module Test.Target.Types where
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Ex
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Interface
import Language.Fixpoint.Types
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import GHC
data TargetException
= SmtFailedToProduceOutput
| SmtError String
| ExpectedValues Response
| PreconditionCheckFailed String
| EvalError String
deriving Typeable
instance Show TargetException where
show SmtFailedToProduceOutput
= "The SMT solver was unable to produce an output value."
show (SmtError s)
= "Unexpected error from the solver: " ++ s
show (ExpectedValues r)
= "Expected a Values response from the solver, got: " ++ show r
show (PreconditionCheckFailed e)
= "The pre-condition check for a generated function failed: " ++ e
show (EvalError s)
= "Couldn't evaluate a concrete refinement: " ++ s
instance Ex.Exception TargetException
ensureValues :: Ex.MonadThrow m => m Response -> m Response
ensureValues x = do
a <- x
case a of
Values _ -> return a
r -> Ex.throwM $ ExpectedValues r
type Constraint = [Expr]
type Variable = ( Symbol
, Sort
type Value = T.Text
instance Symbolic Variable where
symbol (x, _) = symbol x
instance SMTLIB2 Constraint where
smt2 env = smt2 env . PAnd
type DataConEnv = [(Symbol, SpecType)]
type MeasureEnv = [Measure SpecType DataCon]
boolsort, choicesort :: Sort
boolsort = FObj "Bool"
choicesort = FObj "CHOICE"
data Result = Passed !Int
| Failed !String
| Errored !String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
data Val
= VB !Bool
| VV !Constant
| VX !SymConst
| VS !(S.Set Val)
| VC Symbol [Val]
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance PPrint Val where
pprintTidy t (VB b) = pprintTidy t b
pprintTidy t (VV v) = pprintTidy t v
pprintTidy t (VX x) = pprintTidy t x
pprintTidy t (VS s) = "Set.fromList" <+> pprintTidy t (S.toList s)
pprintTidy t (VC c vs) = parens $ pprintTidy t c <+> hsep (map (pprintTidy t) vs)