag scope <- encodeM scope entity <- encodeM entity file <- encodeM file name <- encodeM name Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIImportedEntity c tag scope entity file line name) instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIImportedEntity (Ptr FFI.DIImportedEntity) where decodeM e = do tag <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getTag (FFI.upCast e)) scope <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIImportedEntityScope e) entity :: Either String A.DINode <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIImportedEntityEntity e) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIImportedEntityFile e) name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIImportedEntityName e) line <- liftIO (FFI.getDIImportedEntityLine e) case entity of (Right din) -> pure (A.ImportedEntity tag name scope (Just $ A.MDInline din) file line) (Left _) -> pure (A.ImportedEntity tag name scope Nothing file line) instance EncodeM EncodeAST A.DIObjCProperty (Ptr FFI.DIObjCProperty) where encodeM A.ObjCProperty {..} = do name <- encodeM name file <- encodeM file getterName <- encodeM getterName setterName <- encodeM setterName type' <- encodeM type' Context c <- gets encodeStateContext liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCProperty c name file line getterName setterName attributes type') instance DecodeM DecodeAST A.DIObjCProperty (Ptr FFI.DIObjCProperty) where decodeM p = do name <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCPropertyName p) file <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCPropertyFile p) line <- liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCPropertyLine p) getterName <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCPropertyGetterName p) setterName <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCPropertySetterName p) attributes <- liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCPropertyAttributes p) type' <- decodeM =<< liftIO (FFI.getDIObjCPropertyType p) pure (A.ObjCProperty name file line getterName setterName attributes type') instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} DecodeM DecodeAST (A.MDRef A.MDNode) (Ptr FFI.MDNode) where decodeM p = scopeAnyCont $ do sId <- liftIO $ FFI.getMetadataClassId p case sId of [mdSubclassIdP|DIExpression|] -> A.MDInline . A.DIExpression <$> decodeM (castPtr p :: Ptr FFI.DIExpression) _ -> A.MDRef <$> getMetadataNodeID p instance (DecodeM DecodeAST a (Ptr b), FFI.DescendentOf FFI.MDNode b) => DecodeM DecodeAST (A.MDRef a) (Ptr b) where decodeM p = scopeAnyCont $ A.MDRef <$> getMetadataNodeID (FFI.upCast p) instance (EncodeM EncodeAST a (Ptr b), FFI.DescendentOf FFI.MDNode b) => EncodeM EncodeAST (A.MDRef a) (Ptr b) where encodeM (A.MDRef id) = castPtr <$> referMDNode id encodeM (A.MDInline m) = encodeM m getMetadataDefinitions :: DecodeAST [A.Definition] getMetadataDefinitions = fix $ \continue -> do mdntd <- takeMetadataNodeToDefine case mdntd of Nothing -> pure [] Just (mid, p) -> do decoded <- decodeMDNode p case decoded of (Right mdn) -> (:) <$> (pure $ A.MetadataNodeDefinition mid mdn) <*> continue (Left _) -> continue