Termination {#termination} ========================== Dependent != Refinement -----------------------
**Dependent Types**
*Arbitrary terms* appear inside types
Termination ensures well-defined

**Refinement Types**
*Restricted refinements* appear in types
Termination *not* required ...
... except, alas, with *lazy* evaluation!
Refinements & Termination ----------------------------
Fortunately, we can ensure termination *using refinements*
Main Idea --------- Recursive calls must be on *smaller* inputs
+ [Turing](http://classes.soe.ucsc.edu/cmps210/Winter11/Papers/turing-1936.pdf) + [Sized Types](http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=240882) Recur On *Smaller* `Nat` ------------------------
**To ensure termination of** \begin{code}
foo :: Nat -> T foo x = body \end{code}

**Check `body` Under Assumption** `foo :: {v:Nat | v < x} -> T`
*i.e.* require recursive calls have inputs *smaller* than `x`
Ex: Recur On *Smaller* `Nat` ---------------------------- \begin{code} {-@ fib :: Nat -> Nat @-} fib 0 = 1 fib 1 = 1 fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) \end{code}
Terminates, as both `n-1` and `n-2` are `< n`

Demo:What if we drop the `fib 1` case?
Refinements Are Essential! -------------------------- \begin{code} {-@ gcd :: a:Nat -> {b:Nat | b < a} -> Int @-} gcd a 0 = a gcd a b = gcd b (a `mod` b) \end{code}
Need refinements to prove `(a mod b) < b` at *recursive* call!

\begin{code} {-@ mod :: a:Nat -> b:{v:Nat|(0 < v && v < a)} -> {v:Nat| v < b} @-} \end{code}
Recur On *Smaller* Inputs ------------------------- What of input types other than `Nat` ? \begin{code}
foo :: S -> T foo x = body \end{code}
**Reduce** to `Nat` case...

Recur On *Smaller* Inputs ------------------------- What of input types other than `Nat` ? \begin{code}
foo :: S -> T foo x = body \end{code}
Specify a **default measure** `mS :: S -> Int`
**Check `body` Under Assumption** `foo :: {v:s | 0 <= (mS v) < (mS x)} -> T`
Ex: Recur on *smaller* `List` ----------------------------- \begin{code} map f N = N map f (C x xs) = (f x) `C` (map f xs) \end{code}
Terminates using **default** measure `llen`
\begin{code} {-@ data L [llen] a = N | C (x::a) (xs :: L a) @-} {-@ measure llen :: L a -> Int llen (N) = 0 llen (C x xs) = 1 + (llen xs) @-} \end{code}
Recur On *Smaller* Inputs ------------------------- What of *smallness* spread across inputs?
\begin{code} merge xs@(x `C` xs') ys@(y `C` ys') | x < y = x `C` merge xs' ys | otherwise = y `C` merge xs ys' \end{code}
Neither input decreases, but their *sum* does.
Recur On *Smaller* Inputs ------------------------- Neither input decreases, but their *sum* does.
\begin{code} {-@ merge :: Ord a => xs:_ -> ys:_ -> _ / [(llen xs) + (llen ys)] @-} \end{code}
Synthesize *ghost* parameter equal to `[...]`

Reduces to single-parameter-decrease case.
Important Extensions -------------------- -
Mutual recursion
Lexicographic ordering...
Recap ----- Main idea: Recursive calls on *smaller inputs*
Use refinements to *check* smaller
Use refinements to *establish* smaller
A Curious Circularity ---------------------
Refinements require termination ...

... Termination requires refinements!

(Meta-theory is tricky, but all ends well.)
Recap ----- 1. **Refinements:** Types + Predicates 2. **Subtyping:** SMT Implication 3. **Measures:** Strengthened Constructors 4. **Abstract Refinements:* Decouple Invariants 5. **Lazy Evaluation:** Requires Termination 6. **Termination:** Via Refinements! 7.