{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module LLVM.Test.Instructions where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import LLVM.Test.Support import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString import Data.Functor import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Foreign.Ptr import Data.Word import LLVM.Context import LLVM.Module import LLVM.Diagnostic import LLVM.AST import LLVM.AST.Type as A.T import LLVM.AST.Name import LLVM.AST.AddrSpace import qualified LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate as IPred import qualified LLVM.AST.FloatingPointPredicate as FPPred import qualified LLVM.AST.Linkage as L import qualified LLVM.AST.Visibility as V import qualified LLVM.AST.CallingConvention as CC import qualified LLVM.AST.Attribute as A import qualified LLVM.AST.Global as G import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C import qualified LLVM.AST.RMWOperation as RMWOp tests = testGroup "Instructions" [ testGroup "regular" [ testCase name $ do let mAST = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = A.T.void, G.name = UnName 0, G.parameters = ([Parameter t (UnName n) [] | (t,n) <- zip ts [0..]], False), G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 7) [ namedInstr ] ( Do $ Ret Nothing [] ) ] } ] mStr = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @0(i32, float, i32*, i64, i1, <2 x i32>, { i32, i32 }) {\n\ \ " <> namedInstrS <> "\n\ \ ret void\n\ \}\n" strCheck mAST mStr | let ts = [ i32, float, ptr i32, i64, i1, VectorType 2 i32, StructureType False [i32, i32] ], let a i = LocalReference (ts !! fromIntegral i) (UnName i), (name, namedInstr, namedInstrS :: ByteString) <- ( [ (name, UnName 8 := instr, "%8 = " <> instrS) | (name, instr, instrS) <- [ ("add", Add { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "add i32 %0, %0"), ("nsw", Add { nsw = True, nuw = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "add nsw i32 %0, %0"), ("nuw", Add { nsw = False, nuw = True, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "add nuw i32 %0, %0"), ("fadd", FAdd { fastMathFlags = NoFastMathFlags, operand0 = a 1, operand1 = a 1, metadata = [] }, "fadd float %1, %1"), ("sub", Sub { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "sub i32 %0, %0"), ("fsub", FSub { fastMathFlags = NoFastMathFlags, operand0 = a 1, operand1 = a 1, metadata = [] }, "fsub float %1, %1"), ("mul", Mul { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "mul i32 %0, %0"), ("fmul", FMul { fastMathFlags = NoFastMathFlags, operand0 = a 1, operand1 = a 1, metadata = [] }, "fmul float %1, %1"), ("udiv", UDiv { exact = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "udiv i32 %0, %0"), ("exact", UDiv { exact = True, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "udiv exact i32 %0, %0"), ("sdiv", SDiv { exact = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "sdiv i32 %0, %0"), ("fdiv", FDiv { fastMathFlags = NoFastMathFlags, operand0 = a 1, operand1 = a 1, metadata = [] }, "fdiv float %1, %1"), ("urem", URem { operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "urem i32 %0, %0"), ("srem", SRem { operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "srem i32 %0, %0"), ("frem", FRem { fastMathFlags = NoFastMathFlags, operand0 = a 1, operand1 = a 1, metadata = [] }, "frem float %1, %1"), ("frem fast", FRem { fastMathFlags = UnsafeAlgebra, operand0 = a 1, operand1 = a 1, metadata = [] }, "frem fast float %1, %1"), ("shl", Shl { nsw = False, nuw = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "shl i32 %0, %0"), ("ashr", AShr { exact = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "ashr i32 %0, %0"), ("lshr", LShr { exact = False, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "lshr i32 %0, %0"), ("and", And { operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "and i32 %0, %0"), ("or", Or { operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "or i32 %0, %0"), ("xor", Xor { operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "xor i32 %0, %0"), ("alloca", Alloca { allocatedType = i32, numElements = Nothing, alignment = 0, metadata = [] }, "alloca i32"), ("alloca tricky", Alloca { allocatedType = IntegerType 7, numElements = Just (ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 2)), alignment = 128, metadata = [] }, "alloca i7, i32 2, align 128"), ("load", Load { volatile = False, address = a 2, maybeAtomicity = Nothing, alignment = 0, metadata = [] }, "load i32, i32* %2"), ("volatile", Load { volatile = True, address = a 2, maybeAtomicity = Nothing, alignment = 0, metadata = [] }, "load volatile i32, i32* %2"), ("acquire", Load { volatile = False, address = a 2, maybeAtomicity = Just (CrossThread, Acquire), alignment = 1, metadata = [] }, "load atomic i32, i32* %2 acquire, align 1"), ("singlethread", Load { volatile = False, address = a 2, maybeAtomicity = Just (SingleThread, Monotonic), alignment = 1, metadata = [] }, "load atomic i32, i32* %2 singlethread monotonic, align 1"), ("GEP", GetElementPtr { inBounds = False, address = a 2, indices = [ a 0 ], metadata = [] }, "getelementptr i32, i32* %2, i32 %0"), ("inBounds", GetElementPtr { inBounds = True, address = a 2, indices = [ a 0 ], metadata = [] }, "getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %2, i32 %0"), ("cmpxchg", CmpXchg { volatile = False, address = a 2, expected = a 0, replacement = a 0, atomicity = (CrossThread, Monotonic), failureMemoryOrdering = Monotonic, metadata = [] }, "cmpxchg i32* %2, i32 %0, i32 %0 monotonic monotonic"), ("atomicrmw", AtomicRMW { volatile = False, rmwOperation = RMWOp.UMax, address = a 2, value = a 0, atomicity = (CrossThread, Release), metadata = [] }, "atomicrmw umax i32* %2, i32 %0 release"), ("trunc", Trunc { operand0 = a 0, type' = i16, metadata = [] }, "trunc i32 %0 to i16"), ("zext", ZExt { operand0 = a 0, type' = i64, metadata = [] }, "zext i32 %0 to i64"), ("sext", SExt { operand0 = a 0, type' = i64, metadata = [] }, "sext i32 %0 to i64"), ("fptoui", FPToUI { operand0 = a 1, type' = i64, metadata = [] }, "fptoui float %1 to i64"), ("fptosi", FPToSI { operand0 = a 1, type' = i64, metadata = [] }, "fptosi float %1 to i64"), ("uitofp", UIToFP { operand0 = a 0, type' = float, metadata = [] }, "uitofp i32 %0 to float"), ("sitofp", SIToFP { operand0 = a 0, type' = float, metadata = [] }, "sitofp i32 %0 to float"), ("fptrunc", FPTrunc { operand0 = a 1, type' = half, metadata = [] }, "fptrunc float %1 to half"), ("fpext", FPExt { operand0 = a 1, type' = double, metadata = [] }, "fpext float %1 to double"), ("ptrtoint", PtrToInt { operand0 = a 2, type' = i32, metadata = [] }, "ptrtoint i32* %2 to i32"), ("inttoptr", IntToPtr { operand0 = a 0, type' = ptr i32, metadata = [] }, "inttoptr i32 %0 to i32*"), ("bitcast", BitCast { operand0 = a 0, type' = float, metadata = [] }, "bitcast i32 %0 to float"), ("addrspacecast", AddrSpaceCast { operand0 = a 2, type' = PointerType i32 (AddrSpace 2), metadata = [] }, "addrspacecast i32* %2 to i32 addrspace(2)*"), ("select", Select { condition' = a 4, trueValue = a 0, falseValue = a 0, metadata = [] }, "select i1 %4, i32 %0, i32 %0"), ("vaarg", VAArg { argList = a 2, type' = i16, metadata = [] }, "va_arg i32* %2, i16"), ("extractelement", ExtractElement { vector = a 5, index = a 0, metadata = [] }, "extractelement <2 x i32> %5, i32 %0"), ("insertelement", InsertElement { vector = a 5, element = a 0, index = a 0, metadata = [] }, "insertelement <2 x i32> %5, i32 %0, i32 %0"), ("shufflevector", ShuffleVector { operand0 = a 5, operand1 = a 5, mask = C.Vector [ C.Int 32 p | p <- [0..1] ], metadata = [] }, "shufflevector <2 x i32> %5, <2 x i32> %5, <2 x i32> "), ("extractvalue", ExtractValue { aggregate = a 6, indices' = [0], metadata = [] }, "extractvalue { i32, i32 } %6, 0"), ("insertvalue", InsertValue { aggregate = a 6, element = a 0, indices' = [0], metadata = [] }, "insertvalue { i32, i32 } %6, i32 %0, 0") ] ++ [ ("landingpad-" ++ n, LandingPad { type' = StructureType False [ ptr i8, i32 ], cleanup = cp, clauses = cls, metadata = [] }, "landingpad { i8*, i32 }" <> s) | (clsn,cls,clss) <- [ ("catch", [Catch (C.Null (ptr i8))], "\n catch i8* null"), ("filter", [Filter (C.Null (ArrayType 1 (ptr i8)))], "\n filter [1 x i8*] zeroinitializer") ], (cpn, cp, cps) <- [ ("-cleanup", True, "\n cleanup"), ("", False, "") ], let s = cps <> clss n = clsn <> cpn ] ++ [ ("icmp-" ++ ByteString.unpack ps, ICmp { iPredicate = p, operand0 = a 0, operand1 = a 0, metadata = [] }, "icmp " <> ps <> " i32 %0, %0") | (ps, p) <- [ ("eq", IPred.EQ), ("ne", IPred.NE), ("ugt", IPred.UGT), ("uge", IPred.UGE), ("ult", IPred.ULT), ("ule", IPred.ULE), ("sgt", IPred.SGT), ("sge", IPred.SGE), ("slt", IPred.SLT), ("sle", IPred.SLE) ] ] ++ [ ("fcmp-" ++ ByteString.unpack ps, FCmp { fpPredicate = p, operand0 = a 1, operand1 = a 1, metadata = [] }, "fcmp " <> ps <> " float %1, %1") | (ps, p) <- [ ("false", FPPred.False), ("oeq", FPPred.OEQ), ("ogt", FPPred.OGT), ("oge", FPPred.OGE), ("olt", FPPred.OLT), ("ole", FPPred.OLE), ("one", FPPred.ONE), ("ord", FPPred.ORD), ("uno", FPPred.UNO), ("ueq", FPPred.UEQ), ("ugt", FPPred.UGT), ("uge", FPPred.UGE), ("ult", FPPred.ULT), ("ule", FPPred.ULE), ("une", FPPred.UNE), ("true", FPPred.True) ] ] ] ++ [ ("store", Do $ Store { volatile = False, address = a 2, value = a 0, maybeAtomicity = Nothing, alignment = 0, metadata = [] }, "store i32 %0, i32* %2"), ("fence", Do $ Fence { atomicity = (CrossThread, Acquire), metadata = [] }, "fence acquire"), ("call", Do $ Call { tailCallKind = Nothing, callingConvention = CC.C, returnAttributes = [], function = Right (ConstantOperand (C.GlobalReference (ptr (FunctionType A.T.void ts False)) (UnName 0))), arguments = [ (a i, []) | i <- [0..6] ], functionAttributes = [], metadata = [] }, "call void @0(i32 %0, float %1, i32* %2, i64 %3, i1 %4, <2 x i32> %5, { i32, i32 } %6)") ] ) ], testCase "GEP inBounds constant" $ do let mAST = Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ globalVariableDefaults { G.name = Name "fortytwo", G.type' = i32, G.isConstant = True, G.initializer = Just $ C.Int 32 42 }, GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = i32, G.name = UnName 0, G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 1) [ UnName 2 := GetElementPtr { inBounds = True, address = ConstantOperand (C.GlobalReference (ptr i32) (Name "fortytwo")), indices = [ ConstantOperand (C.Int 32 0) ], metadata = [] }, UnName 3 := Load { volatile = False, address = LocalReference (ptr i32) (UnName 2), maybeAtomicity = Nothing, alignment = 1, metadata = [] } ] ( Do $ Ret (Just (LocalReference i32 (UnName 3))) [] ) ] } ] mStr = "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \@0 = constant i32 42\n\ \\n\ \define i32 @1() {\n\ \ %1 = load i32, i32* @0, align 1\n\ \ ret i32 %1\n\ \}\n" s <- withContext $ \context -> withModuleFromAST context mAST moduleLLVMAssembly s @?= mStr, testGroup "terminators" [ testCase name $ strCheck mAST mStr | (name, mAST, mStr) <- [ ( "ret", Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = A.T.void, G.name = UnName 0, G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [ ] ( Do $ Ret Nothing [] ) ] } ], "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @0() {\n\ \ ret void\n\ \}\n" ), ( "br", Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = A.T.void, G.name = UnName 0, G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [] ( Do $ Br (Name "foo") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "foo") [] ( Do $ Ret Nothing [] ) ] } ], "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @0() {\n\ \ br label %foo\n\ \\n\ \foo: ; preds = %0\n\ \ ret void\n\ \}\n" ), ( "condbr", Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = A.T.void, G.name = UnName 0, G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (Name "bar") [] ( Do $ CondBr (ConstantOperand (C.Int 1 1)) (Name "foo") (Name "bar") [] ), BasicBlock (Name "foo") [] ( Do $ Ret Nothing [] ) ] } ], "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @0() {\n\ \bar:\n\ \ br i1 true, label %foo, label %bar\n\ \\n\ \foo: ; preds = %bar\n\ \ ret void\n\ \}\n" ), ( "switch", Module "" "" Nothing Nothing [ GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults { G.returnType = A.T.void, G.name = UnName 0, G.basicBlocks = [ BasicBlock (UnName 0) [] ( Do $ Switch { operand0' = ConstantOperand (C.Int 16 2), defaultDest = Name "foo", dests = [ (C.Int 16 0, UnName 0), (C.Int 16 2, Name "foo"), (C.Int 16 3, UnName 0) ], metadata' = [] } ), BasicBlock (Name "foo") [] ( Do $ Ret Nothing [] ) ] } ], "; ModuleID = ''\n\ \source_filename = \"\"\n\ \\n\ \define void @0() {\n\ \;