module ListT.HTMLParser
  -- * Parsers
  -- * Combinators

import BasePrelude hiding (uncons, cons)
import MTLPrelude hiding (Error, shift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either hiding (left, right)
import ListT (ListT)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified ListT as L
import qualified HTMLTokenizer.Parser as HT

-- |
-- A backtracking HTML-tokens stream parser.
newtype Parser m a =
  Parser { unwrap :: EitherT Error (StateT (ListT m HT.Token, [HT.Token]) m) a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, MonadError Error)

-- |
-- A possibly detailed parser error.
-- When 'mzero' or 'empty' is used, an error value of 'Nothing' is produced.
type Error =
  Maybe ErrorDetails

data ErrorDetails =
  -- | A text message
  ErrorDetails_Message Text |
  -- | Unexpected token
  ErrorDetails_UnexpectedToken |
  -- | End of input
  deriving (Show)

instance Monad m => Monad (Parser m) where
  return =
    Parser . return
  (>>=) a b =
    Parser $ unwrap a >>= unwrap . b
  fail a =
    throwError $ Just $ ErrorDetails_Message $ fromString a

instance Monad m => Alternative (Parser m) where
  empty =
    Parser $ EitherT $ return $ Left Nothing
  (<|>) a b =
    Parser $ EitherT $ StateT $ \(incoming, backtrack) -> do
      (aResult, (incoming', backtrack')) <- flip runStateT (incoming, []) $ runEitherT $ unwrap $ a
      case aResult of
        Left _ -> do
          flip runStateT (foldr L.cons incoming' backtrack', []) $ runEitherT $ unwrap $ b
        Right aResult -> do
          return (Right aResult, (incoming', backtrack'))

instance Monad m => MonadPlus (Parser m) where
  mzero = empty
  mplus = (<|>)

-- |
-- Run a parser on a stream of HTML tokens,
-- consuming only as many as needed.
run :: Monad m => Parser m a -> ListT m HT.Token -> m (Either Error a)
run p l =
  flip evalStateT (l, []) $ runEitherT $ unwrap $ p

-- |
-- End of input.
eoi :: Monad m => Parser m ()
eoi =
  token $> () <|> pure ()

-- |
-- Any HTML token.
token :: Monad m => Parser m HT.Token
token =
  Parser $ EitherT $ StateT $ \(incoming, backtrack) -> 
  liftM (maybe (Left (Just ErrorDetails_EOI), (incoming, backtrack)) 
               (\(a, incoming') -> (Right a, (incoming', a : backtrack)))) $ 
  L.uncons incoming

-- |
-- An opening tag.
openingTag :: Monad m => Parser m HT.OpeningTag
openingTag =
  token >>= \case
    HT.Token_OpeningTag x -> return x
    _ -> throwError (Just ErrorDetails_UnexpectedToken)

-- |
-- A closing tag.
closingTag :: Monad m => Parser m HT.ClosingTag
closingTag =
  token >>= \case
    HT.Token_ClosingTag x -> return x
    _ -> throwError (Just ErrorDetails_UnexpectedToken)

-- |
-- A text between tags with HTML-entities decoded.
text :: Monad m => Parser m Text
text =
  token >>= \case
    HT.Token_Text x -> return x
    _ -> throwError (Just ErrorDetails_UnexpectedToken)

-- |
-- Contents of a comment.
comment :: Monad m => Parser m Text
comment =
  token >>= \case
    HT.Token_Comment x -> return x
    _ -> throwError (Just ErrorDetails_UnexpectedToken)

-- |
-- Apply a parser multiple times until another parser is satisfied.
-- Returns results of both parsers.
manyTill :: Monad m => Parser m a -> Parser m b -> Parser m ([a], b)
manyTill a b =
  fix $ \loop -> 
    ([],) <$> b <|> 
    (\a (al, b) -> (a : al, b)) <$> a <*> loop

-- |
-- Skip any tokens until the provided parser is satisfied.
skipTill :: Monad m => Parser m a -> Parser m a
skipTill a =
  fix $ \loop ->
    a <|> (token *> loop)

-- |
-- Greedily consume all the input until the end,
-- while running the provided parser.
-- Same as:
-- > theParser <* eoi
total :: Monad m => Parser m a -> Parser m a
total a =
  a <* eoi