-- module GUI where {- | The program manages a number of threads: GUI: The GUI shall be responsive also if a program is loaded or a term is reduced. Thus the GUI has its own thread. If a GUI element requires a more complicated action, it sends an Action message via the 'input' Chan to the 'machine'. It does not have direct access to the 'program'. machine: This thread manages loading and parsing of modules as well as the operation mode of the interpreter. It gets most of its messages from the GUI and sends its result as GuiUpdate via the 'output' Chan to the GUI. It is the only thread that is allowed to modify the 'program'. Thus it sequences all accesses to 'program' and warrants atomic modification (a single read-write sequence) even outside the STM monad. execute: This runs the interpreter. It reduces expressions and sends according MIDI messages or waits according to Wait events. It can read the current state of the 'program' but is not allowed to modify it. ALSA: With ALSA we can wait only for all kinds of events at once. Thus this thread receives all incoming messages and distributes them to the right receiver. E.g. NoteOn events are sent to the GUI as text inserts and Echo messages are sent to the 'execute' thread for handling Wait events. HTTPServer: Waits for and responds to incoming HTTP requests. -} import qualified InOut import qualified TermFocus import qualified Term import qualified Time import qualified Program import qualified Exception import qualified Module import qualified Controller import qualified Rewrite import qualified SourceText as Source import qualified Option import qualified Log import Program ( Program ) import TermFocus ( TermFocus ) import TermParser ( lexer ) import Utility.WX ( cursor, editable, notebookSelection, splitterWindowSetSashGravity ) import qualified HTTPServer.GUI as HTTPGui import qualified Graphics.UI.WX as WX import Graphics.UI.WX.Attributes ( Prop((:=)), set, get ) import Graphics.UI.WX.Classes ( itemAppend, items, checkable, checked, clientSize, close, enabled, font, help, text, visible ) import Graphics.UI.WX.Controls ( Notebook, TextCtrl, wrap, focusOn, columns, listEvent, Align(AlignLeft, AlignRight), Wrap(WrapNone) ) import Graphics.UI.WX.Events ( on, closing, command ) import Graphics.UI.WX.Layout ( widget, container, layout, margin ) import Graphics.UI.WX.Types ( Color, rgb, fontFixed, Point2(Point), sz, varCreate, varGet, varSet, varSwap, varUpdate ) import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO ) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Split.MVar as MVar import qualified Control.Concurrent.Split.Chan as Chan import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.Split.Chan as TChan import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar ( TVar, newTVarIO, readTVarIO, readTVar, writeTVar ) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar ( TMVar, newTMVarIO, putTMVar, readTMVar, takeTMVar ) import Utility.Concurrent ( MonadSTM, writeTMVar, liftSTM ) import Control.Monad.STM ( STM ) import qualified Control.Monad.STM as STM import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef ) import qualified Graphics.UI.WXCore as WXCore import qualified Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassesAL as WXCAL import qualified Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassesMZ as WXCMZ import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcDefs ( wxID_HIGHEST ) import qualified Graphics.UI.WXCore.Events as WXEvent import qualified Event import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr ) import Foreign.Storable ( peek ) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca ) import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C import qualified ALSA import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer as SndSeq import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice as VM import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as MW import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as ME import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( liftIO ) import Control.Monad ( when, liftM, liftM2, forever ) import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) ) import Control.Functor.HT ( void ) import Data.Foldable ( forM_ ) import Data.Traversable ( forM, traverse ) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token import Control.Exception ( bracket, finally, try ) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified System.IO.Error as Err import Shell.Utility.Exit ( exitFailureMsg ) import qualified System.Path.IO as PathIO import qualified System.Path as Path import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as AccM import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as Acc import qualified Data.Accessor.Tuple as AccTuple import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map ( Map ) import qualified Data.Monoid as Mn import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Tuple.HT ( mapFst, mapSnd ) import Data.Bool.HT ( if' ) import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe, maybeToList ) import Prelude hiding ( log ) -- | read rules files, should contain definition for "main" main :: IO () main = do IO.hSetBuffering IO.stderr IO.LineBuffering opt <- Option.get (mainMod, p) <- ME.resolveT (exitFailureMsg . Exception.multilineFromMessage) $ do (names, p) <- Program.loadMany (Option.importPaths opt) Module.initVersion (Option.moduleNames opt) return $ case names of [] -> (Module.mainName, Program.singleton $ Module.empty Module.mainName) mainModName:_ -> (mainModName, p) (guiIn,guiOut) <- Chan.new (machineIn,machineOut) <- TChan.newIO STM.atomically $ registerProgram machineIn mainMod p ALSA.withSequencer opt $ \sq -> flip finally (ALSA.runSend sq ALSA.stopQueue) $ WX.start $ do gui guiIn machineIn (forEvent machineOut) (Module.nextVersion Module.initVersion) void $ forkIO $ machine guiOut machineIn (processMidiCommand guiIn machineIn) (Option.limits opt) (Option.importPaths opt) p sq void $ forkIO $ HTTPGui.run (HTTPGui.methods (TChan.writeIO machineIn . HTTP)) (Option.httpOption opt) -- | messages that are sent from GUI to machine data Action = Execution Execution | Modification Modification | Control Controller.Event data Execution = Mode Event.WaitMode | SwitchMode | Restart | Stop | NextStep Event.Continue | PlayTerm MarkedText | ApplyTerm MarkedText data Modification = Load Module.Version Path.AbsFile | NewModule | CloseModule Module.Name | FlushModules Module.Name | RefreshModule (Maybe (MVar.In HTTPGui.Feedback)) Module.Name Module.Version String Int -- ^ MVar of the HTTP server, module name, module version, sourcetext, position -- | messages that are sent from machine to GUI data GuiUpdate = ReductionSteps { _steps :: [ Rewrite.Source ] } | CurrentTerm { _range :: (Int, Int), _currentTerm :: String } | Exception { _message :: Exception.Message } | Register { _mainModName :: Module.Name, _modules :: Map Module.Name Module.Module } | Refresh { _moduleName :: Module.Name, _version :: Module.Version, _content :: String, _position :: Int } | PopupIdentifier Identifier | InsertPage { _activate :: Bool, _module :: Module.Module } | DeletePage Module.Name | RenamePage Module.Name Module.Name | RebuildControllers Controller.Assignments | InsertText { _insertedText :: String } | StatusLine { _statusLine :: String } | HTTP HTTPGui.GuiUpdate | Running { _runningMode :: Event.WaitMode } | ResetDisplay type Term = Term.Term Source.ModuleRange type Identifier = Term.Identifier Source.ModuleRange -- | the messages describe the steps towards the stateTerm data State = State { stateMessages :: Maybe [ Rewrite.Message ], stateTerm :: Term } initialState :: State initialState = State Nothing Term.main stateFromTerm :: Term -> State stateFromTerm t = State Nothing t exceptionToGUI :: TChan.In GuiUpdate -> Exception.MonadT STM () -> STM () exceptionToGUI output = ME.resolveT (TChan.write output . Exception) exceptionToGUIIO :: TChan.In GuiUpdate -> Exception.MonadT IO () -> IO () exceptionToGUIIO output = ME.resolveT (TChan.writeIO output . Exception) parseTerm :: (Monad m, InOut.Input a) => MarkedText -> Exception.MonadT m a parseTerm (MarkedText modu pos str) = ME.mapExceptionT (Exception.messageFromParserError (Module.Editor modu)) $ ME.liftT $ ME.fromEither $ Parsec.parse (Parsec.setPosition (Source.makeParsecPos modu pos) >> Parsec.between (Token.whiteSpace lexer) Parsec.eof InOut.input) "" str processMidiCommand :: Chan.In Action -> TChan.In GuiUpdate -> Event.Command -> IO () processMidiCommand machineChan guiChan cmd = case cmd of Event.NoteInput p -> TChan.writeIO guiChan . InsertText . formatPitch $ p Event.Transportation trans -> Chan.write machineChan $ Execution $ case trans of Event.Play -> Restart Event.Stop -> Stop Event.Pause -> SwitchMode Event.Forward -> NextStep Event.NextElement formatPitch :: VM.Pitch -> String formatPitch p = let (oct,cls) = divMod (VM.fromPitch p) 12 name = case cls of 00 -> "c" 01 -> "cs" 02 -> "d" 03 -> "ds" 04 -> "e" 05 -> "f" 06 -> "fs" 07 -> "g" 08 -> "gs" 09 -> "a" 10 -> "as" 11 -> "b" _ -> error "pitch class must be a number from 0 to 11" in "note qn (" ++ name ++ " " ++ show (oct-1) ++ ") : " formatModuleList :: [Module.Name] -> String formatModuleList = List.intercalate ", " . map Module.deconsName {- We do not put the program update into a big a STM because loading new imported modules may take a while and blocking access to 'program' would block the read access by the interpreter. -} modifyModule :: [ Path.AbsDir ] -> TVar Program -> TChan.In GuiUpdate -> Module.Name -> Module.Version -> String -> Int -> IO (Maybe Exception.Message) modifyModule importPaths program output moduleName vers sourceCode pos = do p <- readTVarIO program ME.switchT (\e -> do TChan.writeIO output $ Exception e return $ Just e) (\(newP, updates) -> do STM.atomically $ do mapM_ ( TChan.write output ) updates writeTVar program newP -- Log.put "parsed and modified OK" return Nothing) $ do let exception = Exception.messageParse (Module.Editor moduleName) Source.emptyRange previous <- ME.liftT $ ME.fromMaybe (exception $ Module.tellName moduleName ++ " does no longer exist") $ Map.lookup moduleName $ Program.modules p m <- ME.liftT $ Module.parse vers (Just moduleName) (Module.sourceLocation previous) sourceCode {- My first thought was that renaming of modules should be generally forbidden via HTTP. My second thought was that renaming of modules can be easily allowed or forbidden using the separation marker. Actually currently renaming via HTTP is not possible, because the separation marker is not allowed before the 'module' line. If you like to strictly forbid renaming in some circumstances, then make 'allowRename' a parameter of the function. -} let allowRename = True MW.runWriterT $ do p1 <- if' (moduleName == Module.name m) (MT.lift $ ME.liftT $ Program.replaceModule m p) $ if' allowRename (do MT.lift $ ME.assertT (exception $ Module.tellName (Module.name m) ++ " already exists") (Map.notMember (Module.name m) $ Program.modules p) MW.tell [ RenamePage moduleName (Module.name m) ] MT.lift $ ME.liftT $ Program.addModule m $ Program.removeModule moduleName p) $ (MT.lift $ ME.throwT $ exception "module name does not match page name and renaming is disallowed") p2 <- MT.lift $ Program.chaseImports importPaths vers m p1 MW.tell $ map (InsertPage False) $ Map.elems $ Map.difference ( Program.modules p2 ) ( Program.modules p1 ) -- Refresh must happen after a Rename MW.tell [ Refresh (Module.name m) vers sourceCode pos, RebuildControllers $ Program.controls p2 ] return p2 registerProgram :: TChan.In GuiUpdate -> Module.Name -> Program -> STM () registerProgram output mainModName p = do TChan.write output $ Register mainModName $ Program.modules p TChan.write output $ RebuildControllers $ Program.controls p updateProgram :: TVar Program -> TChan.In GuiUpdate -> Program -> STM () updateProgram program output p = do liftSTM $ writeTVar program p liftSTM $ TChan.write output $ RebuildControllers $ Program.controls p {- This runs concurrently and is fed with changes to the modules by the GUI. It parses them and provides the parsed modules to the execution engine. Since parsing is a bit of work we can keep the GUI and the execution of code going while parsing. -} machine :: Chan.Out Action -- ^ machine reads program text from here -- (module name, module contents) -> TChan.In GuiUpdate -- ^ and writes output to here -- (log message (for highlighting), current term) -> (Event.Command -> IO ()) -> Option.Limits -> [ Path.AbsDir ] -> Program -- ^ initial program -> ALSA.Sequencer SndSeq.DuplexMode -> IO () machine input output procMidi limits importPaths progInit sq = do program <- newTVarIO progInit term <- newTMVarIO initialState (waitIn,waitOut) <- Chan.new void $ forkIO $ forever $ do action <- Chan.read input let withMode mode send transaction = do Chan.write waitIn $ Event.AlsaSend send Chan.write waitIn $ Event.ModeChange mode STM.atomically $ do TChan.write output $ Running mode transaction setMode mode = flip (withMode mode) (return ()) $ case mode of Event.RealTime -> ALSA.continueQueue Event.SlowMotion _ -> ALSA.continueQueue Event.SingleStep _ -> ALSA.pauseQueue case action of Control event -> do Log.put $ show event STM.atomically $ exceptionToGUI output $ do p <- MT.lift $ readTVar program p' <- ME.liftT $ Controller.changeControllerModule p event MT.lift $ writeTVar program p' -- return $ Controller.getControllerModule p' -- Log.put $ show m Execution exec -> case exec of Mode mode -> setMode mode SwitchMode -> Chan.write waitIn $ Event.SwitchMode setMode Restart -> withMode Event.RealTime Event.forwardQuietContinueQueue (writeTMVar term initialState) Stop -> withMode Event.singleStep Event.forwardStopQueue (writeTMVar term initialState) NextStep cont -> Chan.write waitIn $ Event.NextStep cont PlayTerm txt -> exceptionToGUIIO output $ do t <- parseTerm txt MT.lift $ withMode Event.RealTime Event.forwardQuietContinueQueue (writeTMVar term $ stateFromTerm $ fmap Source.setRangeNoVersion t) ApplyTerm txt -> exceptionToGUIIO output $ do fterm <- parseTerm txt case fmap Source.setRangeNoVersion fterm of Term.Node f xs -> MT.lift $ STM.atomically $ do t0 <- readTMVar term let t1 = Term.Node f (xs ++ [stateTerm t0]) writeTMVar term $ stateFromTerm t1 TChan.write output $ uncurry CurrentTerm $ TermFocus.format $ TermFocus.fromTerm t1 TChan.write output $ StatusLine $ "applied function term " ++ show (markedString txt) _ -> ME.throwT . Exception.messageParse (Module.Editor $ markedModuleName txt) (Term.termRange fterm) $ "tried to apply the non-function term " ++ show (markedString txt) Modification modi -> case modi of RefreshModule feedback moduleName vers sourceCode pos -> do Log.put $ Module.tellName moduleName ++ " has new input\n" ++ sourceCode x <- modifyModule importPaths program output moduleName vers sourceCode pos forM_ feedback $ \mvar -> MVar.put mvar $ ME.Success (fmap Exception.multilineFromMessage x, sourceCode) Load vers filePath -> do Log.put $ "load " ++ Path.toString filePath ++ " and all its dependencies" exceptionToGUIIO output $ do p <- Program.load importPaths vers filePath Program.empty MT.lift $ do withMode Event.RealTime Event.forwardQuietContinueQueue $ do writeTVar program (snd p) writeTMVar term initialState uncurry (registerProgram output) p Log.put "chased and parsed OK" NewModule -> STM.atomically $ do prg <- readTVar program let modName = head $ filter (flip Map.notMember (Program.modules prg)) $ map (Module.Name . ("New"++)) $ "" : map show (iterate (1+) (1::Integer)) modu = Module.empty modName case Program.addModule modu prg of ME.Exception e -> error ("new module has no declarations and thus should not lead to conflicts with existing modules - " ++ Exception.statusFromMessage e) ME.Success newPrg -> liftSTM $ updateProgram program output newPrg liftSTM $ TChan.write output $ InsertPage True modu CloseModule modName -> STM.atomically $ exceptionToGUI output $ ME.mapExceptionT (Exception.messageInOutEditor modName . ("cannot close module: " ++)) $ do prg <- liftSTM $ readTVar program let modules = Program.modules prg importingModules = Map.keys $ Map.filter (elem modName . map Module.source . Module.imports) $ Map.delete modName modules flip ME.assertT (null importingModules) $ "it is still imported by " ++ formatModuleList importingModules flip ME.assertT (Map.member modName modules) $ "it does not exist" flip ME.assertT (Map.size modules > 1) $ "there must remain at least one module" liftSTM $ updateProgram program output $ Program.removeModule modName prg liftSTM $ TChan.write output $ DeletePage modName FlushModules modName -> STM.atomically $ do prg <- readTVar program let (removed, minPrg) = Program.minimize modName prg updateProgram program output minPrg Fold.mapM_ (TChan.write output . DeletePage) removed (delayedUpdatesIn, delayedUpdatesOut) <- Chan.new void $ forkIO $ Event.listen sq procMidi ( STM.atomically . mapM_ (TChan.write output) =<< Chan.read delayedUpdatesOut ) waitIn ALSA.runSend sq ALSA.startQueue Event.runState $ execute limits program term delayedUpdatesIn ( TChan.writeIO output . Exception ) sq waitOut execute :: Option.Limits -> TVar Program -- ^ current program (GUI might change the contents) -> TMVar State -- ^ current term -> Chan.In [ GuiUpdate ] -- ^ sink for time-stamped delayed messages (show current term) -> ( Exception.Message -> IO () ) -- ^ sink for asynchronous warnings (currently feedback from festival) -> ALSA.Sequencer SndSeq.DuplexMode -- ^ for playing MIDI events -> Chan.Out Event.WaitResult -> MS.StateT Event.State IO () execute limits program term delayedUpdatesIn sendWarning sq waitChan = forever $ do {- executeStep may call stopQueueLater in case of an exception. Thus we must register the visualisation trigger before that event, in order to display the exception. -} void $ Event.runSend sq $ Event.sendEcho Event.visualizeId (ALSA.latencyNano sq) (mdur, updates) <- MW.runWriterT $ do waiting <- MT.lift $ AccM.get Event.stateWaiting when waiting $ writeUpdate ResetDisplay maxEventsSat <- MT.lift $ checkMaxEvents limits executeStep limits program term sendWarning sq maxEventsSat {- This update will take effect when the above visualisation trigger event arrives. -} MT.lift $ Chan.write delayedUpdatesIn updates Event.wait sq waitChan mdur {- We maintain the timestamps of the last 'maxEvents' events, including 'Wait's. Then we check whether the earliest stored event is old enough. -} checkMaxEvents :: (Monad m) => Option.Limits -> MS.StateT Event.State m Bool checkMaxEvents limits = do mode <- AccM.get Event.stateWaitMode case mode of Event.RealTime -> do current <- AccM.get Event.stateTime recent <- AccM.get Event.stateRecentTimes cont <- case Seq.viewl recent of Seq.EmptyL -> return True past Seq.:< ts -> if' (Seq.length recent < Option.maxEvents limits) (return True) $ if' (Mn.mappend past (Time.up $ Time.up $ Option.eventPeriod limits) <= current) (AccM.set Event.stateRecentTimes ts >> return True) (AccM.set Event.stateRecentTimes Seq.empty >> return False) AccM.modify Event.stateRecentTimes (Seq.|> current) return cont _ -> do AccM.set Event.stateRecentTimes Seq.empty return True executeStep :: Option.Limits -> TVar Program -> TMVar State -> ( Exception.Message -> IO () ) -> ALSA.Sequencer SndSeq.DuplexMode -> Bool -> MW.WriterT [ GuiUpdate ] ( MS.StateT Event.State IO ) ( Maybe ALSA.Time ) executeStep limits program term sendWarning sq maxEventsSat = do waitMode <- MT.lift $ AccM.get Event.stateWaitMode ME.switchT (\e -> do -- liftIO $ ALSA.stopQueue sq currentTime <- MT.lift $ AccM.get Event.stateTime liftIO $ Log.put "executeStep: stopQueueLater" newTime <- liftIO $ ALSA.runSend sq $ ALSA.stopQueueLater currentTime -- Chan.write waitChan $ Event.ModeChange Event.SingleStep writeUpdate $ Exception e writeUpdate $ Running Event.singleStep {- We have to alter the mode directly, since waitChan is only read when we wait for a duration other than Nothing -} MT.lift $ AccM.set Event.stateWaitMode Event.singleStep MT.lift $ AccM.set Event.stateTime newTime return Nothing) (\(mx,s) -> do {- exceptions on processing an event are not fatal and we keep running -} wait <- case mx of Nothing -> return Nothing Just x -> ME.resolveT (fmap (const Nothing) . writeUpdate . Exception) (ME.mapExceptionalT MT.lift $ Event.play sq sendWarning x) waiting <- MT.lift $ AccM.get Event.stateWaiting {- This way the term will be pretty printed in the GUI thread which may block the GUI thread. However evaluating it here may defer playing notes, which is not better. -} when (waiting || waitMode /= Event.RealTime) $ writeUpdate $ uncurry CurrentTerm $ TermFocus.format s {- liftIO $ Log.put $ "term size: " ++ ( show $ length $ Term.subterms s ) ++ ", term depth: " ++ ( show $ length $ Term.breadths s ) -} return wait) (ME.mapExceptionalT (MW.mapWriterT (liftIO . STM.atomically)) $ ME.catchT (computeStep limits program term maxEventsSat waitMode) $ \(pos,msg) -> do liftSTM $ putTMVar term initialState ME.throwT $ Exception.messageTerm pos msg) computeStep :: (MonadSTM m) => Option.Limits -> TVar Program -> TMVar State -> Bool -> Event.WaitMode -> ME.ExceptionalT (Source.ModuleRange, String) (MW.WriterT [GuiUpdate] m) (Maybe Term, TermFocus) computeStep limits program term maxEventsSat waitMode = do t <- liftSTM $ takeTMVar term p <- liftSTM $ readTVar program {- this happens anew at each click since the program text might have changed in the editor -} ME.assertT (Term.termRange $ stateTerm t, "too many events in a too short period") maxEventsSat let forceHead :: (Monad m) => ME.ExceptionalT (Source.ModuleRange, String) (MW.WriterT [GuiUpdate] m) ([Rewrite.Message], Term) forceHead = ME.mapExceptionalT (liftM (\(ms,msgs) -> (,) msgs . Event.splitWait (Option.splitWait limits) <$> ms) . MW.runWriterT) $ Rewrite.runEval (Option.maxReductions limits) p (Rewrite.forceHead $ stateTerm t) nextReduction = do (msgs, nt) <- case stateMessages t of Nothing -> forceHead Just msgs -> return (msgs, stateTerm t) case splitAtReduction msgs of (steps, Just (red, rest)) -> return (steps, red, Just (rest, nt)) (steps, Nothing) -> return (steps, TermFocus.fromTerm nt, Nothing) (steps, focusedTerm, mst) <- case waitMode of Event.SingleStep Event.NextReduction -> nextReduction Event.SingleStep Event.NextReductionShow -> do {- Using these statements we will highlight the rule that led to the current focusTerm. x@(steps, _, _) <- nextReduction case do {Rewrite.Rule r <- steps; return r} of -} {- Using these statements we will highlight the rule that will be tried next. -} x@(_, _, mst) <- nextReduction case do {st <- maybeToList mst; Rewrite.AttemptRule r <- fst $ splitAtReduction $ fst st; return r} of (f : _) -> MT.lift $ writeUpdate $ PopupIdentifier f _ -> return () return x _ -> do (msgs, nt) <- forceHead return (mapMaybe (\msg -> case msg of Rewrite.Source step -> Just step _ -> Nothing) msgs, TermFocus.fromTerm nt, Nothing) liftM (flip (,) focusedTerm) $ case mst of Nothing -> do let s = TermFocus.subTerm focusedTerm ME.assertT (Term.termRange s, "term size exceeds limit " ++ show (Option.maxTermSize limits)) (null $ drop (Option.maxTermSize limits) $ Term.subterms s) ME.assertT (Term.termRange s, "term depth exceeds limit " ++ show (Option.maxTermDepth limits)) (null $ drop (Option.maxTermDepth limits) $ Term.breadths s) MT.lift $ writeUpdate $ ReductionSteps steps case Term.viewNode s of Just (":", [x, xs]) -> do liftSTM $ putTMVar term $ stateFromTerm xs return (Just x) Just ("[]", []) -> do MT.lift $ writeUpdate $ uncurry CurrentTerm $ TermFocus.format $ TermFocus.fromTerm s ME.throwT (Term.termRange s, "finished.") _ -> do MT.lift $ writeUpdate $ uncurry CurrentTerm $ TermFocus.format $ TermFocus.fromTerm s ME.throwT (Term.termRange s, "I do not know how to handle this term: " ++ show s) Just (msgs, nt) -> do MT.lift $ writeUpdate $ ReductionSteps steps liftSTM $ putTMVar term $ State (Just msgs) nt return Nothing splitAtReduction :: [ Rewrite.Message ] -> ( [ Rewrite.Source ] , Maybe ( TermFocus , [ Rewrite.Message ] ) ) splitAtReduction [] = ( [], Nothing ) splitAtReduction (Rewrite.Term t : ms) = ( [], Just (t, ms ) ) splitAtReduction (Rewrite.Source s : ms) = mapFst (s:) $ splitAtReduction ms writeUpdate :: (Monad m) => GuiUpdate -> MW.WriterT [GuiUpdate] m () writeUpdate update = MW.tell [update] -- | following code taken from http://snipplr.com/view/17538/ myEventId :: Int myEventId = wxID_HIGHEST+100 -- the custom event ID, avoid clash with Graphics.UI.WXCore.Types.varTopId -- | the custom event is registered as a menu event createMyEvent :: IO (WXCore.CommandEvent ()) createMyEvent = WXCAL.commandEventCreate WXCMZ.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED myEventId registerMyEvent :: WXCore.EvtHandler a -> IO () -> IO () registerMyEvent win io = WXEvent.evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win myEventId io {- | The machine writes to this channel (a textual representation of "current expression") but sometimes the GUI also controls itself. -} forEvent :: TChan.Out a -> WX.Frame f -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () forEvent chan f act = do (inC,out) <- Chan.new void $ forkIO $ forever $ do Chan.write inC =<< STM.atomically (TChan.read chan) WXCAL.evtHandlerAddPendingEvent f =<< createMyEvent registerMyEvent f $ Chan.read out >>= act {- The order of widget creation is important for cycling through widgets using tabulator key. -} gui :: Chan.In Action -- ^ the gui writes here -- (if the program text changes due to an edit action) -> TChan.In GuiUpdate -> (WX.Frame () -> (GuiUpdate -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> Module.Version -> IO () gui input output procEvent initVersion = do panels <- newIORef Map.empty frameError <- newFrameError frameControls <- WX.frame [ text := "controls" ] f <- WX.frame [ text := "live-sequencer", visible := False ] p <- WX.panel f [ ] fileMenu <- WX.menuPane [text := "&File"] let haskellFilenames = [ ("Haskell modules", ["*.hs"]), ("All files", ["*"]) ] loadItem <- WX.menuItem fileMenu [ text := "L&oad and check program ...\tCtrl-O", help := "flush all modules " ++ "and load a new program with all its dependencies" ] reloadItem <- WX.menuItem fileMenu [ text := "&Reload module", help := "reload a module from its original file, " ++ "but do not pass it to the interpreter" ] saveItem <- WX.menuItem fileMenu [ text := "&Save module\tCtrl-S", help := "overwrite original file with current module content" ] saveAsItem <- WX.menuItem fileMenu [ text := "Save module &as ...", help := "save module content to a different or new file " ++ "and make this the new file target" ] WX.menuLine fileMenu newModuleItem <- WX.menuItem fileMenu [ text := "&New module\tCtrl-Shift-M", help := "add a new empty module" ] closeModuleItem <- WX.menuItem fileMenu [ text := "&Close module\tCtrl-W", help := "close the active module" ] flushModulesItem <- WX.menuItem fileMenu [ text := "&Flush modules", help := "close all modules that are not transitively imported by the active module" ] WX.menuLine fileMenu quitItem <- WX.menuQuit fileMenu [] execMenu <- WX.menuPane [text := "&Execution"] refreshItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "&Refresh\tCtrl-R", help := "parse the edited module and if successful " ++ "rename the page to the modified module name, " ++ "load new imported modules and " ++ "replace the executed program" ] WX.menuLine execMenu realTimeItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Real time\tCtrl-1", checkable := True, checked := True, help := "pause according to Wait elements" ] slowMotionItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Slow motion\tCtrl-2", checkable := True, help := "pause between every list element" ] singleStepItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Single step\tCtrl-3", checkable := True, help := "wait for user confirmation after every list element" ] WX.menuLine execMenu _restartItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Res&tart\tCtrl-T", on command := Chan.write input (Execution Restart), help := "stop sound and restart program execution with 'main'" ] playTermItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Play term\tCtrl-M", help := "stop sound and restart program execution " ++ "with the marked editor area as current term, " ++ "or use the surrounding identifier if nothing is marked" ] applyTermItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Apply term\tCtrl-Y", help := "apply marked expression as function to the current term, " ++ "the execution mode remains the same, " ++ "example terms: (merge track) or (flip append track)" ] _stopItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Stop\tCtrl-Space", on command := Chan.write input (Execution Stop), help := "stop program execution and sound, " ++ "reset term to 'main'" ] WX.menuLine execMenu fasterItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Faster\tCtrl->", enabled := False, help := "decrease pause in slow motion mode" ] slowerItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Slower\tCtrl-<", enabled := False, help := "increase pause in slow motion mode" ] let sendNextStep = Chan.write input . Execution . NextStep nextElemItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Next element\tCtrl-N", enabled := False, on command := sendNextStep Event.NextElement, help := "compute next list element in single step mode" ] nextRedItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Next reduction\tCtrl-Shift-N", enabled := False, on command := sendNextStep Event.NextReduction, help := "compute next reduction in single step mode" ] nextShowItem <- WX.menuItem execMenu [ text := "Next reduction and highlight rule\tCtrl-U", enabled := False, on command := sendNextStep Event.NextReductionShow, help := "compute next reduction in single step mode " ++ "and highlight currently processed rule" ] windowMenu <- WX.menuPane [text := "&Window"] appRunning <- newIORef True let windowMenuItem title win = do itm <- WX.menuItem windowMenu [ text := title, help := "show or hide " ++ title ++ " window", checkable := True, checked := True ] set itm [ on command := do b <- get itm checked set win [ visible := b ] ] set win [ on closing := do run <- readIORef appRunning if run then do set itm [ checked := False ] set win [ visible := False ] -- WXCMZ.closeEventVeto ??? True else WXEvent.propagateEvent ] windowMenuItem "errors" $ errorFrame frameError windowMenuItem "controls" frameControls WX.menuLine windowMenu reducerVisibleItem <- WX.menuItem windowMenu [ text := "current term", checkable := True, checked := True, help := "show or hide current term - " ++ "hiding may improve performance drastically" ] splitter <- WX.splitterWindow p [] nb <- WX.notebook splitter [ ] let getCurrentPanel = getFromNotebook nb =<< readIORef panels let selectNotebook i = set nb [ notebookSelection := i ] reducer <- textCtrlMono splitter [ editable := False ] status <- WX.statusField [ text := "Welcome to interactive music composition with Haskell" ] let setStatus msg = set status [ text := msg ] let sendExceptionInOut moduleName = TChan.writeIO output . Exception . Exception.messageInOutEditor moduleName let handleException moduleName act = either (sendExceptionInOut moduleName . Err.ioeGetErrorString) return =<< try act {- We need a global version for correct handling of two scenarios: 1. A module is deleted and later a new module with the same name is added, again. Now consider identifiers in the current term that refer to the old module. We must not follow these references anymore even if the module is re-added with the same name. With per-module versions we would have to store the versions even after removal of the module. 2. A module is renamed. The version would have to be adapted to the last version number of a possibly already deleted module and we have to maintain the version of the old module name. Nonetheless, multiple modules can get the same version if they are loaded as imports of a module. -} nextVersion <- flip varUpdate Module.nextVersion <$> varCreate initVersion set loadItem [ on command := do mfilename <- WX.fileOpenDialog f False {- change current directory -} True "Load Haskell program" haskellFilenames "" "" forM_ mfilename $ \filename -> do vers <- nextVersion Chan.write input . Modification . Load vers . Path.file $ filename ] set reloadItem [ on command := do (moduleName, pnl) <- getCurrentPanel let path = sourceLocation pnl handleException moduleName $ do content <- PathIO.readFile path set (editor pnl) [ text := content ] setStatus $ Module.tellName moduleName ++ " reloaded from " ++ Path.toString path ] let getCurrentModule = do (moduleName, pnl) <- getCurrentPanel content <- get (editor pnl) text return (sourceLocation pnl, moduleName, content) saveModule (path, moduleName, content) = handleException moduleName $ do -- Log.put path PathIO.writeFile path content setStatus $ Module.tellName moduleName ++ " saved to " ++ Path.toString path set saveItem [ on command := do saveModule =<< getCurrentModule ] set saveAsItem [ on command := do (filePath, moduleName, content) <- getCurrentModule let (path,file) = Path.splitFileName filePath -- print (path,file) mfilename <- WX.fileSaveDialog f False {- change current directory -} True ("Save " ++ Module.tellName moduleName) haskellFilenames (Path.toString path) (Path.toString file) forM_ (fmap Path.file mfilename) $ \fileName -> do saveModule (fileName, moduleName, content) modifyIORef panels $ Map.adjust (\pnl -> pnl { sourceLocation = fileName }) moduleName ] set newModuleItem [ on command := Chan.write input $ Modification NewModule ] set closeModuleItem [ on command := Chan.write input . Modification . CloseModule . fst =<< getCurrentPanel ] set flushModulesItem [ on command := Chan.write input . Modification . FlushModules . fst =<< getCurrentPanel ] let refreshProgram (moduleName, pnl) = do vers <- nextVersion s <- get (editor pnl) text pos <- get (editor pnl) cursor Chan.write input $ Modification $ RefreshModule Nothing moduleName vers s pos updateErrorLog frameError $ Seq.filter $ \(Exception.Message typ _) -> case typ of Exception.Parse source _ -> Just moduleName /= Module.maybeEditor source Exception.Term errorRng -> moduleName /= Source.extractModuleName errorRng Exception.InOut source -> Just moduleName /= Module.maybeEditor source set refreshItem [ on command := do refreshProgram =<< getCurrentPanel -- mapM_ refreshProgram pnls ] set playTermItem [ on command := Chan.write input . Execution . PlayTerm =<< uncurry getMarkedExpr . mapSnd editor =<< getCurrentPanel ] set applyTermItem [ on command := Chan.write input . Execution . ApplyTerm =<< uncurry getMarkedExpr . mapSnd editor =<< getCurrentPanel ] waitDuration <- newIORef $ Time.milliseconds 500 let updateSlowMotionDur = do dur <- readIORef waitDuration Chan.write input $ Execution $ Mode $ Event.SlowMotion dur slowmoUnit = Time.milliseconds 100 set fasterItem [ on command := do modifyIORef waitDuration $ \d -> max slowmoUnit (Time.sub d slowmoUnit) updateSlowMotionDur d <- readIORef waitDuration setStatus $ "decreased pause to " ++ Time.format d ] set slowerItem [ on command := do modifyIORef waitDuration $ Mn.mappend slowmoUnit updateSlowMotionDur d <- readIORef waitDuration setStatus $ "increased pause to " ++ Time.format d ] let setRealTime b = do set realTimeItem [ checked := b ] setSlowMotion b = do set slowMotionItem [ checked := b ] set fasterItem [ enabled := b ] set slowerItem [ enabled := b ] setSingleStep b = do set singleStepItem [ checked := b ] set nextElemItem [ enabled := b ] set nextRedItem [ enabled := b ] set nextShowItem [ enabled := b ] onActivation w act = set w [ on command := do b <- get w checked if b then act else set w [checked := True] ] activateRealTime = do setRealTime True setSlowMotion False setSingleStep False activateSlowMotion = do setRealTime False setSlowMotion True setSingleStep False activateSingleStep = do setRealTime False setSlowMotion False setSingleStep True onActivation realTimeItem $ do activateRealTime Chan.write input $ Execution $ Mode Event.RealTime onActivation slowMotionItem $ do activateSlowMotion updateSlowMotionDur onActivation singleStepItem $ do activateSingleStep Chan.write input $ Execution $ Mode Event.singleStep splitterWindowSetSashGravity splitter 0.5 let initSplitterPosition = 0 {- equal division of heights -} newIORef initSplitterPosition >>= \splitterPosition -> set reducerVisibleItem [ on command := do b <- get reducerVisibleItem checked isSplit <- WXCMZ.splitterWindowIsSplit splitter when (b /= isSplit) $ void $ if b then WXCMZ.splitterWindowSplitHorizontally splitter nb reducer =<< readIORef splitterPosition else do writeIORef splitterPosition =<< WXCMZ.splitterWindowGetSashPosition splitter WXCMZ.splitterWindowUnsplit splitter reducer ] {- Without this dummy page the notebook sometimes gets a very small height, although we explicitly set the splitter position to 0 (= balanced tiling). However the imbalance is not reproducable. Maybe this is a race condition. -} do pnl <- createPanel nb (Module.empty $ Module.Name "Dummy") void $ WXCMZ.notebookAddPage nb (panel pnl) "Dummy" True (-1) set f [ layout := container p $ margin 5 $ WX.fill $ WX.hsplit splitter 5 {- sash width -} initSplitterPosition (widget nb) (widget reducer) , WX.statusBar := [status] , WX.menuBar := [fileMenu, execMenu, windowMenu] , visible := True , clientSize := sz 1280 720 ] onErrorSelection frameError $ \(Exception.Message typ _descr) -> do pnls <- readIORef panels case typ of Exception.Parse source errorRng -> forM_ (Module.maybeEditor source) $ \name -> forM_ (lookupPlusIndex name pnls) $ \(i,pnl) -> do selectNotebook i markText (editor pnl) errorRng Exception.Term (Source.ModuleRange name vers errorRng) -> forM_ (lookupPlusIndex name pnls) $ \(i,pnl) -> do selectNotebook i pnlVersion <- varGet $ moduleVersion pnl when (Module.equalVersion pnlVersion vers) $ markText (highlighter pnl) errorRng Exception.InOut source -> forM_ (Module.maybeEditor source) $ \name -> forM_ (Map.lookupIndex name pnls) selectNotebook let closeOther = writeIORef appRunning False >> close (errorFrame frameError) >> close frameControls set quitItem [ on command := closeOther >> close f] set f [ on closing := closeOther >> WXEvent.propagateEvent {- 'close f' would trigger the closing handler again -} ] focusOn f highlights <- varCreate Map.empty let versionedHighlighters = traverse (\pnl -> (,) (highlighter pnl) <$> varGet (moduleVersion pnl)) =<< readIORef panels procEvent f $ \msg -> case msg of CurrentTerm rng sr -> get reducerVisibleItem checked >>= flip when ( set reducer [ text := sr, cursor := 0 ] >> setColorCurrentTerm reducer ( rgb 200 100 (0::Int) ) rng ) ReductionSteps steps -> do hls <- versionedHighlighters visibleModule <- fst <$> getFromNotebook nb hls let highlight :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Identifier] -> IO () highlight r g b idents = do let m = Map.fromListWith (++) $ filter ((visibleModule==) . fst) $ map (\ident -> (Module.nameFromIdentifier ident, [ident])) idents void $ varUpdate highlights $ Map.unionWith (++) m setColor hls ( rgb r g b ) m let prep step = case step of Rewrite.Step target -> Just (AccTuple.first3, (target:)) Rewrite.Rule rule -> Just (AccTuple.second3, (rule:)) Rewrite.Data origin -> Just (AccTuple.third3, (origin:)) Rewrite.AttemptRule _ -> Nothing (targets, rules, origins) = foldr (uncurry Acc.modify) ([],[],[]) $ mapMaybe prep steps highlight 0 200 200 targets highlight 200 0 200 rules highlight 200 200 0 origins ResetDisplay -> do hls <- versionedHighlighters setColor hls WXCore.white =<< varSwap highlights Map.empty Exception exc -> do addToErrorLog frameError exc setStatus $ Exception.statusFromMessage exc -- update highlighter text field only if parsing was successful Refresh moduleName vers s pos -> do pnls <- readIORef panels Fold.mapM_ (\pnl -> do varSet (moduleVersion pnl) (Just vers) set (highlighter pnl) [ text := s, cursor := pos ]) (Map.lookup moduleName pnls) setStatus $ Module.tellName moduleName ++ " reloaded into interpreter" InsertText str -> do pnl <- snd <$> getCurrentPanel WXCMZ.textCtrlWriteText (editor pnl) str setStatus "inserted note from external controller" StatusLine str -> setStatus str Register mainModName mods -> do void $ WXCMZ.notebookDeleteAllPages nb (writeIORef panels =<<) $ forM mods $ \modu -> do pnl <- createPanel nb modu void $ WXCMZ.notebookAddPage nb (panel pnl) (Module.deconsName $ Module.name modu) (Module.name modu == mainModName) (-1) return pnl updateErrorLog frameError (const Seq.empty) setStatus $ "modules loaded: " ++ formatModuleList ( Map.keys mods ) PopupIdentifier ident -> do let Source.ModuleRange name vers rng = Term.range ident pnls <- readIORef panels forM_ (lookupPlusIndex name pnls) $ \ (i,pnl) -> do selectNotebook i pnlVersion <- varGet $ moduleVersion pnl when (Module.equalVersion pnlVersion vers) $ markText ( highlighter pnl ) rng InsertPage act modu -> do pnls <- readIORef panels pnl <- createPanel nb modu let modName = Module.name modu newPnls = Map.insert modName pnl pnls writeIORef panels newPnls success <- WXCMZ.notebookInsertPage nb (Map.findIndex modName newPnls) (panel pnl) (Module.deconsName modName) act (-1) {- FIXME: if the page cannot be added, we get an inconsistency - how to solve that? -} if success then setStatus $ "new " ++ Module.tellName modName else sendExceptionInOut modName $ "Panic: cannot add page for the module" DeletePage modName -> do pnls <- readIORef panels forM_ ( Map.lookupIndex modName pnls ) $ WXCMZ.notebookDeletePage nb writeIORef panels $ Map.delete modName pnls setStatus $ "closed " ++ Module.tellName modName RenamePage fromName toName -> do pnls <- readIORef panels forM_ ( lookupPlusIndex fromName pnls ) $ \(i,pnl) -> do success <- WXCMZ.notebookRemovePage nb i when (not success) $ sendExceptionInOut fromName $ "Panic: cannot remove page for renaming module" let newPnls = Map.insert toName pnl $ Map.delete fromName pnls writeIORef panels newPnls forM_ ( Map.lookupIndex toName newPnls ) $ \j -> WXCMZ.notebookInsertPage nb j (panel pnl) (Module.deconsName toName) True (-1) setStatus $ "renamed " ++ Module.tellName fromName ++ " to " ++ Module.tellName toName RebuildControllers ctrls -> Controller.create frameControls ctrls $ Chan.write input . Control Running mode -> do case mode of Event.RealTime -> do setStatus "interpreter in real-time mode" activateRealTime Event.SlowMotion dur -> do setStatus $ "interpreter in slow-motion mode with pause " ++ Time.format dur activateSlowMotion Event.SingleStep _ -> do setStatus $ "interpreter in single step mode," ++ " waiting for next step" activateSingleStep HTTP request -> do pnls <- readIORef panels HTTPGui.update (\contentMVar name newContent pos -> do vers <- nextVersion Chan.write input $ Modification $ RefreshModule (Just contentMVar) name vers newContent pos) status (fmap editor pnls) request data FrameError = FrameError { errorFrame :: WX.Frame (), errorLog :: WX.ListCtrl (), errorText :: WX.TextCtrl (), errorList :: IORef (Seq.Seq Exception.Message) } newFrameError :: IO FrameError newFrameError = do frame <- WX.frame [ text := "errors" ] pnl <- WX.panel frame [ ] splitter <- WX.splitterWindow pnl [ ] splitterWindowSetSashGravity splitter 1 log <- WX.listCtrl splitter [ columns := ("Module", AlignLeft, 120) : ("Row", AlignRight, -1) : ("Column", AlignRight, -1) : ("Type", AlignLeft, -1) : ("Description", AlignLeft, 500) : [] ] list <- newIORef Seq.empty txt <- textCtrlMono splitter [ editable := False ] let rec = FrameError { errorFrame = frame, errorLog = log, errorText = txt, errorList = list } clearLog <- WX.button pnl [ text := "Clear", on command := do updateErrorLog rec (const Seq.empty) set txt [ text := "" ] ] set frame [ layout := container pnl $ margin 5 $ WX.column 5 $ [ WX.fill $ WX.hsplit splitter 5 0 (widget log) (widget txt), WX.hfloatLeft $ widget clearLog ] , clientSize := sz 500 300 ] return rec onErrorSelection :: FrameError -> (Exception.Message -> IO ()) -> IO () onErrorSelection r act = set (errorLog r) [ on listEvent := \ev -> case ev of WXEvent.ListItemSelected n -> do errors <- readIORef (errorList r) let msg@(Exception.Message _type descr) = Seq.index errors n set (errorText r) [ text := descr ] act msg _ -> return () ] updateErrorLog :: FrameError -> (Seq.Seq Exception.Message -> Seq.Seq Exception.Message) -> IO () updateErrorLog r f = do errors <- readIORef (errorList r) let newErrors = f errors writeIORef (errorList r) newErrors set (errorLog r) [ items := map Exception.lineFromMessage $ Fold.toList newErrors ] addToErrorLog :: FrameError -> Exception.Message -> IO () addToErrorLog r exc = do itemAppend (errorLog r) $ Exception.lineFromMessage exc modifyIORef (errorList r) (Seq.|> exc) markText :: TextCtrl a -> Source.Range -> IO () markText textCtrl rng = do (i,j) <- textRangeFromRange textCtrl rng set textCtrl [ cursor := i ] WXCMZ.textCtrlSetSelection textCtrl i j {-| 'moduleVersion' should be a member variable of the 'highlighter' but we cannot attach data to a widget. -} data Panel = Panel { panel :: WX.SplitterWindow (), editor, highlighter :: WX.TextCtrl (), moduleVersion :: WX.Var (Maybe Module.Version), sourceLocation :: Path.AbsFile } createPanel :: WXCore.Window b -> Module.Module -> IO Panel createPanel nb modu = do psub <- WX.splitterWindow nb [] splitterWindowSetSashGravity psub 0.5 ed <- textCtrlMono psub [] hl <- textCtrlRichMono psub [ editable := False ] set ed [ text := Module.sourceText modu ] set hl [ text := Module.sourceText modu ] vers <- varCreate $ Module.version modu void $ WXCMZ.splitterWindowSplitVertically psub ed hl 0 {- set psub [ layout := WX.vsplit psub 5 0 (WX.fill $ widget ed) (WX.fill $ widget hl) ] -} return $ Panel psub ed hl vers $ Module.sourceLocation modu textCtrlMono :: WXCore.Window a -> [Prop (TextCtrl ())] -> IO (TextCtrl ()) textCtrlMono parent prop = {- WX.textCtrlEx parent ( WXCore.wxTE_MULTILINE WXCore..+. WXCore.wxTE_RICH ) $ -} WX.textCtrl parent $ ( font := fontFixed ) : ( wrap := WrapNone ) : prop textCtrlRichMono :: WXCore.Window a -> [Prop (TextCtrl ())] -> IO (TextCtrl ()) textCtrlRichMono parent prop = {- WX.textCtrlEx parent ( WXCore.wxTE_MULTILINE WXCore..+. WXCore.wxTE_RICH2 ) $ -} WX.textCtrlRich parent $ ( font := fontFixed ) : ( wrap := WrapNone ) : prop lookupPlusIndex :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe (Int, a) lookupPlusIndex name panels = liftM2 (,) ( Map.lookupIndex name panels ) ( Map.lookup name panels ) getFromNotebook :: Notebook b -> Map Module.Name a -> IO (Module.Name, a) getFromNotebook nb m = flip Map.elemAt m <$> get nb notebookSelection textPosFromSourcePos :: TextCtrl a -> Source.Position -> IO Int textPosFromSourcePos textArea (Source.Position line column) = WXCMZ.textCtrlXYToPosition textArea $ Point (column - 1) (line - 1) sourcePosFromTextColumnRow :: (Int, Int) -> Source.Position sourcePosFromTextColumnRow (col, line) = Source.Position (line+1) (col+1) textRangeFromRange :: TextCtrl a -> Source.Range -> IO (Int, Int) textRangeFromRange textArea rng = liftM2 (,) (textPosFromSourcePos textArea $ Source.start rng) (textPosFromSourcePos textArea $ Source.stop rng) textRangeFromSelection :: TextCtrl a -> IO (Int, Int) textRangeFromSelection textArea = alloca $ \fromPtr -> alloca $ \toPtr -> do void $ WXCMZ.textCtrlGetSelection textArea fromPtr toPtr liftM2 (,) (fromIntegral <$> peek (fromPtr :: Ptr C.CInt)) (fromIntegral <$> peek (toPtr :: Ptr C.CInt)) textColumnRowFromPos :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Int, Int) textColumnRowFromPos textArea pos = alloca $ \rowPtr -> alloca $ \columnPtr -> do void $ WXCMZ.textCtrlPositionToXY textArea pos columnPtr rowPtr liftM2 (,) (fromIntegral <$> peek columnPtr) (fromIntegral <$> peek rowPtr) withBackgroundColour :: TextCtrl b -> Color -> (WXCore.TextAttr () -> IO a) -> IO a withBackgroundColour textField hicolor act = do attr <- WXCMZ.textCtrlGetDefaultStyle textField bracket (WXCMZ.textAttrGetBackgroundColour attr) (WXCMZ.textAttrSetBackgroundColour attr) $ const $ WXCMZ.textAttrSetBackgroundColour attr hicolor >> act attr setColor :: (Ord k) => Map k (TextCtrl a, Maybe Module.Version) -> Color -> Map k [Identifier] -> IO () setColor highlighters hicolor positions = forM_ (Map.intersectionWith (,) highlighters positions) $ \((hl,moduVers), idents) -> withBackgroundColour hl hicolor $ \attr -> forM_ idents $ \ ident -> do let Source.ModuleRange _ vers rng = Term.range ident when (Module.equalVersion moduVers vers) $ do (from, to) <- textRangeFromRange hl rng void $ WXCMZ.textCtrlSetStyle hl from to attr setColorCurrentTerm :: TextCtrl a -> Color -> (Int, Int)-> IO () setColorCurrentTerm reducer hicolor (from, to) = withBackgroundColour reducer hicolor $ void . WXCMZ.textCtrlSetStyle reducer from to data MarkedText = MarkedText { markedModuleName :: Module.Name, _markedPosition :: Source.Position, markedString :: String } getMarkedExpr :: Module.Name -> TextCtrl () -> IO MarkedText getMarkedExpr modu ed = do marked <- WXCMZ.textCtrlGetStringSelection ed if null marked then do (i,line) <- textColumnRowFromPos ed =<< get ed cursor content <- WXCMZ.textCtrlGetLineText ed line {- simpler but inefficient content <- get ed text i <- get ed cursor -} case splitAt i content of (prefix,suffix) -> let identLetter c = Char.isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '.' in return $ MarkedText modu (sourcePosFromTextColumnRow (i - length prefix, line)) ((reverse $ takeWhile identLetter $ reverse prefix) ++ takeWhile identLetter suffix) else do (from, _to) <- textRangeFromSelection ed pos <- textColumnRowFromPos ed from return $ MarkedText modu (sourcePosFromTextColumnRow pos) marked