module Data.ListTrie.Base.Map
( Map(..), OrdMap(..)
, AList, WrappedIntMap
) where
import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>))
import Control.Arrow ((***), first, second)
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (foldl1', mapAccumL, nubBy, partition, sort, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..), mapAccumR)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Prelude hiding ( filter, foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1, lookup, null
, mapM, sequence
import qualified Prelude
import Data.ListTrie.Util (both, (.:))
class Foldable (m k) => Map m k where
eqCmp :: m k a -> k -> k -> Bool
empty :: m k a
singleton :: k -> a -> m k a
doubleton :: k -> a -> k -> a -> m k a
null :: m k a -> Bool
lookup :: k -> m k a -> Maybe a
insertWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> m k a -> m k a
insert :: k -> a -> m k a -> m k a
update :: (a -> Maybe a) -> k -> m k a -> m k a
adjust :: (a -> a) -> k -> m k a -> m k a
delete :: k -> m k a -> m k a
alter :: (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> k -> m k a -> m k a
unionWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> m k a -> m k a -> m k a
differenceWith :: (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> m k a -> m k b -> m k a
intersectionWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> m k a -> m k b -> m k c
unionWithKey :: (k -> a -> a -> a) -> m k a -> m k a -> m k a
differenceWithKey :: (k -> a -> b -> Maybe a) -> m k a -> m k b -> m k a
intersectionWithKey :: (k -> a -> b -> c) -> m k a -> m k b -> m k c
map :: (a -> b) -> m k a -> m k b
mapWithKey :: (k -> a -> b) -> m k a -> m k b
mapAccum :: (a -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> m k b -> (a, m k c)
mapAccumWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> m k b -> (a, m k c)
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> m k a -> m k a
toListKV :: m k a -> [(k,a)]
fromListKV :: [(k,a)] -> m k a
fromListKVWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> [(k,a)] -> m k a
serializeToList :: m k a -> [(k,a)]
deserializeFromList :: [(k,a)] -> m k a
isSubmapOfBy :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> m k a -> m k b -> Bool
singletonView :: m k a -> Maybe (k,a)
empty = fromListKV []
singleton k v = insert k v empty
doubleton k v = insert k v .: singleton
insert = insertWith const
insertWith f k v = alter (\mold -> Just $ case mold of
Nothing -> v
Just old -> f v old)
adjust f = update (Just . f)
delete = update (const Nothing)
update f = alter (f =<<)
unionWith = unionWithKey . const
differenceWith = differenceWithKey . const
intersectionWith = intersectionWithKey . const
map = mapWithKey . const
mapWithKey f = snd . mapAccumWithKey (\_ k v -> ((), f k v)) ()
mapAccum f = mapAccumWithKey (const . f)
mapAccumWithKey f z =
second fromListKV .
mapAccumL (\a (k,v) -> fmap ((,) k) (f a k v)) z .
filter p = fromListKV . Prelude.filter (p . snd) . toListKV
fromListKV = fromListKVWith const
fromListKVWith f = foldr (uncurry $ insertWith f) empty
serializeToList = toListKV
deserializeFromList = fromListKV
singletonView m =
case toListKV m of
[x] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
class Map m k => OrdMap m k where
ordCmp :: m k a -> k -> k -> Ordering
toAscList :: m k a -> [(k,a)]
toDescList :: m k a -> [(k,a)]
splitLookup :: k -> m k a -> (m k a, Maybe a, m k a)
split :: k -> m k a -> (m k a, m k a)
minViewWithKey :: m k a -> (Maybe (k,a), m k a)
maxViewWithKey :: m k a -> (Maybe (k,a), m k a)
findPredecessor :: k -> m k a -> Maybe (k,a)
findSuccessor :: k -> m k a -> Maybe (k,a)
mapAccumAsc :: (a -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> m k b -> (a, m k c)
mapAccumAscWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> m k b -> (a, m k c)
mapAccumDesc :: (a -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> m k b -> (a, m k c)
mapAccumDescWithKey :: (a -> k -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> m k b -> (a, m k c)
toAscList = reverse . toDescList
toDescList = reverse . toAscList
split m k = let (a,_,b) = splitLookup m k in (a,b)
minViewWithKey m =
case toAscList m of
[] -> (Nothing, m)
(x:xs) -> (Just x, fromListKV xs)
maxViewWithKey m =
case toDescList m of
[] -> (Nothing, m)
(x:xs) -> (Just x, fromListKV xs)
findPredecessor m = fst . maxViewWithKey . fst . split m
findSuccessor m = fst . minViewWithKey . snd . split m
mapAccumAsc f = mapAccumAscWithKey (const . f)
mapAccumDesc f = mapAccumDescWithKey (const . f)
mapAccumAscWithKey f z =
second fromListKV .
mapAccumL (\a (k,v) -> fmap ((,) k) (f a k v)) z .
mapAccumDescWithKey f z =
second fromListKV .
mapAccumL (\a (k,v) -> fmap ((,) k) (f a k v)) z .
newtype AList k v = AL [(k,v)]
instance (Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (AList k v) where
AL [] == AL ys = Prelude.null ys
AL (x:xs) == AL ys =
let (my,ys') = deleteAndGetBy (==x) ys
in case my of
Nothing -> False
Just _ -> AL xs == AL ys'
instance (Ord k, Ord v) => Ord (AList k v) where
compare (AL xs) (AL ys) = compare (sort xs) (sort ys)
instance Functor (AList k) where fmap f (AL xs) = AL (fmap (second f) xs)
instance Foldable (AList k) where
fold (AL xs) = fold ( snd xs)
foldMap f (AL xs) = foldMap f ( snd xs)
foldl f z (AL xs) = foldl f z ( snd xs)
foldl1 f (AL xs) = foldl1 f ( snd xs)
foldr f z (AL xs) = foldr f z ( snd xs)
foldr1 f (AL xs) = foldr1 f ( snd xs)
instance Traversable (AList k) where
traverse f (AL xs) =
fmap AL . traverse (liftM2 fmap ((,).fst) snd . second f) $ xs
instance Eq k => Map AList k where
eqCmp = const (==)
empty = AL []
singleton k v = AL [(k,v)]
doubleton a b p q = AL [(a,b),(p,q)]
null (AL xs) = Prelude.null xs
lookup x (AL xs) = Prelude.lookup x xs
alter f k (AL xs) =
let (old, ys) = deleteAndGetBy ((== k).fst) xs
in case f (fmap snd old) of
Nothing -> AL ys
Just v -> AL $ (k,v) : ys
delete k (AL xs) = AL$ deleteBy (\a (b,_) -> a == b) k xs
unionWithKey f (AL xs) (AL ys) =
AL . uncurry (++) $ updateFirstsBy (\(k,x) (_,y) -> Just (k, f k x y))
((==) `on` fst)
xs ys
differenceWithKey f (AL xs) (AL ys) =
AL . fst $ updateFirstsBy (\(k,x) (_,y) -> fmap ((,) k) (f k x y))
(\x y -> fst x == fst y)
xs ys
intersectionWithKey f_ (AL xs_) (AL ys_) = AL$ go f_ xs_ ys_
go _ [] _ = []
go f ((k,x):xs) ys =
let (my,ys') = deleteAndGetBy ((== k).fst) ys
in case my of
Just (_,y) -> (k, f k x y) : go f xs ys'
Nothing -> go f xs ys
mapWithKey f (AL xs) = AL $ (\(k,v) -> (k, f k v)) xs
mapAccumWithKey f z (AL xs) =
second AL $ mapAccumL (\a (k,v) -> let (a',v') = f a k v
in (a', (k, v')))
z xs
toListKV (AL xs) = xs
fromListKV = AL . nubBy ((==) `on` fst)
fromListKVWith = AL .: go
go _ [] = []
go f (x:xs) =
let (as,bs) = partition (((==) `on` fst) x) xs
v = foldl1' f . snd $ x:as
in fst x `seq` v `seq` ((fst x, v) : go f bs)
isSubmapOfBy f_ (AL xs_) (AL ys_) = go f_ xs_ ys_
go _ [] _ = True
go f ((k,x):xs) ys =
let (my,ys') = deleteAndGetBy ((== k).fst) ys
in case my of
Just (_,y) -> f x y && go f xs ys'
Nothing -> False
instance Ord k => OrdMap AList k where
ordCmp = const compare
toAscList = sortBy ( comparing fst) . toListKV
toDescList = sortBy (flip $ comparing fst) . toListKV
splitLookup k (AL xs) =
let (ls,gs) = partition ((< k).fst) xs
(mx,gs') = deleteAndGetBy ((== k).fst) gs
in (AL ls, fmap snd mx, AL gs')
deleteAndGetBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> (Maybe a, [a])
deleteAndGetBy = go []
go ys _ [] = (Nothing, ys)
go ys p (x:xs) =
if p x
then (Just x, xs ++ ys)
else go (x:ys) p xs
deleteBy :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> a -> [b] -> [b]
deleteBy _ _ [] = []
deleteBy eq x (y:ys) = if x `eq` y then ys else y : deleteBy eq x ys
updateFirstsBy :: (a -> b -> Maybe a)
-> (a -> b -> Bool)
-> [a]
-> [b]
-> ([a],[b])
updateFirstsBy _ _ [] ys = ([],ys)
updateFirstsBy f eq (x:xs) ys =
let (my,ys') = deleteAndGetBy (eq x) ys
in case my of
Nothing -> first (x:) $ updateFirstsBy f eq xs ys
Just y ->
case f x y of
Just z -> first (z:) $ updateFirstsBy f eq xs ys'
Nothing -> updateFirstsBy f eq xs ys'
instance Ord k => Map M.Map k where
eqCmp = const (==)
empty = M.empty
singleton = M.singleton
null = M.null
lookup = M.lookup
insertWith = M.insertWith'
update = M.update
adjust = M.adjust
delete = M.delete
alter = M.alter
unionWith = M.unionWith
differenceWith = M.differenceWith
intersectionWith = M.intersectionWith
unionWithKey = M.unionWithKey
differenceWithKey = M.differenceWithKey
intersectionWithKey = M.intersectionWithKey
map =
mapWithKey = M.mapWithKey
mapAccum = M.mapAccum
mapAccumWithKey = M.mapAccumWithKey
filter = M.filter
toListKV = M.toList
fromListKV = M.fromList
fromListKVWith = M.fromListWith
serializeToList = M.toAscList
deserializeFromList = M.fromDistinctAscList
isSubmapOfBy = M.isSubmapOfBy
singletonView m =
case M.minViewWithKey m of
Just (a,others) | M.null others -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
instance Ord k => OrdMap M.Map k where
ordCmp = const compare
toAscList = M.toAscList
splitLookup = M.splitLookup
split = M.split
minViewWithKey m = maybe (Nothing, m) (first Just) (M.minViewWithKey m)
maxViewWithKey m = maybe (Nothing, m) (first Just) (M.maxViewWithKey m)
mapAccumAsc = M.mapAccum
mapAccumAscWithKey = M.mapAccumWithKey
mapAccumDesc = mapAccumR
mapAccumDescWithKey = M.mapAccumRWithKey
newtype WrappedIntMap k v = IMap (IM.IntMap v) deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Functor (WrappedIntMap k) where fmap f (IMap m) = IMap (fmap f m)
instance Foldable (WrappedIntMap k) where
fold (IMap m) = fold m
foldMap f (IMap m) = foldMap f m
foldl f z (IMap m) = foldl f z m
foldl1 f (IMap m) = foldl1 f m
foldr f z (IMap m) = foldr f z m
foldr1 f (IMap m) = foldr1 f m
instance Traversable (WrappedIntMap k) where
traverse f (IMap m) = pure IMap <*> traverse f m
sequenceA (IMap m) = pure IMap <*> sequenceA m
mapM f (IMap m) = liftM IMap (mapM f m)
sequence (IMap m) = liftM IMap (sequence m)
instance Enum k => Map WrappedIntMap k where
eqCmp = const ((==) `on` fromEnum)
empty = IMap IM.empty
singleton k = IMap . IM.singleton (fromEnum k)
null (IMap m) = IM.null m
lookup k (IMap m) = IM.lookup (fromEnum k) m
insertWith f k v (IMap m) = IMap$ IM.insertWith f (fromEnum k) v m
update f k (IMap m) = IMap$ IM.update f (fromEnum k) m
adjust f k (IMap m) = IMap$ IM.adjust f (fromEnum k) m
delete k (IMap m) = IMap$ IM.delete (fromEnum k) m
alter f k (IMap m) = IMap$ IM.alter f (fromEnum k) m
unionWith f (IMap x) (IMap y) = IMap$ IM.unionWith f x y
differenceWith f (IMap x) (IMap y) = IMap$ IM.differenceWith f x y
intersectionWith f (IMap x) (IMap y) = IMap$ IM.intersectionWith f x y
unionWithKey f (IMap x) (IMap y) =
IMap$ IM.unionWithKey (f . toEnum) x y
differenceWithKey f (IMap x) (IMap y) =
IMap$ IM.differenceWithKey (f . toEnum) x y
intersectionWithKey f (IMap x) (IMap y) =
IMap$ IM.intersectionWithKey (f . toEnum) x y
map f (IMap x) = IMap$ f x
mapWithKey f (IMap x) = IMap$ IM.mapWithKey (f . toEnum) x
mapAccum f z (IMap x) = second IMap$ IM.mapAccum f z x
mapAccumWithKey f z (IMap x) =
second IMap$ IM.mapAccumWithKey (\a -> f a . toEnum) z x
filter p (IMap x) = IMap $ IM.filter p x
toListKV (IMap m) = (first toEnum) . IM.toList $ m
fromListKV = IMap . IM.fromList . (first fromEnum)
fromListKVWith f = IMap . IM.fromListWith f . (first fromEnum)
serializeToList (IMap x) = (first toEnum) . IM.toAscList $ x
deserializeFromList =
IMap . IM.fromDistinctAscList . (first fromEnum)
isSubmapOfBy f (IMap x) (IMap y) = IM.isSubmapOfBy f x y
singletonView (IMap m) =
case IM.minViewWithKey m of
Just (a,others) | IM.null others -> Just (first toEnum a)
_ -> Nothing
instance Enum k => OrdMap WrappedIntMap k where
ordCmp = const (compare `on` fromEnum)
toAscList (IMap m) = (first toEnum) . IM.toAscList $ m
splitLookup k (IMap m) =
(\(a,b,c) -> (IMap a, b, IMap c)) . IM.splitLookup (fromEnum k) $ m
split k (IMap m) = both IMap . IM.split (fromEnum k) $ m
minViewWithKey o@(IMap m) =
maybe (Nothing, o) (Just . first toEnum *** IMap) (IM.minViewWithKey m)
maxViewWithKey o@(IMap m) =
maybe (Nothing, o) (Just . first toEnum *** IMap) (IM.maxViewWithKey m)
mapAccumAsc f z (IMap m) = second IMap $ IM.mapAccum f z m
mapAccumAscWithKey f z (IMap m) =
second IMap $ IM.mapAccumWithKey (\a k -> f a (toEnum k)) z m
mapAccumDesc f z (IMap m) = second IMap $ mapAccumR f z m
mapAccumDescWithKey f z (IMap m) =
second IMap $ IM.mapAccumRWithKey (\a k -> f a (toEnum k)) z m