{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections    #-}

-- | This module contains (most of) the code needed to lift Haskell entitites,
--   . code- (CoreBind), and data- (Tycon) definitions into the spec level.

module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Measure
  ( makeHaskellDataDecls
  , makeHaskellMeasures
  , makeHaskellInlines
  , makeHaskellBounds
  , makeMeasureSpec
  , makeMeasureSpec'
  , makeClassMeasureSpec
  , makeMeasureSelectors
  , strengthenHaskellMeasures
  , strengthenHaskellInlines
  , varMeasures
  ) where

import CoreSyn
import DataCon
import TyCon
import Id
import Type hiding (isFunTy)
-- import qualified Type
import Var

import Data.Default
-- import Data.Either (either)
import Prelude hiding (mapM, error)
import Control.Monad hiding (forM, mapM)
import Control.Monad.Except hiding (forM, mapM)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (forM, mapM)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (toUpper)

import TysWiredIn (boolTyCon, wiredInTyCons)

import Data.Traversable (forM, mapM)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (text)
import Text.Parsec.Pos (SourcePos)

import qualified Data.List as L

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet        as S

import Language.Fixpoint.Misc (mlookup, sortNub, groupList, mapSnd, mapFst)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types (Symbol, dummySymbol, symbolString, symbol, Expr(..), meet)
import Language.Fixpoint.SortCheck (isFirstOrder)

import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F

import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Transforms.CoreToLogic
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
-- import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.WiredIn
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc as GM -- (findVarDef, varLocInfo, getSourcePos, getSourcePosE, sourcePosSrcSpan, isDataConId)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType (generalize, ofType, bareOfType, uRType, typeSort)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.Bounds

import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Measure as Ms

import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Env
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Misc       (simpleSymbolVar, hasBoolResult, makeDataConChecker, makeDataConSelector)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Expand
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Lookup
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.OfType
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Resolve
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.ToBare

makeHaskellDataDecls :: Config -> Ms.BareSpec -> [TyCon] -> [DataDecl]
makeHaskellDataDecls cfg spec
  | exactDC cfg = mapMaybe tyConDataDecl
                -- . traceShow "VanillaTCs 2 "
                . zipMap   (hasDataDecl spec)
                . F.notracepp "VanillaTCs 1 "
                . liftableTyCons

  | otherwise   = const []

liftableTyCons :: [TyCon] -> [TyCon]
liftableTyCons = filter   (not . isBoxedTupleTyCon)
               . filter   isVanillaAlgTyCon
               . (`sortDiff` wiredInTyCons)

zipMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(a, b)]
zipMap f xs = zip xs (map f xs)

hasDataDecl :: Ms.BareSpec -> TyCon -> HasDataDecl
hasDataDecl spec = \tc -> M.lookupDefault def (tcSym tc) decls
    def          = NoDecl Nothing
    tcSym        = GM.dropModuleNamesAndUnique . symbol
    decls        = M.fromList [ (symbol d, hasDecl d) | d <- Ms.dataDecls spec ]

{-@ tyConDataDecl :: {tc:TyCon | isAlgTyCon tc} -> Maybe DataDecl @-}
tyConDataDecl :: (TyCon, HasDataDecl) -> Maybe DataDecl
tyConDataDecl (_, HasDecl)
  = Nothing
tyConDataDecl (tc, NoDecl szF)
  = Just $ D
      { tycName   = symbol <$> GM.locNamedThing tc
      , tycTyVars = symbol <$> GM.tyConTyVarsDef   tc
      , tycPVars  = []
      , tycTyLabs = []
      , tycDCons  = decls tc
      , tycSrcPos = GM.getSourcePos tc
      , tycSFun   = szF
      , tycPropTy = Nothing
      , tycKind   = DataReflected
      where decls = map dataConDecl . tyConDataCons

dataConDecl :: DataCon -> DataCtor
dataConDecl d  = DataCtor dx xts Nothing
    xts        = [(makeDataConSelector Nothing d i, bareOfType t) | (i, t) <- its ]
    dx         = symbol <$> GM.locNamedThing d
    its        = zip [1..] ts
    (_,_,ts,_) = dataConSig d

makeHaskellMeasures :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> [CoreBind] -> Ms.BareSpec
                    -> BareM [Measure (Located BareType) LocSymbol]
makeHaskellMeasures tce cbs spec = do
    lmap <- gets logicEnv
    dm   <- gets dcEnv
    ms   <- mapM (makeMeasureDefinition tce lmap dm cbs') (S.toList $ Ms.hmeas spec)
    return (measureToBare <$> ms)
    cbs'                  = concatMap unrec cbs
    unrec cb@(NonRec _ _) = [cb]
    unrec (Rec xes)       = [NonRec x e | (x, e) <- xes]

makeHaskellInlines :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> [CoreBind] -> Ms.BareSpec
                   -> BareM [(LocSymbol, LMap)]
makeHaskellInlines tce cbs spec = do
  lmap <- gets logicEnv
  mapM (makeMeasureInline tce lmap cbs') (S.toList $ Ms.inlines spec)
    cbs'                  = concatMap unrec cbs
    unrec cb@(NonRec _ _) = [cb]
    unrec (Rec xes)       = [NonRec x e | (x, e) <- xes]

makeMeasureInline :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> LogicMap -> [CoreBind] ->  LocSymbol
                  -> BareM (LocSymbol, LMap)
makeMeasureInline tce lmap cbs x = maybe err chomp $ GM.findVarDef (val x) cbs
    chomp (v, def)               = (vx, ) <$> coreToFun' tce lmap vx v def (ok vx)
                                      where vx = F.atLoc x (symbol v)
    err                          = throwError $ errHMeas x "Cannot inline haskell function"
    ok vx (xs, e)                = return (LMap vx (symbol <$> xs) (either id id e))

  :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> LogicMap -> DataConMap -> [CoreBind] -> LocSymbol
  -> BareM (Measure LocSpecType DataCon)
makeMeasureDefinition tce lmap dm cbs x = maybe err chomp $ GM.findVarDef (val x) cbs
    chomp (v, def)     = Ms.mkM vx (GM.varLocInfo logicType v) <$> coreToDef' vx v def
                         where vx = F.atLoc x (symbol v)
    coreToDef' x v def = case runToLogic tce lmap dm mkErr (coreToDef x v def) of
                           Right l -> return     l
                           Left e  -> throwError e

    mkErr :: String -> Error
    mkErr str = ErrHMeas (GM.sourcePosSrcSpan $ loc x) (pprint $ val x) (text str)
    err       = throwError $ mkErr "Cannot extract measure from haskell function"

errHMeas :: LocSymbol -> String -> Error
errHMeas x str = ErrHMeas (GM.sourcePosSrcSpan $ loc x) (pprint $ val x) (text str)

strengthenHaskellInlines  :: S.HashSet (Located Var) -> [(Var, LocSpecType)] -> [(Var, LocSpecType)]
strengthenHaskellInlines  = strengthenHaskell strengthenResult

strengthenHaskellMeasures :: S.HashSet (Located Var) -> [(Var, LocSpecType)] -> [(Var, LocSpecType)]
strengthenHaskellMeasures = strengthenHaskell strengthenResult'

strengthenHaskell :: (Var -> SpecType) -> S.HashSet (Located Var) -> [(Var, LocSpecType)] -> [(Var, LocSpecType)]
strengthenHaskell strengthen hmeas sigs
  = go <$> groupList (reverse sigs ++ hsigs)
    hsigs      = [(val x, x {val = strengthen $ val x}) | x <- S.toList hmeas]
    go (v, xs) = (v,) $ L.foldl1' (flip meetLoc) xs

meetLoc :: Located SpecType -> Located SpecType -> LocSpecType
meetLoc t1 t2 = t1 {val = val t1 `meet` val t2}

makeMeasureSelectors :: Config -> DataConMap -> (DataCon, Located DataConP) -> [Measure SpecType DataCon]
makeMeasureSelectors cfg dm (dc, Loc l l' (DataConP _ vs _ _ _ xts resTy isGadt _ _))
  = (condNull (exactDC cfg) $ checker : catMaybes (go' <$> fields)) --  internal measures, needed for reflection
 ++ (condNull (autofields)  $           catMaybes (go  <$> fields)) --  user-visible measures.
    autofields = {- F.tracepp ("AUTOFIELDS: " ++ show dc) $ -} not (isGadt || noMeasureFields cfg)
    res        = fmap mempty resTy
    go ((x, t), i)
      -- do not make selectors for functional fields
      | isFunTy t && not (higherOrderFlag cfg)
      = Nothing
      | otherwise
      = Just $ makeMeasureSelector (Loc l l' x) (dty t) dc n i

    go' ((_,t), i)
      -- do not make selectors for functional fields
      | isFunTy t && not (higherOrderFlag cfg)
      = Nothing
      | otherwise
      = Just $ makeMeasureSelector (Loc l l' (makeDataConSelector (Just dm) dc i)) (dty t) dc n i

    fields   = zip (reverse xts) [1..]
    dty t    = foldr RAllT  (RFun dummySymbol res (fmap mempty t) mempty) (makeRTVar <$> vs)
    n        = length xts
    checker  = makeMeasureChecker (Loc l l' $ makeDataConChecker dc) scheck dc n
    scheck   = foldr RAllT  (RFun dummySymbol res bareBool        mempty) (makeRTVar <$> vs)
    bareBool = RApp (RTyCon boolTyCon [] def) [] [] mempty :: SpecType

makeMeasureSelector :: (Show a1)
                    => LocSymbol -> SpecType -> DataCon -> Int -> a1 -> Measure SpecType DataCon
makeMeasureSelector x s dc n i = M {name = x, sort = s, eqns = [eqn]}
    -- x                           = qualifyField dc x0
    eqn                         = Def x [] dc Nothing args (E (EVar $ mkx i))
    args                        = ((, Nothing) . mkx) <$> [1 .. n]
    mkx j                       = symbol ("xx" ++ show j)

-- ///     qualifyField :: DataCon -> LocSymbol -> LocSymbol
-- ///     qualifyField dc x
  -- ///     | isWiredIn x = x
  -- ///     | otherwise   = qualifyName dc <$> x
-- ///
-- ///     qualifyName :: (F.Symbolic name) => name -> F.Symbol -> F.Symbol
-- ///     qualifyName n = GM.qualifySymbol nSym
  -- ///     where
    -- ///     nSym      = GM.takeModuleNames (F.symbol n)

-- tyConDataCons
makeMeasureChecker :: LocSymbol -> ty -> DataCon -> Int -> Measure ty DataCon
makeMeasureChecker x s dc n = M {name = x, sort = s, eqns = eqn:(eqns <$> filter (/=dc) dcs)}
    eqn    = Def x [] dc Nothing (((, Nothing) . mkx) <$> [1 .. n]) (P F.PTrue)
    eqns d = Def x [] d Nothing (((, Nothing) . mkx) <$> [1 .. (length $ dataConOrigArgTys d)]) (P F.PFalse)
    mkx j  = symbol ("xx" ++ show j)
    dcs    = tyConDataCons $ dataConTyCon dc

makeMeasureSpec :: (ModName, Ms.BareSpec) -> BareM (Ms.MSpec SpecType DataCon)
makeMeasureSpec (mod, spec) = inModule mod mkSpec
    mkSpec = mkMeasureDCon =<< mkMeasureSort =<< first val <$> m
    m      = Ms.mkMSpec <$> mapM expandMeasure (Ms.measures spec)
                        <*> return (Ms.cmeasures spec)
                        <*> mapM expandMeasure (Ms.imeasures spec)

makeMeasureSpec' :: MSpec SpecType DataCon
                 -> ([(Var, SpecType)], [(LocSymbol, RRType F.Reft)])
makeMeasureSpec' = mapFst (mapSnd uRType <$>) . Ms.dataConTypes . first (mapReft ur_reft)

makeClassMeasureSpec :: MSpec (RType c tv (UReft r2)) t
                     -> [(LocSymbol, CMeasure (RType c tv r2))]
makeClassMeasureSpec (Ms.MSpec {..}) = tx <$> M.elems cmeasMap
    tx (M n s _) = (n, CM n (mapReft ur_reft s))

mkMeasureDCon :: Ms.MSpec t LocSymbol -> BareM (Ms.MSpec t DataCon)
mkMeasureDCon m
  = mkMeasureDCon_ m <$> forM (measureCtors m)
                           (\n -> (val n,) <$> lookupGhcDataCon n)

mkMeasureDCon_ :: Ms.MSpec t LocSymbol -> [(Symbol, DataCon)] -> Ms.MSpec t DataCon
mkMeasureDCon_ m ndcs = m' {Ms.ctorMap = cm'}
    m'                = fmap (tx.val) m
    cm'               = hashMapMapKeys (symbol . tx) $ Ms.ctorMap m'
    tx                = mlookup (M.fromList ndcs)

measureCtors ::  Ms.MSpec t LocSymbol -> [LocSymbol]
measureCtors = sortNub . fmap ctor . concat . M.elems . Ms.ctorMap

mkMeasureSort ::  Ms.MSpec BareType LocSymbol -> BareM (Ms.MSpec SpecType LocSymbol)
mkMeasureSort (Ms.MSpec c mm cm im)
  = Ms.MSpec <$> forM c (mapM txDef) <*> forM mm tx <*> forM cm tx <*> forM im tx
      tx :: Measure BareType ctor -> BareM (Measure SpecType ctor)
      tx (M n s eqs) = M n <$> ofMeaSort s <*> mapM txDef eqs

      txDef :: Def BareType ctor -> BareM (Def SpecType ctor)
      txDef def = liftM3 (\xs t bds-> def{ dparams = xs, dsort = t, binds = bds})
                  (mapM (mapSndM ofMeaSort) (dparams def))
                  (mapM ofMeaSort $ dsort def)
                  (mapM (mapSndM $ mapM ofMeaSort) (binds def))

varMeasures :: (Monoid r) => [Var] -> [(Symbol, Located (RRType r))]
varMeasures vars = [ (symbol v, varSpecType v)  | v <- vars
                                                , GM.isDataConId v
                                                , isSimpleType $ varType v ]

isSimpleType :: Type -> Bool
isSimpleType = isFirstOrder . typeSort M.empty

varSpecType :: (Monoid r) => Var -> Located (RRType r)
varSpecType = fmap (ofType . varType) . GM.locNamedThing

makeHaskellBounds :: F.TCEmb TyCon -> CoreProgram -> S.HashSet (Var, LocSymbol) -> BareM RBEnv
makeHaskellBounds tce cbs xs = do
  lmap <- gets logicEnv
  M.fromList <$> mapM (makeHaskellBound tce lmap cbs) (S.toList xs)

makeHaskellBound :: F.TCEmb TyCon
                 -> LogicMap
                 -> [Bind Var]
                 -> (Var, Located Symbol)
                 -> BareM (LocSymbol, RBound)
makeHaskellBound tce lmap  cbs (v, x) =
  case filter ((v  `elem`) . GM.binders) cbs of
    (NonRec v def:_)   -> toBound v x <$> coreToFun' tce lmap x v def return
    (Rec [(v, def)]:_) -> toBound v x <$> coreToFun' tce lmap x v def return
    _                  -> throwError $ errHMeas x "Cannot make bound of haskell function"

coreToFun' :: F.TCEmb TyCon
           -> LogicMap
           -> LocSymbol
           -> Var
           -> CoreExpr
           -> (([Var], Either F.Expr F.Expr) -> BareM a)
           -> BareM a
coreToFun' tce lmap x v def ok = do
  dm <- gets dcEnv
  either throwError ok $ runToLogic tce lmap dm (errHMeas x) (coreToFun x v def)

toBound :: Var -> LocSymbol -> ([Var], Either F.Expr F.Expr) -> (LocSymbol, RBound)
toBound v x (vs, Left p) = (x', Bound x' fvs ps xs p)
    x'         = capitalizeBound x
    (ps', xs') = L.partition (hasBoolResult . varType) vs
    (ps , xs)  = (txp <$> ps', txx <$> xs')
    txp v      = (dummyLoc $ simpleSymbolVar v, ofType $ varType v)
    txx v      = (dummyLoc $ symbol v,          ofType $ varType v)
    fvs        = (((`RVar` mempty) . RTV) <$> fst (splitForAllTys $ varType v)) :: [RSort]

toBound v x (vs, Right e) = toBound v x (vs, Left e)

capitalizeBound :: Located Symbol -> Located Symbol
capitalizeBound = fmap (symbol . toUpperHead . symbolString)
    toUpperHead []     = []
    toUpperHead (x:xs) = toUpper x:xs

-- | Expand Measures -----------------------------------------------------------
type BareMeasure = Measure (Located BareType) LocSymbol

expandMeasure :: BareMeasure -> BareM BareMeasure
expandMeasure m = do
  eqns <- sequence $ expandMeasureDef <$> eqns m
  return $ m { sort = generalize <$> sort m
             , eqns = eqns }

expandMeasureDef :: Def t LocSymbol -> BareM (Def t LocSymbol)
expandMeasureDef d
  = do body <- expandMeasureBody (loc $ measure d) $ body d
       return $ d { body = body }

expandMeasureBody :: SourcePos -> Body -> BareM Body
expandMeasureBody l (P p)   = P   <$> (resolve l =<< expand p)
expandMeasureBody l (R x p) = R x <$> (resolve l =<< expand p)
expandMeasureBody l (E e)   = E   <$> resolve l e