Decouple Invariants From Data {#recursive} ========================================== {#asd} ------- Recursive Structures -------------------- Lets see another example of decoupling... Decouple Invariants From Recursive Data ======================================= Recall: Lists ------------- \begin{code} data L a = N | C { hd :: a, tl :: L a } \end{code} Recall: Refined Constructors ---------------------------- Define **increasing** Lists with strengthened constructors: \begin{code}
data L a where N :: L a C :: hd:a -> tl: L {v:a | hd <= v} -> L a \end{code} Problem: Decreasing Lists? -------------------------- What if we need *both* [increasing *and* decreasing lists?](
[Separate (indexed) types]( get quite complicated ...
Abstract That Refinement! ------------------------- \begin{code} {-@ data L a

a -> Prop> = N | C { hd :: a, tl :: L


} @-} \end{code}

`p` is a **binary relation** between two `a` values

Definition relates `hd` with **all** the elements of `tl`

Recursive: `p` holds for **every pair** of elements!
Example ------- Consider a list with *three* or more elements \begin{code}
x1 `C` x2 `C` x3 `C` rest :: L

a \end{code} Example: Unfold Once -------------------- \begin{code}
x1 :: a x2 `C` x3 `C` rest :: L


\end{code} Example: Unfold Twice --------------------- \begin{code}
x1 :: a x2 :: a

x3 `C` rest :: L


\end{code} Example: Unfold Thrice ---------------------- \begin{code}
x1 :: a x2 :: a

x3 :: a

rest :: L



Note how `p` holds between **every pair** of elements in the list.
A Concrete Example ------------------ That was a rather *abstract*!
How can we *use* fact that `p` holds between *every pair*?
**Instantiate** `p` with a *concrete* refinement
Example: Increasing Lists ------------------------- **Instantiate** `p` with a *concrete* refinement
\begin{code} {-@ type IncL a = L <{\hd v -> hd <= v}> a @-} \end{code}
Refinement says:   `hd` less than **every** `v` in tail,

i.e., `IncL` denotes **increasing** lists.
Example: Increasing Lists ------------------------- LiquidHaskell *verifies* that `slist` is indeed increasing... \begin{code} {-@ slist :: IncL Int @-} slist = 1 `C` 6 `C` 12 `C` N \end{code}
... and *protests* that `slist'` is not: \begin{code} {-@ slist' :: IncL Int @-} slist' = 6 `C` 1 `C` 12 `C` N \end{code}
Insertion Sort -------------- \begin{code} {-@ insertSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> IncL a @-} insertSort = foldr insert N insert y N = y `C` N insert y (x `C` xs) | y < x = y `C` (x `C` xs) | otherwise = x `C` insert y xs \end{code}
(Mouseover `insert` to see inferred type.) Checking GHC Lists ------------------ Demo: Above applies to GHC's List definition: \begin{code}
data [a]

a -> Prop> = [] | (:) { h :: a, tl :: [a


} \end{code} Checking GHC Lists ------------------ Increasing Lists
\begin{code} {-@ type Incs a = [a]<{\h v -> h <= v}> @-} {-@ iGoUp :: Incs Int @-} iGoUp = [1,2,3] \end{code} Checking GHC Lists ------------------ Decreasing Lists
\begin{code} {-@ type Decs a = [a]<{\h v -> h >= v}> @-} {-@ iGoDn :: Decs Int @-} iGoDn = [3,2,1] \end{code} Checking GHC Lists ------------------ Duplicate-free Lists
\begin{code} {-@ type Difs a = [a]<{\h v -> h /= v}> @-} {-@ iDiff :: Difs Int @-} iDiff = [1,3,2] \end{code} Checking GHC Lists ------------------ Now we can check all the usual list sorting algorithms
Demo: List Sorting Phew! ----- Lets see one last example...

[[Skip]](#/1/32) Example: Binary Trees --------------------- ... `Map` from keys of type `k` to values of type `a`

Implemented, in `Data.Map` as a binary tree:
\begin{code} data Map k a = Tip | Bin Size k a (Map k a) (Map k a) type Size = Int \end{code}
Two Abstract Refinements ------------------------ - `l` : relates root `key` with `left`-subtree keys - `r` : relates root `key` with `right`-subtree keys \begin{code} {-@ data Map k a < l :: k -> k -> Prop , r :: k -> k -> Prop > = Tip | Bin (sz :: Size) (key :: k) (val :: a) (left :: Map (k) a) (right :: Map (k) a) @-} \end{code} Ex: Binary Search Trees ----------------------- Keys are *Binary-Search* Ordered
\begin{code} {-@ type BST k a = Map <{\r v -> v < r }, {\r v -> v > r }> k a @-} \end{code} Ex: Minimum Heaps ----------------- Root contains *minimum* value
\begin{code} {-@ type MinHeap k a = Map <{\r v -> r <= v}, {\r v -> r <= v}> k a @-} \end{code} Ex: Maximum Heaps ----------------- Root contains *maximum* value
\begin{code} {-@ type MaxHeap k a = Map <{\r v -> r >= v}, {\r v -> r >= v}> k a @-} \end{code} Example: Data.Map ----------------- Standard Key-Value container
1300+ non-comment lines
`insert`, `split`, `merge`,...
Rotation, Rebalance,...

SMT & inference crucial for [verification](

Demo: Binary Search Maps
Recap: Abstract Refinements ---------------------------
Decouple invariants from **functions** + `max` + `loop` + `foldr`
Decouple invariants from **data** + `Vector` + `List` + `Tree`
Recap ----- 1. Refinements: Types + Predicates 2. Subtyping: SMT Implication 3. Measures: Strengthened Constructors 4. **Abstract:** Refinements over functions and data 5.
Er, what about Haskell's **lazy evaluation**?
