layout: post
title: Arithmetic Overflows
date: 2017-03-20
author: Ranjit Jhala
published: true
comments: true
tags: basic
demo: overflow.hs
Computers are great at crunching numbers.
However, if programmers aren't careful, their
machines can end up biting off more than
they can chew: simple arithmetic operations
over very large (or very tiny) inputs can
*overflow* leading to bizarre crashes
or vulnerabilities. For example,
[Joshua Bloch's classic post][bloch]
argues that nearly all binary searches
are broken due to integer overflows.
Lets see how we can teach LiquidHaskell
to spot such overflows.
module Bounded where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Prelude hiding (Num (..))
import qualified Prelude
plusStrict :: Int -> Int -> Int
plusLazy :: Int -> Int -> Int
mono :: Int -> Bool
1. The Problem
LiquidHaskell, like some programmers, likes to make believe
that `Int` represents the set of integers. For example, you
might define a function `plus` as:
{-@ plus :: x:Int -> y:Int -> {v:Int | v == x + y} @-}
plus :: Int -> Int -> Int
plus x y = x Prelude.+ y
The output type of the function states that the returned value
is equal to the \emph{logical} result of adding the two inputs.
The above signature lets us "prove" facts like addition by one
yields a bigger number:
{-@ monoPlus :: Int -> {v:Bool | v <=> true } @-}
monoPlus :: Int -> Bool
monoPlus x = x < plus x 1
Unfortunately, the signature for plus and hence, the above
"fact" are both lies.
LH _checks_ `plus` as the same signature is _assumed_
for the primitive `Int` addition operator `Prelude.+`.
LH has to assume _some_ signature for this "foreign"
machine operation, and by default, LH assumes that
machine addition behaves like logical addition.
However, this assumption, and its consequences are
only true upto a point:
λ> monoPlus 0
λ> monoPlus 100
λ> monoPlus 10000
λ> monoPlus 1000000
Once we get to `maxBound` at the very edge of `Int`,
a tiny bump is enough to send us tumbling backwards
into a twilight zone.
λ> monoPlus maxBound
λ> plus maxBound 1
2. Keeping Int In Their Place
The news isn't all bad: the glass half full
view is that for "reasonable" values
like 10, 100, 10000 and 1000000, the
machine's arithmetic _is_ the same as
logical arithmetic. Lets see how to impart
this wisdom to LH. We do this in two steps:
define the *biggest* `Int` value, and then,
use this value to type the arithmetic operations.
**A. The Biggest Int**
First, we need a way to talk about
"the edge" -- i.e. the largest `Int`
value at which overflows occur.
We could use the concrete number
λ> maxBound :: Int
However, instead of hardwiring a particular number,
a more general strategy is to define a symbolic
constant `maxInt` to represent _any_ arbitrary
overflow value and thus, make the type checking
robust to different machine integer widths.
-- defines an Int constant called `maxInt`
{-@ measure maxInt :: Int @-}
To tell LH that `maxInt` is the "biggest" `Int`,
we write a predicate that describes values bounded
by `maxInt`:
{-@ predicate Bounded N = 0 < N + maxInt && N < maxInt @-}
Thus, `Bounded n` means that the number `n` is in
the range `[-maxInt, maxInt]`.
**B. Bounded Machine Arithmetic**
Next, we can assign the machine arithmetic operations
types that properly capture the possibility of arithmetic
overflows. Here are _two_ possible specifications.
**Strict: Thou Shalt Not Overflow** A _strict_ specification
simply prohibits any overflow:
{-@ plusStrict :: x:Int -> y:{Int|Bounded(x+y)} -> {v:Int|v = x+y} @-}
plusStrict x y = x Prelude.+ y
The inputs `x` and `y` _must_ be such that the result is `Bounded`,
and in that case, the output value is indeed their logical sum.
**Lazy: Overflow at Thine Own Risk** Instead, a _lazy_
specification could permit overflows but gives no
guarantees about the output when they occur.
{-@ plusLazy :: x:Int -> y:Int -> {v:Int|Bounded(x+y) => v = x+y} @-}
plusLazy x y = x Prelude.+ y
The lazy specification says that while `plusLazy`
can be called with any values you like, the
result is the logical sum
*only if there is no overflow*.
To understand the difference between the two
specifications, lets revisit the `monoPlus`
property using the new machine-arithmetic
sensitive signatures:
{-@ monoPlusStrict :: Int -> {v:Bool | v <=> true } @-}
monoPlusStrict x = x < plusStrict x 1
{-@ monoPlusLazy :: Int -> {v:Bool | v <=> true } @-}
monoPlusLazy x = x < plusLazy x 1
Both are rejected by LH, since, as we saw earlier,
the functions _do not_ always evaluate to `True`.
However, in the strict version the error is at the
possibly overflowing call to `plusStrict`.
In the lazy version, the call to `plusLazy` is
accepted, but as the returned value is some
arbitrary `Int` (not the logical `x+1`), the
comparison may return `False` hence the output
is not always `True`.
**Exercise:** Can you fix the specification
for `monoPlusStrict` and `monoPlusLazy` to
get LH to verify the implementation?
3. A Typeclass for Machine Arithmetic
Its a bit inconvenient to write `plusStrict` and `plusLazy`,
and really, we'd just like to write `+` and `-` and so on.
We can do so, by tucking the above specifications into
a _bounded numeric_ typeclass whose signatures capture machine
arithmetic. First, we define a `BoundedNum` variant of `Num`
class BoundedNum a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
-- other operations ...
and now, we can define its `Int` instance just as wrappers
around the `Prelude` operations:
instance BoundedNum Int where
x + y = x Prelude.+ y
x - y = x Prelude.- y
Finally, we can tell LH that the above above instance obeys the
(strict) specifications for machine arithmetic:
{-@ instance BoundedNum Int where
+ :: x:Int -> y:{Int | Bounded (x+y)} -> {v:Int | v == x+y };
- :: x:Int -> y:{Int | Bounded (x-y)} -> {v:Int | v == x-y }
With the above instance in scope, we can just use the plain `+`
operator and have LH flag potential overflows:
{-@ mono :: Int -> {v:Bool | v <=> true} @-}
mono x = x < x + 1
4. An Application: Binary Search
The above seems a bit paranoid. Do overflows _really_ matter?
And if they do, is it really practical to check for them using
the above?
[Joshua Bloch's][bloch] famous article describes a
tricky overflow bug in an implementation of binary-search
that lay hidden in plain sight in classic textbooks and his
own implementation in the JDK for nearly a decade.
Gabriel Gonzalez wrote a lovely [introduction to LH][lh-gonzalez]
using binary-search as an example, and a careful reader
[pointed out][lh-overflow-reddit] that it had the same
overflow bug!
Lets see how we might spot and fix such bugs using `BoundedNum`.
**A. Off by One** Lets begin by just using
the default `Num Int` which ignores overflow.
As Gabriel explains, LH flags a bunch of errors
if we start the search with `loop x v 0 n` as
the resulting search can access `v` at any
index between `0` and `n` inclusive, which
may lead to an out of bounds at `n`.
We can fix the off-by-one by correcting the
upper bound to `n-1`, at which point LH
reports the code free of errors.
**B. Lots of Overflows** To spot arithmetic overflows, we need
only hide the default `Prelude` and instead import the `BoundedNum`
instance described above. Upon doing so, LH flags a whole bunch of
potential errors -- essentially *all* the arithmetic operations which
seems rather dire!
**C. Vector Sizes are Bounded** Of course, things
aren't _so_ bad. LH is missing the information that
the size of any `Vector` must be `Bounded`. Once we
inform LH about this invariant with the
[`using` directive][lh-invariants], it infers that
as the `lo` and `hi` indices are upper-bounded by
the `Vector`'s size, all the arithmetic on them is
also `Bounded` and hence, free of overflows.
**D. Staying In The Middle**
Well, *almost* all. The one pesky pink highlight that
remains is exactly the bug that Bloch made famous. Namely:
the addition used to compute the new midpoint between `lo`
and `hi` could overflow e.g. if the array was large and both
those indices were near the end. To ensure the machine doesn't
choke, we follow Bloch's suggestion and re-jigger the computation
to instead compute the midpoint by splitting the difference
between `hi` and `lo`! the code is now free of arithmetic
overflows and truly memory safe.
[lh-invariants]: https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell/blob/develop/README.md#invariants
[lh-gonzalez]: http://www.haskellforall.com/2015/12/compile-time-memory-safety-using-liquid.html
[bloch]: https://research.googleblog.com/2006/06/extra-extra-read-all-about-it-nearly.html
[lh-overflow-reddit]: https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/3ysh9k/haskell_for_all_compiletime_memory_safety_using/cyg8g60/