So far: only specify properties of **base values** (e.g. `Int`) ...
{-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--full" @-}
module Measures where
import Prelude hiding ((!!), length)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Prelude
-- length :: L a -> Int
-- (!) :: L a -> Int -> a
infixr `C`
Measuring Data Types
Measuring Data Types
Example: Length of a List
Given a type for lists:
We can define the **length** as:
{-@ measure size :: (L a) -> Int
size (N) = 0
size (C x xs) = (1 + size xs) @-}
{-@ data L [size] a = N | C {hd :: a, tl :: L a } @-}
{-@ invariant {v: L a | 0 <= size v} @-}
Example: Length of a List
{-@ measure size :: (L a) -> Int
size (N) = 0
size (C x xs) = 1 + size xs @-}
We **strengthen** data constructor types
data L a where
N :: {v: L a | size v = 0}
C :: a -> t:_ -> {v:_| size v = 1 + size t}
Measures Are Uninterpreted
data L a where
N :: {v: L a | size v = 0}
C :: a -> t:_ -> {v:_| size v = 1 + size t}
`size` is an **uninterpreted function** in SMT logic
Measures Are Uninterpreted
In SMT, [uninterpreted function]( $f$ obeys **congruence** axiom:
$$\forall \overline{x}, \overline{y}. \overline{x} = \overline{y} \Rightarrow
f(\overline{x}) = f(\overline{y})$$
Other properties of `size` asserted when typing **fold** & **unfold**
Crucial for *efficient*, *decidable* and *predictable* verification.
Measures Are Uninterpreted
Other properties of `size` asserted when typing **fold** & **unfold**
z = C x y -- z :: {v | size v = 1 + size y}
case z of
N -> e1 -- z :: {v | size v = 0}
C x y -> e2 -- z :: {v | size v = 1 + size y}
Example: Using Measures
[DEMO: 001_Refinements.hs](../hs/001_Refinements.hs)
Multiple Measures
Can support *many* measures for a type
Ex: List Emptiness
Measure describing whether a `List` is empty
{-@ measure isNull :: (L a) -> Prop
isNull (N) = true
isNull (C x xs) = false @-}
LiquidHaskell **strengthens** data constructors
data L a where
N :: {v : L a | isNull v}
C :: a -> L a -> {v:(L a) | not (isNull v)}
Conjoining Refinements
Data constructor refinements are **conjoined**
data L a where
N :: {v:L a | size v = 0
&& isNull v }
C :: a
-> xs:L a
-> {v:L a | size v = 1 + size xs
&& not (isNull v) }
Multiple Measures: Red Black Trees
1. Refinements: Types + Predicates
2. Subtyping: SMT Implication
3. **Measures:** Strengthened Constructors
Automatic Verification of Data Structures