{#ASD} ======= Liquid Types For Haskell ------------------------

**Ranjit Jhala** University of California, San Diego

Joint work with: N. Vazou, E. Seidel, P. Rondon, D. Vytiniotis, S. Peyton-Jones Well-Typed Programs Can Go Wrong ================================ {#asd} ------- Division By Zero ----------------
λ> let average xs = sum xs `div` length xs λ> average [1,2,3] 2 \end{code}
λ> average [] *** Exception: divide by zero \end{code}
Missing Keys ------------
λ> :m +Data.Map λ> let m = fromList [ ("haskell", "lazy") , ("ocaml" , "eager")] λ> m ! "haskell" "lazy" \end{code}
λ> m ! "javascript" "*** Exception: key is not in the map \end{code}
Segmentation Faults -------------------
λ> :m +Data.Vector λ> let v = fromList ["haskell", "ocaml"] λ> unsafeIndex v 0 "haskell" \end{code}
λ> V.unsafeIndex v 3 'ghci' terminated by signal SIGSEGV ... \end{code}
"HeartBleeds" ------------- \begin{code}
λ> :m + Data.Text Data.Text.Unsafe λ> let t = pack "Kanazawa" λ> takeWord16 5 t "Kanaz" \end{code}
Memory overflows **leaking secrets**...
λ> takeWord16 20 t "kamakura\1912\3148\SOH\NUL\15928\2486\SOH\NUL" \end{code}
Goal ---- Extend Hindley-Milner To Prevent More Errors Liquid Types for Haskell ======================== LiquidHaskell -------------

Refine **types** with **predicates**

**Expressive** specification & **Automatic** verification
Automatic --------- [Liquid Types, PLDI 08](http://goto.ucsd.edu/~rjhala/liquid/liquid_types.pdf)
+ Abstract Interpretation + SMT Solvers Expressive ----------

This talk ... Try Yourself ------------
**google: ** `"liquidhaskell demo"` {#zog} --------

[[continue]](01_SimpleRefinements.lhs.slides.html) Plan ---- 1. Refinements 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.