{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module LLVM.Test.Regression ( tests ) where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified LLVM.AST as AST import LLVM.AST hiding (Module) import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C import LLVM.AST.Global hiding (metadata) import LLVM.AST.Type import LLVM.Context import LLVM.Exception import LLVM.Module import Control.Exception example1 :: AST.Module example1 = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { name = "test" , returnType = void , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock "entry" [ UnName 0 := Alloca i32 Nothing 0 [] , UnName 1 := Store False (LocalReference (ptr i32) (UnName 0)) (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 42)) Nothing 0 [] ] (Do $ Ret Nothing []) ] } ] } example2 :: AST.Module example2 = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { name = "test" , returnType = void , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock "entry" [ UnName 0 := Alloca (ptr $ FunctionType void [] False) Nothing 0 [] , Do $ Store False (LocalReference (ptr $ ptr $ FunctionType void [] False) (UnName 0)) (ConstantOperand $ C.GlobalReference (FunctionType void [] False) "test") Nothing 0 [] ] (Do $ Ret Nothing []) ] } ] } example3 :: AST.Module example3 = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { name = "test" , returnType = void , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock "entry" [ UnName 0 := GetElementPtr { inBounds = False, address = ConstantOperand (C.Null i32), indices = [ ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0) ], metadata = [] } ] (Do $ Ret Nothing []) ] } ] } duplicateDefinitions :: AST.Module duplicateDefinitions = defaultModule { moduleName = "clashingModule" , moduleDefinitions = [ GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { name = "clashy" , returnType = i64 , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock "entry" [ mkName "c" := Add False False (ConstantOperand (C.Int 64 1)) (ConstantOperand (C.Int 64 2)) [] ] (Do (Br "next" [])) , BasicBlock "next" [ mkName "c" := Phi i64 [(LocalReference i64 "c", "entry")] [] ] (Do (Ret (Just (LocalReference i64 "c")) [])) ] } ] } reuseAcrossFunctions :: AST.Module reuseAcrossFunctions = defaultModule { moduleName = "<string>" , moduleDefinitions = [ GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { name = "f" , returnType = i64 , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock "entry" [ "c" := Add False False (ConstantOperand (C.Int 64 1)) (ConstantOperand (C.Int 64 2)) [] ] (Do (Ret (Just (LocalReference i64 "c")) [])) ] } , GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { name = "g" , returnType = i64 , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock "entry" [ "c" := Add False False (ConstantOperand (C.Int 64 1)) (ConstantOperand (C.Int 64 2)) [] ] (Do (Ret (Just (LocalReference i64 "c")) [])) ] } ] } shouldThrowEncodeException :: AST.Module -> String -> IO () shouldThrowEncodeException ast errMsg = do result <- try $ withContext $ \context -> do withModuleFromAST context ast (\_ -> return ()) case result of Left (EncodeException actualErrMsg) -> actualErrMsg @?= errMsg Right _ -> assertFailure ("Expected serialization to fail with: \"" ++ errMsg ++ "\"") shouldNotThrow :: AST.Module -> IO () shouldNotThrow ast = do withContext $ \context -> do withModuleFromAST context ast (\_ -> return ()) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Regression" [ testCase "no named voids" (example1 `shouldThrowEncodeException` "Instruction of type void must not have a name: UnName 1 := Store {volatile = False, address = LocalReference (PointerType {pointerReferent = IntegerType {typeBits = 32}, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0}) (UnName 0), value = ConstantOperand (Int {integerBits = 32, integerValue = 42}), maybeAtomicity = Nothing, alignment = 0, metadata = []}") , testCase "no implicit casts" (example2 `shouldThrowEncodeException` "The serialized GlobalReference Name \"test\" has type FunctionType {resultType = VoidType, argumentTypes = [], isVarArg = False} but should have type PointerType {pointerReferent = FunctionType {resultType = VoidType, argumentTypes = [], isVarArg = False}, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0}") , testCase "null constants must have pointer type" (example3 `shouldThrowEncodeException` "Null pointer constant must have pointer type but has type IntegerType {typeBits = 32}.") , testCase "Duplicate definitions are not allowed" (duplicateDefinitions `shouldThrowEncodeException` "Duplicate definition of local variable: Name \"c\".") , testCase "Reusing variable names across functions is allowed" (shouldNotThrow reuseAcrossFunctions) ]