module Type where import qualified Term import Term ( Term(Node), Identifier(Identifier) ) import IO ( Input, input ) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as T import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language as L import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr as Expr import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ( CharParser, Parser, (<|>), (), ) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr ( Assoc(AssocRight) ) import Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous ( Exceptional(Success,Exception) ) import Control.Monad ( liftM2 ) lexer :: T.TokenParser st lexer = T.makeTokenParser $ L.emptyDef { L.commentStart = "{-", L.commentEnd = "-}", L.commentLine = "--", L.nestedComments = True, L.identStart = Term.identifierStart, L.identLetter = Term.identifierLetter, L.opStart = operatorStart, L.opLetter = operatorLetter, L.caseSensitive = True, L.reservedNames = [ "forall" ], L.reservedOpNames = [ "=", "::", "|" ] } operators :: [[(String, Assoc)]] operators = [ [ ( "->", AssocRight ) ] -- , [ ( ",", AssocRight) ] ] parseBracket :: Parser Term parseBracket = T.lexeme lexer $ do (rng,term) <- Term.ranged $ Parsec.between (T.symbol lexer "[") (Parsec.char ']') parseExpression return (Node (Identifier { = "[]", Term.range = rng }) [term]) parseAtom :: Parser Term parseAtom = T.parens lexer parseExpression <|> parseBracket <|> fmap (flip Node []) input parseApply :: Parser Term parseApply = do t <- liftM2 Term.appendArguments parseAtom $ Parsec.many parseAtom case t of Success t' -> return t' Exception e -> fail e operatorStart, operatorLetter :: CharParser st Char operatorStart = Parsec.oneOf operatorSymbols operatorLetter = Parsec.oneOf operatorSymbols operatorSymbols :: [Char] operatorSymbols = ":->" table :: Expr.OperatorTable Char st Term table = map ( map binary ) operators binary :: (String, Assoc) -> Expr.Operator Char st Term binary (s, assoc) = flip Expr.Infix assoc $ do rng <- Parsec.try $ T.lexeme lexer $ do (rng,_) <- Term.ranged $ Parsec.string s Parsec.notFollowedBy operatorLetter ("end of " ++ show s) return rng return $ \ l r -> Node ( Identifier { = s, Term.range = rng } ) [ l, r ] parseContext :: Parsec.GenParser Char () [Term] parseContext = do constraints <- T.parens lexer $ T.commaSep lexer input T.reservedOp lexer "=>" return constraints parseExpression :: Parsec.GenParser Char () Term parseExpression = Expr.buildExpressionParser table parseApply