{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module LLVM.Test.Metadata where import LLVM.Prelude import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck as QC import LLVM.Test.Support import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.ByteString as B (readFile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BSS import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Foreign.Ptr import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint) import qualified LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate as IP import LLVM.AST as A hiding (GlobalVariable, PointerType) import LLVM.AST.Operand hiding (Module) import qualified LLVM.AST.Operand as O import qualified LLVM.AST.Operand as A (DIFlag(..), Virtuality(..), DIInheritance(..), DIAccessibility(..)) import LLVM.AST.Type as A.T hiding (PointerType) import LLVM.AST.AddrSpace as A import qualified LLVM.AST.Linkage as L import qualified LLVM.AST.Visibility as V import qualified LLVM.AST.CallingConvention as CC import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C import LLVM.AST.Global as G hiding (GlobalVariable) import LLVM.Context import LLVM.Module import LLVM.Internal.Coding import LLVM.Internal.DecodeAST import LLVM.Internal.EncodeAST import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.PtrHierarchy as FFI import qualified LLVM.Internal.FFI.Metadata as FFI tests = testGroup "Metadata" [ globalMetadata , namedMetadata , nullMetadata , cyclicMetadata , metadataConstantFolding , globalObjectMetadata , roundtripDIBasicType , roundtripDIDerivedType , roundtripDISubroutineType , roundtripDIArrayType , roundtripDIEnumerationType , roundtripDIStructureType , roundtripDIClassType , roundtripDIUnionType , roundtripDIFile , roundtripDINode , roundtripDICompileUnit , roundtripDIVariable , roundtripDIFlags , roundtripDISubprogram , roundtripDILexicalBlockBase , roundtripDITemplateParameter , roundtripDINamespace , roundtripDIExpression , diFlagName , testFile ] arbitrarySbs :: Gen ShortByteString arbitrarySbs = BSS.pack <$> listOf arbitrary instance Arbitrary Encoding where arbitrary = QC.elements [ AddressEncoding , BooleanEncoding , FloatEncoding , SignedEncoding , SignedCharEncoding , UnsignedEncoding , UnsignedCharEncoding ] instance Arbitrary ChecksumInfo where arbitrary = oneof [ ChecksumInfo MD5 . BSS.pack <$> QC.vector 32 , ChecksumInfo SHA1 . BSS.pack <$> QC.vector 40 ] instance Arbitrary BasicTypeTag where arbitrary = QC.elements [BaseType, UnspecifiedType] instance Arbitrary DIType where arbitrary = oneof [DIBasicType <$> arbitrary] instance Arbitrary DIBasicType where arbitrary = BasicType <$> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary genDIArrayType :: Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> Gen DICompositeType genDIArrayType elTy = DIArrayType <$> arbitrary <*> pure elTy <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genDIFlags instance Arbitrary DIMacroInfo where arbitrary = QC.elements [Define, Undef] genDIMacro :: Gen DIMacroNode genDIMacro = DIMacro <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrarySbs roundtripDIArrayType :: TestTree roundtripDIArrayType = testProperty "roundtrip DIArrayType" $ \elType -> forAll (genDIArrayType (Just (MDRef elTyID))) $ \diArrayType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [arrayTypeID] , MetadataNodeDefinition arrayTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType (DICompositeType diArrayType)))) , MetadataNodeDefinition elTyID (DINode (DIScope (DIType elType))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where arrayTypeID = MetadataNodeID 0 elTyID = MetadataNodeID 1 genDIEnumerationType :: Maybe (MDRef DIScope) -> Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> Gen DICompositeType genDIEnumerationType scope file baseTy = DIEnumerationType <$> pure scope <*> arbitrarySbs <*> pure file <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure baseTy <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary roundtripDIEnumerationType :: TestTree roundtripDIEnumerationType = testProperty "roundtrip DIEnumerationType" $ \file baseType -> forAll (genDIEnumerationType Nothing (Just (MDRef fileID)) (Just (MDRef baseTyID))) $ \diEnumType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [enumTypeID] , MetadataNodeDefinition enumTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType (DICompositeType diEnumType)))) , MetadataNodeDefinition fileID (DINode (DIScope (DIFile file))) , MetadataNodeDefinition baseTyID (DINode (DIScope (DIType baseType))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where enumTypeID = MetadataNodeID 0 fileID = MetadataNodeID 1 baseTyID = MetadataNodeID 2 genDIStructureType :: Maybe (MDRef DIScope) -> Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> [MDRef (Either DIDerivedType DISubprogram)] -> Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> Gen DICompositeType genDIStructureType scope file derivedFrom elements vtableHolder = DIStructureType <$> pure scope <*> arbitrarySbs <*> pure file <*> arbitrary <*> genDIFlags <*> pure derivedFrom <*> pure elements <*> arbitrary <*> pure vtableHolder <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary roundtripDIStructureType :: TestTree roundtripDIStructureType = testProperty "roundtrip DIStructureType" $ forAll (genDIStructureType Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing) $ \diStructureType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [structureTypeID] , MetadataNodeDefinition structureTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType (DICompositeType diStructureType)))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where structureTypeID = MetadataNodeID 0 genDIClassType :: Maybe (MDRef DIScope) -> Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> [MDRef (Either DIDerivedType DISubprogram)] -> Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> [DITemplateParameter] -> Gen DICompositeType genDIClassType scope file derivedFrom elements vtableHolder templateParams = DIClassType <$> pure scope <*> arbitrarySbs <*> pure file <*> arbitrary <*> genDIFlags <*> pure derivedFrom <*> pure elements <*> pure vtableHolder <*> pure templateParams <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary roundtripDIClassType :: TestTree roundtripDIClassType = testProperty "roundtrip DIClassType" $ forAll (genDIClassType Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing []) $ \diClassType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [classTypeID] , MetadataNodeDefinition classTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType (DICompositeType diClassType)))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where classTypeID = MetadataNodeID 0 genDIUnionType :: Maybe (MDRef DIScope) -> Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> [MDRef (Either DIDerivedType DISubprogram)] -> Gen DICompositeType genDIUnionType scope file elements = DIUnionType <$> pure scope <*> arbitrarySbs <*> pure file <*> arbitrary <*> genDIFlags <*> pure elements <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary roundtripDIUnionType :: TestTree roundtripDIUnionType = testProperty "roundtrip DIUnionType" $ forAll (genDIUnionType Nothing Nothing []) $ \diUnionType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [unionTypeID] , MetadataNodeDefinition unionTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType (DICompositeType diUnionType)))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where unionTypeID = MetadataNodeID 0 instance Arbitrary DIFile where arbitrary = O.File <$> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary DISubrange where arbitrary = Subrange <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary DICount where -- TODO Include DICountVariable arbitrary = DICountConstant <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary DIEnumerator where arbitrary = Enumerator <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrarySbs instance Arbitrary DINode where arbitrary = oneof [ DISubrange <$> arbitrary , DIEnumerator <$> arbitrary -- TODO: Add missing constructors ] roundtripDIBasicType :: TestTree roundtripDIBasicType = testProperty "roundtrip DIBasicType" $ \diType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do encodedDIType <- encodeM (diType :: DIType) decodedDIType <- liftIO (runDecodeAST (decodeM (encodedDIType :: Ptr FFI.DIType))) pure (decodedDIType === diType) roundtripDIDerivedType :: TestTree roundtripDIDerivedType = testProperty "roundtrip DIDerivedType" $ \baseType -> forAll (genDIDerivedType Nothing Nothing (MDRef baseTypeID)) $ \diDerivedType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [derivedTypeID] , MetadataNodeDefinition derivedTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType (DIDerivedType diDerivedType)))) , MetadataNodeDefinition baseTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType baseType))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where derivedTypeID = MetadataNodeID 0 baseTypeID = MetadataNodeID 1 instance Arbitrary DerivedTypeTag where arbitrary = QC.elements [ Typedef, PointerType, PtrToMemberType, ReferenceType, RValueReferenceType , ConstType, VolatileType, RestrictType, AtomicType, Member, Inheritance, Friend ] genDIDerivedType :: Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> Maybe (MDRef DIScope) -> MDRef DIType -> Gen DIDerivedType genDIDerivedType file scope baseType = DerivedType <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrarySbs <*> pure file <*> arbitrary <*> pure scope <*> pure baseType <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genDIFlags roundtripDISubroutineType :: TestTree roundtripDISubroutineType = testProperty "roundtrip DISubroutineType" $ \argType -> forAll (genDISubroutineType [Nothing, Just (MDRef argTypeID)]) $ \diSubroutineType -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [subroutineTypeID] , MetadataNodeDefinition subroutineTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType (DISubroutineType diSubroutineType)))) , MetadataNodeDefinition argTypeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType argType))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where subroutineTypeID = MetadataNodeID 0 argTypeID = MetadataNodeID 1 genDISubroutineType :: [Maybe (MDRef DIType)] -> Gen DISubroutineType genDISubroutineType types = SubroutineType <$> genDIFlags <*> arbitrary <*> pure types roundtripDIFile :: TestTree roundtripDIFile = testProperty "roundtrip DIFile" $ \diFile -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do encodedDIFile <- encodeM (diFile :: DIFile) decodedDIFile <- liftIO (runDecodeAST (decodeM (encodedDIFile :: Ptr FFI.DIFile))) pure (decodedDIFile === diFile) roundtripDINode :: TestTree roundtripDINode = testProperty "roundtrip DINode" $ \diNode -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do encodedDINode <- encodeM (diNode :: DINode) decodedDINode <- liftIO (runDecodeAST (decodeM (encodedDINode :: Ptr FFI.DINode))) pure (decodedDINode === diNode) roundtripDICompileUnit :: TestTree roundtripDICompileUnit = testProperty "roundtrip DICompileUnit" $ \diFile retainedType -> forAll genDIMacro $ \diMacro -> forAll (genDICompileUnit (MDRef fileID) (MDRef retainedID) (MDRef macroID)) $ \diCompileUnit -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [cuID] , NamedMetadataDefinition "dummyMacro" [macroID] , NamedMetadataDefinition "dummyRetained" [retainedID] , MetadataNodeDefinition cuID (DINode (DIScope (DICompileUnit diCompileUnit))) , MetadataNodeDefinition macroID (DIMacroNode diMacro) , MetadataNodeDefinition retainedID (DINode (DIScope (DIType retainedType))) , MetadataNodeDefinition fileID (DINode (DIScope (DIFile diFile))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where cuID = MetadataNodeID 0 macroID = MetadataNodeID 1 retainedID = MetadataNodeID 2 fileID = MetadataNodeID 3 genDICompileUnit :: MDRef DIFile -> MDRef (Either DIType DISubprogram) -> MDRef DIMacroNode -> Gen DICompileUnit genDICompileUnit file retained macro = CompileUnit <$> arbitrary <*> pure file <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> pure [] <*> listOf (pure retained) <*> pure [] <*> pure [] <*> listOf (pure macro) <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary DebugEmissionKind where arbitrary = QC.elements [NoDebug, FullDebug, LineTablesOnly] roundtripDIVariable :: TestTree roundtripDIVariable = testProperty "roundtrip DIVariable" $ \diFile diType -> forAll (genDIVariable Nothing (Just (MDRef fileID)) (Just (MDRef typeID))) $ \diVariable -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [varID] , MetadataNodeDefinition varID (DINode (DIVariable diVariable)) , MetadataNodeDefinition fileID (DINode (DIScope (DIFile diFile))) , MetadataNodeDefinition typeID (DINode (DIScope (DIType diType))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where varID = MetadataNodeID 0 fileID = MetadataNodeID 1 typeID = MetadataNodeID 2 genDIVariable :: Maybe (MDRef DIScope) -> Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> Gen DIVariable genDIVariable diScope diFile diType = case diScope of Nothing -> DIGlobalVariable <$> globalVar Just scope -> oneof [DILocalVariable <$> localVar scope, DIGlobalVariable <$> globalVar] where localVar scope = LocalVariable <$> arbitrarySbs <*> pure scope <*> pure diFile <*> arbitrary <*> pure diType <*> genDIFlags <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary globalVar = GlobalVariable <$> arbitrarySbs <*> pure diScope <*> pure diFile <*> arbitrary <*> pure diType <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure Nothing <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary A.DIInheritance where arbitrary = QC.elements [A.SingleInheritance, A.MultipleInheritance, A.VirtualInheritance] instance Arbitrary A.DIAccessibility where arbitrary = QC.elements [A.Public, A.Protected, A.Private] instance Arbitrary A.DIFlag where arbitrary = oneof [ A.Accessibility <$> arbitrary , A.InheritanceFlag <$> arbitrary , QC.elements [ A.FwdDecl , A.AppleBlock , A.BlockByrefStruct , A.VirtualFlag , A.Artificial , A.Explicit , A.Prototyped , A.ObjcClassComplete , A.ObjectPointer , A.Vector , A.StaticMember , A.LValueReference , A.RValueReference , A.IntroducedVirtual , A.BitField , A.NoReturn , A.MainSubprogram ] ] roundtripDIFlags :: TestTree roundtripDIFlags = testProperty "roundtrip DIFlags" $ forAll genDIFlags $ \diFlags -> let Identity encodedFlags = encodeM diFlags Identity decodedFlags = decodeM (encodedFlags :: FFI.DIFlags) in decodedFlags === diFlags genDIFlags :: Gen [DIFlag] genDIFlags = do accessibility <- QC.elements [Nothing, Just A.Public, Just A.Protected, Just A.Private] inheritance <- QC.elements [ Nothing , Just A.SingleInheritance , Just A.MultipleInheritance , Just A.VirtualInheritance ] maybeFlags <- traverse (\f -> QC.elements [Nothing, Just f]) flags pure (catMaybes ((A.Accessibility <$> accessibility) : (A.InheritanceFlag <$> inheritance) : maybeFlags)) where flags = [ A.FwdDecl , A.AppleBlock , A.BlockByrefStruct , A.VirtualFlag , A.Artificial , A.Explicit , A.Prototyped , A.ObjcClassComplete , A.ObjectPointer , A.Vector , A.StaticMember , A.LValueReference , A.RValueReference , A.IntroducedVirtual , A.BitField , A.NoReturn , A.MainSubprogram ] roundtripDISubprogram :: TestTree roundtripDISubprogram = testProperty "roundtrip DISubprogram" $ forAll (genDISubprogram Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing [] []) $ \diSubprogram -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [subprogramID] , MetadataNodeDefinition subprogramID (DINode (DIScope (DILocalScope (DISubprogram diSubprogram)))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where subprogramID = MetadataNodeID 0 genDISubprogram :: Maybe (MDRef DIScope) -> Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> Maybe (MDRef DISubroutineType) -> Maybe (MDRef DIType) -> Maybe (MDRef DICompileUnit) -> [MDRef DITemplateParameter] -> Maybe (MDRef DISubprogram) -> [MDRef DILocalVariable] -> [MDRef DIType] -> Gen DISubprogram genDISubprogram scope file type' containingType unit templateParams decl vars thrownTypes = Subprogram <$> pure scope <*> arbitrarySbs <*> arbitrarySbs <*> pure file <*> arbitrary <*> pure type' <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure containingType <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genDIFlags <*> arbitrary <*> pure unit <*> pure templateParams <*> pure decl <*> pure vars <*> pure thrownTypes roundtripDILexicalBlockBase :: TestTree roundtripDILexicalBlockBase = testProperty "roundtrip DILexicalBlockBase" $ \diFile -> forAll (genDISubprogram Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing [] []) $ \diSubprogram -> forAll (genDILexicalBlockBase (MDRef subprogramID) (Just (MDRef fileID))) $ \block -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [blockID] , MetadataNodeDefinition blockID (DINode (DIScope (DILocalScope (DILexicalBlockBase block)))) , MetadataNodeDefinition subprogramID (DINode (DIScope (DILocalScope (DISubprogram diSubprogram)))) , MetadataNodeDefinition fileID (DINode (DIScope (DIFile diFile))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where blockID = MetadataNodeID 0 subprogramID = MetadataNodeID 1 fileID = MetadataNodeID 2 genDILexicalBlockBase :: MDRef DILocalScope -> Maybe (MDRef DIFile) -> Gen DILexicalBlockBase genDILexicalBlockBase scope file = oneof [ DILexicalBlock scope file <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary , DILexicalBlockFile scope file <$> arbitrary ] instance Arbitrary Virtuality where arbitrary = QC.elements [A.NoVirtuality, A.Virtual, A.PureVirtual] roundtripDITemplateParameter :: TestTree roundtripDITemplateParameter = testProperty "rountrip DITemplateParameter" $ \diType -> forAll (genDITemplateParameter (MDValue (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1))) (MDRef tyID)) $ \param -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [paramID] , MetadataNodeDefinition paramID (DINode (DITemplateParameter param)) , MetadataNodeDefinition tyID (DINode (DIScope (DIType diType))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where paramID = MetadataNodeID 0 tyID = MetadataNodeID 1 instance Arbitrary TemplateValueParameterTag where arbitrary = QC.elements [TemplateValueParameter, GNUTemplateTemplateParam, GNUTemplateParameterPack] genDITemplateParameter :: Metadata -> MDRef DIType -> Gen DITemplateParameter genDITemplateParameter value ty = oneof [ DITemplateTypeParameter <$> arbitrarySbs <*> pure ty , DITemplateValueParameter <$> arbitrarySbs <*> pure ty <*> pure value <*> arbitrary ] roundtripDINamespace :: TestTree roundtripDINamespace = testProperty "rountrip DINamespace" $ \diFile -> forAll (genDINamespace (MDRef fileID)) $ \diNamespace -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do let mod = defaultModule { moduleDefinitions = [ NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy" [namespaceID] , NamedMetadataDefinition "dummy2" [fileID] , MetadataNodeDefinition namespaceID (DINode (DIScope (DINamespace diNamespace))) , MetadataNodeDefinition fileID (DINode (DIScope (DIFile diFile))) ] } mod' <- liftIO (withModuleFromAST context mod moduleAST) pure (mod' === mod) where namespaceID = MetadataNodeID 0 fileID = MetadataNodeID 1 genDINamespace :: MDRef DIScope -> Gen DINamespace genDINamespace scope = Namespace <$> arbitrarySbs <*> QC.elements [Nothing, Just scope] <*> arbitrary diFlagName :: TestTree diFlagName = testProperty "LLVM and llvm-hs agree on encoding of DIFlag" $ \diFlag -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do encoded <- encodeM [diFlag] flagName' <- encodeM ("DIFlag" <> flagName diFlag) encodedByName <- liftIO (FFI.getDIFlag flagName') pure (encoded === encodedByName) where flagName (A.Accessibility f) = show f flagName (A.InheritanceFlag f) = show f flagName A.VirtualFlag = "Virtual" flagName f = show f roundtripDIExpression :: TestTree roundtripDIExpression = testProperty "roundtrip DIExpression" $ forAll genDIExpression $ \expr -> ioProperty $ withContext $ \context -> runEncodeAST context $ do encodedExpr <- encodeM expr decodedExpr <- liftIO (runDecodeAST (decodeM (encodedExpr :: Ptr FFI.DIExpression))) pure (decodedExpr === expr) genDIExpression :: Gen DIExpression genDIExpression = Expression <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary DWOp where arbitrary = oneof [ DwOpFragment <$> (DW_OP_LLVM_Fragment <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary) , pure DW_OP_StackValue , pure DW_OP_Swap , DW_OP_ConstU <$> arbitrary , DW_OP_PlusUConst <$> arbitrary , pure DW_OP_Plus , pure DW_OP_Minus , pure DW_OP_Mul , pure DW_OP_Deref , pure DW_OP_XDeref ] testFile :: TestTree testFile = do testGroup "file parsing and decoding" [ testCase "test/debug_metadata_1.ll" $ do fStr <- B.readFile "test/debug_metadata_1.ll" withContext $ \context -> do a <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context fStr moduleAST pure () , testCase "test/debug_metadata_2.ll" $ do fStr <- B.readFile "test/debug_metadata_2.ll" withContext $ \context -> do a <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context fStr moduleAST pure () ] globalMetadata = testCase "global" $ do let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = i32, G.name = Name "foo", G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0))) [ ("my-metadatum", A.MDRef (MetadataNodeID 0)) ] ) ] }, MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) (MDTuple [ Just $ MDValue $ ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1) ]) ] let s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \define i32 @foo() {\n\ \ ret i32 0, !my-metadatum !0\n\ \}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !{i32 1}\n" strCheck ast s namedMetadata = testCase "named" $ do let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ NamedMetadataDefinition "my-module-metadata" [ MetadataNodeID 0 ], MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) (MDTuple [ Just $ MDValue $ ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1) ]) ] let s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \!my-module-metadata = !{!0}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !{i32 1}\n" strCheck ast s nullMetadata = testCase "null" $ do let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ NamedMetadataDefinition "my-module-metadata" [ MetadataNodeID 0 ], MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) (MDTuple [ Nothing ]) ] let s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \!my-module-metadata = !{!0}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !{null}\n" strCheck ast s cyclicMetadata = testGroup "cyclic" [ testCase "metadata-only" $ do let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ NamedMetadataDefinition "my-module-metadata" [MetadataNodeID 0], MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) (MDTuple [Just $ MDNode (MDRef (MetadataNodeID 1))]), MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 1) (MDTuple [Just $ MDNode (MDRef (MetadataNodeID 0))]) ] let s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \!my-module-metadata = !{!0}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !{!1}\n\ \!1 = !{!0}\n" strCheck ast s, testCase "metadata-global" $ do let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = A.T.void, G.name = Name "foo", G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ ] ( Do $ Ret Nothing [ ("my-metadatum", MDRef (MetadataNodeID 0)) ] ) ] }, MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) (MDTuple [Just $ MDValue $ ConstantOperand (C.GlobalReference (ptr (FunctionType A.T.void [] False)) (Name "foo"))]) ] let s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @foo() {\n\ \ ret void, !my-metadatum !0\n\ \}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !{void ()* @foo}\n" strCheck ast s ] metadataConstantFolding = testGroup "constant folding" [ testCase "metadata on instructions that can be constant folded" $ let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { name = "f" , parameters = ([Parameter i32 "x" []] , False) , returnType = i32 , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock "if" [UnName 0 := ICmp IP.EQ (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)) (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0)) [("foobar", MDRef (MetadataNodeID 0))] ] (Do (CondBr (LocalReference i1 (UnName 0)) "if.true" "if.false" [])) , BasicBlock "if.true" [] (Do (Ret (Just (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0))) [])) , BasicBlock "if.false" [] (Do (Ret (Just (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0))) [])) ] } , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) (MDTuple []) ] s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \define i32 @f(i32 %x) {\n\ \if:\n\ \ %0 = icmp eq i32 0, 0, !foobar !0\n\ \ br i1 %0, label %if.true, label %if.false\n\ \\n\ \if.true: ; preds = %if\n\ \ ret i32 0\n\ \\n\ \if.false: ; preds = %if\n\ \ ret i32 0\n\ \}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !{}\n" in strCheck ast s ] globalObjectMetadata = testGroup "Metadata on GlobalObject" $ [ testCase "metadata on functions" $ do let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition functionDefaults { G.name = "main" , G.returnType = A.T.void , basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [] (Do (Ret Nothing [])) ] , G.metadata = [("dbg", MDRef (MetadataNodeID 0))] } , NamedMetadataDefinition "llvm.module.flags" [MetadataNodeID 1] , NamedMetadataDefinition "llvm.dbg.cu" [MetadataNodeID 2] , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) $ DINode .DIScope .DILocalScope . DISubprogram $ Subprogram { scope = Nothing , name = "main" , linkageName = "" , file = Nothing , line = 0 , type' = Nothing , localToUnit = False , definition = True , scopeLine = 0 , containingType = Nothing , virtuality = NoVirtuality , virtualityIndex = 0 , thisAdjustment = 0 , flags = [] , optimized = False , unit = Just (MDRef (MetadataNodeID 2)) , O.templateParams = [] , declaration = Nothing , retainedNodes = [] , thrownTypes = [] } , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 1) (MDTuple [ Just (MDValue (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 2))) , Just (MDString "Debug Info Version") , Just (MDValue (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 3))) ]) , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 2) $ DINode . DIScope . DICompileUnit $ CompileUnit { language = 12 , file = MDRef (MetadataNodeID 3) , producer = "clang version 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final)" , optimized = True , flags = "" , runtimeVersion = 0 , splitDebugFileName = "" , emissionKind = FullDebug , enums = [] , retainedTypes = [] , globals = [] , imports = [] , macros = [] , dWOId = 0 , splitDebugInlining = True , debugInfoForProfiling = False , gnuPubnames = False } , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 3) $ DINode . DIScope . DIFile $ O.File "main.c" "/" Nothing ] s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @main() !dbg !3 {\n\ \ ret void\n\ \}\n\ \\n\ \!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}\n\ \!llvm.dbg.cu = !{!1}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !{i32 2, !\"Debug Info Version\", i32 3}\n\ \!1 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !2, producer: \"clang version 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final)\", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug)\n\ \!2 = !DIFile(filename: \"main.c\", directory: \"/\")\n\ \!3 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: \"main\", scope: null, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true, isOptimized: false, unit: !1)\n" strCheck ast s, testCase "metadata on global variables" $ do let ast = Module "<string>" "<string>" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition globalVariableDefaults { G.name = "g" , G.type' = A.T.i32 , G.linkage = L.Common , G.alignment = 4 , G.initializer = Just (C.Int 32 0) , G.metadata = [("dbg", MDRef (MetadataNodeID 0))] } , NamedMetadataDefinition "llvm.module.flags" [MetadataNodeID 1] , NamedMetadataDefinition "llvm.dbg.cu" [MetadataNodeID 2] , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 0) $ DIGlobalVariableExpression $ GlobalVariableExpression (MDRef (MetadataNodeID 3)) (MDRef (MetadataNodeID 4)) , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 1) (MDTuple [ Just (MDValue (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 2))) , Just (MDString "Debug Info Version") , Just (MDValue (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 3))) ]) , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 2) $ DINode . DIScope . DICompileUnit $ CompileUnit { language = 12 , file = MDRef (MetadataNodeID 5) , producer = "clang version 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final)" , optimized = True , flags = "" , runtimeVersion = 0 , splitDebugFileName = "" , emissionKind = FullDebug , enums = [] , retainedTypes = [] , globals = [] , imports = [] , macros = [] , dWOId = 0 , splitDebugInlining = True , debugInfoForProfiling = False , gnuPubnames = False } , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 3) $ DINode . DIVariable . DIGlobalVariable $ GlobalVariable { name = "g" , scope = Nothing , file = Nothing , line = 0 , type' = Just (MDRef (MetadataNodeID 6)) , linkageName = "" , local = False , definition = True , staticDataMemberDeclaration = Nothing , alignInBits = 0 } , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 4) (DIExpression (Expression [])) , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 5) $ DINode . DIScope . DIFile $ O.File "main.c" "/" Nothing , MetadataNodeDefinition (MetadataNodeID 6) $ DINode . DIScope . DIType . DIBasicType $ BasicType "" 0 0 Nothing BaseType ] s = "; ModuleID = '<string>'\n\ \source_filename = \"<string>\"\n\ \\n\ \@g = common global i32 0, align 4, !dbg !0\n\ \\n\ \!llvm.module.flags = !{!3}\n\ \!llvm.dbg.cu = !{!4}\n\ \\n\ \!0 = !DIGlobalVariableExpression(var: !1, expr: !DIExpression())\n\ \!1 = !DIGlobalVariable(name: \"g\", scope: null, type: !2, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true)\n\ \!2 = !DIBasicType()\n\ \!3 = !{i32 2, !\"Debug Info Version\", i32 3}\n\ \!4 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !5, producer: \"clang version 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final)\", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug)\n\ \!5 = !DIFile(filename: \"main.c\", directory: \"/\")\n" strCheck ast s ]