module Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.CmdLine (
getOpts, mkOpts, defConfig
, withPragmas
, canonicalizePaths
, exitWithResult
, addErrors
, diffcheck
) where
import Prelude hiding (error)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Aeson (encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Implicit hiding (Loud)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Text
import Data.List (nub)
import System.FilePath (isAbsolute, takeDirectory, (</>))
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config as FC
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Names
import Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding (panic, Error, Result, saveQuery)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types as F
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Annotate
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.Config
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Misc
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.PrettyPrint
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types hiding (name, typ)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.UX.ACSS as ACSS
import Text.Parsec.Pos (newPos)
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding (Mode)
defaultMaxParams :: Int
defaultMaxParams = 2
config :: Mode (CmdArgs Config)
config = cmdArgsMode $ Config {
= def &= typ "TARGET"
&= args
&= typFile
, idirs
= def &= typDir
&= help "Paths to Spec Include Directory "
, fullcheck
= def
&= help "Full Checking: check all binders (DEFAULT)"
, diffcheck
= def
&= help "Incremental Checking: only check changed binders"
, higherorder
= def
&= help "Allow higher order binders into the logic"
, extensionality
= def
&= help "Allow function extentionality axioms"
, alphaEquivalence
= def
&= help "Allow lambda alpha-equivalence axioms"
, betaEquivalence
= def
&= help "Allow lambda beta-equivalence axioms"
, normalForm
= def
&= help "Allow lambda normalization-equivalence axioms"
, higherorderqs
= def
&= help "Allow higher order qualifiers to get automatically instantiated"
, linear
= def
&= help "Use uninterpreted integer multiplication and division"
, stringTheory
= def
&= help "Interpretation of Strings by z3"
, saveQuery
= def &= help "Save fixpoint query to file (slow)"
, checks
= def &= help "Check a specific (top-level) binder"
&= name "check-var"
, pruneUnsorted
= def &= help "Disable prunning unsorted Predicates"
&= name "prune-unsorted"
, notermination
= def &= help "Disable Termination Check"
&= name "no-termination-check"
, gradual
= def &= help "Enable gradual refinementtype checking"
&= name "gradual"
, ginteractive
= def &= help "Interactive Gradual Solving"
&= name "ginteractive"
, totalHaskell
= def &= help "Check for termination and totality, Overrides no-termination flags"
&= name "total-Haskell"
, autoproofs
= def &= help "Automatically construct proofs from axioms"
&= name "auto-proofs"
, nowarnings
= def &= help "Don't display warnings, only show errors"
&= name "no-warnings"
, noannotations
= def &= help "Don't create intermediate annotation files"
&= name "no-annotations"
, trustInternals
= False &= help "Trust GHC generated code"
&= name "trust-internals"
, nocaseexpand
= def &= help "Don't expand the default case in a case-expression"
&= name "no-case-expand"
, strata
= def &= help "Enable Strata Analysis"
, notruetypes
= def &= help "Disable Trueing Top Level Types"
&= name "no-true-types"
, nototality
= def &= help "Disable totality check"
&= name "no-totality"
, cores
= def &= help "Use m cores to solve logical constraints"
, minPartSize
= FC.defaultMinPartSize
&= help "If solving on multiple cores, ensure that partitions are of at least m size"
, maxPartSize
= FC.defaultMaxPartSize
&= help ("If solving on multiple cores, once there are as many partitions " ++
"as there are cores, don't merge partitions if they will exceed this " ++
"size. Overrides the minpartsize option.")
, smtsolver
= def &= help "Name of SMT-Solver"
, noCheckUnknown
= def &= explicit
&= name "no-check-unknown"
&= help "Don't complain about specifications for unexported and unused values "
, maxParams
= defaultMaxParams &= help "Restrict qualifier mining to those taking at most `m' parameters (2 by default)"
, shortNames
= def &= name "short-names"
&= help "Print shortened names, i.e. drop all module qualifiers."
, shortErrors
= def &= name "short-errors"
&= help "Don't show long error messages, just line numbers."
, cabalDir
= def &= name "cabal-dir"
&= help "Find and use .cabal to add paths to sources for imported files"
, ghcOptions
= def &= name "ghc-option"
&= typ "OPTION"
&= help "Pass this option to GHC"
, cFiles
= def &= name "c-files"
&= typ "OPTION"
&= help "Tell GHC to compile and link against these files"
, port
= defaultPort
&= name "port"
&= help "Port at which lhi should listen"
, exactDC
= def &= help "Exact Type for Data Constructors"
&= name "exact-data-cons"
, noADT
= def &= help "Do not generate ADT representations in refinement logic"
&= name "no-adt"
, noMeasureFields
= def &= help "Do not automatically lift data constructor fields into measures"
&= name "no-measure-fields"
, scrapeImports
= False &= help "Scrape qualifiers from imported specifications"
&= name "scrape-imports"
&= explicit
, scrapeInternals
= False &= help "Scrape qualifiers from auto generated specifications"
&= name "scrape-internals"
&= explicit
, scrapeUsedImports
= False &= help "Scrape qualifiers from used, imported specifications"
&= name "scrape-used-imports"
&= explicit
, elimStats
= False &= name "elimStats"
&= help "Print eliminate stats"
, elimBound
= Nothing
&= name "elimBound"
&= help "Maximum chain length for eliminating KVars"
, noslice
= False
&= name "noSlice"
&= help "Disable non-concrete KVar slicing"
, noLiftedImport
= False
&= name "no-lifted-imports"
&= help "Disable loading lifted specifications (for legacy libs)"
, json
= False &= name "json"
&= help "Print results in JSON (for editor integration)"
, counterExamples
= False &= name "counter-examples"
&= help "Attempt to generate counter-examples to type errors (experimental!)"
, timeBinds
= False &= name "time-binds"
&= help "Solve each (top-level) asserted type signature separately & time solving."
, untidyCore
= False &= name "untidy-core"
&= help "Print fully qualified identifier names in verbose mode"
, eliminate
= FC.Some
&= name "eliminate"
&= help "Use elimination for 'all' (use TRUE for cut-kvars), 'some' (use quals for cut-kvars) or 'none' (use quals for all kvars)."
, noPatternInline
= False &= name "no-pattern-inline"
&= help "Don't inline special patterns (e.g. `>>=` and `return`) during constraint generation."
, noSimplifyCore
= False &= name "no-simplify-core"
&= help "Don't simplify GHC core before constraint generation"
, nonLinCuts
= True &= name "non-linear-cuts"
&= help "(TRUE) Treat non-linear kvars as cuts"
, autoInstantiate
= def
&= help "How to instantiate axiomatized functions `smtinstances` for SMT instantiation, `liquidinstances` for terminating instantiation"
&= name "automatic-instances"
, proofMethod
= def
&= help "Specify what method to use to create instances. Options `arithmetic`, `rewrite`, `allmathods`. Default is `rewrite`"
&= name "proof-method"
, fuel
= defFuel &= help "Fuel parameter for liquid instances (default is 2)"
&= name "fuel"
, debugInstantionation
= False &= help "Debug Progress in liquid instantiation"
&= name "debug-instantiation"
} &= verbosity
&= program "liquid"
&= help "Refinement Types for Haskell"
&= summary copyright
&= details [ "LiquidHaskell is a Refinement Type based verifier for Haskell"
, ""
, "To check a Haskell file foo.hs, type:"
, " liquid foo.hs "
defaultPort :: Int
defaultPort = 3000
getOpts :: [String] -> IO Config
getOpts as = do
cfg0 <- envCfg
cfg1 <- mkOpts =<< cmdArgsRun'
config { modeValue = (modeValue config) { cmdArgsValue = cfg0 } }
cfg <- fixConfig cfg1
when (json cfg) $ setVerbosity Quiet
whenNormal $ putStrLn copyright
withSmtSolver cfg
cmdArgsRun' :: Mode (CmdArgs a) -> [String] -> IO a
cmdArgsRun' md as
= case parseResult of
Left e -> putStrLn (helpMsg e) >> exitFailure
Right a -> cmdArgsApply a
helpMsg e = showText defaultWrap $ helpText [e] HelpFormatDefault md
parseResult = process md (wideHelp as)
wideHelp = map (\a -> if a == "--help" || a == "-help" then "--help=120" else a)
withSmtSolver :: Config -> IO Config
withSmtSolver cfg =
case smtsolver cfg of
Just smt -> do found <- findSmtSolver smt
case found of
Just _ -> return cfg
Nothing -> panic Nothing (missingSmtError smt)
Nothing -> do smts <- mapM findSmtSolver [FC.Z3, FC.Cvc4, FC.Mathsat]
case catMaybes smts of
(s:_) -> return (cfg {smtsolver = Just s})
_ -> panic Nothing noSmtError
noSmtError = "LiquidHaskell requires an SMT Solver, i.e. z3, cvc4, or mathsat to be installed."
missingSmtError smt = "Could not find SMT solver '" ++ show smt ++ "'. Is it on your PATH?"
findSmtSolver :: FC.SMTSolver -> IO (Maybe FC.SMTSolver)
findSmtSolver smt = maybe Nothing (const $ Just smt) <$> findExecutable (show smt)
fixConfig :: Config -> IO Config
fixConfig cfg = do
pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
cfg <- canonicalizePaths pwd cfg
return $ canonConfig cfg
canonicalizePaths :: FilePath -> Config -> IO Config
canonicalizePaths pwd cfg = do
tgt <- canonicalizePath pwd
isdir <- doesDirectoryExist tgt
is <- mapM (canonicalize tgt isdir) $ idirs cfg
cs <- mapM (canonicalize tgt isdir) $ cFiles cfg
return $ cfg { idirs = is, cFiles = cs }
canonicalize :: FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
canonicalize tgt isdir f
| isAbsolute f = return f
| isdir = canonicalizePath (tgt </> f)
| otherwise = canonicalizePath (takeDirectory tgt </> f)
envCfg :: IO Config
envCfg = do
so <- lookupEnv "LIQUIDHASKELL_OPTS"
case so of
Nothing -> return defConfig
Just s -> parsePragma $ envLoc s
envLoc = Loc l l
l = newPos "ENVIRONMENT" 0 0
copyright :: String
copyright = "LiquidHaskell Copyright 2013-17 Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved.\n"
mkOpts :: Config -> IO Config
mkOpts cfg = do
let files' = sortNub $ files cfg
id0 <- getIncludeDir
return $ cfg { files = files'
, idirs = [id0 </> gHC_VERSION, id0]
++ idirs cfg
canonConfig :: Config -> Config
canonConfig cfg = cfg
{ diffcheck = diffcheck cfg && not (fullcheck cfg)
withPragmas :: Config -> FilePath -> [Located String] -> IO Config
withPragmas cfg fp ps
= foldM withPragma cfg ps >>= canonicalizePaths fp >>= (return . canonConfig)
withPragma :: Config -> Located String -> IO Config
withPragma c s = withArgs [val s] $ cmdArgsRun
config { modeValue = (modeValue config) { cmdArgsValue = c } }
parsePragma :: Located String -> IO Config
parsePragma = withPragma defConfig
defConfig :: Config
defConfig = Config { files = def
, idirs = def
, fullcheck = def
, linear = def
, stringTheory = def
, higherorder = def
, extensionality = def
, alphaEquivalence = def
, betaEquivalence = def
, normalForm = def
, higherorderqs = def
, diffcheck = def
, saveQuery = def
, checks = def
, noCheckUnknown = def
, notermination = def
, gradual = False
, ginteractive = False
, totalHaskell = def
, autoproofs = def
, nowarnings = def
, noannotations = def
, trustInternals = False
, nocaseexpand = def
, strata = def
, notruetypes = def
, nototality = False
, pruneUnsorted = def
, exactDC = def
, noADT = def
, noMeasureFields = def
, cores = def
, minPartSize = FC.defaultMinPartSize
, maxPartSize = FC.defaultMaxPartSize
, maxParams = defaultMaxParams
, smtsolver = def
, shortNames = def
, shortErrors = def
, cabalDir = def
, ghcOptions = def
, cFiles = def
, port = defaultPort
, scrapeInternals = False
, scrapeImports = False
, scrapeUsedImports = False
, elimStats = False
, elimBound = Nothing
, json = False
, counterExamples = False
, timeBinds = False
, untidyCore = False
, eliminate = FC.Some
, noPatternInline = False
, noSimplifyCore = False
, nonLinCuts = True
, autoInstantiate = def
, proofMethod = def
, fuel = defFuel
, debugInstantionation = False
, noslice = False
, noLiftedImport = False
defFuel :: Int
defFuel = 2
exitWithResult :: Config -> [FilePath] -> Output Doc -> IO (Output Doc)
exitWithResult cfg targets out = do
annm <- annotate cfg targets out
whenNormal $ donePhase Loud "annotate"
consoleResult cfg out annm
return out
consoleResult :: Config -> Output a -> ACSS.AnnMap -> IO ()
consoleResult cfg
| json cfg = consoleResultJson cfg
| otherwise = consoleResultFull cfg
consoleResultFull :: Config -> Output a -> t -> IO ()
consoleResultFull cfg out _ = do
let r = o_result out
writeCheckVars $ o_vars out
cr <- resultWithContext r
writeResult cfg (colorResult r) cr
consoleResultJson :: t -> t1 -> ACSS.AnnMap -> IO ()
consoleResultJson _ _ annm = do
putStrLn "RESULT"
B.putStrLn . encode . ACSS.errors $ annm
resultWithContext :: FixResult UserError -> IO (FixResult CError)
resultWithContext = mapM errorWithContext
instance Show (CtxError Doc) where
show = showpp
writeCheckVars :: Symbolic a => Maybe [a] -> IO ()
writeCheckVars Nothing = return ()
writeCheckVars (Just []) = colorPhaseLn Loud "Checked Binders: None" ""
writeCheckVars (Just ns) = colorPhaseLn Loud "Checked Binders:" "" >> forM_ ns (putStrLn . symbolString . dropModuleNames . symbol)
type CError = CtxError Doc
writeResult :: Config -> Moods -> F.FixResult CError -> IO ()
writeResult cfg c = mapM_ (writeDoc c) . zip [0..] . resDocs tidy
tidy = if shortErrors cfg then F.Lossy else F.Full
writeDoc c (i, d) = writeBlock c i $ lines $ render d
writeBlock _ _ [] = return ()
writeBlock c 0 ss = forM_ ss (colorPhaseLn c "")
writeBlock _ _ ss = forM_ ("\n" : ss) putStrLn
resDocs :: F.Tidy -> F.FixResult CError -> [Doc]
resDocs _ F.Safe = [text "RESULT: SAFE"]
resDocs k (F.Crash xs s) = text "RESULT: ERROR" : text s : pprManyOrdered k "" (errToFCrash <$> xs)
resDocs k (F.Unsafe xs) = text "RESULT: UNSAFE" : pprManyOrdered k "" (nub xs)
errToFCrash :: CtxError a -> CtxError a
errToFCrash ce = ce { ctErr = tx $ ctErr ce}
tx (ErrSubType l m g t t') = ErrFCrash l m g t t'
tx e = e
addErrors :: FixResult a -> [a] -> FixResult a
addErrors r [] = r
addErrors Safe errs = Unsafe errs
addErrors (Unsafe xs) errs = Unsafe (xs ++ errs)
addErrors r _ = r
instance Fixpoint (F.FixResult CError) where
toFix = vcat . resDocs F.Full