layout: post
title: Isomorphisms for Proof Reductions
date: 2016-12-25
comments: true
author: Vikraman Choudhury and Niki Vazou
published: true
categories: reflection
demo: Iso.hs
[Previously][refinement-reflection] we saw how Refinement Reflection
can be used to write and prove **in Haskell** theorems **about Haskell**
functions and have such proofs machine checked by Liquid Haskell.
As a limitation, Liquid Haskell offers no proof generation techniques:
The user needs to manually provide all the proofs.
Today we will see how proof generation can be simplified by data type isomorphisms.
As an example, a user defined `Peano` data type enjoyes all the
arithmetic properties of natural numbers since `Peano` and natural numbers
are provably **isomorphic**.
{-@ LIQUID "--higherorder" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--totalhaskell" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--exactdc" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--diffcheck" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--eliminate=some" @-}
module Iso where
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.ProofCombinators
First, we define `Peano` numbers as a data type
and the function `leqPeano` that compares two peano numbers.
{-@ data Peano [toNat] = Z | S Peano @-}
data Peano = Z | S Peano deriving (Eq)
{-@ axiomatize leqPeano @-}
leqPeano :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool
leqPeano Z _ = True
leqPeano _ Z = False
leqPeano (S n) (S m) = leqPeano n m
We can use Refinement Reflection to provide an
explicit proof that comparison on peano numbers is *total*,
that is, for every two numbers `n` and `m`
either `leqPeano n m` or `leqPeano m n` always holds.
{-@ leqNTotal :: n:Peano -> m:Peano
-> {(leqPeano n m) || (leqPeano m n)}
/ [toNat n + toNat m] @-}
leqNTotal :: Peano -> Peano -> Proof
leqNTotal Z m = leqPeano Z m *** QED
leqNTotal n Z = leqPeano Z n *** QED
leqNTotal (S n) (S m)
= (leqPeano (S n) (S m) || leqPeano (S m) (S n))
==. (leqPeano n m || leqPeano (S m) (S n))
? (leqNTotal n m)
==. (leqPeano n m || leqPeano m n)
? (leqNTotal m n)
*** QED
The proof proceeds by induction on the sum of `n` and `m`.
Liquid Haskell captures this generalized induction by
ensuring that the value `toNat n + toNat m` is decreasing
where `toNat` maps Peano to Natural numbers.
{-@ measure toNat @-}
{-@ toNat :: Peano -> Nat @-}
toNat :: Peano -> Int
toNat Z = 0
toNat (S n) = 1 + toNat n
Note, that the type `Nat` is just a refinement for the Haskell's integers
type Nat = {v:Int | 0 <= v}
First, we'll express verified typeclasses using Haskell records, but with LiquidHaskell refinements to express laws. As
an example, let's define `VerifiedOrd`, which is the same as the `Ord` typeclass, but with total order laws added.
{-@ data VerifiedOrd a = VerifiedOrd {
leq :: a -> a -> Bool
, refl :: x:a -> { leq x x }
, antisym :: x:a -> y:a -> { leq x y && leq y x ==> x == y }
, trans :: x:a -> y:a -> z:a -> { leq x y && leq y z ==> leq x z }
, total :: x:a -> y:a -> { leq x y || leq y x }
data VerifiedOrd a = VerifiedOrd {
leq :: a -> a -> Bool
, refl :: a -> Proof
, antisym :: a -> a -> Proof
, trans :: a -> a -> a -> Proof
, total :: a -> a -> Proof
The `leq` function represents the `<=` operator in `Ord`, and `refl`, `antisym`, `trans`, `total`, express the
reflexivity, antisymmetry, transitivity and totality properties respectively, that a total order requires. Notice how
the refinements express the laws, and the actual code is simply a function that returns `Proof` or `()`.
Now, let's see how to define some simple verified instances. We need to instantiate `leq` for our type, "reflect" it
into the logic, and prove all the required properties. For primitive types like `Int` or `Double`, it's "trivial"
because we trust the SMT solver which already knows about integers.
{-@ axiomatize leqInt @-}
leqInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool
leqInt x y = x <= y
{-@ leqIntRefl :: x:Int -> { leqInt x x } @-}
leqIntRefl :: Int -> Proof
leqIntRefl x = leqInt x x ==. x <= x *** QED
{-@ leqIntAntisym :: x:Int -> y:Int -> { leqInt x y && leqInt y x ==> x == y } @-}
leqIntAntisym :: Int -> Int -> Proof
leqIntAntisym x y = (leqInt x y && leqInt y x) ==. (x <= y && y <= x) ==. x == y *** QED
{-@ leqIntTrans :: x:Int -> y:Int -> z:Int -> { leqInt x y && leqInt y z ==> leqInt x z } @-}
leqIntTrans :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Proof
leqIntTrans x y z = (leqInt x y && leqInt y z) ==. (x <= y && y <= z) ==. x <= z ==. leqInt x z *** QED
{-@ leqIntTotal :: x:Int -> y:Int -> { leqInt x y || leqInt y x } @-}
leqIntTotal :: Int -> Int -> Proof
leqIntTotal x y = (leqInt x y || leqInt y x) ==. (x <= y || y <= x) *** QED
vordInt :: VerifiedOrd Int
vordInt = VerifiedOrd leqInt leqIntRefl leqIntAntisym leqIntTrans leqIntTotal
How about a complex datatype? Let's consider an inductive datatype, the peano natural numbers. Not surprisingly, the
proofs follow by induction. For conciseness, we only show totality and elide the rest.
Writing down proofs for more complex datatypes is tedious, it requires case analysis for each constructor and using the
induction hypothesis. However, we can decompose Haskell datatypes into sums and products, and we can build up compound
proofs using isomorphisms! To that end, we design some machinery to express isomorphisms, and prove that laws are
preserved under isomorphic images.
{-@ data Iso a b = Iso {
to :: a -> b
, from :: b -> a
, tof :: y:b -> { to (from y) == y }
, fot :: x:a -> { from (to x) == x }
data Iso a b = Iso {
to :: a -> b
, from :: b -> a
, tof :: b -> Proof
, fot :: a -> Proof
An isomorphism between types `a` and `b` is a pair of functions `to :: a -> b` and `from :: b -> a` that are mutually
inverse to each other. We now claim that total order laws are preserved under `Iso`; this amounts to building up a
`VerifiedOrd b`, given a `VerifiedOrd a` and an `Iso a b`.
{-@ axiomatize leqFrom @-}
leqFrom :: (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (b -> a)
-> (b -> b -> Bool)
leqFrom leqa from x y = leqa (from x) (from y)
{-@ leqFromRefl :: leqa:(a -> a -> Bool) -> leqaRefl:(x:a -> { leqa x x })
-> from:(b -> a)
-> x:b -> { leqFrom leqa from x x }
leqFromRefl :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> Proof)
-> (b -> a)
-> b -> Proof
leqFromRefl leqa leqaRefl from x =
leqFrom leqa from x x
==. leqa (from x) (from x)
==. True ? leqaRefl (from x)
*** QED
{-@ leqFromAntisym :: leqa:(a -> a -> Bool)
-> leqaAntisym:(x:a -> y:a -> { leqa x y && leqa y x ==> x == y })
-> to:(a -> b) -> from:(b -> a) -> tof:(y:b -> { to (from y) == y })
-> x:b -> y:b -> { leqFrom leqa from x y && leqFrom leqa from y x ==> x == y }
leqFromAntisym :: (Eq a, Eq b)
=> (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Proof)
-> (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> (b -> Proof)
-> b -> b -> Proof
leqFromAntisym leqa leqaAntisym to from tof x y
= (leqFrom leqa from x y && leqFrom leqa from y x)
==. (leqa (from x) (from y) && leqa (from y) (from x))
==. from x == from y ? leqaAntisym (from x) (from y)
==. to (from x) == to (from y)
==. x == to (from y) ? tof x
==. x == y ? tof y
*** QED
{-@ leqFromTrans :: leqa:(a -> a -> Bool)
-> leqaTrans:(x:a -> y:a -> z:a -> { (leqa x y) && (leqa y z) ==> (leqa x z) })
-> from:(b -> a)
-> x:b -> y:b -> z:b
-> { leqFrom leqa from x y && leqFrom leqa from y z ==> leqFrom leqa from x z }
leqFromTrans :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> a -> Proof)
-> (b -> a)
-> b -> b -> b -> Proof
leqFromTrans leqa leqaTrans from x y z =
(leqFrom leqa from x y && leqFrom leqa from y z)
==. (leqa (from x) (from y) && leqa (from y) (from z))
==. leqa (from x) (from z) ? leqaTrans (from x) (from y) (from z)
==. leqFrom leqa from x z
*** QED
{-@ leqFromTotal :: leqa:(a -> a -> Bool) -> leqaTotal:(x:a -> y:a -> { (leqa x y) || (leqa y x) })
-> from:(b -> a) -> x:b -> y:b -> { leqFrom leqa from x y || leqFrom leqa from y x }
leqFromTotal :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Proof)
-> (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Proof
leqFromTotal leqa leqaTotal from x y =
(leqFrom leqa from x y || leqFrom leqa from y x)
==. (leqa (from x) (from y) || leqa (from y) (from x))
==. True ? leqaTotal (from x) (from y)
==. leqFrom leqa from y x
*** QED
vordIso :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Iso a b -> VerifiedOrd a -> VerifiedOrd b
vordIso (Iso to from tof fot) (VerifiedOrd leqa leqaRefl leqaAntisym leqaTrans leqaTotal) =
(leqFrom leqa from)
(leqFromRefl leqa leqaRefl from)
(leqFromAntisym leqa leqaAntisym to from tof)
(leqFromTrans leqa leqaTrans from)
(leqFromTotal leqa leqaTotal from)
We can now write a `VerifiedOrd` for `Peano` by mapping it onto `type Nat = { n:Int | 0 <= n }`, which is easier to
prove properties about because it's just an integer!
{-@ type Nat = { n:Int | 0 <= n } @-}
type Nat = Int
{-@ axiomatize fromNat @-}
{-@ fromNat :: Nat -> Peano @-}
fromNat :: Nat -> Peano
fromNat n
| n == 0 = Z
| otherwise = S (fromNat (n - 1))
{-@ toFrom :: x:Nat -> { toNat (fromNat x) == x } @-}
toFrom :: Nat -> Proof
toFrom n
| n == 0 = toNat (fromNat 0) ==. toNat Z ==. 0 *** QED
| n > 0 = toNat (fromNat n)
==. toNat (S (fromNat (n - 1)))
==. 1 + toNat (fromNat (n - 1))
==. 1 + (n - 1) ? toFrom (n - 1)
==. n
*** QED
{-@ fromTo :: x:Peano -> { fromNat (toNat x) == x } @-}
fromTo :: Peano -> Proof
fromTo Z = fromNat (toNat Z) ==. fromNat 0 ==. Z *** QED
fromTo (S n) = fromNat (toNat (S n))
==. fromNat (1 + toNat n)
==. S (fromNat ((1 + toNat n) - 1))
==. S (fromNat (toNat n))
==. S n ? fromTo n
*** QED
{-@ isoNatPeano :: Iso Nat Peano @-}
isoNatPeano :: Iso Nat Peano
isoNatPeano = Iso fromNat toNat fromTo toFrom
vordNat :: VerifiedOrd Nat
vordNat = VerifiedOrd leqInt leqIntRefl leqIntAntisym leqIntTrans leqIntTotal
vordPeano :: VerifiedOrd Peano
vordPeano = vordIso isoNatPeano vordNat
Similarly, we can break down compound datatypes into sums and products, just like what happens in `GHC.Generics`, and
use the isomorphism to write down `VerifiedOrd` instances. We do however need to provide instances of `VerifiedOrd` for
sums and products.
vordProd :: VerifiedOrd a -> VerifiedOrd b -> VerifiedOrd (a, b)
vordSum :: VerifiedOrd a -> VerifiedOrd b -> VerifiedOrd (Either a b)
vordSum = undefined
vordProd = undefined
Our [library](https://github.com/iu-parfunc/verified-instances) explores this idea to build some verified typeclasses,
such as `VerifiedOrd` and `VerifiedMonoid`. We also provide combinators to build verified instances by using
isomorphisms. Also, using a [reflection hack](https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/user/thoughtpolice/using-reflection), we
can reify these "verified" terms to typeclass dictionaries at runtime, to call legacy functions which require `Ord`
constraints and so on.