{-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-} {-@ LIQUID "--short-names" @-} module Exists where import Prelude hiding (exists) {- exists :: forall
Prop, q :: a -> Bool -> Prop, r :: a -> Prop>.
(x:a -> Bool
1. The result is True
forall x::a, v :: Bool . r x => q x True |- v = True => p v
2. The result is False
forall x::a, v :: Bool . r x /\ q x True => false |- v = False => p v
1. If all the elements of the list satisfy q x True, then the result is true
exists isPos ([1, 2] :: [Pos]) :: {v = True}
2. If all the elements of the list contradict q x True, then the result is false
exists isPos ([0, -1] :: [NonPos]) :: {v = False}
3. Otherwise, I have no info
exists isPos ([1, 0] :: [Nat]) :: {true}
{-@ exists :: forall Prop, q :: a -> Bool -> Prop, r :: a -> Prop>.
{x::a, flag:: {v:Bool }
{x::a, flag:: {v:Bool }
(x:a -> Bool
exists :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
exists f (x:xs)
| f x = True
| otherwise = exists f xs
exists _ [] = False
{-@ isPos :: x:Int -> {v:Bool | Prop v <=> x > 0} @-}
isPos :: Int -> Bool
isPos n = n > 0
{-@ isNeg :: x:Int -> {v:Bool | Prop v <=> x < 0} @-}
isNeg :: Int -> Bool
isNeg n = n < 0
prop0 :: Bool
{- prop0 :: {v:Bool | Prop v} @-}
prop0 = exists isPos [0, 1]
prop1 :: Bool
{- prop1 :: {v:Bool | not (Prop v)} @-}
prop1 = exists isPos [0, -1]
-- | `positives` works by instantiating:
-- p := \v -> 0 < v
-- q := \x v -> Prop v <=> 0 < x (NV ??)
{- positives :: [Int] -> [{v:Int | v > 0}] @-}
positives xs = filter isPos xs
-- | `negatives` works by instantiating:
-- p := \v -> 0 > v
-- q := \x v -> Prop v <=> x < 0
{- negatives :: [Int] -> [{v:Int | v < 0}] @-}
negatives xs = filter isNeg xs
-}) -> [a
| Prop v}, y::a
| Prop v}, y::a
) -> [a