% Recursive Invariants Recursive Invariants -------------------- \begin{code} module List where {-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-} \end{code} Recursive Invariants -------------------- Recall the definition of lists
\begin{code} infixr `C` data L a = N | C a (L a) \end{code} Lets parameterize the definition with an abstract refinement `p`
\begin{code} {-@ data L a

a -> Prop> = N | C (h :: a) (tl :: (L


)) @-} \end{code} - `p` is a binary relation between two `a` values - definition relates *head* with all the *tail* elements **Recursive** : So `p` holds between **every pair** of list elements! Recursive Invariants: Example ----------------------------- Consider a list with three elements
\begin{code} _ h1 `C` h2 `C` h3 `C` N :: L

a \end{code} Recursive Invariants: Example ----------------------------- If we unfold the list **once** we get
\begin{code} _ h1 :: a h2 `C` h3 `C` N :: L


\end{code} Recursive Invariants: Example ----------------------------- If we unfold the list a **second** time we get
\begin{code} _ h1 :: a h2 :: a

h3 `C` N :: L


\end{code} Recursive Invariants: Example ----------------------------- Finally, with a **third** unfold we get
\begin{code} _ h1 :: a h2 :: a

h3 :: a

N :: L


Note how `p` holds between **every pair** of elements in the list. Using Recursive Invariants -------------------------- That was a rather *abstract*. How would we **use** the fact that `p` holds between **every pair** ? Using Recursive Invariants -------------------------- That was a rather *abstract*. How would we **use** the fact that `p` holds between **every pair** ?
Lets *instantiate* `p` with a concrete refinement
\begin{code} {-@ type SL a = L <{\hd v -> hd <= v}> a @-} \end{code} - The refinement says `hd` is less than the arbitrary tail element `v`. - Thus `SL` denotes lists sorted in **increasing order**! Using Recursive Invariants -------------------------- LiquidHaskell verifies that the following list is indeed increasing...
\begin{code} {-@ slist :: SL Int @-} slist :: L Int slist = 1 `C` 6 `C` 12 `C` N \end{code}
... and complains that the following is not:
\begin{code} {-@ slist' :: SL Int @-} slist' :: L Int slist' = 6 `C` 1 `C` 12 `C` N \end{code} InsertSort ---------- More interestingly, we can verify that various sorting algorithms return sorted lists.
\begin{code} {-@ insertSort' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> SL a @-} insertSort' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> L a insertSort' = foldr insert' N \end{code}
The hard work is done by `insert` defined as
\begin{code} insert' y N = y `C` N insert' y (x `C` xs) | y <= x = y `C` x `C` xs | otherwise = x `C` insert' y xs \end{code}
**Hover** the mouse over `insert'` to see what type was inferred for it. Analyzing Plain Lists --------------------- Demo: We can easily modify GHC's List definition to abstract over a refinement:
\begin{code} _ data [a]

a -> Prop> = [] | (:) (h :: a) (tl :: ([a


)) \end{code}
So, we can define and use **ordered** versions of GHC Lists
\begin{code} {-@ type OList a = [a]<{\hd v -> (hd <= v)}> @-} \end{code} Insertion Sort -------------- Now we can verify the usual sorting algorithms:
\begin{code} {-@ insertSort :: (Ord a) => xs:[a] -> OList a @-} insertSort xs = foldr insert [] xs \end{code}
where the helper does the work
\begin{code} insert y [] = [y] insert y (x : xs) | y <= x = y : x : xs | otherwise = x : insert y xs \end{code} Merge Sort ---------- Now we can verify the usual sorting algorithms: \begin{code} {-@ mergeSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> OList a @-} mergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] mergeSort [] = [] mergeSort [x] = [x] mergeSort xs = merge (mergeSort xs1) (mergeSort xs2) where (xs1, xs2) = split xs split :: [a] -> ([a], [a]) split (x:(y:zs)) = (x:xs, y:ys) where (xs, ys) = split zs split xs = (xs, []) merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] merge xs [] = xs merge [] ys = ys merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x <= y = x:(merge xs (y:ys)) | otherwise = y:(merge (x:xs) ys) \end{code}
A significant amount of inference happens above. See the types. QuickSort --------- Now we can verify the usual sorting algorithms:
\begin{code} {-@ quickSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> OList a @-} quickSort [] = [] quickSort (x:xs) = append x lts gts where lts = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y < x] gts = quickSort [z | z <- xs, z >= x] \end{code}
We require a special `append` parameterized by the **pivot**
\begin{code} append k [] ys = k : ys append k (x:xs) ys = x : append k xs ys \end{code} Look at the inferred type to understand why! Other Instantiations: Decreasing Lists -------------------------------------- We may *instantiate* `p` with many different concrete relations
**Decreasing Lists**
\begin{code} {-@ type DecrList a = [a]<{\hd v -> (hd >= v)}> @-} \end{code}
After which we can check that
\begin{code} {-@ decList :: DecrList Int @-} decList :: [Int] decList = [3, 2, 1, 0] \end{code} Multiple Instantiations: Distinct Lists --------------------------------------- We may *instantiate* `p` with many different concrete relations
**Distinct Lists**: Lists not containing any duplicate values
\begin{code} {-@ type DiffList a = [a]<{\hd v -> (hd /= v)}> @-} \end{code}
After which we can check that
\begin{code} {-@ diffList :: DiffList Int @-} diffList :: [Int] diffList = [2, 3, 1, 0] \end{code} Binary Trees ------------ - Consider a `Map` from keys of type `k` to values of type `a` - Implemented as a binary tree: \begin{code} data Map k a = Tip | Bin Size k a (Map k a) (Map k a) type Size = Int \end{code} Binary Trees ------------ We abstract from the structure two refinements `l` and `r` - `l` relates root `key` with **left**-subtree keys - `r` relates root `key` with **right**-subtree keys \begin{code} {-@ data Map k a k -> Prop, r :: k -> k -> Prop> = Tip | Bin (sz :: Size) (key :: k) (value :: a) (left :: Map (k ) a) (right :: Map (k ) a) @-} \end{code} Ordered Trees ------------- Thus, if we instantiate the refinements thus:
\begin{code} {-@ type BST k a = Map <{\r v -> v < r }, {\r v -> v > r }> k a @-} {-@ type MinHeap k a = Map <{\r v -> r <= v}, {\r v -> r <= v}> k a @-} {-@ type MaxHeap k a = Map <{\r v -> r >= v}, {\r v -> r >= v}> k a @-} \end{code} - `BST k v` denotes **binary-search** ordered trees - `MinHeap k v` denotes **min-heap** ordered trees - `MaxHeap k v` denotes **max-heap** ordered trees. Binary Search Ordering ---------------------- We can use the `BST` type to automatically verify that tricky functions ensure and preserve binary-search ordering. Demo: \begin{code}So, we can have empty :: BST k a insert :: Ord k => k:k -> a:a -> t:BST k a -> BST k a delete :: (Ord k) => k:k -> t:BST k a -> BST k a \end{code} Binary Search Ordering: Empty ----------------------------- \begin{code} {-@ empty :: BST k a @-} empty :: Map k a empty = Tip \end{code} Binary Search Ordering: Insert ------------------------------ \begin{code} {-@ insertBST :: Ord k => k:k -> a:a -> t:BST k a -> BST k a @-} insertBST :: Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a insertBST kx x t = case t of Tip -> singleton kx x Bin sz ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of LT -> balance ky y (insertBST kx x l) r GT -> balance ky y l (insertBST kx x r) EQ -> Bin sz kx x l r \end{code} Binary Search Ordering: Delete ------------------------------ \begin{code} {-@ delete :: (Ord k) => k:k -> t:BST k a -> BST k a @-} delete :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Map k a delete k t = case t of Tip -> Tip Bin _ kx x l r -> case compare k kx of LT -> balance kx x (delete k l) r GT -> balance kx x l (delete k r) EQ -> glue kx l r \end{code} Helper Functions: Constructors ------------------------------ Below are the helper functions used by `insert` and `delete`: \begin{code} singleton :: k -> a -> Map k a singleton k x = Bin 1 k x Tip Tip bin :: k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a -> Map k a bin k x l r = Bin (size l + size r + 1) k x l r size :: Map k a -> Int size t = case t of Tip -> 0 Bin sz _ _ _ _ -> sz \end{code} Helper Functions: Extractors ---------------------------- \begin{code} deleteFindMax t = case t of Bin _ k x l Tip -> (k, x, l) Bin _ k x l r -> let (km3, vm, rm) = deleteFindMax r in (km3, vm, (balance k x l rm)) Tip -> (error ms, error ms, Tip) where ms = "Map.deleteFindMax : empty Map" deleteFindMin t = case t of Bin _ k x Tip r -> (k, x, r) Bin _ k x l r -> let (km4, vm, lm) = deleteFindMin l in (km4, vm, (balance k x lm r)) Tip -> (error ms, error ms, Tip) where ms = "Map.deleteFindMin : empty Map" \end{code} Helper Functions: Connectors ---------------------------- Below are the helper functions used by `insert` and `delete`: \begin{code} glue :: k -> Map k a -> Map k a -> Map k a glue k Tip r = r glue k l Tip = l glue k l r | size l > size r = let (km1, vm, lm) = deleteFindMax l in balance km1 vm lm r | otherwise = let (km2, vm, rm) = deleteFindMin r in balance km2 vm l rm {-@ balance :: key:k -> a -> (BST {v:k | v < key} a) -> (BST {v:k| key < v} a) -> (BST k a) @-} balance :: k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a -> Map k a balance k x l r = undefined \end{code}