## 5.1.1 (2017-12-26) * Fix argument order in `LLVM_Hs_CreateTargetMachine`. This affects `withTargetMachine` and `withHostTargetMachine`. * Add support for `MCTargetOptions`. ## 5.1.0 (2017-10-12) ### Bugfixes * Set target options in `withTargetMachine`. Previously the options passed there were simply ignored. * Fix decoding of constant vectors. * Fix decoding of function attributes in calls. ### Enhancements * Support for more target options. * Suport string attributes as parameter attributes. * Support more calling conventions. * Support `NoTail` `TailCallKind`. ## 5.0.0 (2017-09-07) * Support for LLVM 5.0 We only give a summary of the changes affecting the public API of `llvm-hs` here. Please refer to the official [release notes for LLVM 5.0](http://releases.llvm.org/5.0.0/docs/ReleaseNotes.html) for an overview of all changes in LLVM 5.0. * The `X86_64_Win64` calling convention is now called `Win64`. * There is a new `Speculatable` function attribute. * The `CrossThread` synchronization scope has been removed. There is now a new `System` synchronization scope. * The `OrcJIT`-API now operates on individual modules instead of sets of modules. * The `lessPreciseFloatingPointMultiplyAddOption` field has been removed from the target options. * The `compressDebugSections` option field is now of type `DebugCompressionType` instead of `Bool`. * The `BasicBlockVectorize` pass has been removed. You should use `SuperwordLevelParallelismVectorize` instead. * Throw 'EncodeException' when the type supplied in a 'GlobalReference' does not match the type of the expression. * Throw 'EncodeException' when the result of instructions returning void is named using ':='. ## 4.2.0 (2017-06-20) * Revamp OrcJIT API * The user facing API is now exposed using `LLVM.OrcJIT`. * All user facing functions have been documented. * In addition the bracket-style API, there are now `new*` and `dispose*` functions making it easier to ingegrate OrcJIT in custom monad transformer stacks. * There is a new `CompileLayer` typeclass which abstracts over the various compile layers in `OrcJIT`. * Support QuickCheck 2.10 ## 4.1.0 (2017-05-17) * Switch most of the API from `String` to `ByteString`. * Switch from ExceptT to using exceptions. See `LLVM.Exception` for an overview of the exceptions potentially thrown. ## 4.0.1 * Fix linking of system libraries ## 4.0.0 (initial release, changes in comparison to llvm-general) * Move modules from `LLVM.General*` to `LLVM.*` * Support for LLVM 4.0 * Improved support for LLVM’s exception handling instructions * `-fshared-llvm` is now supported on windows (thanks to @RyanGLScott) * Default to `-fshared-llvm` * Expose `LLVM.Internal.*` modules.