{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module LLVM.Test.Module where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import LLVM.Test.Support import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Data.Bits import Data.Word import qualified Data.Map as Map import LLVM.Context import LLVM.Exception import LLVM.Module import LLVM.Analysis import LLVM.Diagnostic import LLVM.Target import LLVM.AST import LLVM.AST.Type as T import LLVM.AST.AddrSpace import qualified LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate as IPred import qualified LLVM.AST.Linkage as L import qualified LLVM.AST.Visibility as V import qualified LLVM.AST.DLL as DLL import qualified LLVM.AST.CallingConvention as CC import qualified LLVM.AST.FunctionAttribute as FA import qualified LLVM.AST.ParameterAttribute as PA import qualified LLVM.AST.ThreadLocalStorage as TLS import qualified LLVM.AST.Global as G import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C import qualified LLVM.AST.COMDAT as COMDAT import qualified LLVM.Relocation as R import qualified LLVM.CodeModel as CM import qualified LLVM.CodeGenOpt as CGO handString = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \%0 = type { i32, %1*, %0* }\n\ \%1 = type opaque\n\ \\n\ \$bob = comdat largest\n\ \\n\ \@0 = global i32 1\n\ \@1 = external protected addrspace(3) global i32, section \"foo\", comdat($bob)\n\ \@2 = unnamed_addr global i8 2\n\ \@3 = external dllimport global %0\n\ \@4 = external global [4294967296 x i32]\n\ \@.argyle = thread_local global i32 0\n\ \@5 = thread_local(localdynamic) global i32 1\n\ \\n\ \@three = private alias i32, i32 addrspace(3)* @1\n\ \@two = unnamed_addr alias i32, i32 addrspace(3)* @three\n\ \@one = thread_local(initialexec) alias i32, i32* @5\n\ \\n\ \define i32 @bar() prefix i32 1 {\n\ \ %1 = musttail call zeroext i32 @foo(i32 inreg align 16 1, i8 signext 4) #0\n\ \ ret i32 %1\n\ \}\n\ \\n\ \; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone uwtable\n\ \define zeroext i32 @foo(i32 inreg align 16 %x, i8 signext %y) #0 {\n\ \ %1 = mul nsw i32 %x, %x\n\ \ br label %here\n\ \\n\ \here: ; preds = %0\n\ \ %go = icmp eq i32 %1, %x\n\ \ br i1 %go, label %there, label %elsewhere\n\ \\n\ \there: ; preds = %here\n\ \ %2 = add nsw i32 %1, 3\n\ \ br label %elsewhere\n\ \\n\ \elsewhere: ; preds = %there, %here\n\ \ %r = phi i32 [ 2, %there ], [ 57, %here ]\n\ \ ret i32 %r\n\ \}\n\ \\n\ \attributes #0 = { nounwind readnone uwtable \"eep\" }\n" handAST = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ TypeDefinition (UnName 0) ( Just $ StructureType False [ i32, ptr (NamedTypeReference (UnName 1)), ptr (NamedTypeReference (UnName 0)) ]), TypeDefinition (UnName 1) Nothing, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = UnName 0, G.type' = i32, G.initializer = Just (C.Int 32 1) }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = UnName 1, G.visibility = V.Protected, G.type' = i32, G.addrSpace = AddrSpace 3, G.section = Just "foo", G.comdat = Just "bob" }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = UnName 2, G.unnamedAddr = Just GlobalAddr, G.type' = i8, G.initializer = Just (C.Int 8 2) }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = UnName 3, G.dllStorageClass = Just DLL.Import, G.type' = NamedTypeReference (UnName 0) }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = UnName 4, G.type' = ArrayType (1 `shift` 32) i32 }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = Name ".argyle", G.type' = i32, G.initializer = Just (C.Int 32 0), G.threadLocalMode = Just TLS.GeneralDynamic }, GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = UnName 5, G.type' = i32, G.threadLocalMode = Just TLS.LocalDynamic, G.initializer = Just (C.Int 32 1) }, GlobalDefinition $ globalAliasDefaults { G.name = Name "three", G.linkage = L.Private, G.type' = i32, G.addrSpace = AddrSpace 3, G.aliasee = C.GlobalReference (PointerType i32 (AddrSpace 3)) (UnName 1) }, GlobalDefinition $ globalAliasDefaults { G.name = Name "two", G.unnamedAddr = Just GlobalAddr, G.type' = i32, G.addrSpace = AddrSpace 3, G.aliasee = C.GlobalReference (PointerType i32 (AddrSpace 3)) (Name "three") }, GlobalDefinition $ globalAliasDefaults { G.name = Name "one", G.type' = i32, G.aliasee = C.GlobalReference (ptr i32) (UnName 5), G.threadLocalMode = Just TLS.InitialExec }, GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = i32, G.name = Name "bar", G.prefix = Just (C.Int 32 1), G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ UnName 1 := Call { tailCallKind = Just MustTail, callingConvention = CC.C, returnAttributes = [PA.ZeroExt], function = Right (ConstantOperand (C.GlobalReference (ptr (FunctionType i32 [i32, i8] False)) (Name "foo"))), arguments = [ (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1), [PA.InReg, PA.Alignment 16]), (ConstantOperand (C.Int 8 4), [PA.SignExt]) ], functionAttributes = [Left (FA.GroupID 0)], metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (UnName 1))) [] ) ] }, GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnAttributes = [PA.ZeroExt], G.returnType = i32, G.name = Name "foo", G.parameters = ([ Parameter i32 (Name "x") [PA.InReg, PA.Alignment 16], Parameter i8 (Name "y") [PA.SignExt] ], False), G.functionAttributes = [Left (FA.GroupID 0)], G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ UnName 1 := Mul { nsw = True, nuw = False, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x"), operand1 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x"), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Br (Name "here") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "here") [ Name "go" := ICmp { iPredicate = IPred.EQ, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (UnName 1), operand1 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x"), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ CondBr { condition = LocalReference i1 (Name "go"), trueDest = Name "there", falseDest = Name "elsewhere", metadata' = [] } ), BasicBlock (Name "there") [ UnName 2 := Add { nsw = True, nuw = False, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (UnName 1), operand1 = ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 3), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Br (Name "elsewhere") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "elsewhere") [ Name "r" := Phi { type' = i32, incomingValues = [ (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 2), Name "there"), (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 57), Name "here") ], metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (Name "r"))) [] ) ] }, FunctionAttributes (FA.GroupID 0) [FA.NoUnwind, FA.ReadNone, FA.UWTable, FA.StringAttribute "eep" ""], COMDAT "bob" COMDAT.Largest ] tests = testGroup "Module" [ testGroup "withModuleFromString" [ testCase "basic" $ withContext $ \context -> do z <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context handString (const $ return 0) z @?= 0, testCase "numbering" $ withContext $ \context -> do let s = "@0 = global i32 3\ \define i32 @1(i32 %x) {\n\ \ %1 = mul i32 %x, %x\n\ \ %2 = add i32 %1, 3\n\ \ ret i32 %2\n\ \}\n" z <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context s (const $ return 0) z @?= 0 ], testGroup "emit" [ testCase "assemble" $ withContext $ \context -> do let s = "define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) {\n\ \ ret i32 0\n\ \}\n" a <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context s $ \m -> do (t, _) <- lookupTarget Nothing "x86_64-unknown-linux" withTargetOptions $ \to -> do withTargetMachine t "x86_64-unknown-linux" "" Map.empty to R.Default CM.Default CGO.Default $ \tm -> do moduleTargetAssembly tm m a @?= "\t.text\n\ \\t.file\t\"\"\n\ \\t.globl\tmain\n\ \\t.p2align\t4, 0x90\n\ \\t.type\tmain,@function\n\ \main:\n\ \\t.cfi_startproc\n\ \\txorl\t%eax, %eax\n\ \\tretq\n\ \.Lfunc_end0:\n\ \\t.size\tmain, .Lfunc_end0-main\n\ \\t.cfi_endproc\n\ \\n\ \\n\ \\t.section\t\".note.GNU-stack\",\"\",@progbits\n" ], testCase "handStringIsCanonical" $ withContext $ \context -> do s <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context handString moduleLLVMAssembly s @?= handString, testCase "moduleAST" $ withContext $ \context -> do ast <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context handString moduleAST assertEqPretty ast handAST, testCase "withModuleFromAST" $ withContext $ \context -> do s <- withModuleFromAST context handAST moduleLLVMAssembly s @?= handString, testCase "bitcode" $ withContext $ \context -> do bs <- withModuleFromAST context handAST moduleBitcode s <- withModuleFromBitcode' context bs moduleLLVMAssembly s @?= handString, testCase "triple" $ withContext $ \context -> do let hAST = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \target triple = \"x86_64-unknown-linux\"\n" ast <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context hAST moduleAST ast @?= defaultModule { moduleTargetTriple = Just "x86_64-unknown-linux" }, testGroup "regression" [ testCase "minimal type info" $ withContext $ \context -> do let s = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @trouble() {\n\ \entry:\n\ \ ret void\n\ \\n\ \dead0: ; preds = %dead1\n\ \ %x0 = add i32 %x1, %x1\n\ \ br label %dead1\n\ \\n\ \dead1: ; preds = %dead0\n\ \ %x1 = add i32 %x0, %x0\n\ \ br label %dead0\n\ \}\n" ast = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = T.void, G.name = Name "trouble", G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (Name "entry") [ ] ( Do $ Ret Nothing [] ), BasicBlock (Name "dead0") [ Name "x0" := Add { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x1"), operand1 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x1"), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Br (Name "dead1") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "dead1") [ Name "x1" := Add { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x0"), operand1 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x0"), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Br (Name "dead0") [] ) ] } ] strCheck ast s withContext $ \context -> withModuleFromAST context ast verify, testCase "metadata type" $ withContext $ \context -> do let s = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @bar(metadata) {\n\ \ ret void\n\ \}\n" ast = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = void, G.name = Name "bar", G.parameters = ([Parameter MetadataType (UnName 0) []], False), G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 1) [] (Do $ Ret Nothing []) ] } ] strCheck ast s, testCase "set flag on constant expr" $ withContext $ \context -> do let ast = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = i32, G.name = Name "foo", G.parameters = ([Parameter i32 (Name "x") []], False), G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ UnName 1 := Mul { nsw = True, nuw = False, operand0 = ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1), operand1 = ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Br (Name "here") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "here") [ ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (UnName 1))) [] ) ] } ] t <- withModuleFromAST context ast $ \_ -> return True t @?= True, testCase "Phi node finishes" $ withContext $ \context -> do let ast = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = i32, G.name = Name "foo", G.parameters = ([Parameter i32 (Name "x") []], False), G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ UnName 1 := Mul { nsw = True, nuw = False, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x"), operand1 = LocalReference i32 (Name "x"), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Br (Name "here") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "here") [ UnName 2 := Phi i32 [ (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 42), UnName 0) ] [] ] ( Do $ Br (Name "elsewhere") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "elsewhere") [ ] ( Do $ Br (Name "there") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "there") [ ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (UnName 1))) [] ) ] } ] s = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define i32 @foo(i32 %x) {\n\ \ %1 = mul nsw i32 %x, %x\n\ \ br label %here\n\ \\n\ \here: ; preds = %0\n\ \ %2 = phi i32 [ 42, %0 ]\n\ \ br label %elsewhere\n\ \\n\ \elsewhere: ; preds = %here\n\ \ br label %there\n\ \\n\ \there: ; preds = %elsewhere\n\ \ ret i32 %1\n\ \}\n" strCheck ast s, testCase "switchblock" $ do let count = 450 start = 2 -- won't come back the same w/o start = 2 ns = [start..count + start - 1] vbps = zip [ ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 i) | i <- [0..] ] [ UnName n | n <- (1:ns) ] cbps = zip [ C.Int 32 i | i <- [0..] ] [ UnName n | n <- ns ] withContext $ \context -> do let ast = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.name = Name "foo", G.returnType = i32, G.parameters = ([Parameter i32 (UnName 0) []], False), G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 1) [] (Do $ Switch (LocalReference i32 (UnName 0)) (Name "end") cbps []) ] ++ [ BasicBlock (UnName n) [] (Do $ Br (Name "end") []) | n <- ns ] ++ [ BasicBlock (Name "end") [ Name "val" := Phi i32 vbps [] ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (Name "val"))) [] ) ] } ] s <- withModuleFromAST context ast moduleLLVMAssembly m <- withModuleFromLLVMAssembly' context s moduleAST m @?= ast, testCase "struct constant" $ do let s = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \%0 = type { i32 }\n\ \\n\ \@0 = constant %0 { i32 1 }, align 4\n" ast = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ TypeDefinition (UnName 0) (Just $ StructureType False [i32]), GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = UnName 0, G.isConstant = True, G.type' = NamedTypeReference (UnName 0), G.initializer = Just $ C.Struct (Just $ UnName 0) False [ C.Int 32 1 ], G.alignment = 4 } ] strCheck ast s ], testGroup "failures" [ testCase "bad block reference" $ withContext $ \context -> do let badAST = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = i32, G.name = Name "foo", G.parameters = ([Parameter i32 (Name "x") []], False), G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ UnName 1 := Mul { nsw = True, nuw = False, operand0 = ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1), operand1 = ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Br (Name "not here") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "here") [ ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (UnName 1))) [] ) ] } ] t <- try $ withModuleFromAST context badAST $ \_ -> return True t @?= Left (EncodeException "reference to undefined block: Name \"not here\""), testCase "multiple" $ withContext $ \context -> do let badAST = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = i32, G.name = Name "foo", G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ UnName 1 := Mul { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (Name "unknown"), operand1 = ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 1), metadata = [] }, UnName 2 := Mul { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = LocalReference i32 (Name "unknown2"), operand1 = LocalReference i32 (UnName 1), metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (UnName 2))) [] ) ] } ] t <- try $ withModuleFromAST context badAST $ \_ -> return True t @?= Left (EncodeException "reference to undefined local: Name \"unknown\""), testCase "sourceFileName" $ withContext $ \context -> do let s = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"filename\"\n" ast = Module "" "filename" Nothing Nothing [] strCheck ast s, testCase "badTypeDef" $ withContext $ \context -> do let badAST = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [TypeDefinition (UnName 0) (Just VoidType)] t <- try $ withModuleFromAST context badAST $ \_ -> return () t @?= Left (EncodeException "A type definition requires a structure type but got: VoidType") ] ]