-- | A representation of LLVM constants module LLVM.AST.Constant where import LLVM.Prelude import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), complement, testBit, shiftL) import LLVM.AST.Type import LLVM.AST.Name import LLVM.AST.FloatingPointPredicate (FloatingPointPredicate) import LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate (IntegerPredicate) import LLVM.AST.AddrSpace ( AddrSpace(..) ) import qualified LLVM.AST.Float as F {- | N.B. - Although constant expressions and instructions have many similarites, there are important differences - so they're represented using different types in this AST. At the cost of making it harder to move an code back and forth between being constant and not, this approach embeds more of the rules of what IR is legal into the Haskell types. -} data Constant = Int { integerBits :: Word32, integerValue :: Integer } | Float { floatValue :: F.SomeFloat } | Null { constantType :: Type } | AggregateZero { constantType :: Type } | Struct { structName :: Maybe Name, isPacked :: Bool, memberValues :: [ Constant ] } | Array { memberType :: Type, memberValues :: [ Constant ] } | Vector { memberValues :: [ Constant ] } | Undef { constantType :: Type } | BlockAddress { blockAddressFunction :: Name, blockAddressBlock :: Name } | GlobalReference Type Name | TokenNone | Add { nsw :: Bool, nuw :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | FAdd { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | Sub { nsw :: Bool, nuw :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | FSub { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | Mul { nsw :: Bool, nuw :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | FMul { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | UDiv { exact :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | SDiv { exact :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | FDiv { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | URem { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | SRem { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | FRem { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | Shl { nsw :: Bool, nuw :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | LShr { exact :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | AShr { exact :: Bool, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | And { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | Or { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | Xor { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | GetElementPtr { inBounds :: Bool, address :: Constant, indices :: [Constant] } | Trunc { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | ZExt { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | SExt { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | FPToUI { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | FPToSI { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | UIToFP { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | SIToFP { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | FPTrunc { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | FPExt { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | PtrToInt { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | IntToPtr { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | BitCast { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | AddrSpaceCast { operand0 :: Constant, type' :: Type } | ICmp { iPredicate :: IntegerPredicate, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | FCmp { fpPredicate :: FloatingPointPredicate, operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant } | Select { condition' :: Constant, trueValue :: Constant, falseValue :: Constant } | ExtractElement { vector :: Constant, index :: Constant } | InsertElement { vector :: Constant, element :: Constant, index :: Constant } | ShuffleVector { operand0 :: Constant, operand1 :: Constant, mask :: Constant } | ExtractValue { aggregate :: Constant, indices' :: [Word32] } | InsertValue { aggregate :: Constant, element :: Constant, indices' :: [Word32] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic) -- | Since LLVM types don't include signedness, there's ambiguity in interpreting -- an constant as an Integer. The LLVM assembly printer prints integers as signed, but -- cheats for 1-bit integers and prints them as 'true' or 'false'. That way it circuments the -- otherwise awkward fact that a twos complement 1-bit number only has the values -1 and 0. signedIntegerValue :: Constant -> Integer signedIntegerValue (Int nBits' bits) = let nBits = fromIntegral nBits' in if bits `testBit` (nBits - 1) then bits .|. (-1 `shiftL` nBits) else bits signedIntegerValue _ = error "signedIntegerValue is only defined for Int" -- | This library's conversion from LLVM C++ objects will always produce integer constants -- as unsigned, so this function in many cases is not necessary. However, nothing's to keep -- stop direct construction of an 'Int' with a negative 'integerValue'. There's nothing in principle -- wrong with such a value - it has perfectly good low order bits like any integer, and will be used -- as such, likely producing the intended result if lowered to C++. If, however one wishes to interpret -- an 'Int' of unknown provenance as unsigned, then this function will serve. unsignedIntegerValue :: Constant -> Integer unsignedIntegerValue (Int nBits bits) = bits .&. (complement (-1 `shiftL` (fromIntegral nBits))) unsignedIntegerValue _ = error "unsignedIntegerValue is only defined for Int" -- platform independant sizeof: a gep to the end of a nullptr and some bitcasting. sizeof :: Word32 -> Type -> Constant sizeof szBits t = PtrToInt szPtr (IntegerType szBits) where ptrType = PointerType t (AddrSpace 0) nullPtr = IntToPtr (Int szBits 0) ptrType szPtr = GetElementPtr True nullPtr [Int szBits 1]