{#asds} ======== Algorithmic Verification ------------------------

Automatically Proving Properties of Programs Algorithmic Verification ======================== A Classic Example ----------------- **Verify:** indices `i`, `min` are *within bounds* of `arr` A Classic Example ----------------- Easy, use Program **Logic** + **Analysis** Program Logic ------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- **Specification** *Predicates* eg. invariants, pre-/post-conditions **Verification** *Conditions* checked by SMT solver ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Program Logic -------------
------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- **Specification** *Predicates* eg. invariants, pre-/post-conditions **Verification** *Conditions* checked by SMT solver ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
No invariants? **Inference** via Analysis... Program Analysis ----------------
**Invariants are Fixpoints of Reachable States**
Computable via *Dataflow Analysis* or *Abstract Interpretation*
Logic + Analysis ----------------
------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- **Specification** *Predicates*, eg. invariants, pre-/post-conditions **Verification** *Conditions* checked by SMT solver **Inference** *Fixpoint* over abstract domain ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
But ... limited to "classical" programs!
"Classical" vs. "Modern" Programs ================================= {#classicalvmodern} -------------------- "Classical" Programs --------------------
**Imperative** Assignments, Branches, Loops

**First-Order Functions** Recursion

**Objects** Classes, Inheritance*
"Modern" Programs -----------------
**Containers** Arrays, Lists, HashMaps,...

**Polymorphism** Generics, Typeclasses...

**Higher Order Functions** Callbacks, map, reduce, filter,...
A "Modern" Example ------------------ Verify indices `i`, `min` are *within bounds* of `arr` A "Modern" Example ------------------ Pose vexing challenges for Logic + Analysis Logic + Analysis Challenges ---------------------------- + How to analyze **unbounded** contents of `arr`? +
How to **summarize** `reduce` independent of `callback`?
How to precisely reuse summary at each **context** ?
{#motiv} ========= Logic + Analysis + *Types* -------------------------- Logic + Analysis + *Types* ========================== Refinement Types ----------------
Use **Types** to lift **Logic + Analysis** to Modern Programs
----- ---- --- ---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------- **Specification** *Types* + Predicates **Verification** *Subtyping* + Verification Conditions **Inference** *Type Inference* + Abstract Interpretation ----- ---- --- ---- ------------------- -------------------------------------------

Refinement Types ----------------

Plan ---- + Refinements +
Higher-Order Functions
Abstract Refinements:Code,Data
